Evaluating derivatives of functions of three variables in Mathematica - wolfram-mathematica

I am trying to evaluate the derivative of a function at a point (3,5,1) in Mathematica. So, thats my input:
In[120]:= D[Sqrt[(z + x)/(y - 1)] - z^2, x]
Out[121]= 1/(2 (-1 + y) Sqrt[(x + z)/(-1 + y)])
In[122]:= f[x_, y_, z_] := %
In[123]:= x = 3
y = 5
z = 1
f[x, y, z]
Out[124]= (1/8)[3, 5, 1]
As you can see I am getting some weird output. Any hints on evaluating that derivative at (3,5,1) please?

The result you get for Out[124] leads me to believe that f was not cleared of a previous definition. In particular, it appears to have what is known as an OwnValue which is set by an expression of the form
f = 1/8
(Note the lack of a colon.) You can verify this by executing
g = 5;
which returns
{HoldPattern[g] :> 5}
Unfortunately, OwnValues supersede any other definition, like a function definition (known as a DownValue or, its variant, an UpValue). So, defining
g[x_] := x^2
would cause g[5] to evaluate to 5[5]; clearly not what you want. So, Clear any symbols you intend to use as functions prior to their definition. That said, your definition of f will still run into problems.
At issue, is your use of SetDelayed (:=) when defining f. This prevents the right hand side of the assignment from taking on a value until f is executed later. For example,
D[x^2 + x y, x]
f[x_, y_] := %
x = 5
y = 6
f[x, y]
returns 6, instead. This occurs because 6 was last result generated, and f is effectively a synonym of %. There are two ways around this, either use Set (=)
Clear[f, x, y]
D[x^2 + x y, x];
f[x_, y_] = %
f[5, 6]
which returns 16, as expected, or ensure that % is replaced by its value before SetDelayed gets its hands on it,
Clear[f, x, y]
D[x^2 + x y, x];
f[x_, y_] := Evaluate[%]


NDSolve inside NDSolve in Mathematica

I need to use NDSolve which in turn uses the solution from another ODE as function in terms of output from another NDSolve.
If I use the exact solution from the first differential equation inside the NDSolve, it's OK. But when I use the same solution in the form of function (which uses InterpolatingFunction) it does not work.
I believe, it's got to do with the structure of NDSolve output. Could anyone please enlighten me on this. Will be of great help!
The code is:
feq = 2 V alpha fip F''[fi] - (V^2 - (V^2 + sigma - 2 fi) (F'[fi])^2 + (F'[fi])^4
Frange[lo_, hi_] :=
Module[{fii, sol},
sol = NDSolve[{(feq == 0 /.fi -> fii), F[0] == 0}, F, {fii, lo, hi}]]
eqpois = fi''[x] == ne[x] - F[fi[x]]/.sol
NDSolve[{eqpois, fi'[0] == 0, fi[0] == 0}, fi, {x,0,1}]
Here in order to find F[phi], I need to solve the 1st diff eq that is feq, which is solved by NDSolve inside the function Frange[lo,hi]. The solution is then used inside the second equation eqpois, which has to be solved using NDSolve again. The problem comes up in the second NDSolve, which does not produce the result. If I use the analytical solution of F[phi] in eqopis, then there is no problem.
Example Problem
I have done a little experiment with this. Let's take an example of coupled ODEs
1st eqn : dg/dx = 2f(g) with initial condition g(0) = 1
The function f(y) is a solution from another ODE, say,
2nd eqn : df/dy = 2y with IC f(0) = 0
The solution of the 2nd ODE is f(y) = y^2 which when put into the the 1st ODE becomes
dg/dx = 2 g^2 and the final solution is g(x) = 1/(1-2x)
The issue:
When I use DSolve, it finds the answer correctly
In[39]:= s = DSolve[{f'[y] == 2 y, f[0] == 0}, f, y]
Out[39]= {{f -> Function[{y}, y^2]}}
In[40]:= ss = DSolve[{g'[x] == 2 (f[g[x]]/.First#s), g[0] == 1}, g, x]
Out[40]= {{g -> Function[{y}, 1/(1 - 2 x)]}}
The problem comes when I use NDSolve
In[41]:= s = NDSolve[{f'[y] == 2 y, f[0] == 0}, f, {y, 1, 5}]
Out[41]= {{f -> InterpolatingFunction[{{1., 5.}}, <>]}}
In[42]:= ss1 = NDSolve[{g'[x] == 2 (Evaluate[f[g[x]]/.First#s1]), g[0] == 1}, g, {x, 1, 2}]
Out[42]= {}
The erros are:
During evaluation of In[41]:= InterpolatingFunction::dmval: Input value {2.01726} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used. >>
During evaluation of In[41]:= InterpolatingFunction::dmval: Input value {2.01726} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used. >>
During evaluation of In[41]:= InterpolatingFunction::dmval: Input value {2.04914} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used. >>
During evaluation of In[41]:= General::stop: Further output of InterpolatingFunction::dmval will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
During evaluation of In[41]:= NDSolve::ndsz: At y == 0.16666654771477857, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>
During evaluation of In[41]:= NDSolve::ndsz: At y == 0.16666654771477857, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated!
--- Madhurjya
I got your simple example to work with a little mod ..
f0 = First#First#DSolve[{f'[y] == 2 y, f[0] == 0}, f, y]
g0 = g /.
First#First#DSolve[{g'[x] == 2 (f[g[x]] /. f0), g[0] == 1}, g, x]
fn = f /. First#First#NDSolve[{f'[y] == 2 y, f[0] == 0}, f, {y, 0, 10}]
gn = g /.
NDSolve[{g'[x] == 2 (fn[g[x]]), g[0] == 1}, g, {x, 0, 9/20}]
Plot[{g0#x, gn#x}, {x, 0, 9/20},
PlotStyle -> {{Thick, Black}, {Thin, Red, Dashed}}],
Plot[{f#x /. f0, fn#x}, {x, 0, 2},
PlotStyle -> {{Thick, Black}, {Thin, Red, Dashed}}]}]
note we need to ensure the y range in the first NDSolve is sufficient to cover the expected range of g from the second. That is where all those interpolation range errors come from.

Evaluating Output Function in Mathematica when input does not specify variables

I am evaluating a partial derivative
fx = D[m[x, y], x]
The output gives me an output in terms of x and y. I'm trying to evaluate the function using
fx1 = fx/.{x-> 1.0, y-> 2.0}
but keeps giving me an answer like
0.471328[1.0, 2.0]
But I only want the 0.471328
I can't even begin to guess what code you have written, and not shown, to get where you are, but
In[3]:= Head[0.471328[1.0, 2.0]]
Out[3]= 0.471328
will give you what you are asking for.
Let me show one correct way to do this:
m[x_, y_] := x^2 + y^2 + x y
fx[x_, y_] := D[m[x, y], x]
fx[x, y] /. {x -> 1.0, y -> 2.0}
=> 4.

Mathematica, nested optimization

I want to use the solution of Maximization, defined as a function, in another function. Here's an example:
f1[y_] := x /. Last[Maximize[{Sin[x y], Abs[x] <= y}, x]] (* or any other function *)
This definition is fine, for example if I give f1[4], I get answer -((3 \[Pi])/8).
The problem is that when I want to use it in another function I get error. For example:
FindRoot[f1[y] == Pi/4, {y, 1}]
Gives me the following error:
ReplaceAll::reps: {x} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>
FindRoot::nlnum: The function value {-0.785398+(x/.x)} is not a list of numbers with dimensions {1} at {y} = {1.}. >>
I've been struggling with this for several days now! Any comment, idea, help, ... is deeply appreciated! Thank you very much!
When y is not a number, your Maximize cannot be resolved, in which case the Last element of it is x, which is why you get that odd error message. You can resolve this by clearing the bad definition of f1 and making a new one that ensures only numeric arguments are evaluated:
f1[y_?NumericQ] := x /. Last[Maximize[{Sin[x y], Abs[x] <= y}, x]]
FindRoot[f1[y] == \[Pi]/4, {y, 1}]
(* {y -> 0.785398} *)

Passing a function to a module without specifying its arguments

I want to write a
Module Arg[f_,n_]
that takes a function f (having <=n arguments) and a natural number n and outputs the n-th argument of the function f.
As an example, suppose that f is defined by
should be s;
should be v.
My question is whether this is possible. If so, what should I write in the place of "???" below?
Arg[f_,n_] := Module[{}, ??? ]
Note that I don't want to specify a_ and b_ in the definition of Arg like
EDIT: "Arg" is just my name for the module not the internal function Arg of Mathematica.
SetAttributes[arg, HoldFirst];
arg[f_[x___], n_] := {x}[[n]]
f[a_, b_] := a^2 + b^2.
arg[f[arg[f[s, t], 1], t], 1]
arg[f[s, t], 2]
-> s
-> t
arg[ArcTan[f[Cos#Sin#x, x], t], 1]
-> x^2. + Cos[Sin[x]]^2
Assuming your second example should give u, this should do the job:
SetAttributes[arg, HoldFirst];
arg[g_, n_] := Module[
{tmp, ret},
tmp = Attributes[Part];
SetAttributes[Part, HoldFirst];
ret = Part[g, n];
ClearAttributes[Part, HoldFirst];
SetAttributes[Part, tmp];
so that
f[a_, b_] = a^2 + b^2.;
arg[f[s, t], 1]
gives s.
This is very heavy-handed though, so I expect someone will find something better soon enough.
This is a bit better (doesn't redefine built-in functions even temporarily):
SetAttributes[arg2, HoldFirst];
arg2[g_, n_] := Hold[g][[1, n]]

Evaluate a system in given points in Mathematica

I have
f1[x_, y_] := x^2 - 10 x + y^2 + 8;
f2[x_, y_] := x*y^2 + x - 10 y + 8;
f[x_, y_] := {f1[x, y], f2[x, y]} ;
x0 = {0, 0};
I want to evaluate f[x_, y_] in x0, so f[0, 0]
I am doing this but does not work, what is the correct way?
I get f[{{0, 0}}]
but want {8, 8} instead
In[61]:= f ## x0
Out[61]= {8, 8}
What went wrong? When you evaluate f[{x0}] this equals f[{{0,0}}], which doesn't match the defined pattern for f. f##x0, which is shorthand for Apply[f,x0], replaces the head of x0 (which internally equals List[0,0], hence its head is List), with f. You then get f[0,0] which matches the argument pattern of f. You then get the correct result.
