mvc - Data lost on post back -

I have a form that only has a checkbox. If the checkbox is not checked then the page won't be valid and won't submit the data. On the view I have out putted some fields from the model object, just to let the user know what they are deleting. When I click the Submit button and the model state is not valid the page will show the validation error but the data from the model is no longer there!
Does anyone know how I can persist this data without making another call to the database to populate the model object?

ASP.Net MVC will not magically persist model info.
You need to either include it in hidden fields in the form (which an attacker can modify), or re-fetch it from the database.

If you don't repopulate the Model from the DB, you have to postback all the data, using hidden fields for example.
Anyway, I don't understand how the model validation could fail, being just a checkbox :/.


Changing form types on custom entity

I have a custom entity with 4 different forms. The entity has a N:1 relationship with the contact entity. The contact lookup is viewable in each of the 4 forms.
I can go to a contact and add a new record for my custom entity. When the form launches, the contact is selected in the lookup field. If I switch to a different form, it loses the contact value in the lookup.
How can I prevent this from happening? After the second form loads and the contact is lost from the lookup, I can press F5 to refresh the page and the contact will then be displayed in the lookup. I could use a javascript to replicate this, but the best user experience is for that page to not have to be reloaded again. It should just load the form and the contact should automatically be selected.
Am I missing something? I find this very perplexing.
You can force a save before changing the form, and on the onLoad of the new form, if you still don't get the value, you can force the values in the form to refresh;

Validation error rendering same page but not retaining the data added in rhomobile

I have implemented model validations, but when rendering back the new action, it is not retaining the data entered.
Please suggest
It is because you have implemented validation in model and the data which you are entering is not saved in the database,so how it can retain the data entered.

It's possible to pre save the knockoutjs view model to prevent refresh and data lost?

i have a MVC3 project with KnockoutJS and in my view.
The form that the user fills, has information already loaded from the server and the user is filling and selecting from this data so then, the user saves the data selected.
So... sometimes, the user, in the middle of the form, realize that some data is missing and it must cancel the form fill and edit the data that is missing and come back and do it again. So, my question is this... can i persist the view model in some way that the user can edit the missing data in other tab or window in the explorer and then refresh the form and dont lose the data?
I hope the explanation was clear.. my English is a little bit rusty.
Yes, you can. If the data is on the same page, you could save the viewmodel data to another object, possibly using ko.toJSON. Then you can pull it back in later.
If you have to reload the page, you could save the viewmodel or the form's state in storage, using a library like amplify.js.
pseudo code:'myData', myViewModel);

MVC 3 Razor-Partial Validation of Model

I am currently working on a project in MVC 3 where I am leveraging Entity Framework to persist one data model over two Views which each contain one HTML Form (similar to wizard-based design).
Yet after the user fills out the appropriate fields on the first View and submits the form, client-side validation for the entire model is triggered, and validation errors are shown for fields that will not even be available for input until the second View instantiates.
I have currently implemented a workaround where I simply turn off client-side validation for the first View entirely, but I am certainly not keen on the idea of populating my model with data that has not been validated at all. This is bad. M'kay.
Is there any way to partially validate the fields on the first View and not trigger valdiation for the whole data model?
That's where ViewModels comes. Instead of directly binding the domain model with the views, you should create view models over them and bind to the views.
If you are not required to put validation on the EF models directly then you can use the MetadataType to do partial validation as needed. Take a look at my long example here on stackoverflow.
Thanks for the input all. However, I was able to obtain a solution in a very simple way. By placing the following code in the HttpPost element of the first View...
if (ModelState.IsValidField("FirstField") && ModelState.IsValidField("SecondField"))
return RedirectToAction ("NameOfAction", model);
return View();
...I was able to achieve partial field validation. However, this field-specific approach will ONLY work provided the Submit button on the first View has class "cancel" and the additional validation errors that are generated (for the fields that are NOT present on the first View) are manually cleared before the above if statement. To do this, use:
No major change in architecure. No partial Views. No handing off unvalidated Data.
Works very well...
NOTE: If the second View loads with validation errors, use:
in the Action where the second View is initially called. This will make the second View load clean and error free, while still showing the validation errors later upon final form submission.

Maintain SelectList Options over postbacks

I was wondering if there is a way to maintain your list of options on a Select List in MVC 3. I am pretty new to MVC but in WebForms you could populate the DropDownList on the first load of the page and then the ViewState would maintain that list for all of the AutoPostBacks. This was nice because often, DropDownLists are populated by query to the database. I know that ViewState does not exist in MVC but is there a better way of repopulating the SelectList without having to hit the database during the request of every post?
You have several options here.
Your selected value will be posted back. With that in mind since you no longer have ViewState you ideally want to
Have your Repository (if you dont have one - create one. You simply ask the repository for the data and it controls the caching or loading) that you ask for the data in the drop down, cache the data and just simply request it again. Rebind your list (use DropDownFor)
Use MVCContrib's Html.Serialize to essentially ViewState it, however the cache is a bit cleaner and doesnt rely on data sent back and forth.
Also remember that after you post your data, if everything is 'good' you want to REDIRECT back to your "GET" action to reload the data and display to the client. This was an issue in web forms that sometime a user saw XYZ after postback but after a refresh saw YXX. Using the PRG pattern in MVC posts-redirects-gets to load up fresh data.
After your post you should generally only redisplay the data if there was a validation error, otherwise redirect to a get method.
Your controller receives the value on postback. You have to place that value back in the model to tell the view what the selected value is.
