Finding the graphics card device ID without drivers installed - windows

I need to create an automated process in which a script detects the graphics card type on first boot, then installs the appropriate drivers, which will be included in the image, before performing the next steps. The target platform is Win XP Pro.
I came across some WMI code which can get hardware information but since it uses a PNPSignedDriver class I would presume that it requires drivers to be installed before it can detect the device.
I can't use devcon, as it isn't redistributable. Am I right in assuming that WMI cannot help me here, and if so what are my other options?

WMI does seem to be the way to do this, as found here. I will confirm after testing.
EDIT - Not sure if this is possible, WMI can only get the name of the display adapter not the device ID of the card, and before the drivers are installed this is something generic like "Video Controller (VGA)". I will update this page if I find a way.


Installing a driver for a specific device

I would like to install a custom driver for a specific device in my machine programmatically:
The driver comes as an .inf file (with some other files as well).
The device is one of two identical network adapters in my computer.
As far as I know the only way to achieve this goal is to use the Microsoft Setup API. From reading the documentation I would assume that I need to perform two steps:
Use "DiInstallDriver" to install my .inf-based driver into the driver store (see
Use "DiInstallDevice" to apply my driver to the device (see
Would this be the correct/easiest way to do this?
If so, here's a follow up question: DiInstallDevice requires two parameters which I don't know how to acquire:
DeviceInfoData: this should point to the network adapter I want to modify. How do I get this?
DriverInfoData: this should probably point to the driver I installed in step 1? How do I get this?
PS: Doing all this manually is uper easy: Open device manager, right-click the network adapter, select 'Update driver', choose .imf file from disk -> done!
But in this case I need to do it programmatically.
PPS: DevCon is not an option. It only allows to exchange the driver based on an Hardware ID. And that ID is the same for both of my network adapters (since they are exactly identical). So it would change the driver both devices.
You don’t need to call two methods, DiInstallDriver not only preinstalls a driver in the driver store, but also installs the driver on devices present in the system that the driver supports.
You can refer to the following documents: Functions that Simplify Driver Installation
It seems that UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices is the simplest way.
For DiInstallDevice, this function should only be use if both of the following are true:
The application incorporates more than one device instance of the same type, that is, all the device instances have the same hardware IDs and compatible IDs.
The application requires that device-instance-specific drivers be installed on the device instances.
UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices or DiInstallDriver is the
simplest way for an installation application to install a new driver
that is the best match for devices in the system. ... The basic operation
of UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices is similar to the operation of
DiInstallDriver. However UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices
supports additional installation options.
You can specify the HardwareId of network adapter for the UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices. If you want to install your .inf driver no matter what a better driver already exists on your computer, you also need to specify InstallFlags as INSTALLFLAG_FORCE.(Caution: Forcing the installation of the driver can result in replacing a more compatible or newer driver with a less compatible or older driver.)

Appropriate Windows Hardware Lab Kit Selections in Device manager for a WFP driver

What device manager selections in Windows Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) I should use for setting up WHQL for a windows filtering platform driver?
When I build my project in HLK I see many options in the Select (device manager) section and I'm unsure of how to proceed. Am I missing some additional file I'd load in to provide a WFP option? I see I can load in test playlists but before I do that I must first select something in this area.
Microsoft docs don't seem to cover this for WFP. Before I go back to the developers, I'd like to have a good idea what it is I'm looking for.
Do you know of good documents or references on this?
The UI for HLK studio can be challenging.
In selection, do not choose device manager as this is for hardware. Instead, select software device. Provided you installed your driver prior to installing the client, you should see it.

disable online driver search on windows 7 programatically

I am working on a program that requires to install a driver for Plug and Play. My issue is that the first time the device plugs into, by default, windows 7 32-bit automatically search online for drivers that better match to device. As i observe, it takes too long (15m) to correctly install the driver.
How can i turn off the automatic search on windows 7?
Thank you for any useful information.
Apparently you do this through GPO, as described here:
Look for "Prevent Clients from searching for drivers on Windows Update" on this page.
Read up on applying GPO programatically and you should probably be able to get the job done. However, mind that you'd be changing the policy for the whole system, not just installation of this device.
If you install a driver package for your driver before you insert it, Windows will not search online.
If you really want to disable online serach on your machine - take a look here.

Resetting a device in device manager

I am looking for a programmically API on how to restart any device that allows enable/disable in the device manager,
such as Audio devices and Network adapter
You will have to use SetupApi / ConfigManager API. But be aware that under x64 you app. must be also x64 to enable/disable device (so you cannot do it in Delphi directly right now - first I thought that it's a problem with file/registry redirection for x86-app under x64, but it didn't help). Device enumeration works fine. There was something about it in one article on MSDN but I cannot find it right now. I've made FP/Lazarus x64 application for enable/disable devices under x64 OS.
You can download WDK and look for source code of DevCon (C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\src\setup\devcon). In cmds.cpp there is function ControlCallback which enables/disables device using SetupApi). But first you need to enumerate device classes (by GUID or ClassName), and then enumerate device instances or open device by DeviceInstanceId string. It's in C but it should be easy to learn how to use that API.
Not sure what you are doing, but maybe it would be easier to use that devcon.exe (don't know if license permits it) and enable/disable devices by it?
I have no experience with it but I think you can use the DeviceIoControl API.

Rescan device tree for hardware changes during Driver installation

I'm using InstallShield to install my application, a driver and a service.
I need to install the plug-N-play driver only if it's hardware ID was found in the device manager. The driver installation is done using DPInst.exe.
My problem, is that a user can sometimes manually uninstall the driver (After it was installed or even uninstall the "Unknown driver" under "Other devices") and then I can't find the hardware ID in the device tree, although the device is plugged.
If I rescan the device tree during installation using CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex (The code equivalent of "Scan for new hardware"), I can find the hardware ID but this brings up the "Found new hardware wizard".
Is there anyway to rescan the device tree but suppress the "Found new hardware wizard" or to avoid rescanning but still making sure my device hardware ID is present in the system?
I'm writing a new answer since we already have too many comments on my older one, and its content was based on a small misunderstanding of the situation.
The actual problem, as I understand it now, is the "Add new hardware" wizard that pops-up when rescanning for devices, before installing your driver. Unfortunately, this wizard pops-up whenever no suitable driver is found to handle a new device in the system, so in order to overcome it, the only option is to make sure that such a driver exists in the system. This leads to two possible solutions that I can see:
Go for a software first installation, and make sure that your driver is suitable for the device (the inf is well formed, and you have WHQL signing). As far I understand, this is not an option, because you do not want to install the driver on machines that don't have the device connected (I would love to hear why).
Make sure that some other driver in the system is suitable to handle it. In that case you need to choose one of the built-in drivers (one that wouldn't wreak havoc if it were to act as a function driver for your device), and give your device a matching compatible ID - one that would cause the built-in driver to be found suitable. This way you will not have to wait for the user after re-scanning for devices, but depending on your device, finding a fitting built-in driver might be impossible.
It sounds like you're going about it the wrong way. If you have an MSI based installation, why not use DIFxApp instead of DPInst?
As for the "Found new hardware" wizard, you'll need two things here:
Make sure that your inf file is correct (so that your driver is associated with the hardware id)
Get a WHQL signature from MS. This step is needed for XP, as untrusted drivers will not be automatically assigned to devices. With Vista and 7 you can digitally sign the driver yourself, but you'll get a warning during installation, asking the user whether he/she wishes to trust this publisher (you).
