Is there a way to unset ALL userdata in a session without having to use session destroy? I'm trying to log my user out and need to unset all userdata one at a time. It's becoming tedious to keep track of all possible userdata set in session. I just want to unset everything that might have been set in userdata.
This is very simple!
$array_items = array('username' => '', 'email' => '');
I hope this helps!
Edit: It looks like you actually don't keep track of anything in your session (kind of strange?). You could call this function I wrote up:
function unset_only() {
$user_data = $this->session->all_userdata();
foreach ($user_data as $key => $value) {
if ($key != 'session_id' && $key != 'ip_address' && $key != 'user_agent' && $key != 'last_activity') {
Of course, that assumes you use the default CI session setup though.
Copied from codeigniter forum:
All it does is kills the users cookie, but the userdata will
remain within the session class until the end of the current request.
The session will be reinitialised on the next request, and there will
be no userdata available. Basically, all it does is severs the link
between the user and the server session, but the data still remains
until the end of the request.
If it’s that much of an issue, you can do this:
$this->session->userdata = array();
I manage it please try it .
// write parameter your session data
// if you want to session unset group then try it
$array_items = array('username' => '', 'email' => '');
You can try this one.
In the latest version above code is not working.
$unset_array_items = array('token_id', 'last_id');
can anyone know how to preventing user input, on codeigniter if i use insert_batch? sorry bad english
code like this
$data[] = array(
'id_invoice' => $this->input->post('id_invoice'),
'id_product' => $key['id_product'],
'id_fabrics' => $key['id_fabric'],
'id_option' => $id_option,
'name' => $key['name'],
'number' => $key['number'],
'id_size' => $key['size'],
'comment' => $key['comment']);
and use insert batch like this
So Simple You can remove abuse tags and data from user input
//Change This
// to
$data = $this->security->xss_clean($data); // You have to clean Data with XSS Filtering
This method Clean your all abuse data with [removed] keyword
if user can input any script then XSS filtering remove as per below
$name = '<script>Your Name</script>';
echo $name; // Output : <script>Your Name</script>
// But you use XSS then output is change as per below
$name = '<script>Your Name</script>';
$name = $this->security->xss_clean($name);
echo $name; // Output : [removed]Your Name[removed]
Or You can use very simple with edit your config file
// Change global_xss_filtering value FALSE to TRUE;
| Global XSS Filtering
| Determines whether the XSS filter is always active when GET, POST or
| COOKIE data is encountered
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;
I think you are confused with the concept of Batch Insert. Please READ THIS to get a good understanding of Batch Insert. Now for your issue, it's very good to be concerned about security these days as said
Always filter input and escape output, Never trust data.
You can Use Codeigniter Security Class to secure your data.
Furthermore you can avoid Cross Site Request Forgery by using CSRF token in your Forms
Thanks for your answer, i am not sure about your answer because i am using ajax to get data, and data is on array format, and this is my code to process on controller
if (!$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
exit('No direct script access allowed');
} else {
$input = $this->input->post('ar_dat');
$option = $this->input->post('list_option');
if ($option == null){
$id_option = '';
} else {
$id_option = implode(',',$option);
foreach ($input as $key) {
$data[] = array(
'id_invoice' => $this->input->post('id_invoice'),
'id_product' => $this->input->post('id_product'),
'id_fabrics' => $this->input->post('id_fabric'),
'id_option' => $id_option,
'name' => $key['name'],
'number' => $key['number'],
'id_size' => $key['size'],
'comment' => $key['comment']);
I have a question regarding Events with Laravel 4.2...
I currently have an event listener on "auth.login"... some code lines are executed when user logins on web version... however I would like to execute a different action if the user logged via the API controller, example: ApiController#postLogin (my mobile version).
Code in my home controller:
if (Auth::attempt(['email' => Input::get('login'), 'password' => Input::get('password')]) OR Auth::attempt(['username' => Input::get('login'), 'password' => Input::get('password')]))
return Redirect::intended(URL::route('dashboard.index'));
return Redirect::action('HomeController#getIndex')->with('poplogin', true)->with('badcredentials',true)->withInput();
Code in global.php (event listener)
Event::listen('auth.login', function($user)
//Put Login_attemp in Database for Last activity, etc
$user->login_attemp()->create(['login_ip'=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],'login_time'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())]);
$user->last_logged = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
//other code that I didnt include..........
Code in my ApiController
public function getRefreshData() {
//check the token
$token = Input::get('token');
$username = Input::get('username');
$user = User::where('api_token', $token)
->where('username', $username)
if(!$user || !$token) {
return Response::json([
'error' => true,
'message' => 'Invalid Token, please re login',
'code' => 401],
//5 last Timesheets + tslines, for pre-load at log-in in phone memory
//Not inserting possible creation dates between, to keep phone app 100% independent
$timesheets = $user->timesheets()->orderBy('startdate', 'DESC')->take(10)->with('tslines')->get();
//Other code that I didnt include
return $response;
I cannot control the execution of the event "auth.login" myself.. firing it manually with parameter would just double-fire the event (i think?)
Is there a way to detect where the event got fired from in the Event:listen and do not insert a "log-in attemp" (my code in event listener) each time I use the getRefreshData() function in my API? Yes, I need to log the user in my API function (for other code that isn't included)
Edit: It seems to me that the most straightforward way to handle this is to check for the token in the Event listener.
Event::listen('auth.login', function($user)
if (Input::has('token') && Input::has('username')) {
//Put Login_attemp in Database for Last activity, etc
$user->login_attemp()->create(['login_ip'=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],'login_time'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())]);
$user->last_logged = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
//other code that I didnt include..........
I really would suggest, long term, looking at using the functionality demonstrated in the docs under Accessing the Logged In User, it's just going to make life easier.
Original response: It might be helpful if you posted more code, because I feel like maybe this is an instance where if we zoom out a little bit maybe there is a better way to deal with this situation. Possibly you need multiple actions, different listeners, etc.
For solving this issue though, it's easy, just pass in whatever additional data you need to via a parameter:
$response = Event::fire('auth.login', array($user, 'source' => 'ApiController#postLogin', 'mobile' => true));
Then you can set those parameters to the $event object that is passed to your listener.
Let me know if you have any further questions!
After some research, I found how I could 'bypass' the execution of the event listener when the event is fired from the ApiController, using the Request::is() function
From L4.2 Docs: )..
My routes.php file is like so:
Route::controller('api/v1', 'ApiV1Controller');
And in my global.php (where I declare my event listener)
Event::listen('auth.login', function($user)
if (!Request::is('api/*'))
//Code that is always executed at firing of event, except when from my API controllers
//Put Login_attemp in Database for Last activity, etc
$user->login_attemp()->create(['login_ip'=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],'login_time'=> date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())]);
$user->last_logged = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time());
all code is in one controller
My code goes like this.
public function login()
$session = $this->request->session();
$session_event_id = $session->read('Events.event_id');
$session_division_id = $session->read('Events.division_id');
if(!$session_event_id || !$session_division_id) {
$event_table = TableRegistry::get('Events');
$event = $event_table->find('all', ['fields' => ['id'], 'order' => 'id desc'])->first();
$session->write('Events.event_id', $event->id);
$session_event_id = $session->read('Events.event_id');
$division_table = TableRegistry::get('Divisions');
$division = $division_table->find('all',['fields' => ['id'], 'conditions' => ['event_id' => $event->id]])->first();
$session->write('Events.division_id', $division->id);
$session_division_id = $session->read('Events.division_id');
By above code i am able to write and read session values but while logout i want to delete those session data
public function logout()
$session = $this->request->session();
return $this->redirect($this->Auth->logout());
Warning (4096): Object of class Cake\Network\Session could not be
converted to string [APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 56]
Notice (8): Object of class Cake\Network\Session to string conversion
[APP/Controller/UsersController.php, line 56]
Error: Call to a member function delete() on a non-object File
You're looking for $this->request->session()->destroy();
Just a tip - there's not much of a point for storing a variable $session for a function that small, where the reuse of $session isn't necessary. The only case I'd store $this->request->session(); in a variable is when I'm accessing the session for multiple read and writes all in the same function.
(As far as the error is concerned, #Eagle is correct in that you're referencing '$this' twice by the use of that stored variable.)
Thank You for your supports and help finally i found solution of my problem by myself
$session = $this->request->session();
by doing so, i am able to clear session data. Thank you
I am using the SecurityServiceProvider to secure my Silex application and would like to display a message after the user has logged out by navigating to the logout_path route.
The message should be stored in the sessions flash bag so that my template can automatically display it after.
I have tried adding an application middleware, but where not able to hook my code in. The before hook doesn't seem to work, because it happens after security and thus after the security's redirected back to my home page.
The before hook with the Application::EARLY_EVENT seems to be to early because as far as I know does the Security provider destroy the session after logout.
Before I keep trying to find a sort of working but probably dirty solution I would like to ask what the best/cleanest solution for this case would be?
UPDATE: After npms hint for a logout event handler I found this article on Google, which describes how to tackle the problem in Symfony very well.
In Silex things are slightly different though and after reading the source of the SecurityServiceProvider I came up with this solution.
$app['security.authentication.logout_handler._proto'] = $app->protect(function ($name, $options) use ($app) {
return $app->share(function () use ($name, $options, $app) {
return new CustomLogoutSuccessHandler(
isset($options['target_url']) ? $options['target_url'] : '/'
class CustomLogoutSuccessHanler extends DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler {
public function onLogoutSuccess(Request $request)
$request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('info', "Logout success!");
return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $this->targetUrl);
The problem however is, that the flashbag message doesn't exist anymore after the redirect. So it seems that the session is being destroyed after the logout success handler is executed... or am I missing something? Is this even the right way to do it?
UPDATE: Still haven't found a proper solution yet. But this works.
I have added a parameter to the target url of the logout and use it to detect if a logout was made.
$app->register( new SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
'security.firewalls' => array(
'default' => array(
'pattern'=> '/user',
'logout' => array(
'logout_path' => '/user/logout',
'target_url' => '/?logout'
I had the same problem and your thoughts leaded me to a solution, thank you!
First define logout in the security.firewall:
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
'security.firewalls' => array(
'general' => array(
'logout' => array(
'logout_path' => '/admin/logout',
'target_url' => '/goodbye'
Create a CustomLogoutSuccessHandler which handles the needed GET parameters for the logout, in this case redirect, message and pid:
class CustomLogoutSuccessHandler extends DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
public function onLogoutSuccess(Request $request)
// use another target?
$target = $request->query->get('redirect', $this->targetUrl);
$parameter = array();
if (null != ($pid = $request->query->get('pid'))) {
$parameter['pid'] = $pid;
if (null != ($message = $request->query->get('message'))) {
$parameter['message'] = $message;
$parameter_str = !empty($parameter) ? '?'.http_build_query($parameter) : '';
return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $target.$parameter_str);
Register the handler:
$app['security.authentication.logout_handler.general'] = $app->share(function () use ($app) {
return new CustomLogoutSuccessHandler(
$app['security.http_utils'], '/goodbye');
The trick to make this working as expected is to use another route to logout:
$app->get('/logout', function() use($app) {
$pid = $app['request']->query->get('pid');
$message = $app['request']->query->get('message');
$redirect = $app['request']->query->get('redirect');
return $app->redirect(FRAMEWORK_URL."/admin/logout?pid=$pid&message=$message&redirect=$redirect");
/logout set the needed parameters and execute the regular logout /admin/logout
Now you can use
to redirect to any other route after logout or
(encoded) to prompt any messages in the /goodbye dialog.
In my application, I need to know what values are assigned to the DB config items such as database, username, etc. How do I access those information?
I don't have enough rep to comment on Matt Browne's correct answer but just adding a bit incase anyone forgets...
load the db driver like so first:
then you can easily access what you need:
Pretty much all the config values are accessible via $this->db (take a look at system/database/DB_driver.php).
That's what worked for me...none of the other suggestions here did.
As an example
$config = [
'host' => $this->db->hostname,
'port' => '3306',
'username' => $this->db->username,
'password' => $this->db->password,
'database' => $this->db->database
In case you have multiple database connection groups defined in config/database.php, for eg :
$db['dbname']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['dbname']['username'] = "root";
$db['dbname']['password'] = "root";
$db['dbname']['database'] = "web_dbname";
$db['dbname_readonly']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['dbname_readonly']['username'] = "root";
$db['dbname_readonly']['password'] = "root";
$db['dbname_readonly']['database'] = "web_dbname_readonly";
If you want to use the connection params of any particular db in a controller or model:
$db = $this->load->database('dbname');
If you want to use in a helper or library :
$ci = &get_instance();
$db = $ci->load->database('dbname');
The connection params will be available as $db->hostname, $db->username etc.
I stumbled across this, looking for a way to find all of the DB settings. Was not able to find a solution on-line, but found some useful code in system/database/DB.php
Here's my approach, get the contents of the entire database config:
if ( ! file_exists($f = APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/database.php')
&& ! file_exists($f = APPPATH.'config/database.php'))
show_error('The configuration file database.php does not exist.');
// Use a NEW variable.
// Because $db is a reserved name!!
$db_settings = $db;
foreach($db_settings as $key => $value) {
// .. do something with .. $this->database->load($key);
// .. do something with .. $value['database'];
// .. do something with .. $value['password'];
You should be able to get at your configuration setting like this :
You can retrieve it with this:
$this->config->item('item name');