I am reading a DICOMDIR and then displaying all the images of a given series one by one, either by scrolling with the mouse or by pressing the keyboard arrow keys up n down.
Now, I happen to draw a line on one of these images.
Currently, when I scroll through the images the line continues to stay on through all the images.
But the desired result is, when I start scrolling, that line should disappear because it does not belong to the next image. When I scroll back up to that image where I drew that line, the line should be shown back on that image.
Any ideas how to make that line part of only that image where it is first drawn and none else?
What I tried : Store the file path of that image (where the line is drawn) into a CStringArray. How should I use this stored file path to draw that image along with its line?
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do. If you mean you want a line annotation for a particular image you can store it as GSPS data, read that also along with the pixel data. GreyScale Presentation State object
allows inclusion of multiple graphic annotation seqences into a single object.
Your way
As you have stored the path of the file in a CStringArray, locate the code where the image is read and displayed. Add code similar to this ( I assume that you are displaying it as you read it.) Take a look at the following code.
// Code to read the file where path is csFilePath
// Read bitmap is stored to CBitmap* pBitmap
CDC* pDC = GetDC();
CDC memDC;
memDC.CreateCompatibleDC( pDC );
CBitmap* pOldBitmap = memDC.SelectObject( pBitmap );
pDC->BitBlt( xVal, yVAl, width, height, memDc, SRC_COPY );
memDC.SelectObject( pOldBitmap );
for( int nIdx; nIdx < yourLineArray.GetSize(); nIdx++ )
if( csFilePath == yourLineArray[nIdx] )
pDC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
My question is related to this previous question. What I want to achieve is to stack images (they have transparency), write a string on top, and save the photomontage / photocollage with full resolution.
protected void beforeMain(Form f) {
Image photoBase = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Voiture_4_3.jpg");
Image watermark = fetchResourceFile().getImage("Watermark.png");
f.setLayout(new LayeredLayout());
final Label drawing = new Label();
// Image mutable dans laquelle on va dessiner (fond blanc)
Image mutableImage = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Paint all the stuff
paints(mutableImage.getGraphics(), photoBase, watermark, photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
// Save the collage
Image screenshot = Image.createImage(photoBase.getWidth(), photoBase.getHeight());
drawing.paintComponent(screenshot.getGraphics(), true);
String imageFile = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath() + "screenshot.png";
try(OutputStream os = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openOutputStream(imageFile)) {
ImageIO.getImageIO().save(screenshot, os, ImageIO.FORMAT_PNG, 1);
} catch(IOException err) {
public void paints(Graphics g, Image background, Image watermark, int width, int height) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0);
g.drawImage(watermark, 0, 0);
// Upper left corner
g.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Lower right corner
g.fillRect(width - 10, height - 10, 10, 10);
Font f = Font.createTrueTypeFont("Geometos", "Geometos.ttf").derive(220, Font.STYLE_BOLD);
// Draw a string right below the M from Mercedes on the car windscreen (measured in Gimp)
(int) (848 ),
(int) (610)
This is the saved screenshot I get if I use the Iphone6 skin (the payload image is smaller than the original one and is centered). If I use the Xoom skin this is what I get (the payload image is still smaller than the original image but it has moved to the left).
So to sum it all up : why is the saved screenshot with Xoom skin different from the one I get with Iphone skin ? Is there anyway to directly save the graphics on which I paint in the paints method so that the saved image would have the original dimensions ?
Thanks a lot to anyone that could help me :-)!
You can save an image in Codename one using the ImageIO class. Notice that you can draw a container hierarchy into a mutable image using the paintComponent(Graphics) method.
You can do both approaches with draw image on mutable or via layouts. Personally I always prefer layouts as I like the abstraction but I wouldn't say the mutable image approach is right/wrong.
Notice that if you change/repaint a lot then mutable images are slower (this will not be noticeable for regular code or on the simulator) as they are forced to use the software renderer and can't use the GPU fully.
In the previous question it seems you placed the image with a "FIT" style which naturally drew it smaller than the containing container and then drew the image on top of it manually... This is problematic.
One solution is to draw everything manually but then you will need to do the "fit" aspect of drawing yourself. If you use layouts you should position everything based on the layouts including your drawing/text.
I want to use Visual C++ to animate fill paths to screen. I have done it with C# before, but now switch to C++ for better perfomance and want do more complex works in the future.
Here is the concept in C#:
In a Canvas I have a number of Path. These paths are closed geometries combine of LineTo and QuadraticBezierTo functions.
Firstly, I fill Silver color for all path.
Then for each path, I fill Green color from one end to other end (up/down/left/right direction) (imagine a progress bar increase its value from min to max). I do it by set the Fill brush of the path to a LinearGradientBrush with two color Green and Silver with same offset, then increase the offset from 0 to 1 by Timer.
When a path is fully green, continue with next path.
When all path is fill with Green, come back first step.
I want to do same thing in Visual C++. I need to know an effective way to:
Create and store paths in a collection to reuse. Because the path is quite lot of point, recreate them repeatly take lots of CPU usage.
Draw all paths to a window.
Do animation fill like step 2, 3, 4 in above concept.
So, what I need is:
A suitable way to create and store closed paths. Note: paths are combine of points connect by functions same with C# LineTo and QuadraticBezierTo function.
Draw and animated fill the paths to screen.
Can you please suggest one way to do above step? (outline what I have to read, then I can study about it myself). I know basic of Visual C++, Win32 GUI and a little about draw context (HDC) and GDI, but only start to learn Graphic/Drawing.
Sorry about my English! If anythings I explain dont clear, please let me know.
how many is quite lot of point ? what is the target framerate? for low enough counts you can use GDI for this otherwise you need HW acceleration like OpenGL,DirectX.
I assume 2D so You need:
store your path as list of segments
for example like this:
struct path_segment
int p0[2],p1[2],p2[2]; // points
int type; // line/bezier
float length; // length in pixels or whatever
const int MAX=1024; // max number of segments
path_segment path[MAX]; // list of segments can use any template like List<path_segment> path; instead
int paths=0; // actual number of segments;
float length=0.0; // while path length in pixels or whatever
write functions to load and render path[]
The render is just for visual check if you load is OK ... for now atlest
rewrite the render so
it take float t=<0,1> as input parameter which will render path below t with one color and the rest with other. something like this:
int i;
float l=0.0,q,l0=t*length; // separation length;
for (i=0;i<paths;i++)
if (q>=l0)
// split/render path[i] to < 0,l-l0> with color1
// split/render path[i] to <l-l0,q-l0> with color2
// if you need split parameter in <0,1> then =(l-l0)/path[i].length;
i++; break;
//render path[i] with color1
for (;i<paths;i++)
//render path[i] with color2
use backbuffer for speedup
so render whole path with color1 to some bitmap. On each animation step just render the newly added color1 stuff. And on each redraw just copy the bitmap to screen instead of rendering the same geometry over and over. Of coarse if you have zoom/pan/resize capabilities you need to redraw the bitmap fully on each of those changes ...
I am using Processing under Fedora 20, and I want to display an image of the extending tracks of objects moving across part of the screen, with each object displayed at its current position at the end of the track. To avoid having to record all the co-ordinates of the tracks, I usesave("image.png"); to save the tracks so far, then draw the objects. In the next frame I use img = loadImage("image.png"); to restore the tracks made so far, without the objects, which would still be in their previous positions.. I extend the tracks to their new positions, then usesave("image.png"); to save the extended tracks, still without the objects, ready for the next loop round. Then I draw the objects in their new positions at the end of their extended tracks. In this way successive loops show the objects advancing, with their previous positions as tracks behind them.
This has worked well in tests where the image is the whole frame, but now I need to put that display in a corner of the whole frame, and leave the rest unchanged. I expect that createImage(...) will be the answer, but I cannot find any details of how to to so.
A similar question asked here has this recommendation: "The PImage class contains a save() function that exports to file. The API should be your first stop for questions like this." Of course I've looked at that API, but I don't think it helps here, unless I have to create the image to save pixel by pixel, in which case I would expect it to slow things down a lot.
So my question is: in Processing can I save and restore just part of the frame as an image, without affecting the rest of the frame?
I have continued to research this. It seems strange to me that I can find oodles of sketch references, tutorials, and examples, that save and load the entire frame, but no easy way of saving and restoring just part of the frame as an image. I could probably do it using Pimage but that appears to require an awful lot of image. in front of everything to be drawn there.
I have got round it with a kludge: I created a mask image (see this Processing reference) the size of the whole frame. The mask is defined as grey areas representing opacity, so that white, zero opacity (0), is transparent and black, fully opaque (255) completely conceals the background image, thus:
{ size (1280,800);
background(0); // whole frame is transparent..
fill(255); // ..and..
rect(680,0,600,600); // ..smaller image area is now opaque
save("[path to sketch]/mask01.jpg");
void draw(){}
Then in my main code I use:
PImage img, mimg;
img = loadImage("image4.png"); // The image I want to see ..
// .. including the rest of the frame which would obscure previous work
mimg = loadImage("mask01.jpg"); // create the mask
//apply the mask, allowing previous work to show though
// display the masked image
image(img, 0, 0);
I will accept this as an answer if no better suggestion is made.
void setup(){
size(640, 480);
rect(40, 150, 200, 100);
void draw(){
void mousePressed(){
PImage img =get(40, 150, 200, 100);
Old news, but here's an answer: you can use the pixel array and math.
Let's say that this is your viewport:
You can use loadPixels(); to fill the pixels[] array with the current content of the viewport, then fish the pixels you want from this array.
In the given example, here's a way to filter the unwanted pixels:
void exportImage() {
// creating the image to the "desired size"
PImage img = createImage(600, 900, RGB);
int index = 0;
for(int i=0; i<pixels.length; i++) {
// filtering the unwanted first 200 pixels on every row
// remember that the pixels[] array is 1 dimensional, so some math are unavoidable. For this simple example I use the modulo operator.
if (i % width >= 200) { // "magic numbers" are bad, remember. This is only a simplification.
img.pixels[index] = pixels[i];
It may be too late to help you, but maybe someone else will need this. Either way, have fun!
We are seeing an intermittent problem in which owner drawn buttons under Windows XP that are using a bitmap as a backdrop are displaying the bitmap incorrectly. The window containing multiple buttons that are using the same bitmap file for the bitmap image used for the button backdrop will display and most of the buttons will be correct though in some cases there may be one or two buttons which are displaying the bitmap backdrop reduced to a smaller size.
If you exit the application and then restart it you may see the same behavior of the incorrect display of the icon on the buttons however it may or may not be the same buttons as previously. Nor is this behavior of incorrect display of icons on the buttons always seen. Sometimes it shows and sometimes it does not. Since once we load an icon for a button we just keep it, once the button is displayed incorrectly it will always be displayed incorrectly.
Using the debugger we have finally found that what appears to be happening is that when the GetObject() function is called, the data returned for the bitmap size is sometimes incorrect. For instance in one case the bitmap was 75x75 pixels and the size returned by GetObject() was 13x13 instead. Since this size is used as part of the drawing of the bitmap, the displayed backdrop becomes a small decoration on the button window.
The actual source area is as follows.
if (!hBitmapFocus) {
CString iconPath;
iconPath.Format(ICON_FILES_DIR_FORMAT, m_Icon);
hBitmapFocus = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, iconPath, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
if (hBitmapFocus) {
BITMAP bitmap;
int iNoBytes = GetObject(hBitmapFocus, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap);
if (iNoBytes < 1) {
char xBuff[128];
sprintf (xBuff, "GetObject() failed. GetLastError = %d", GetLastError ());
NHPOS_ASSERT_TEXT((iNoBytes > 0), xBuff);
cxSource = bitmap.bmWidth;
cySource = bitmap.bmHeight;
//Bitmaps cannot be drawn directly to the screen so a
//compatible memory DC is created to draw to, then the image is
//transfered to the screen
CDC hdcMem;
HGDIOBJ hpOldObject = hdcMem.SelectObject(hBitmapFocus);
int xPos;
int yPos;
//The Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
//For Images
//Are set in the Layout Manager
//the proper attribute will have to be checked against
//for now the Image is centered on the button
//Horizontal Alignment
if(btnAttributes.horIconAlignment == IconAlignmentHLeft){//Image to left
xPos = 2;
}else if(btnAttributes.horIconAlignment == IconAlignmentHRight){//Image to right
xPos = myRect.right - cxSource - 5;
}else {//Horizontal center
xPos = ((myRect.right - cxSource) / 2) - 1;
//Vertical Alignment
if(btnAttributes.vertIconAlignment == IconAlignmentVTop){//Image to top
yPos = 2;
}else if(btnAttributes.vertIconAlignment == IconAlignmentVBottom){//Image to bottom
yPos = myRect.bottom - cySource - 5;
}else{//Vertical Center
yPos = ((myRect.bottom - cySource) / 2) - 1;
pDC->BitBlt(xPos, yPos, cxSource, cySource, &hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
Using the debugger we can see that the iconPath string is correct and the bitmap is loaded as hBitmapFocus is not NULL. Next we can see that the call to GetObject() is made and the value returned for iNoBytes equals 24. For those buttons that display correctly the values in bitmap.bmWidth and bitmap.bmHeight are correct however for those that do not the values are much too small leading to an incorrect sizing when drawing the bitmap.
The variable is defined in the class header as
HBITMAP hBitmapFocus;
As part of doing the research for this I found this stack overflow question, GetObject returns strange size and I am wondering if there is some kind of an alignment issue here.
Does the bitmap variable used in the call to GetObject() need to be on some kind of an alignment boundary? While we are using packed for some of our data we are using pragma directives to only specify specific portions of code containing specific structs in include files that need to be packed on one byte boundaries.
Please read this Microsoft KB how to load a bitmap with palette information. It has a great example as well.
On the side note: I do not see anywhere in your code where you call ::DeleteObject(hBitmapFocus). It is very important to call this, as you can run out of GDI objects very quickly.
It is always a good idea to use Windows Task manager to see that your program does not exhaust the GDI resources. Just add "GDI Objects" column to the Task Manager and see that the number of objects is not constantly increasing in your app, but stays within an expected range, similar to other programs
I am trying to figure out the way to convert a given point from the window’s base coordinate system to the screen coordinate system. I mean something like - (NSPoint)convertBaseToScreen:(NSPoint)point.
But I want it from quartz/carbon.
I have CGContextRef and its Bounds with me. But the bounds are with respect to Window to which CGContextRef belongs. For Example, if window is at location (100, 100, 50, 50) with respect to screen the contextRef for window would be (0,0, 50, 50). i.e. I am at location (0,0) but actually on screen I am at (100,100). I
Any suggestion are appreciated.
Thank you.
The window maintains its own position in global screen space and the compositor knows how to put that window's image at the correct location in screen space. The context itself, however doesn't have a location.
Quartz Compositor knows where the window is positioned on the screen, but Quartz 2D doesn't know anything more than how big the area it is supposed to draw in is. It has no idea where Quartz Compositor is going to put the drawing once it is done.
Similarly, when putting together the contents of a window, the frameworks provide the view system. The view system allows the OS to create contexts for drawing individual parts of a window and manages the placement of the results of drawing in those views, usually by manipulating the context's transform, or by creating temporary offscreen contexts. The context itself, however, doesn't know where the final graphic is going to be rendered.
I'm not sure if you can use directly CGContextRef, you need window or view reference or something like do the conversion.
The code I use does the opposite convert mouse coordinates from global (screen) to view local and it goes something like this:
Point mouseLoc; // point you want to convert to global coordinates
HIPoint where; // final coordinates
PixMapHandle portPixMap;
// portpixmap is needed to get correct offset otherwise y coord off at least by menu bar height
portPixMap = portPixMap = GetPortPixMap( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ) ) );
QDGlobalToLocalPoint(GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ), &mouseLoc);
where.x = mouseLoc.h - (**portPixMap).bounds.left;
where.y = mouseLoc.v - (**portPixMap).bounds.top;
HIViewConvertPoint( &where, NULL, view );
so I guess the opposite is needed for you (haven't tested if it actually works):
void convert_point_to_screen(HIView view, HIPoint *point)
Point point; // used for QD calls
PixMapHandle portPixMap = GetPortPixMap( GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ) ) );
HIViewConvertPoint( &where, view, NULL ); // view local to window local coordtinates
point.h = where->x + (**portPixMap).bounds.left;
point.w = where->y + (**portPixMap).bounds.top;
QDLocalToGlobalPoint(GetWindowPort( GetControlOwner( view ), &point);
// convert Point to HIPoint
where->x = point.h;
where->y = point.v;