Confirm the existence of one or more directories - bash

I'd like to check of the existence of one or more directories in a Bash script using a wildcard.
I've tried this;
if [ -d app/*management ]
for mscript in `ls -d app/*management`
Which works if there is one match but throws the error "binary operator expected".
Any suggestion on a good way to do this?

You can't use -d to check multiple directories at the same time without && (and) in your expressions. I would use this:
for dir in app/*management; do
if [[ -d $dir ]]; then
You should use globs instead of parsing the output of ls. See the following link for more information:

After the glob expands to your list of management directories, the if statement looks like
if [ -d app/1management app/2management ]
Since -d takes only one argument, bash doesn't know what to do with the remaining directories. To bash, it looks like you forgot to include a binary operator.
You can do just do the following:
for mscript in app/*management; do
if [ ! -d $mscript ]; then
EDIT: As jordanm commented, the following probably isn't necessary, but I'll leave it here for reference, as nullglob is good to know about.
One caveat. If there is a possibility that app/*management won't expand to anything, you need to set the shell option nullglob before your loop, or else "app/*management" will be treated as a literal string, not a shell glob.
if ! shopt nullglob; then
shopt -qs nullglob
for mscript in app/*management; do
if [ ${setting_nullglob:-0} = 1 ]; then
unset setting_nullglob
shopt -qu nullglob

Why don't you do it like this:
for mscript in app/*management ; do
if [ -d "$myscript" ] ; then


How to check if files with a certain extension exist with wildcard in Bash [duplicate]

If I want to check for the existence of a single file, I can test for it using test -e filename or [ -e filename ].
Supposing I have a glob and I want to know whether any files exist whose names match the glob. The glob can match 0 files (in which case I need to do nothing), or it can match 1 or more files (in which case I need to do something). How can I test whether a glob has any matches? (I don't care how many matches there are, and it would be best if I could do this with one if statement and no loops (simply because I find that most readable).
(test -e glob* fails if the glob matches more than one file.)
Bash-specific solution:
compgen -G "<glob-pattern>"
Escape the pattern or it'll get pre-expanded into matches.
Exit status is:
1 for no-match,
0 for 'one or more matches'
stdout is a list of files matching the glob.
I think this is the best option in terms of conciseness and minimizing potential side effects.
if compgen -G "/tmp/someFiles*" > /dev/null; then
echo "Some files exist."
The nullglob shell option is indeed a bashism.
To avoid the need for a tedious save and restore of the nullglob state, I'd only set it inside the subshell that expands the glob:
if test -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo glob*)"
echo found
echo not found
For better portability and more flexible globbing, use find:
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'glob*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Explicit -print -quit actions are used for find instead of the default implicit -print action so that find will quit as soon as it finds the first file matching the search criteria. Where lots of files match, this should run much faster than echo glob* or ls glob* and it also avoids the possibility of overstuffing the expanded command line (some shells have a 4K length limit).
If find feels like overkill and the number of files likely to match is small, use stat:
if stat -t glob* >/dev/null 2>&1
echo found
echo not found
I like
exists() {
[ -e "$1" ]
if exists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
This is both readable and efficient (unless there are a huge number of files).
The main drawback is that it's much more subtle than it looks, and I sometimes feel compelled to add a long comment.
If there's a match, "glob*" is expanded by the shell and all the matches are passed to exists(), which checks the first one and ignores the rest.
If there's no match, "glob*" is passed to exists() and found not to exist there either.
Edit: there may be a false positive, see comment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If it is set, then an unmatched glob is swept away entirely --
# replaced with a set of zero words --
# instead of remaining in place as a single word.
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "${#M[*]}" -ge 1 ]; then
echo "${#M[*]} matches."
echo "No such files."
If you have globfail set you can use this crazy (which you really should not)
shopt -s failglob # exit if * does not match
( : * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
q=( * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
test -e has the unfortunate caveat that it considers broken symbolic links to not exist. So you may want to check for those, too.
function globexists {
test -e "$1" -o -L "$1"
if globexists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
I have yet another solution:
if [ "$(echo glob*)" != 'glob*' ]
This works nicely for me. There may be some corner cases I missed.
Based on flabdablet's answer, for me it looks like easiest (not necessarily fastest) is just to use find itself, while leaving glob expansion on shell, like:
find /some/{p,long-p}ath/with/*globs* -quit &> /dev/null && echo "MATCH"
Or in if like:
if find $yourGlob -quit &> /dev/null; then
echo "MATCH"
echo "NOT-FOUND"
To simplify miku's answer somewhat, based on his idea:
if [ -e ${M[0]} ]; then
echo Found
echo Not Found
In Bash, you can glob to an array; if the glob didn't match, your array will contain a single entry that doesn't correspond to an existing file:
if [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
then stat "${scripts[#]}"
Note: if you have nullglob set, scripts will be an empty array, and you should test with [ "${scripts[*]}" ] or with [ "${#scripts[*]}" != 0 ] instead. If you're writing a library that must work with or without nullglob, you'll want
if [ "${scripts[*]}" ] && [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
An advantage of this approach is that you then have the list of files you want to work with, rather than having to repeat the glob operation.
If you want to test if the files exist before iterating over them, you can use this pattern:
for F in glob*; do
if [[ ! -f $F ]]; then break; fi
if the glob does not does not match anything, $F will be the non-expanded glob ('glob*' in this case) and if a file with the same name does not exist, it will skip the rest of the loop.
set nullglob
touch /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2 /tmp/foo3
for FILE in /tmp/foo*
FOUND=$((${FOUND} + 1))
if [ ${FOUND} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "I found ${FOUND} matches"
echo "No matches found"
set -- glob*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "It matched"
When there isn't a match for glob*, then $1 will contain 'glob*'. The test -f "$1" won't be true because the glob* file doesn't exist.
Why this is better than alternatives
This works with sh and derivates: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands create a sub-shell; they fork a process, and therefore are slower than this solution.
Like this in Bash (test files containing pattern):
shopt -s nullglob
compgen -W *pattern* &>/dev/null
case $? in
0) echo "only one file match" ;;
1) echo "more than one file match" ;;
2) echo "no file match" ;;
It's far better than compgen -G: because we can discriminates more cases and more precisely.
It can work with only one wildcard *.
This abomination seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "`echo *py`" != "" ]; then
echo "Glob matched"
echo "Glob did not match"
It probably requires bash, not sh.
This works because the nullglob option causes the glob to evaluate to an empty string if there are no matches. Thus any non-empty output from the echo command indicates that the glob matched something.
A solution for extended globs (extglob) in Bash:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U <ext-glob-pattern>'
Exit status is 0 if there is at least one match, and non-zero (2) when there is no match. Standard output contains a newline-separated list of matching files (and file names containing spaces they are quoted).
Or, slightly different:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n compgen -G <ext-glob-pattern>'
Differences to the ls-based solution: probably faster (not measured), file names with spaces not quoted in output, exit code 1 when there is no match (not 2 :shrug:).
Example usage:
No match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.foo|*.bar)'; echo "exit status: $?"
/bin/ls: cannot access '#(*.foo|*.bar)': No such file or directory
exit status: 2
At least one match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.ts|*.mp4)'; echo "exit status: $?"
'video1 with spaces.mp4'
exit status: 0
Concepts used:
ls' exit code behavior (adds -U for efficiency, and -1 for output control).
Does not enable extglob in current shell (often not desired).
Makes use of the $ prefix so that the \n is interpreted, so that the extended glob pattern is on a different line than the shopt -s extglob -- otherwise the extended glob pattern would be a syntax error!
Note 1: I worked towards this solution because the compgen -G "<glob-pattern>" approach suggested in other answers does not seem to work smoothly with brace expansion; and yet I needed some more advanced globbing features.
Note 2: lovely resource for the extended glob syntax: extglob
Both nullglob and compgen are useful only on some bash shells.
A (non-recursive) solution that works on most shells is:
set -- ./glob* # or /path/dir/glob*
[ -f "$1" ] || shift # remove the glob if present.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
then echo "at least one file found"
Assuming you may want to do something with the files if they exist:
mapfile -t exists < <(find "$dirName" -type f -iname '*.zip'); [[ ${#exists} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Zip files found" ; } || { echo "Zip files not found" ; }
You can then loop through the exists array if you need to do something with the files.
(ls glob* &>/dev/null && echo Files found) || echo No file found
if ls -d $glob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found.
echo Not found.
Note that this can be very time cosuming if there are a lot of matches or file access is slow.
ls | grep -q "glob.*"
Not the most efficient solution (if there's a ton of files in the directory it might be slowish), but it's simple, easy to read and also has the advantage that regexes are more powerful than plain Bash glob patterns.
[ `ls glob* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1` ] && echo true

How can I find the exist file in shell script with * argument [duplicate]

If I want to check for the existence of a single file, I can test for it using test -e filename or [ -e filename ].
Supposing I have a glob and I want to know whether any files exist whose names match the glob. The glob can match 0 files (in which case I need to do nothing), or it can match 1 or more files (in which case I need to do something). How can I test whether a glob has any matches? (I don't care how many matches there are, and it would be best if I could do this with one if statement and no loops (simply because I find that most readable).
(test -e glob* fails if the glob matches more than one file.)
Bash-specific solution:
compgen -G "<glob-pattern>"
Escape the pattern or it'll get pre-expanded into matches.
Exit status is:
1 for no-match,
0 for 'one or more matches'
stdout is a list of files matching the glob.
I think this is the best option in terms of conciseness and minimizing potential side effects.
if compgen -G "/tmp/someFiles*" > /dev/null; then
echo "Some files exist."
The nullglob shell option is indeed a bashism.
To avoid the need for a tedious save and restore of the nullglob state, I'd only set it inside the subshell that expands the glob:
if test -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo glob*)"
echo found
echo not found
For better portability and more flexible globbing, use find:
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'glob*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Explicit -print -quit actions are used for find instead of the default implicit -print action so that find will quit as soon as it finds the first file matching the search criteria. Where lots of files match, this should run much faster than echo glob* or ls glob* and it also avoids the possibility of overstuffing the expanded command line (some shells have a 4K length limit).
If find feels like overkill and the number of files likely to match is small, use stat:
if stat -t glob* >/dev/null 2>&1
echo found
echo not found
I like
exists() {
[ -e "$1" ]
if exists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
This is both readable and efficient (unless there are a huge number of files).
The main drawback is that it's much more subtle than it looks, and I sometimes feel compelled to add a long comment.
If there's a match, "glob*" is expanded by the shell and all the matches are passed to exists(), which checks the first one and ignores the rest.
If there's no match, "glob*" is passed to exists() and found not to exist there either.
Edit: there may be a false positive, see comment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If it is set, then an unmatched glob is swept away entirely --
# replaced with a set of zero words --
# instead of remaining in place as a single word.
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "${#M[*]}" -ge 1 ]; then
echo "${#M[*]} matches."
echo "No such files."
If you have globfail set you can use this crazy (which you really should not)
shopt -s failglob # exit if * does not match
( : * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
q=( * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
test -e has the unfortunate caveat that it considers broken symbolic links to not exist. So you may want to check for those, too.
function globexists {
test -e "$1" -o -L "$1"
if globexists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
I have yet another solution:
if [ "$(echo glob*)" != 'glob*' ]
This works nicely for me. There may be some corner cases I missed.
Based on flabdablet's answer, for me it looks like easiest (not necessarily fastest) is just to use find itself, while leaving glob expansion on shell, like:
find /some/{p,long-p}ath/with/*globs* -quit &> /dev/null && echo "MATCH"
Or in if like:
if find $yourGlob -quit &> /dev/null; then
echo "MATCH"
echo "NOT-FOUND"
To simplify miku's answer somewhat, based on his idea:
if [ -e ${M[0]} ]; then
echo Found
echo Not Found
In Bash, you can glob to an array; if the glob didn't match, your array will contain a single entry that doesn't correspond to an existing file:
if [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
then stat "${scripts[#]}"
Note: if you have nullglob set, scripts will be an empty array, and you should test with [ "${scripts[*]}" ] or with [ "${#scripts[*]}" != 0 ] instead. If you're writing a library that must work with or without nullglob, you'll want
if [ "${scripts[*]}" ] && [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
An advantage of this approach is that you then have the list of files you want to work with, rather than having to repeat the glob operation.
If you want to test if the files exist before iterating over them, you can use this pattern:
for F in glob*; do
if [[ ! -f $F ]]; then break; fi
if the glob does not does not match anything, $F will be the non-expanded glob ('glob*' in this case) and if a file with the same name does not exist, it will skip the rest of the loop.
set nullglob
touch /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2 /tmp/foo3
for FILE in /tmp/foo*
FOUND=$((${FOUND} + 1))
if [ ${FOUND} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "I found ${FOUND} matches"
echo "No matches found"
set -- glob*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "It matched"
When there isn't a match for glob*, then $1 will contain 'glob*'. The test -f "$1" won't be true because the glob* file doesn't exist.
Why this is better than alternatives
This works with sh and derivates: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands create a sub-shell; they fork a process, and therefore are slower than this solution.
Like this in Bash (test files containing pattern):
shopt -s nullglob
compgen -W *pattern* &>/dev/null
case $? in
0) echo "only one file match" ;;
1) echo "more than one file match" ;;
2) echo "no file match" ;;
It's far better than compgen -G: because we can discriminates more cases and more precisely.
It can work with only one wildcard *.
This abomination seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "`echo *py`" != "" ]; then
echo "Glob matched"
echo "Glob did not match"
It probably requires bash, not sh.
This works because the nullglob option causes the glob to evaluate to an empty string if there are no matches. Thus any non-empty output from the echo command indicates that the glob matched something.
A solution for extended globs (extglob) in Bash:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U <ext-glob-pattern>'
Exit status is 0 if there is at least one match, and non-zero (2) when there is no match. Standard output contains a newline-separated list of matching files (and file names containing spaces they are quoted).
Or, slightly different:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n compgen -G <ext-glob-pattern>'
Differences to the ls-based solution: probably faster (not measured), file names with spaces not quoted in output, exit code 1 when there is no match (not 2 :shrug:).
Example usage:
No match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.foo|*.bar)'; echo "exit status: $?"
/bin/ls: cannot access '#(*.foo|*.bar)': No such file or directory
exit status: 2
At least one match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.ts|*.mp4)'; echo "exit status: $?"
'video1 with spaces.mp4'
exit status: 0
Concepts used:
ls' exit code behavior (adds -U for efficiency, and -1 for output control).
Does not enable extglob in current shell (often not desired).
Makes use of the $ prefix so that the \n is interpreted, so that the extended glob pattern is on a different line than the shopt -s extglob -- otherwise the extended glob pattern would be a syntax error!
Note 1: I worked towards this solution because the compgen -G "<glob-pattern>" approach suggested in other answers does not seem to work smoothly with brace expansion; and yet I needed some more advanced globbing features.
Note 2: lovely resource for the extended glob syntax: extglob
Both nullglob and compgen are useful only on some bash shells.
A (non-recursive) solution that works on most shells is:
set -- ./glob* # or /path/dir/glob*
[ -f "$1" ] || shift # remove the glob if present.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
then echo "at least one file found"
Assuming you may want to do something with the files if they exist:
mapfile -t exists < <(find "$dirName" -type f -iname '*.zip'); [[ ${#exists} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Zip files found" ; } || { echo "Zip files not found" ; }
You can then loop through the exists array if you need to do something with the files.
(ls glob* &>/dev/null && echo Files found) || echo No file found
if ls -d $glob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found.
echo Not found.
Note that this can be very time cosuming if there are a lot of matches or file access is slow.
ls | grep -q "glob.*"
Not the most efficient solution (if there's a ton of files in the directory it might be slowish), but it's simple, easy to read and also has the advantage that regexes are more powerful than plain Bash glob patterns.
[ `ls glob* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1` ] && echo true

Find multiple file formats in IF condition in Shell Script [duplicate]

If I want to check for the existence of a single file, I can test for it using test -e filename or [ -e filename ].
Supposing I have a glob and I want to know whether any files exist whose names match the glob. The glob can match 0 files (in which case I need to do nothing), or it can match 1 or more files (in which case I need to do something). How can I test whether a glob has any matches? (I don't care how many matches there are, and it would be best if I could do this with one if statement and no loops (simply because I find that most readable).
(test -e glob* fails if the glob matches more than one file.)
Bash-specific solution:
compgen -G "<glob-pattern>"
Escape the pattern or it'll get pre-expanded into matches.
Exit status is:
1 for no-match,
0 for 'one or more matches'
stdout is a list of files matching the glob.
I think this is the best option in terms of conciseness and minimizing potential side effects.
if compgen -G "/tmp/someFiles*" > /dev/null; then
echo "Some files exist."
The nullglob shell option is indeed a bashism.
To avoid the need for a tedious save and restore of the nullglob state, I'd only set it inside the subshell that expands the glob:
if test -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo glob*)"
echo found
echo not found
For better portability and more flexible globbing, use find:
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'glob*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Explicit -print -quit actions are used for find instead of the default implicit -print action so that find will quit as soon as it finds the first file matching the search criteria. Where lots of files match, this should run much faster than echo glob* or ls glob* and it also avoids the possibility of overstuffing the expanded command line (some shells have a 4K length limit).
If find feels like overkill and the number of files likely to match is small, use stat:
if stat -t glob* >/dev/null 2>&1
echo found
echo not found
I like
exists() {
[ -e "$1" ]
if exists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
This is both readable and efficient (unless there are a huge number of files).
The main drawback is that it's much more subtle than it looks, and I sometimes feel compelled to add a long comment.
If there's a match, "glob*" is expanded by the shell and all the matches are passed to exists(), which checks the first one and ignores the rest.
If there's no match, "glob*" is passed to exists() and found not to exist there either.
Edit: there may be a false positive, see comment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If it is set, then an unmatched glob is swept away entirely --
# replaced with a set of zero words --
# instead of remaining in place as a single word.
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "${#M[*]}" -ge 1 ]; then
echo "${#M[*]} matches."
echo "No such files."
If you have globfail set you can use this crazy (which you really should not)
shopt -s failglob # exit if * does not match
( : * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
q=( * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
test -e has the unfortunate caveat that it considers broken symbolic links to not exist. So you may want to check for those, too.
function globexists {
test -e "$1" -o -L "$1"
if globexists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
I have yet another solution:
if [ "$(echo glob*)" != 'glob*' ]
This works nicely for me. There may be some corner cases I missed.
Based on flabdablet's answer, for me it looks like easiest (not necessarily fastest) is just to use find itself, while leaving glob expansion on shell, like:
find /some/{p,long-p}ath/with/*globs* -quit &> /dev/null && echo "MATCH"
Or in if like:
if find $yourGlob -quit &> /dev/null; then
echo "MATCH"
echo "NOT-FOUND"
To simplify miku's answer somewhat, based on his idea:
if [ -e ${M[0]} ]; then
echo Found
echo Not Found
In Bash, you can glob to an array; if the glob didn't match, your array will contain a single entry that doesn't correspond to an existing file:
if [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
then stat "${scripts[#]}"
Note: if you have nullglob set, scripts will be an empty array, and you should test with [ "${scripts[*]}" ] or with [ "${#scripts[*]}" != 0 ] instead. If you're writing a library that must work with or without nullglob, you'll want
if [ "${scripts[*]}" ] && [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
An advantage of this approach is that you then have the list of files you want to work with, rather than having to repeat the glob operation.
If you want to test if the files exist before iterating over them, you can use this pattern:
for F in glob*; do
if [[ ! -f $F ]]; then break; fi
if the glob does not does not match anything, $F will be the non-expanded glob ('glob*' in this case) and if a file with the same name does not exist, it will skip the rest of the loop.
set nullglob
touch /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2 /tmp/foo3
for FILE in /tmp/foo*
FOUND=$((${FOUND} + 1))
if [ ${FOUND} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "I found ${FOUND} matches"
echo "No matches found"
set -- glob*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "It matched"
When there isn't a match for glob*, then $1 will contain 'glob*'. The test -f "$1" won't be true because the glob* file doesn't exist.
Why this is better than alternatives
This works with sh and derivates: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands create a sub-shell; they fork a process, and therefore are slower than this solution.
Like this in Bash (test files containing pattern):
shopt -s nullglob
compgen -W *pattern* &>/dev/null
case $? in
0) echo "only one file match" ;;
1) echo "more than one file match" ;;
2) echo "no file match" ;;
It's far better than compgen -G: because we can discriminates more cases and more precisely.
It can work with only one wildcard *.
This abomination seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "`echo *py`" != "" ]; then
echo "Glob matched"
echo "Glob did not match"
It probably requires bash, not sh.
This works because the nullglob option causes the glob to evaluate to an empty string if there are no matches. Thus any non-empty output from the echo command indicates that the glob matched something.
A solution for extended globs (extglob) in Bash:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U <ext-glob-pattern>'
Exit status is 0 if there is at least one match, and non-zero (2) when there is no match. Standard output contains a newline-separated list of matching files (and file names containing spaces they are quoted).
Or, slightly different:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n compgen -G <ext-glob-pattern>'
Differences to the ls-based solution: probably faster (not measured), file names with spaces not quoted in output, exit code 1 when there is no match (not 2 :shrug:).
Example usage:
No match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.foo|*.bar)'; echo "exit status: $?"
/bin/ls: cannot access '#(*.foo|*.bar)': No such file or directory
exit status: 2
At least one match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.ts|*.mp4)'; echo "exit status: $?"
'video1 with spaces.mp4'
exit status: 0
Concepts used:
ls' exit code behavior (adds -U for efficiency, and -1 for output control).
Does not enable extglob in current shell (often not desired).
Makes use of the $ prefix so that the \n is interpreted, so that the extended glob pattern is on a different line than the shopt -s extglob -- otherwise the extended glob pattern would be a syntax error!
Note 1: I worked towards this solution because the compgen -G "<glob-pattern>" approach suggested in other answers does not seem to work smoothly with brace expansion; and yet I needed some more advanced globbing features.
Note 2: lovely resource for the extended glob syntax: extglob
Both nullglob and compgen are useful only on some bash shells.
A (non-recursive) solution that works on most shells is:
set -- ./glob* # or /path/dir/glob*
[ -f "$1" ] || shift # remove the glob if present.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
then echo "at least one file found"
Assuming you may want to do something with the files if they exist:
mapfile -t exists < <(find "$dirName" -type f -iname '*.zip'); [[ ${#exists} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Zip files found" ; } || { echo "Zip files not found" ; }
You can then loop through the exists array if you need to do something with the files.
(ls glob* &>/dev/null && echo Files found) || echo No file found
if ls -d $glob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found.
echo Not found.
Note that this can be very time cosuming if there are a lot of matches or file access is slow.
ls | grep -q "glob.*"
Not the most efficient solution (if there's a ton of files in the directory it might be slowish), but it's simple, easy to read and also has the advantage that regexes are more powerful than plain Bash glob patterns.
[ `ls glob* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1` ] && echo true

if condition to assign variable for file check with wildcard - shell script [duplicate]

If I want to check for the existence of a single file, I can test for it using test -e filename or [ -e filename ].
Supposing I have a glob and I want to know whether any files exist whose names match the glob. The glob can match 0 files (in which case I need to do nothing), or it can match 1 or more files (in which case I need to do something). How can I test whether a glob has any matches? (I don't care how many matches there are, and it would be best if I could do this with one if statement and no loops (simply because I find that most readable).
(test -e glob* fails if the glob matches more than one file.)
Bash-specific solution:
compgen -G "<glob-pattern>"
Escape the pattern or it'll get pre-expanded into matches.
Exit status is:
1 for no-match,
0 for 'one or more matches'
stdout is a list of files matching the glob.
I think this is the best option in terms of conciseness and minimizing potential side effects.
if compgen -G "/tmp/someFiles*" > /dev/null; then
echo "Some files exist."
The nullglob shell option is indeed a bashism.
To avoid the need for a tedious save and restore of the nullglob state, I'd only set it inside the subshell that expands the glob:
if test -n "$(shopt -s nullglob; echo glob*)"
echo found
echo not found
For better portability and more flexible globbing, use find:
if test -n "$(find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'glob*' -print -quit)"
echo found
echo not found
Explicit -print -quit actions are used for find instead of the default implicit -print action so that find will quit as soon as it finds the first file matching the search criteria. Where lots of files match, this should run much faster than echo glob* or ls glob* and it also avoids the possibility of overstuffing the expanded command line (some shells have a 4K length limit).
If find feels like overkill and the number of files likely to match is small, use stat:
if stat -t glob* >/dev/null 2>&1
echo found
echo not found
I like
exists() {
[ -e "$1" ]
if exists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
This is both readable and efficient (unless there are a huge number of files).
The main drawback is that it's much more subtle than it looks, and I sometimes feel compelled to add a long comment.
If there's a match, "glob*" is expanded by the shell and all the matches are passed to exists(), which checks the first one and ignores the rest.
If there's no match, "glob*" is passed to exists() and found not to exist there either.
Edit: there may be a false positive, see comment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# If it is set, then an unmatched glob is swept away entirely --
# replaced with a set of zero words --
# instead of remaining in place as a single word.
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "${#M[*]}" -ge 1 ]; then
echo "${#M[*]} matches."
echo "No such files."
If you have globfail set you can use this crazy (which you really should not)
shopt -s failglob # exit if * does not match
( : * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
q=( * ) && echo 0 || echo 1
test -e has the unfortunate caveat that it considers broken symbolic links to not exist. So you may want to check for those, too.
function globexists {
test -e "$1" -o -L "$1"
if globexists glob*; then
echo found
echo not found
I have yet another solution:
if [ "$(echo glob*)" != 'glob*' ]
This works nicely for me. There may be some corner cases I missed.
Based on flabdablet's answer, for me it looks like easiest (not necessarily fastest) is just to use find itself, while leaving glob expansion on shell, like:
find /some/{p,long-p}ath/with/*globs* -quit &> /dev/null && echo "MATCH"
Or in if like:
if find $yourGlob -quit &> /dev/null; then
echo "MATCH"
echo "NOT-FOUND"
To simplify miku's answer somewhat, based on his idea:
if [ -e ${M[0]} ]; then
echo Found
echo Not Found
In Bash, you can glob to an array; if the glob didn't match, your array will contain a single entry that doesn't correspond to an existing file:
if [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
then stat "${scripts[#]}"
Note: if you have nullglob set, scripts will be an empty array, and you should test with [ "${scripts[*]}" ] or with [ "${#scripts[*]}" != 0 ] instead. If you're writing a library that must work with or without nullglob, you'll want
if [ "${scripts[*]}" ] && [ -e "${scripts[0]}" ]
An advantage of this approach is that you then have the list of files you want to work with, rather than having to repeat the glob operation.
If you want to test if the files exist before iterating over them, you can use this pattern:
for F in glob*; do
if [[ ! -f $F ]]; then break; fi
if the glob does not does not match anything, $F will be the non-expanded glob ('glob*' in this case) and if a file with the same name does not exist, it will skip the rest of the loop.
set nullglob
touch /tmp/foo1 /tmp/foo2 /tmp/foo3
for FILE in /tmp/foo*
FOUND=$((${FOUND} + 1))
if [ ${FOUND} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "I found ${FOUND} matches"
echo "No matches found"
set -- glob*
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "It matched"
When there isn't a match for glob*, then $1 will contain 'glob*'. The test -f "$1" won't be true because the glob* file doesn't exist.
Why this is better than alternatives
This works with sh and derivates: KornShell and Bash. It doesn't create any sub-shell. $(..) and `...` commands create a sub-shell; they fork a process, and therefore are slower than this solution.
Like this in Bash (test files containing pattern):
shopt -s nullglob
compgen -W *pattern* &>/dev/null
case $? in
0) echo "only one file match" ;;
1) echo "more than one file match" ;;
2) echo "no file match" ;;
It's far better than compgen -G: because we can discriminates more cases and more precisely.
It can work with only one wildcard *.
This abomination seems to work:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s nullglob
if [ "`echo *py`" != "" ]; then
echo "Glob matched"
echo "Glob did not match"
It probably requires bash, not sh.
This works because the nullglob option causes the glob to evaluate to an empty string if there are no matches. Thus any non-empty output from the echo command indicates that the glob matched something.
A solution for extended globs (extglob) in Bash:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U <ext-glob-pattern>'
Exit status is 0 if there is at least one match, and non-zero (2) when there is no match. Standard output contains a newline-separated list of matching files (and file names containing spaces they are quoted).
Or, slightly different:
bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n compgen -G <ext-glob-pattern>'
Differences to the ls-based solution: probably faster (not measured), file names with spaces not quoted in output, exit code 1 when there is no match (not 2 :shrug:).
Example usage:
No match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.foo|*.bar)'; echo "exit status: $?"
/bin/ls: cannot access '#(*.foo|*.bar)': No such file or directory
exit status: 2
At least one match:
$ bash -c $'shopt -s extglob \n /bin/ls -1U #(*.ts|*.mp4)'; echo "exit status: $?"
'video1 with spaces.mp4'
exit status: 0
Concepts used:
ls' exit code behavior (adds -U for efficiency, and -1 for output control).
Does not enable extglob in current shell (often not desired).
Makes use of the $ prefix so that the \n is interpreted, so that the extended glob pattern is on a different line than the shopt -s extglob -- otherwise the extended glob pattern would be a syntax error!
Note 1: I worked towards this solution because the compgen -G "<glob-pattern>" approach suggested in other answers does not seem to work smoothly with brace expansion; and yet I needed some more advanced globbing features.
Note 2: lovely resource for the extended glob syntax: extglob
Both nullglob and compgen are useful only on some bash shells.
A (non-recursive) solution that works on most shells is:
set -- ./glob* # or /path/dir/glob*
[ -f "$1" ] || shift # remove the glob if present.
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]
then echo "at least one file found"
Assuming you may want to do something with the files if they exist:
mapfile -t exists < <(find "$dirName" -type f -iname '*.zip'); [[ ${#exists} -ne 0 ]] && { echo "Zip files found" ; } || { echo "Zip files not found" ; }
You can then loop through the exists array if you need to do something with the files.
(ls glob* &>/dev/null && echo Files found) || echo No file found
if ls -d $glob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo Found.
echo Not found.
Note that this can be very time cosuming if there are a lot of matches or file access is slow.
ls | grep -q "glob.*"
Not the most efficient solution (if there's a ton of files in the directory it might be slowish), but it's simple, easy to read and also has the advantage that regexes are more powerful than plain Bash glob patterns.
[ `ls glob* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1` ] && echo true

Bash check file existence with file expansion

I want to check if there is a file matching a given pattern exists in the target directory, thus write
shopt -s nullglob
if [ -f ${data_dir}/${sample}*combined${r1Pattern} ]
There is NO /home/HT001_combined.R1.gz exist. But this code kept telling me file exists. Is there anything I missed?
This is because of nullglob mode. Since the file does not exist, the glob expands to nothing. And, for an empty arguement, -f will return true if you use [:
$ empty=
$ [ -f $empty ] && echo yes
You can solve your problem by using the bash [[ instead:
$ [[ -f $empty ]] && echo yes
[[ generally provides more predictable and friendly behavior.
Yeah you are right, It seems that actually the glob is not evaluated when using [[. The way that comes to mind to do it is more like:
if (( ${#f[#]} == 1 )) && [[ -f ${f[0]} ]]
# ...
This expands the glob into an array, makes sure there is exactly one result, and verifies that it is a regular file.
