To Show an tooltip on Image in Mvc3 -

I'm using MVC3 and i want to show a table containing information about a course
In that i have a field called "Information" which show an image.
I want to show the a tooltip when the mouse is taken on that image
I'm showing image lik this:
<img id="ok" src="../../Images/info.jpg" alt="tooltip"/>
I dont want to use any added plugin
can anybody help me with this?

Use title as well as alt in the Html tag
<img id="ok" src="../../Images/info.jpg" title="This is your tooltip message"/>

alt attributes on img elements are used as alternate text in case the image does not exist. Some browsers display these as tool tips when hovering over the image, but its not standard.
You could use the title attribute to display a tool tip on hover of the image.
You should always provide an alt attribute when using images, this is best for accessibility (screen readers read the alt text), and will fail XHTML if you don't have the attribute.


Aria-hidden does not work with buttons in Firefox and JAWS

<a href="#" role="button" >
<span aria-hidden="true"> First</span>
<img src="D:/kk.JPG" alt="First name" width="20px" height="20px"/>
JAWS reads it as First First name button instead of First name button.
Is this a Firefox issue? How do I resolve this without using aria-label for the outer anchor tag.
The problem, here, is that JAWS does not consider this element itself, but it is used in the calculation of the text alternative for the link.
To solve this, you can try to remove the redundant text from the img alternative name.
I would make a guess on the pertinence of the image alt here as it is inside a link with other text, so you don't have to describe the image but the purpose of the link.
Of course, if you hadn't said so, I would have suggested to use aria-label.
See the following page:
In the above example, because text within the link provides the content of the image and the function of the link, the image itself can be given an empty alt value. An image within a link is something very specific: you don't have to consider the image alternative but the link alternative.
According to WCAG, when an image is the only element inside a link, it should describe the purpose of the link. When you use aria-hidden=true on the only other element, you fall in this situation. As a consequence: the alt for this image should describe the purpose of the link and you have to forget about the description of the image. That's being said, as this does not work in Jaws/Firefox, if you can remove the redundant part, it's the best option

Bootstrap: Display text on hover image

I am creating a website for the first time with Bootstrap3 and have a page with 3 images which will be links to galleries. These images are not thumbnails.
I have alternative images (B+W) for hovering and so my code currently changes the image from colour to B+W on hover.
I want to be able to also include a text overlay on hover so people will know to click through to the gallery. So, I'm looking to add text on hover to the B+W image. Alternatively, I would make the colour image less opaque and add text to that, if it's easier!
Here's my html code currently.
<img src="landscape.jpg" alt="Landscape" onMouseOver="this.src='landscapebw.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='landscape.jpg'" class="img-circle img-responsive">
Thanks in advance.
try adding a title attribute :
<img src="landscape.jpg" alt="Landscape" onMouseOver="this.src='landscapebw.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='landscape.jpg'" class="img-circle img-responsive">

How do you add alternative text to images in Dokuwiki?

This is my image syntax...
[{{ :image-link.png?200|This is the caption.}}]
Which adds the image, right aligned.
Your help is greatly appreciated... Thank You!
The DokuWiki syntax you quote shows you are using the Image box plugin - which allows a caption, but produces a blank alt tag.
e.g. [{{ :software:contao:contao_install_open_sauce_00.png |Layout -> Themes -> Themes Import}}]
renders the HTML:- <div class="thumb2 tcenter" style="width:100%"><div class="thumbinner"><img exify_intitialized="true" src="/business/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=software:contao:contao_install_open_sauce_00.png" class="mediabox2" alt=""><div class="thumbcaption"><strong>Layout </strong>→<strong> Themes </strong>→<strong> Themes Import</strong></div></div></div>
and creates an boxed image with a caption (Wikipedia style) and an empty alt tag.
So you can not populate an alt field using the Imagebox plugin, but you can populate an alt field using the [built-in image tag] [3]. The alt tag generated by the built-in image tag is populated by the value you give to the (tooltip) "caption".
e.g. {{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png |This is the caption}} (see :wiki:syntax#media_files)
renders the HTML <img exify_intitialized="true" src="/_media/wiki:dokuwiki-128.png" class="mediacenter" title="This is the caption" alt="This is the caption">
If you want to use both a title tag (tooltip) and a different alt tag you need to enable HTML in your DokuWiki and add the image using HTML.
What you did should already succeed in providing the image with an alt text (not with a caption!), except that you don't need the external square brakets:
{{ :image-link.png?200|This is the alt-text.}}
If you want a caption instead, you should look at some plugin such as the box plugin.
Finally, if you wanted a link consisting in an image with an alt-text, just use something like
[[|{{ :image-link.png?200|This is the alt-text.}}]]

Can you control pinterest's "find image" results?

Rather than add Pin It buttons through our site, I would like to simply control what images show up in Pinterest's "Find Image" results if a user decides to pin one of our URLs.
As of now, "Find Images" allows the user to scroll through the images it finds on the page so they can select which image to pin. The "found" images start with the first jpg in the html file, I'm assuming (could that be a bad assumption??). On our site, this forces a user to scroll through about 15 navigation and promotion images before arriving at the featured product image. Is there any way to specify this image to show first in those results? Maybe through a meta tag, or by adding a class or id to the element?
Without a public Pinterest API, this seems like just guesswork, but I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this, or solved this. Thanks.
A lot of search results including the Pinterest Help Center talk about using nopin in HTML elements, which is invalid HTML. What they don't document is a data attribute to the same (well formed) effect.
<img src="foobar" data-pin-nopin="true" />
Adding the nopin attribute will exclude the image from appearing on Pinterest:
<img src="..." nopin>
I solved this by simply loading the image before all others in the page. In this case, I gave it width="0" and height="0" (you could also give it style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; top: 0;" just to be sure).
This won't break the page layout, but will force Pinterest to find this image first. The only downside is that the browser will load the page a few milliseconds slower, but if you're reusing this image later in the page anyway, you should make up for lost time then.
Pinterest will find any images from <img> tags (it will ignore CSS background images) that are at least 80px x 80px.
The order the images show up on in the Pinterest list is determined by the order they are specified in the HTML.
As you have discovered, you can alter the CSS of an image to "hide it" without actually hiding it by either moving it off the page with absolute positioning or 0 height and width. Any images that are set to display: none will not be picked up by Pinterest.
You can instruct the share preview to only grab specific images from the page by using the “image_include” configuration option. First, set image_include to your desired class name (id selectors are not allowed, only class selectors), then add that same class name to each of the images on the page that should be grabbed. For image_include, don’t add the ‘.’ selector. Here’s an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
image_include: "at_include"
Once image_include has been defined with a class, add that class to the desired images on the page. In this example, the only images on the page that will be grabbed, will be the images with the at_include class (img1.jpg and img3.jpg).
<img src="" class="at_include" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" class="at_include" />
I was reading this blog which suggests the following:
Use the global no pin flag to prevent pinning on the whole site
Manually add the Pin It widget to those images you want to make pin-able.
Given Pinterest's webmaster tools appear to only have a blacklist, rather than a whitelist option (that you are seeking), this could be a possible solution. Another stated benefit of this is you can also supply suggested pin text through the Pin It widget.
Only downside to this I guess is that it may break the user's own Pin tools. Pinterest does allow you to supply a custom "denied" message, so I guess you can say "please use our site's pin buttons directly".
I've tried this, and it works. It seems like a decent approach, at least until Pinterest sees fit to add some better tools, such as an image whitelist option. The main drawback is needing to add Pin-it buttons on every image you want to enable for your users & your users may be annoyed that they can't pin anything.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark several images on your page as preferred, but you can mark one image to stay at the top of your images when someone pin it. Specify this meta-tag in <head>:
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
I have not found official confirmation for this feature, but it works great with addthis sharing plugin.
Add this script before the actual call to pinterest. And set images that you do not want to show with a class called 'nopin'
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config =
<div id="toolbox" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tumblr"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest"></a>
If anyone is using AddThis, please check this thread:
AddThis has some, uh, unique functionality that affects the image picker presented. As in, when there is only one image on the page, it ignores the defined og:image.
If you set that lone image to be excluded, then the image picker won't show any images for selection.

img tag inside anchor tag... read on

So I have add to cart button, which is comprised of an anchor tag that has an image tag inside it. The anchor tag is using a bunch of javascript effects for mouseover etc that does image swap of this image in question etc.
Now, I have a function "AddCartButton" in my codebehind class that handles click event of this anchor tag. This obviously does not work when javascript is disabled. So I replaced the img tag inside the anchor tag with control, but Those swappings are not working for my though.
What are my options? I want the click to be handled by my C# function irrespective of whether javascript is enabled, and I want the mouseover effect when javascript is enabled.
P.S. It is a repost, but there was only 1 view or something for last post, so I changed the title a lil bit.
<a id = "addcartButton" href = "#" runat = "server" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onserverclick = "AddCartButton" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image1111111111','','../_images/b_addCart_f2.gif',1)">
<img runat = "server" src='../_images/b_addCart.gif' AlternateText="Add to Cart" name="Image1111111111" width="106" height="29" border="0" />
So basically I want something that is working even when javascript is disabled. I still want all those mouseover effects etc when javascript is availabel though.
have you looked at ImageButton class?
