Rails current_path Helper? - ruby

I'm working on a Rails 3.2 application with the following routing conditions:
scope "(:locale)", locale: /de|en/ do
resources :categories, only: [:index, :show]
get "newest/index", as: :newest
I've a controller with the following:
class LocaleController < ApplicationController
def set
session[:locale_override] = params[:locale]
redirect_to params[:return_to]
I'm using this with something like this in the templates:
= link_to set_locale_path(locale: :de, return_to: current_path(locale: :de)) do
= image_tag 'de.png', style: 'vertical-align: middle'
= t('.languages.german')
I'm wondering why there doesn't exist a helper in Rails such as current_path, something which is able to infer what route we are currently using, and re-route to it include new options.
The problem I have is using something like redirect_to :back, one pushes the user back to /en/........ (or /de/...) which makes for a crappy experience.
Until now I was storing the locale in the session, but this won't work for Google, and other indexing services.
I'm sure if I invested enough time I could some up with something that was smart enough to detect which route matched, and swap out the locale part, but I feel like this would be a hack.
I'm open to all thoughts, but this SO question suggests just using sub(); unfortunately with such short and frequently occurring strings as locale short codes, probably isn't too wise.

If you are using the :locale scope, you can use url_for as current_path:
# Given your page is /en/category/newest with :locale set to 'en' by scope
url_for(:locale => :en) # => /en/category/newest
url_for(:locale => :de) # => /de/kategorie/neueste

In case somebody looks here, you can use request.fullpath which should give you all after domain name and therefore, will include locale.


How to fix FriendlyID duplicate content for :id and :slug

FriendlyID is consistently showing duplicate content for both /slug and /1. In other words, the correct page is loading for the friendly slug (/new-york), but it's loading the same content for the old, unfriendly slug (/11).
Here's my current configuration:
resources :groups, path: ''
get 'groups/:id' => redirect("/%{id}")
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]
def show
#group = Group.friendly.find(params[:id])
As a potential workaround, I've found putting this in my controller does redirect the bad slugs (/11) to the good slugs (/new-york), but it feels wrong for many reasons (routing outside routes.rb, likely unintended consequences, complex solution for a common problem = probably not the right one).
if request.path != group_path(#group)
return redirect_to #group, :status => :moved_permanently
What is the right way to make FriendlyID either (1) redirect :id calls to :slug or (2) simply 404 them?
Thanks to this fantastic comment on Medium, I now have a fully functional and very elegant solution which solves my initial problem (duplicate pages with /new-york and /11) as well as allowing two root-level slug structures to coexist.
get '/:id', to: 'groups#show', constraints: proc {|req| FriendlyId::Slug.where(sluggable_type: 'Group').pluck(:slug).include?(req.params[:id])}, as: :group
get '/:id', to: 'custom_pages#show', constraints: proc {|req| FriendlyId::Slug.where(sluggable_type: 'CustomPage').pluck(:slug).include?(req.params[:id])}, as: :custom_page

routing resources with a wild card

I have this routing
scope "/api", MosaicApi do
pipe_through :api
# resources "/cards", CardController, except: [:new, :edit]
resources "/estimates/:product", EstimateController, except: [:new, :edit]
Initially I used the generated CardController and things worked (at least POST/create did), but now I want to generalise as Card is a product type and I have a variety of other products that need to expose the exact same CRUD operations. So I am trying to morph Card* to Estimate*
In EstimateController I now have this
defmodule Api.CardController do
use Api.Web, :controller
alias Api.Card
def create(conn, %{"product" => product}) do
|> render("result.json", product: product)
What I want to do is pattern match on product to bring into scope the relevant Struct (Card, ...), but I've got stuck as the code above yields this error
undefined function Api.EstimateController.init/1 (module Api.EstimateController is not available)
I'm confused as init is not mentioned in http://www.phoenixframework.org/docs/controllers at all
Other indications that things are mostly good
mix phoenix.routes
page_path GET / Api.PageController :index
estimate_path GET /api/estimates/:product Api.EstimateController :index
estimate_path GET /api/estimates/:product/:id Api.EstimateController :show
estimate_path POST /api/estimates/:product Api.EstimateController :create
The function init/1 is defined in https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix/blob/v1.1.4/lib/phoenix/controller/pipeline.ex#L98
def init(action) when is_atom(action) do
It looks like you are not calling use Phoenix.Controller in your EstimatesController.
Usually this is done with:
use Api.Web, :controller

Figuring out rails routes, getting undefined method for my detail_path

My data of a datatable:
def data
theusers.map do |usermap|
link_to(usermap.gobtpac_username, detail_path(usermap.spriden_id))
the above code resides in app\datatables\helpdesk_datatable.rb
The above works mostly I know it is getting the data, the error I get is with the detail_path
Error on "undefined method" for detail_path... This means it is not building the router dynamically right, correct?
Or I am passing in the wrong thing I tried to pass in usermap.spriden.id and just banner user, same issue. I am really not sure how routes work apparently. I have a details_controller.rb in controllers that has a show method in it and i have the views/details/show.html.erb which will show the data that was passed into the route, at least I thought. But is it just an ID or an object? so if it just an id i have to look it up again in
the show method right? How do routes like this look? I am using devise and cancan too here is my routes file:
NmsuMyaccount::Application.routes.draw do
authenticated :user do
root :to => 'home#index'
match 'home', :to => 'home#index', :via => :get
#get 'show-details' => "details#show", as: 'show_details'
resources :details
devise_for :users
resources :users
# In order for an unauthorized user access this controller#action, this needs to be in a scope, but I don't know why.
devise_scope :user do
match 'home', :to => 'home#index', :via => :get
Also hitting the end point localhost:3000 is an error, I have to goto /home, although devise does work just fine. So thought I was close but for the life of me cannot get the detail_path to work, and I thought it was a plural issue so tried details, and just detail no path etc. No dice.
I don't believe that you have access to the route helpers that Rails provides inside your custom class. So you have to manually include the module inside your class. Something like:
link_to(usermap.gobtpac_username, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.detail_path(usermap.spriden_id))
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
# Use it like you are using.
See here for more information about the subject:
Can Rails Routing Helpers (i.e. mymodel_path(model)) be Used in Models?

Rails Link Helpers not getting localised inside .text.erb files?

I have this action inside a mailer template in Ruby on Rails 3.2:
# password_reset.text.erb
<%= edit_password_reset_path(#user.password_reset_token) %>
Unfortunately, when I hit that link I get a strange routing error:
No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"password_resets", :locale=>"Ze92D45dUPpfwsgbFmpYeg"}
It is strange that the locale seems to contain the password_reset_token here rather than the locale (e.g. en or de).
So I guess that edit_password_reset_path is not getting localised automatically and that is causing the error?
How could that be fixed?
Here's some more info:
class PasswordResetsController < ApplicationController
def edit
#user = User.find_by_password_reset_token!(params[:id])
# routes.rb
scope '(:locale)' do
resources :password_resets
You need to send the token as a query param:
edit_password_reset_path(#user, password_reset_token: #user.password_reset_token)
# Passing in the #user fulfills the :id section of the url.
By doing edit_password_reset_path(#user.password_reset_token) you are providing the reset token to the :locale section.
To provide locale as well:
edit_password_reset_path(#user, locale: "de", password_reset_token: #user.password_reset_token)

How to have a gem controller handle multiple arbitrary models?

I have four models that I allow commenting on by four separate comment controllers. Those four comment controllers do essentially the same thing and vary only slightly.
In an attempt to remove duplication of the four commenting controllers which are essentially all the same, I've created a Rails Engine as a gem to arbitrarily handle commenting on any arbitrary model that I specify in the routes.rb.
So in my routes.rb file I can now use:
comments_on :articles, :by => :users
with comments_on implemented as follows in my gem:
def comments_on(*resources)
options = resources.extract_options!
[snip of some validation code]
topic_model = resources.first.to_s
user_model = options[:by].to_s
# Insert a nested route
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources topic_model do
resources "comments"
The routes show up in 'rake routes' and requests correctly get routed to my gem's 'CommentsController' but that's where my gem's functionality ends.
What is the best way detect the context in my gem CommentsController so I can process requests specific to how comments_on was called?
More specifically, how would I implement an index action like the following, having it context aware?
def index
#article = Article.find(params[:article_id])
#comments = ArticleComment.find(:all, :conditions => { :article_id => #article.id })
Thanks for the help!
You could specify the topic as an extra parameter in your routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources topic_model do
resources "comments", :topic_model => topic_model.to_s
Then your controller could be written like this:
def index
#topic = topic
#comments = topic.comments
def topic
m = params[:topic_model]
You could move a lot of the logic out of the controller and into the model as well. topic.comments could be a named scope that all of these models should implement.
I've done similar patterns in the past and there's usually an edge-case that breaks this idea down and you end up doing more 'meta' programming than is wise.
I'd recommend making a base controller, then making simplistic controllers that inherit from that, or try to split these common behaviors into modules.
