Enable Edit Menu for NSTableView - macos

I'm new in cocoa but with some experience with Cococa-Touch. As I am developing a OSX Lion app that uses tables (NSTableView and NSOutlineView), I am having troubles trying to add copy-paste features to tables.
I have no problems with drag-n-drop features that I have coded in table view controllers. But I cannot make edit menu options (copy and paste) enable.
I did read apple documents, but I'm missing something. I can't make it work. Can you please guide me with the first steps to enable that edit menu options and attend them from table view's controller?

I have solved it, so I answer my own question.
I have subclassed NSTableView and NSOutlineView and, in the new class, included the methods: -validateUserInterfaceItem: , copy: and so on. I was erroneously expecting to receive actions in Table Delegates.


NSPredicateEditor row templates not configurable in interface builder

I'm creating an assistant sheet in my storyboard in interface builder. The viewController contains an NSPredicateEditor and is connected to a property of the viewController using cocoa bindings.
However, I'm not able to properly configure the row templates. When I uncheck one of the predicate operators, I'm not able to re-enable them, nor I'm able to use any of the other provided operators.
Doesn't Xcode support NSPredicateEditor anymore, or am I doing anything wrong here? Just to be clear, I'm not having any code jet.
This is a bug in Xcode. I tried this with and without storyboards and had to force quit Xcode in both cases while configuring the binding. Close and open the project and try to modify the row template before doing anything else.

Add a second UIViewController within a single-view application

I have a single-view application open. I need to have two storyboard views (UIViewControllers), because one is a Table View, but when one of the Table View elements is selected it brings up another screen with a normal UIViewController. Is there any way of creating a second storyboard view (UIViewController)?
Of course! Those templates Xcode provides are in no way "set-in-stone". When Xcode created your Single-View Template, it just gave you a base for creating something more. You can create additional classes, view controllers, views, and resources (other than what Xcode starts you off with in a few ways).
To add another View Controller to your Storyboard, just drag and drop one from the Object Library:
It seems like you do not have a basic understanding of using or developing with Xcode. I would recommend reading over all of Apple's documentation on Xcode before going any further. The Building A User Interface section may be of particular interest to you.

Moving from one viewcontroller to another viewcontroller in Mac OS X using Xamarin.Mac

I am a complete newbie in Mac development. I want to achieve the following functionality :-
I have a view with a two textfields and a login button.When the user clicks on login button another view should open.
Now my main view is in MainWindow.xib file..
I added another view using
Add-> New File-> Xamarin.Mac-> Cocoa View with controller, which generated the following files:-
1.) NewView.cs
2.) NewView.xib
3.) NewViewController.cs
After searching quite a lot on net i did not get the exact way to achieve this functionality. I referred this thread
Easy Switching of "View Controllers" in Mac Apps (similar to iOS)
but could not get the much out of it. Can someone tell me how to simply navigate from one view controller to another using Xamarin.Mac and where what code is to be written??
Any links,code snippet or sample code will be of great help!!
Thanks a ton in advance!
Here is the answer :-
If you want to switch from one view to another below code snippet shows how to add and remove views:-
Write the below two lines in your Action of login button.
Previous view will be removed and new view i.e SecondView will be added.
this.View.Superview.AddSubview(new SecondViewController().View);

Cocoa how to handle multiple views?

I'm have done some development on iOS using Storyboards. Now I'm building on app for Mac OS X and it seems that an equivalent for Storyboards does not exists.
For instance, I'm need to build some kind of wizard, which contains four different windows or views (step 1 to 4).
Currently I've created one Window xib (the standard MainMenu.xib), containing a window with the first view, and three other custom views. Using this approach, I can create outlets and actions, making me able to change the contentView of my window, e.g. when clicking an button. This seems as a fair solution, and my views are all grouped cleanly inside a single xib. But this also cause that the logic for all the view should be handled by the same File's Owner, right? For instance saving the settings on each step and controlling the interaction between the different views.
How is the preferred way to handle a situation like this? Should I instead create four different windows, and maybe in four different xib-files? If you know an sample project somewhere from the internet showing how to handle multiple windows, please give me a hint.
You can make use of the NSViewController class for this purpose. Each view controller will be responsible of loading a xib associated with it and all logic associated with the views can go inside the controllers (Same as in iOS). The MainMenu.xib can now load appropriate views after initialising the required view controllers.
Here is a sample app for your reference.
In xcode, go to File->New->New File
Add an objective C class and set it to subclass of "NSViewController".
This will itself create yourController.h, yourController.m and yourController.xib.
Now you can keep your view and its controller class seperate.

Adding Custom Objects in Xcode 4.3

I'm working with Objective-C and Xcode for about a year. I customise a lot of generic objects. Few days ago one of my friend asked me a question, but I couldn't answer him. So I try to do something my self. For example:
I created this Custom View:
How can I add this View to the Object Library?. Here:
I don't really know why do I need this. But I decide to figure out how to do this. I hope you could help me with this.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this will work. You are putting buttons on "top" of a custom view placeholder. The custom view placeholder is used to be able to use - yeah you guessed right - custom user defined views.
So of which class would your view-with-5-buttons-on-top be? I think you are running into a dead end, because that's just not the way to do it in Xcode. If you want to design your custom view graphically, just create a NIB file for it.
I don't think that you can add your own view objects into the object library. Everything I know of are user-defined code snippets which will show up on the right.
There were things called IB plugins in Interface Builder and Xcode versions prior to 4.
Those were discontinued in Xcode 4 as can be read here for example :
Further searches for IB plugin gives a lot more guys telling the same.
