Sqlite view vs plain select statement performance - performance

I have a simple table (with about 8 columns and a LOT of rows) in a SQLite database. There is a single program that runs as a service and performs selects, updates and inserts on the table quite often (approximately every 5 minutes). The selects are used only to determine which rows are to be updated, and they are based on a column that holds boolean values (probably translated to integer internally by SQLite).
There is also a web application that performs selects (always with a GROUP BY clause) whenever a web user wishes to view part of the data.
There are two ways to ask for data through the web application: (a) predefined filters (i.e. the where clause has specific conditions on 3 specific columns) an (b) custom filters (i.e. the user chooses the values for the conditions, but the columns participating in the where clause are the same as in (a)). As mentioned, in both cases there is a GROUP BY operation.
I am wondering whether using a view or a custom function might increase the performance. Currently, a "custom" select may take more than 30 seconds to complete - and that's before any data has been sent back to the user.
Using EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN on a "predefined" select statement yields only one row:
0|0|TABLE mytable
Using EXPLAIN on the same query, yields the following:
The select I used was as the following
COUNT(*) as number,
SUM(CAST(filter2 +30 AS float)) as column2
(filter1 > '123456789' AND filter2 > 180)
OR filter3=1
number DESC, field1;

Whenever you're going to be doing comparisons of a non-primary-key field, it's a good design idea to add an index into to the field(s). Too many, however, can cause INSERTs to crawl, so plan accordingly.
Also, if you have simple fields such as ones that only hold a boolean value, you may want to consider declaring it as an INTEGER instead of whatever you declared it as. Declaring it as any type not specifically defined by SQLite will cause it to default to a NUMERIC type which will take longer to compare values because it will store it internally as a double and will use the floating-point math processor instead of the integer math processor.
IMO, the GROUP BY sorting directive is sometimes a dead giveaway to an unoptimized query; its methodology involves eliminating redundant data which could have been eliminated beforehand if it hadn't been pulled out of the database to begin with.
I saw your query and saw there are some simple things you can do to optimize it:
SUM(CAST(filter2 +30 AS float)) is inefficient; why are you casting it as a float? Why not just SUM it then add 30 * the COUNT?
filter1 > '123456789' - Why the string comparison? Why not just use integer comparison?


JPA #Query count AND select

I have a somewhat complicated #Query in a JpaRepository.
I need to get the results of this query in two forms (but not at the same time!):
First, the client asks for a count of the number of results: SELECT COUNT(x.*) FROM my_table x ...
Then later (maybe), they want to see the actual data: SELECT x.* FROM my_table x ...
What follows (the ...) is identical for both queries. Is there any way to combine these so that I don't repeat myself?
I know I could just use the second method, and count the number of elements in the resulting List. However, this adds the overhead of actually fetching all those elements from the database.
I could put the ... in a String constant somewhere, but that kind of separates it from its context (I'd lose IntelliJ's syntax highlighting/error checking)
I can't convert it to a Criteria or Example query, because I need to use PostGIS's geography type. (And these are less readable anyway...)
Any other ideas?
If your worries is about some developer change the COUNT query and forgot to change the SELECT query too, you can create a repository integration test to guarantee the expected result between the two queries.
Another alternative is create a unit test to read the annotation content and verify if the final of these two queries are equal.

Oracle database help optimizing LIKE searches

I am on Oracle 11g and we have these 3 core tables:
I have about 60 million rows on each of the tables and the data is a mix of US and Canadian population.
I have a front-end application that calls a web service and they do a last name and partial zip search. So my query basically has
They typically provide the first 3 digits of the zip.
The address table has an index on all street/city/state/zip and another one on state and zip.
I did try adding an index exclusively for the zip and forced oracle to use that index on my query but that didn't make any difference.
For returning about 100 rows (I have pagination to only return 100 at a time) it takes about 30 seconds which isn't ideal. What can I do to make this better?
The problem is that the filters you are applying are not very selective and they apply to different tables. This is bad for an old-fashioned btree index. If the content is very static you could try bitmap indexes. More precisely a function based bitmap join index on the first three letter of the last name and a bitmap join index on the postal code column. This assumes that very few people with the whose last name starts with certain letters live in an are with a certain postal code.
CREATE BITMAP INDEX ix_customer_custname ON customer(SUBSTR(cn.lname,1,3))
FROM customer c, customername cn
WHERE c.customerid = cn.customerid;
CREATE BITMAP INDEX ix_customer_postalcode ON customer(SUBSTR(a.postalcode,1,3))
FROM customer c, address a
WHERE c.customerid = a.customerid;
If you are successful you should see the two bitmap indexes becoming AND connected. The execution time should drop to a couple of seconds. It will not be as fast as a btree index.
You may have to play around a bit whether it is more efficient to make one or two indexes and whether the function are helpful useful.
If you decide to do it function based you should include the exact same function calls in the where clause of your query. Otherwise the index will not be used.
DML operations will be considerably slower. This is only useful for tables with static data. Note that DML operations will block whole row "ranges". Concurrent DML operations will run into problems.
Response time will probably still be seconds not instanteously like a BTREE index.
AFAIK this will work only on the enterprise edition. The syntax is untested because I do not have an enterprise db available at the moment.
If this is still not fast enough you can create a materialized view with customerid, last name and postal code and but a btree index on it. But that is kind of expensive, too.

(var)char as the type of the column for performance?

I have a column called "status" in PostgreSQL. First it used to be "status_id" of type integer. The values were kept on client, so there was no table on the server called statuses where I'd keep those statuses and then do inner join with the first table.
I used to send the ids of the statuses from the client (they had the names on the client). However, at some point I understood I'd better make the server hold those statuses. Not in a separate table but in the first one and I want to make them strings. So the initial table will have a status column of type string (varchar, to be more specific). I read it wouldn't be that slow.
In general, is it a good idea? I suppose it is because doing inner join (in case I'd keep statuses in the separate table) each time is expensive as well as sending ids from the client.
1) The only concern I have is that the column status should be of type char, not varchar. It should make it more effective I suppose. Is that so?
2) If the first case is correct then I'm not sure I'll be able to name all the statuses using exactly the same amount of characters, let's say, 5 characters. Some of them might be longer, some shorter. How can I solve this?
It's not denationalization because I'm talking about 1 single table. There is no and has never been the second table called Statuses with the fields (id, status_name).
What I'm trying to convey is that I could use char(n) for status_name and also add index on it. Then it should be fast enough. However, it might be or not possible to name all the statuses with the certain (n) amount of characters and that's the only concern.
I don't think so using char or varchar instead integer is good idea. It is hard to expect how much slower it will be than integer PK, but this design will be slower - impact will be more terrible when you will join larger tables. If you can, use ENUM types instead.
CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');
name text,
current_mood mood
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Moe', 'happy');
SELECT * FROM person WHERE current_mood = 'happy';
name | current_mood
Moe | happy
(1 row)
PostgreSQL varchar and char types are very similar. Internal implementation is same - char can be (it is paradox) little bit slower due addition by spaces.
I'd go one step further. Never use the outdated data type char(n), unless you know you have to (for compatibility or some rare exotic reason). The type is utterly useless in a modern database. Padding strings with blank characters is nonsense, and if you have to do it, you can do it in a cheaper fashion with rpad() on data retrieval.
SELECT rpad('short', 10) AS char_10_string;
varchar is basically the same as text and allows a length specifier: varchar(n). I generally use just text. If I need to limit the length, I use a CHECK constraint. Here's one example, why.
Whenever you can use a simple integer (or enum) instead, that's a bit smaller and faster in every respect. Consider #Pavel's answer for enum.
As for:
because doing inner join (...) each time is expensive
Well, it carries a small cost, but it's generally cheaper than redundantly saving text representation of the status instead of a much cheaper integer in the main table. That kind of rumor is spread by people having problems understanding the concept of database normalization. The enum type is a compromise here - for relatively static sets of values.

Oracle runtime of comparing numbers versus comparing strings using a LIKE operator

My company database has 20 different string formats for their primary product label. All 20 of them are stored in a separate look-up table
1 are strings starting with 'W'
2 are strings starting with 'TAIC'
3 are strings starting with 'D'
Next to the label attribute is the 'type' attribute, which stores the number related to which prefix the label contains.
I'm tasked with updating one of our modules for better runtime. One of the queries I ran across deals with all labels containing 'TAIC' as the prefix. However, instead of comparing whether the type number is equal to 2, it runs a LIKE operation checking for each label that begins with TAIC.
Now, my question is this -- since my goal is for better run time, would it be wise to switch from the like operator to just a regular equality operation against the type attribute? It seems that running a regular expression-ish operation against a string would be a bit more time consuming, but enough to significantly alter the run time of a system?
In Oracle, both these operations:
FROM mytable
FROM mytable
WHERE type = 2
are sargable, that is able to use an index on the appropriate fields.
The numeric index, however, would be more compact and hence require less time to traverse, so using numeric comparison could increase the query performance.

How to inline a variable in PL/SQL?

The Situation
I have some trouble with my query execution plan for a medium-sized query over a large amount of data in Oracle In order to speed things up, I introduced a range filter that does roughly something like this:
org_from VARCHAR2 := NULL,
org_to VARCHAR2 := NULL)
-- [...]
JOIN organisations org
ON (cust.org_id = org.id
AND ((org_from IS NULL) OR (org_from <= org.no))
AND ((org_to IS NULL) OR (org_to >= org.no)))
-- [...]
As you can see, I want to restrict the JOIN of organisations using an optional range of organisation numbers. Client code can call DO_STUFF with (supposed to be fast) or without (very slow) the restriction.
The Trouble
The trouble is, PL/SQL will create bind variables for the above org_from and org_to parameters, which is what I would expect in most cases:
-- [...]
JOIN organisations org
ON (cust.org_id = org.id
AND ((:B1 IS NULL) OR (:B1 <= org.no))
AND ((:B2 IS NULL) OR (:B2 >= org.no)))
-- [...]
The Workaround
Only in this case, I measured the query execution plan to be a lot better when I just inline the values, i.e. when the query executed by Oracle is actually something like
-- [...]
JOIN organisations org
ON (cust.org_id = org.id
AND ((10 IS NULL) OR (10 <= org.no))
AND ((20 IS NULL) OR (20 >= org.no)))
-- [...]
By "a lot", I mean 5-10x faster. Note that the query is executed very rarely, i.e. once a month. So I don't need to cache the execution plan.
My questions
How can I inline values in PL/SQL? I know about EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, but I would prefer to have PL/SQL compile my query, and not do string concatenation.
Did I just measure something that happened by coincidence or can I assume that inlining variables is indeed better (in this case)? The reason why I ask is because I think that bind variables force Oracle to devise a general execution plan, whereas inlined values would allow for analysing very specific column and index statistics. So I can imagine that this is not just a coincidence.
Am I missing something? Maybe there is an entirely other way to achieve query execution plan improvement, other than variable inlining (note I have tried quite a few hints as well but I'm not an expert on that field)?
In one of your comments you said:
"Also I checked various bind values.
With bind variables I get some FULL
TABLE SCANS, whereas with hard-coded
values, the plan looks a lot better."
There are two paths. If you pass in NULL for the parameters then you are selecting all records. Under those circumstances a Full Table Scan is the most efficient way of retrieving data. If you pass in values then indexed reads may be more efficient, because you're only selecting a small subset of the information.
When you formulate the query using bind variables the optimizer has to take a decision: should it presume that most of the time you'll pass in values or that you'll pass in nulls? Difficult. So look at it another way: is it more inefficient to do a full table scan when you only need to select a sub-set of records, or to do indexed reads when you need to select all records?
It seems as though the optimizer has plumped for full table scans as being the least inefficient operation to cover all eventualities.
Whereas when you hard code the values the Optimizer knows immediately that 10 IS NULL evaluates to FALSE, and so it can weigh the merits of using indexed reads for find the desired sub-set records.
So, what to do? As you say this query is only run once a month I think it would only require a small change to business processes to have separate queries: one for all organisations and one for a sub-set of organisations.
"Btw, removing the :R1 IS NULL clause
doesn't change the execution plan
much, which leaves me with the other
side of the OR condition, :R1 <=
org.no where NULL wouldn't make sense
anyway, as org.no is NOT NULL"
Okay, so the thing is you have a pair of bind variables which specify a range. Depending on the distribution of values, different ranges might suit different execution plans. That is, this range would (probably) suit an indexed range scan...
WHERE org.id BETWEEN 10 AND 11
...whereas this is likely to be more fitted to a full table scan...
WHERE org.id BETWEEN 10 AND 1199999
That is where Bind Variable Peeking comes into play.
(depending on distribution of values, of course).
Since the query plans are actually consistently different, that implies that the optimizer's cardinality estimates are off for some reason. Can you confirm from the query plans that the optimizer expects the conditions to be insufficiently selective when bind variables are used? Since you're using 11.2, Oracle should be using adaptive cursor sharing so it shouldn't be a bind variable peeking issue (assuming you are calling the version with bind variables many times with different NO values in your testing.
Are the cardinality estimates on the good plan actually correct? I know you said that the statistics on the NO column are accurate but I would be suspicious of a stray histogram that may not be updated by your regular statistics gathering process, for example.
You could always use a hint in the query to force a particular index to be used (though using a stored outline or optimizer plan stability would be preferable from a long-term maintenance perspective). Any of those options would be preferable to resorting to dynamic SQL.
One additional test to try, however, would be to replace the SQL 99 join syntax with Oracle's old syntax, i.e.
SELECT <<something>>
FROM <<some other table>> cust,
organization org
WHERE cust.org_id = org.id
AND ( ((org_from IS NULL) OR (org_from <= org.no))
AND ((org_to IS NULL) OR (org_to >= org.no)))
That obviously shouldn't change anything, but there have been parser issues with the SQL 99 syntax so that's something to check.
It smells like Bind Peeking, but I am only on Oracle 10, so I can't claim the same issue exists in 11.
This looks a lot like a need for Adaptive Cursor Sharing, combined with SQLPlan stability.
I think what is happening is that the capture_sql_plan_baselines parameter is true. And the same for use_sql_plan_baselines. If this is true, the following is happening:
The first time that a query started it is parsed, it gets a new plan.
The second time, this plan is stored in the sql_plan_baselines as an accepted plan.
All following runs of this query use this plan, regardless of what the bind variables are.
If Adaptive Cursor Sharing is already active,the optimizer will generate a new/better plan, store it in the sql_plan_baselines but is not able to use it, until someone accepts this newer plan as an acceptable alternative plan. Check dba_sql_plan_baselines and see if your query has entries with accepted = 'NO' and verified = null
You can use dbms_spm.evolve to evolve the new plan and have it automatically accepted if the performance of the plan is at least 1,5 times better than without the new plan.
I hope this helps.
I added this as a comment, but will offer up here as well. Hope this isn't overly simplistic, and looking at the detailed responses I may be misunderstanding the exact problem, but anyway...
Seems your organisations table has column no (org.no) that is defined as a number. In your hardcoded example, you use numbers to do the compares.
JOIN organisations org
ON (cust.org_id = org.id
AND ((10 IS NULL) OR (10 <= org.no))
AND ((20 IS NULL) OR (20 >= org.no)))
In your procedure, you are passing in varchar2:
org_from VARCHAR2 := NULL,
org_to VARCHAR2 := NULL)
So to compare varchar2 to number, Oracle will have to do the conversions, so this may cause the full scans.
Solution: change proc to pass in numbers
