Hide touch keyboard - windows-phone-7

Is it possible to not show system keyboard, when you tap textbox? Ive created custom keyboard and can work with textblock only, because of this i cant delete just parts of sentence.

If you set IsReadOnly to true then the user can still select the text in a TextBox to copy paste and the OS doesn't show the software input keyboard when selected. You can still alter the contents of the TextBox through code though. Eg;
<TextBox x:Name="ExampleTextBox"
Text="Initial Content"
And in your code behind;
private void ExampleTextBox_GotFocus(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) {
ExampleTextBox.Text += " ... focused!";
Would prevent the user from entering text via the software keyboard but will append "... focused" everytime they give focus to the TextBox. Contrived example, but you get the idea.
The only other thing I'd suggest is to re-style the TextBox. By default when IsReadOnly is set the TextBox will provide visual cues that it can't be modified by the user. Which isn't the case here.

if the user touches the keyboard, the keyboard will get focus.
the only option you as a developer have is to catch it and call this.focus moving focus away from textbox.
This will however mean that there will be a flicker where default keyboard pops up and is hidden.
I know this because i have a keyboard app. There is no other way.


UI Button - activate buttons with keyboard input

this is probably dead easy but I can't find a solution. I made a dialogue system and have a UI-button to click when the player should display a sentence next.
The issue is that the button is only triggered onMouseclick and I would like to change the input button to Enter. Would anyone know how to go about this?
If you need to determine if the button is selected first or not, I suggest you take a look at this page: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/UI.Selectable.IsHighlighted.html
If you don't want pressing the button to have any functionality, you just wouldn't link it to any functions.
Working code might look something like this:
public class selectableExample : Selectable{
BaseEventData _event;
void Update()
if (IsHighlighted(_event) == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown("enter")){
print("replace me with working function"); // whatever you want to have happen on button press
You simply attach this to your button and it should respond the same as being pressed. To be honest, it hardly seems like you actually need a button at all for this though, you'd probably be fine with just a label telling the player to press "Enter" and then simply checking for that input.
You can use the Event Trigger component to use one of the many event types. Select Submit (this is set to enter and return in the input settings at edit>project settings>input by default).
Don't set anything in the OnClick event.
The only thing needed now is to actively highlight the button from somewhere with ReferenceToButton.Select().

Keyboard Extension - Find out if user did Copy/Cut/Select

In Keyboard Extension, in UIInputViewController, I can get notified through textDidChange(textInput: UITextInput) of any change, and use self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBefore/AfterInput to get current text.
Problem arise when user 'select text'. The 'before' and 'after' "sees" only the part before and after selection.
Is there any way to know if user touched any of the Copy-Cut-Select in a textField (given - we don't have access to that field from Keyboard Extension)?
Something like:
if(self.textDocumentProxy.someProperty == UIDocumentProxyTextCut)
Or any other way to know which of the UITextField action (Copy/Cut/Select) did the user took?
I think we can not find out if user touched on Copy/Cut/Paste menu
Because a custom keyboard can draw only within the primary view of its
UIInputViewController object, it cannot select text. Text selection is
under the control of the app that is using the keyboard. If that app
provides an editing menu interface (such as for Cut, Copy, and Paste),
the keyboard has no access to it. A custom keyboard cannot offer
inline autocorrection controls near the insertion point.
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/Keyboard.html
I saw self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput is always NIL. Who know why?
How can we know where the cursor is to provide suggestion for user?

Showing message without any buttons in Windows Phone

I would like to create an info message box in Windows Phone.
It should look like a single text message, that's shown on screen for X seconds, and I doesn't have any confirmation buttons
as MessageBox.Show() does. It would be used to show user some messages about the app progress, like "file download started",
or "preferences saved".
I've tried to create something like that, using Popup element, but it seems a bit different of what I want to
With the popup I can create something like that
canvas.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(popupCloseEvent);
For example, which closes this popup when user taps it.
or something similar. (Maybe can implement a timer there to close it after a few secs)
Are there better ways to create such thing?
You could use the either the Message Dialog or Overlay controls in the Coding4Fun toolkit.
Found here: http://coding4fun.codeplex.com/
They are really simple and easy to use controls.
Try this
In Xaml:
<Popup Tap="Popup_Tap"></Popup>
In code behind:
private void Popup_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
(sender as Popup).IsOpen = false;
I hope it helps.

How do I not show the paste bar / Clear the clipboard?

I'm writing a Silverlight+XNA game and when the user has something in their clipboard they can see less of the screen. I'd really like to be able to not show this clipbaord but I can't see any way (though it does seem to go away after some amount of time)
I've tried an empty string and Clipboard.SetText(null) but that throws an exception.
Unfortunately, there is no way to either clear the clipboard from code or influence the display of the SIP beyond setting an InputScope.
The best you can do for now is to update your design to allow for the amount of space which the SIP may use. :(
While more complicated, you could create your own text input keys as buttons, and instead of using a textbox, use buttons templated to look like textblocks, with background as you show above, and all... When the user taps the "button" that is a "textblock", you set a flag that says which textblock the keypad buttons send their numbers to.
Or, if the only spot you are sending inputs to (as it appears now that I look at your UI again), there is no need for the button template as the input space, or the flag. Just create buttons for user to tap for input, and send that input to the textblock that appears to be where your answer is. You could make the buttons whatever size you want, that way, as well, so you control how much of the screen is visible. Another thing you could do is make the buttons semi-transparent, so you could have even more background image showing.
Another thought - send the buttons all to the same event handler (except the backspace button), and have the code for that event handler look like this:
Button btn = sender as Button;
textblock.Text += btn.Content;

Esc and Enter keys in Cocoa dialog

How can I dismiss dialog in Cocoa application when user presses Esc or Enter key? I have OK button, is it possible to make it default button?
If you present the alert panel using the NSAlert class or, NSRunAlertPanel family of functions, or the NSBeginAlertSheet family of functions, you will get support for default and cancel buttons automatically.
If you're presenting a sheet that needs OK/Cancel buttons, and you're not using any of the above, you should be able to assign your buttons appropriate keyboard equivalents in Interface Builder using the attributes inspector. (Just highlight the Key Equiv. area and press the key you want to be equivalent to pressing that button.)
If you're presenting a dialog that's not either an alert or a document/window-modal sheet — don't. :) Document-modal alerts aren't Mac-like, and shouldn't be used for things like preferences windows.
Just assign the "escapeKey" or "cancelKey" in the IB in the property "key equivalent" for the buttons you want and it will work fine. Also if you assign that keys the buttons gets a different highlighting.
