MEF + MVC3 - Showing view always fail -

I'm trying to use MEF + MVC3.
I have 2 projects. One where I should "dynamically" render the other modules and I call it Shell. The second project is where I have a certain module, that I want to load inside Shell.
I was able to dynamically instantiate one controller from the module, using MEF, but everytime it redirects to the View it fails to find it.
Do I have to "copy+paste" the Views from all my modules/plugins to my Shell? Or there is any other solution?

You need to copy the .cshtml (or .aspx) view files to the actual application directory.
Views are not compiled into projects; instead, they are read from the web application directory at runtime.
If you want to, you can make your own VirtualPathProvider that reads views from something else.

If you are using .aspx files then you need to make them an embedded view.


Extjs projects binding at runtime

I have three different Extjs projects, all the three using MVC architecture. Out of these three one is going to be common to the other two projects. I would want the common project to be controlling and deciding which project to be loaded. But however I also want to separate the project codes and not have them binded together in a single project. is it possible ? if so how ?
In Simple Words how can i access few js files in extjs which is not inside the app folder.
We can use the Paths{} attribute inside Ext.loader to set a different path apart from the app path to access files outside app folder. The appFolder attribute of app.js is set to app by default. You can also change that to map a different app path. You can verify these in Sencha Docs.

How to prevent a new controller from creating a new folder for its views in the Views folder?

I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC 5 application, where folders are organized by feature (ViewModels, Controllers, and Views are grouped together). I was able to override all default folder paths and manage all routing successfully. However, every time I create a new controller, Visual Studio creates a new Views folder and a child folder with controller name, which is a little bit annoying but that's fine.
Now, when I create another controller, I'm getting this error, because Visual Studio created the Views folder again, which is hidden now (excluded from the project). To fix this, I have to include the Views folder in the project and delete it after I create the controller.
Does anybody know any way to prevent this?
There was an error running the selected code generator: 'A file or
folder with the name 'Views' already exists on disk at this location.
Please choose another name.
If this file or folder does not appear in the Solution Explorer, then
it is not currently part of your project. To view files which exist on
disk, but are not in the project, select Show All Files from the
Project menu.
Instead of using visual studio's Add -> Controller which generates the undesired view folder, create your controller using Add -> Class. Name the class conventionally with a Controller suffix and subclass Controller like this MyController : Controller.

Running ASP.NET on Mono Resource Access Errors

Summary of Solutons: The core issue was that I had my resx files in subfolders within App_LocalResources and App_GlobalResources. Separating things into folders is fine on .NET but Mono only looks at the files in those folders ignoring any sub folders.
Issue #2 works only at runtime. In other words the Resources namespace can be used in the aspx or in code in a script block in the page but not in the code behind. It seems that I've never used the Resources namespace in the code-behind proper so all 3 of my issues are solved.
I have an ASP.NET application I was previously working on on .NET on a PC and am trying to move over to a Mac to develop using Mono and MonoDevelop. The application utilizes the App_GlobalResources and App_LocalResources folders. The application worked on .NET but does not function properly on Mono as I will outline. The version information is below:
OS: Mac OS 10.8.2
Mono: 2.10.9
ASP.NET: 4.0.30319.1
MonoDevelop: 3.0.5
I've tagged this with MonoDevelop because I'm not sure what server is being used and whether it is a part of MonoDevelop or Mono itself or is separate. I'm not familiar enough yet with Mono and it's parts...
The issues I'm having revolve around accessing resources and I'm having various related issues which I'll outline below:
Issue 1: meta:resourcekey doesn't work and "a resource object was not found at the specified virtualPath." error
I have App_LocalResources folders and resx files for each page at the root of the application as well as in sub-folders where page localization is required. Elements on the page that have a meta:resourcekey attribute do not have the relevant property assigned the value in the resx file.
So for example I have: /Site/Home.aspx with a /Site/App_LocalResources/Home folder which contains home.aspx.resx and related translations
N.B. as I was writing this I realised the names don't match up with regards the files case, but that is not the issue, I've tested with another page in the same folder and it doesn't render out the resource values.
The page in question has no code behind.
A different page in the root of the application called PageNotFound.aspx has related resx files in /App_LocalResources/PageNotFound/PageNotFound.aspx.resx
This page content is basically as follows (if I remove both the page renders)
<h2><asp:Literal runat="server" meta:resourcekey="PageNotFound" /></h2>
<% string message = GetLocalResourceObject("Sorry.Template").ToString(); %>
I get the same error whether I remove the first or the second of these lines. The error starts:
System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: A resource object was not
found at the specified virtualPath at
If I remove the first line is actually builds and tries to render the page but crashes giving the above error.
If I remove the second line I get the error as well but it is while the page is being parsed and the runtime is trying to build the page class.
So for one page is seems build and run with meta:resourcekey attributes but isn't binding the resource value to the properties of the underlying controls, on another page it seems to crash trying to access the resources. The odd thing is the page that crashes is a very simple page without a master page and it basically only has the above content, the other page is quite complex with a master page and it renders (i.e. no parser error) but without the resourcekey values assigned....
The only differences that I can see are that one page is in the root directory and no master page, the other is in a sub folder and has a master page? Go figure! Any ideas?
Issue 2: Resources namespace doesn't exist
If I access a page that uses the 'Resources' namespaces that is available in .NET, I get a runtime compilation error, as in the app builds when compiled, but as the page is parsed and compiled it causes a (runtime) exception...
Compilation Error: CS0103: The name 'Resources' does not exist in the current context
The code would be in the code behind: (EDIT: The following line I think, was me testing, my code never uses this namespace in a code behind (compile time) class. Once the global resources functioned then the namespaces worked at runtime, but not in scenarios where the namespace needs to be verified at compile time as outlined in the summary at the top of the question)
msg.Subject = Resources.EmailResources.Request_SubjectLine
or in a script block in the aspx itself i.e.
<%= Resources.EmailResources.Request_SubjectLine %>
Neither of these types of access to the Resources namespace work. Why does this not work in Mono. Does the Mono framework not generate this stuff for us like .NET does? (I'm fairly sure this namespace hierarchy is generated by the ASP.NET framework on .NET and therefore wonder if this just has not been implemented in Mono?)
Issue 3: GetGlobalResourceObject(...) Call Returns Null
In the code-behind I have calls to GetGlobalResourceObject() which works on .NET, but when I run it on Mono my code is throwing an exception. For example:
hlContact.Text = GetGlobalResourceObject("CommonResources", "Contact").ToString();
My folder structures is:
App_GlobalResources > CommonResources > CommonResources.resx and the designer file (CommonResources.Designer.cs) is there.
The resx files are all marked with build action of "EmbeddedResource", "Do not copy" use the Custom Tool "GlobalResourceProxyGenerator" and have a resource ID that makes sense for each file. (i.e. .App_GlobalResources.CommonResources)
The issue is that GetGlobalResourceObject() returns null... It's not finding the CommonResources resource....
Note that Mono is constructing '*.resource' files in the folder with the resx files.
Issue #1
Apparently mono doesn't search subdirectories for resources, that is you must keep them directly in App_LocalResources or App_GlobalResources. See the relevant part in the mono source code (line 134). If searching subdirectories is an official feature, then this is a bug, and can be easily fixed by changing the aforementioned line.
Issue #2
Works fine here (on linux).
Issue #3
I don't know how exactly you are embedding the resources, a small test project would help. For the App_GlobalResources the framework compiles them at runtime and then GetGlobalResourceObject works fine too.

MVC 4 Web API Template - what can be deleted

Using VS2010, creating a new MVC 4 Web API project. Just wondering, can the .js-files in the Script folder be deleted, or are they somehow related to the magic beneath? How about those cshtml- files in the Views folder, I can't see that they are necessary for a REST-service, or again, are they part of the underlying technology. My guess, it can all be deleted safely - but just to be sure...
Bonus question (while I'm here): recommendations for unit- and integrationtesting REST-services, got any?
Thank you.
If your project only exposes a series of WebAPI controllers then that implies that your project will never serve actual HTML-based content. Thus, you can safely delete all files related to that content, such as:
HTML files (.cshtml)
JavaScript files (.js)
CSS style sheets (.css)
Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)

ASP.NET MVC3 project does not always publish all views/content

This is crazy, but I can't seem to get all my views/content/scripts published when I publish the site. This seems to happen, I believe, when the view or content is not directly referenced by my project, but used by another assembly in my project. So I might have:
ExternalAssembly.dll referenced (it gets published)
I'll need ExternalLogin.cshtml in my main project, under my views folder
ExternalLogin.cshtml doesn't get published
Right now I have a script that copies everything in the Views folder and dumps it to where I want it deployed, but VS should do this for me. What am I doing wrong?
When you click on one if these files what is the build action for it on the properties? Content....or? Set to content.
So your views files are in another project or folder outside your current project? Normally the files have to exist in the web site project, in it's views folder, not externally, and the build action should be set to Content and not to copy to the output folder. But there are some workarounds:
Duplicate them in to your site views folder and make sure they are marked content (as stated in another answer). One thing to note though is that you can add them as "Linked Files" in visual studio which actually allows them to exist in two places in the hierarchy without having to exist in two places on disk:
If you have control over the external library, you can compile them in as embedded resources or use Razor Generator or something similar and use a custom view engine to return them: How can I make ASP.NET MVC 3 use views (aspx, ascx) files from an external assembly in my website?
Manually put the copies in the .csproj build XML using the Copy task: (Note that this will make it work in visual studio doing essentially what you are doing now, as it will then be part of the Visual Studio build if you add it to the AfterBuild target or something)
