How to record using jmeter Http proxy server with "Automatic proxy configuration URL" (i.e .pac file )in proxy in browser - proxy

In Jmeter, I am not able to record any external website from our company proxy server.
I have to use option "Automatic proxy configuration URL" (i.e one .pac file )in to browser if I dont know how to configure it in Jmeter to do successful recording.
Any idea?

PAC fiels contain javascript which is executed by the browser to decide which proxy URL they want to use. JMeter is not a browser so it does not run this code. The solution is simply to resolve which proxy this script returns and input this value into JMeter directly, you can do this using the dev tools on most browsers, or just ask the IT dept. that maintains the thing to tell you the direct address.

Same question with solution in Jmeter mailing archive.
Jmeter: Using a Proxy Server.


How to bypass proxy for JMeter recording?

I am not able to record the JMeter script because the Organization's proxy settings in the browsers blocking the JMeter to record the network calls. I am not allowed to change the Organizations default proxy settings in the browsers.
How can I bypass this proxy settings and record the JMeter script?
Also when I manually add the API calls in the JMeter and execute, it gives me the response of Organizations default proxy html message page. I added the Organizations proxy details in the Http request Proxy Server tab which is also failing.
You can use a browser which have its own proxy configuration like Firefox, a fresh installation should not be impacted with your organization policies. Alternatively if you're allowed to install browser extensions you can use i.e. JMeter Chrome Extension. And finally it's possible to export recorded requests from the "Network" tab of your browser developer tools in form of .HAR file and convert this file into a JMeter test script using BlazeMeter Converter
In order to replay the requests via proxy you need to configure JMeter to use this proxy, see Using JMeter behind a proxy for detailed instructions, the easiest way is providing proxy details via command-line arguments like:
jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password

"UnknownHostException" in Jmeter

I just started learning JMeter today. Wrote a simple web test - 10 user, 1 iteration to hit a webpage,
but in the "view result tree" I get "JMeter Response code: Non HTTP response code:"
Thanks in advance for helpers
Most probably you're behind a corporate proxy, your computer is not connected directly to the Internet, it is connected via special machine which grants Internet access to other computers over the network.
You need to make JMeter aware of this proxy, it can be specified at
"Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults)
Via command-line arguments like:
jmeter -H your-proxy-host -P your-proxy-port
Via file like:
More information: Using JMeter behind a proxy
You might give a try using Chrome Plugin of Blazemeter.
Add Blazemeter Plugin to Chrome (You need to create free account on Blazemeter)
Record sample script
Download Script as .JMX
Try executing the script from your local version of JMeter
This helps with automatically recording browser proxies.

Jmeter Script recorder with Firefox not letting user bypass Authentication

I have an issue I'm facing which Jmeter Script recorder and Firefox browser in Windows 10.
I have managed to add a project in Jmeter with the Recorder template and imported the generated
Certificate into the Firefox browser and also changed the proxy settings to point to the port
I have in Jmeter Test script recorder (8888) by changing the proxy to manual configuration.
But when I start recording I get to a point in where I need to authenticate myself at a certain point in a webpage (a prompt showing up) and I also enter the correct credentials but it just keeps redirecting back to the prompt all over again so I can't bypass it.
Are there settings I should change in some of the Jmeter properties files?
I need to say that the computer I'm trying this with has proxy settings which are fixed and cant be changed when looking into wifi settings in control panel
JMeter provides HTTP Authorization Manager to deal with external authentication types like
basic HTTP
So if you want to record the end-to-end flow you need to add properly configured HTTP Authorization Manager to your recording template test plan. The configuration details will differ depending on the server configuration, see Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for more details (you will need this setup in any case for replaying the recorded scripts)
Alternative solutions:
Disable proxy for this particular login request like:
Record all the steps including login - it will produce relevant HTTP Request samplers
Disable proxy
Perform login
Enable proxy
Continue recording
Use a 3rd-party recording solution like JMeter Chrome Extension

How to manage Proxy in Jmeter

I have to do performance test of a web based application through Jmeter. To connect to the application , I have to be in Client VPN and it has specific proxy to connect. The application will NOT work in Local host..
How to perform this? I tried by running Jmeter from command prompt . Please help .
You can configure JMeter to use proxy in 2 ways:
jmeter -H your_proxy_host -P your_proxy_port
Using (the file lives under "bin" folder of your JMeter installation, add the next lines to it:
JMeter restart will be required to pick the properties up.
First check that you have the correct proxy parameters like Proxy Server IP/address,port no,username and password.
Then, in the first HTTP Request, click on advanced tab and there you find Proxy server section.
Fill the required information and run the jmeter. Based on the response you can judge where you are able to send the request via proxy or not.
I have used it with proxy server name with username and pwd. For me it worked, by that I means you can try by whatever information you have.
Then, you can set the properties permanently as suggested by Dmitri. Also, it can be set in HTTP Request Default Config.
Check the below link for more information:-

JMeter : How to record HTTPS traffic?

I'm using Apache JMeter 2.3, which now supports "attempt HTTPS spoofing" under the Proxy Server element.
I've tried this on several different servers, and have had no success.
Has anyone been able to successfully record from an HTTPS source with this setting?
Or barring successfully recording, can anyone share a work-around? When available, I simply have HTTPS turned off at the server level, but this is not always feasible. Thoughts?
Starting from JMeter 3.0 default port for the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is 8888
The easiest way to configure recording is using JMeter Templates feature. From JMeter's main menu select:
File -> Templates -> Recording -> Create
Don't forget to start the recorder :
In JMeter < 4.0, Expand "Workbench", if >= 4.0, ignore this step
Select "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder"
Click "Start" button
You will see a message regarding Root CA Certificate. Click OK:
it is OK, it informs you JMeter has created a Root Certificate Authority that you need to import in your browser to be able to record correctly HTTPS traffic.
To Import this Root CA certificate in Firefox (it is located in jmeter/bin folder) for example:
Configure browser to use JMeter as proxy:
It is now Ok.
You can navigate to your application, samplers will be created under "Recording Controller" which is under "Thread Group" element
While the JMeter proxy already has the ability to record HTTPS requests, a Chrome Extension that creates JMeter script came out recently:
It uses a BlazeMeter as the middleman (a commercial JMeter in the cloud service) but you can use their free service forever and still use the plugin to record a JMX script and download it locally to your own machine even if you never use any of the paid plans.
What I do is:
Go to my website using my web server's IP-address (i.e.
Start the recorder and run through my test case
Stop recording
Replace all values of the IP address with the domain name (i.e. replace with from the HTTP Request Samplers
Set the protocol to https in the HTTP Request Samplers
If you have more than a few pages, it's easiest to create an HTTP Request Defaults item, and set your domain name and protocol there.
FYI, I'm using the latest stable build as of 2010-05-24: Jmeter 2.3.4 r785646.
The newest version of Jmeter (2.4) now supports HTTPS recording. Rejoice!
More details:
Is there any other way to record HTTPS than Bad boy and Https spoofing?
Yes--use a nightly build of JMeter, e.g. version r922204.
Https recording is successfully working in new version of Jmeter 2.9 as of today. I had to import proxy certificate and play around with Firefox to get this working.
Refer this link for more information
Https recording using Jmeter
Yes, I have used it with "attempt HTTPS spoofing" on. Things are simple enough:
Turn HTTPS Spoofing on (of course).
Make sure that the browser sends Http request to Jmeter, so that Jmeter can record it and then send the encrypted request back to the server. So, the URL in the browser should start with http:// (and not with https://). The details could be found in my blog.
Please let me know if it works for you.
I am using Webscarab to record https and ajax conversations.
It workd fine. I extended the Webscarab with export function for Jmeter.
Bugzilla 48898.
