How to disable NSBox from code - cocoa

I put several controls (button,textfield,...) in a NSBox. is it possible to disable NSBox that user can't access controls (means can't click on button or write in textfield)?
how about nsview ?

An NSBox is basically just a view with a border, there's no way to "disable" it. If you want to disable all the controls in a box, you could loop through all its subviews and disable them , or another way I've done this is to put an overlay view over the whole box and override mouseDown in that overlay (to capture any mouseDown events so they aren't queued in the event loop). You can also give the overlay a semi-transparent white color so the box has a disabled appearance.

Or, if you have a custom NSBox, you can override NSView's -hitTest: (conditionally)
- (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint {
if (!enabled) return nil;
else return [super hitTest:aPoint];
To stop the window from sending events to all your subviews.
To provide visual feedback, conditionally drawing some sort of overlay in the custom NSBox's -drawRect method would work.

Yes, you just need to look at the subviews of the NSBox, which is typically just one NSView, and then your actual controls will be under the subviews of that.
Here's a quick C-style function I wrote to enable/disable most common UI controls, including NSBox...
void SetObjEnabled(NSObject * Obj, bool Enabled)
//Universal way to enable/disable a UI object, including NSBox contents
NSControl * C = (NSControl *)Obj;
if([C respondsToSelector:#selector(setEnabled:)])
[C setEnabled:Enabled];
if([C.className compare:#"NSTextField"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSTextField * Ct = (NSTextField*)C;
[Ct setTextColor:[NSColor disabledControlTextColor]];
else //Enabled
[Ct setTextColor:[NSColor controlTextColor]];
else if([C.className compare:#"NSBox"] == NSOrderedSame)
NSBox * Cb = (NSBox*)C;
//There is typically just one subview at this level
for(NSView * Sub in Cb.subviews)
//Here is where we'll get the actual objects within the NSBox
for(NSView * SubSub in Sub.subviews)
SetObjEnabled(SubSub, Enabled);


NSScrollView always appears on top of other views

No matter what, it seems that my NSScrollViews always appear on top of any other view, even if the other view has been added more recently and should appear on top.
What can I do to get another view (say just a plain NSView) to appear above an NSScrollView?
I finally solved this by setting setWantsLayer to YES (true in this case since I'm using RubyMotion) on the NSScrollView, the NSScrollView's content view and the external view that I want to appear above the NSScrollView.
That solved my problem and allowed other views to appear above the NSScrollView.
So check your xib, and make sure your scrollview is at the topmost of your view hierarchy ("Document Outline"). However, when loaded this doesn't necessarily 100% guarantee that the scrollview will be drawn first. A way to manually force the order you'd like for your views is to programmatically move them around based off tags.
In Interface Builder, in the Attributes Inspector, go to the bottom and find the "View" section. Add a tag to the view, with 0 being the bottom most view you'd like, and going up from there.
Then in your controller, add this method definition & a call to it:
NSComparisonResult compareViews(id firstView, id secondView, void *context) {
NSInteger firstTag = [firstView tag];
NSInteger secondTag = [secondView tag];
if (firstTag == secondTag) {
return NSOrderedSame;
} else {
if (firstTag < secondTag) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
} else {
return NSOrderedDescending;
[self.view sortSubviewsUsingFunction:(NSComparisonResult (*)(id, id, void*))compareViews context:nil];
This will ensure that you have your views in the correct order you'd like

How to control drawing of NSTableView in NSScrollView?

How can I get NSTableView to always show the same columns regardless of the horizontal scroller position? In the rightmost visible column I have custom cell views. I want the horizontal scroller to control what is being drawn in these custom views. The vertical scrolling should work normally.
I have tried several approaches without much success. For example, I can control the knob proportion of the horizontal scroller by making the table view wider, or by making the scroll view think its document view is actually wider than it is. One way is subclassing NSClipView and overriding -documentRect as follows:
-(NSRect)documentRect {
NSRect rect = [super documentRect];
rect.size.width += [[NSApp delegate] hiddenRangeWidth];
return rect;
However, while the scroller knob looks as it should and I can drag it right without moving the table view, when I start scrolling in another direction, the knob returns to the left edge. I also have the problem that I can't get the horizontal scroller to appear automatically. This happens with the original classes as well, not just with my custom clip view. Could these problems be related?
I have also tried replacing the document view with a custom view that acts as a proxy between the clip view and the table view. Its -drawRect: calls the table view's -drawRect:. However, nothing is drawn. I guess this is because the table view now has no superview. If the table view were added to this proxy view as a subview, it would move with it. How would I make it stationary in horizontal axis?
So, to reiterate:
What is the best way to make a table view scrollable, while always showing the same columns regardless of the horizontal scroller position?
What is the best way to get the scroller position and knob proportion? Should I add an observer for the NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification from NSClipView?
I finally managed to solve the problem by letting the scroll view and table view behave normally, and adding an NSScroller. In order to make hiding the scroller easier, I decided to use Auto Layout and add it in Interface Builder. (The Object library doesn't include a scroller, but you can add a custom view and set its class to NSScroller.) I set the height of the scroller as a constraint, and bound the scroller and the constraint to outlets in code:
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet NSScroller *scroller;
#property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *scrollerHeightConstraint;
Now I can make the scroller visible or hide it when necessary:
if (_zoomedIn) {
_scrollerHeightConstraint.constant = [NSScroller scrollerWidthForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize scrollerStyle:NSScrollerStyleOverlay];
[_scroller setKnobProportion:(_visibleRange / _maxVisibleRange)];
[_scroller setDoubleValue:_visibleRangePosition];
[_scroller setEnabled:YES];
} else {
_scrollerHeightConstraint.constant = 0.0;
Here the properties visibleRange, maxVisibleRange and visibleRangePosition are the length of the visible range (represented by the scroller knob), the total range (represented by the scroller slot), and the start of the visible range (the knob position), respectively. These can be read by binding the scroller's sent action to the following method in Interface Builder:
- (IBAction)scrollAction:(id)sender {
switch (self.scroller.hitPart) {
case NSScrollerNoPart:
case NSScrollerDecrementPage:
_visibleRangePosition = MAX(_visibleRangePosition - _visibleRange / _maxVisibleRange, 0.0);
self.scroller.doubleValue = _visibleRangePosition;
case NSScrollerIncrementPage:
_visibleRangePosition = MIN(_visibleRangePosition + _visibleRange / _maxVisibleRange, 1.0);
self.scroller.doubleValue = _visibleRangePosition;
case NSScrollerKnob:
case NSScrollerKnobSlot:
_visibleRangePosition = self.scroller.doubleValue;
NSLog(#"unsupported scroller part code %lu", (unsigned long)self.scroller.hitPart);
// Make the custom cell views draw themselves here.
In order to get the scrolling work with gestures, we need to implement -scrollWheel: in the custom cell view class:
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)event {
if (event.deltaX != 0.0) {
NSScroller *scroller = appDelegate.scroller;
if (scroller.isEnabled) {
double delta = event.deltaX / (NSWidth(scroller.bounds) * (1.0 - scroller.knobProportion));
scroller.doubleValue = MIN(MAX(scroller.doubleValue - delta, 0.0), 1.0);
if (event.deltaY != 0.0) {
[self.nextResponder scrollWheel:event];
I thought I could've just passed the event to the scroller, but apparently it doesn't handle the event. The above code doesn't seem to handle bounce back, and momentum scrolling doesn't always work. Sometimes the knob just halts in the middle of the motion. I believe this has to do with the scroller style being NSScrollerStyleLegacy by default. Setting it to NSScrollerStyleOverlay would require changes to the layout, so I haven't tried it yet.
Another problem is that the scrollers don't blend into each other in the corner like they do in a scroll view (see below). Maybe NSScrollerStyleOverlay would fix this, too.

New 'hideBarsOnSwipe' IOS 8 method affects other view objects

I have been playing around with the new navigationcontroller.hideBarsOnSwipe method and it is really awesome! However, the big downside seems to be that it affects ALL UIView objects in the visible view. To be more presice: when I have a label overlapping my scrollvie/tableview, it recognizes the 'Swipe' gesture and moves the entire view up - would anybody have an idea how to only make this gesture affect the underlying tableview? Thanks!
So the way to fix this in a easy manner, is simply disabling the swipe gesture for certain objects by looking at the recognizer of the object using the following:
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UISwipeGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch {
if( [gestureRecognizer view] == self.(your view object) {
return NO;
return YES;
additionally, you can turn the gesture to false or true depending on what popups are open.

mouseDown: in a custom NSTextField inside an NSTableView

I have a view-based NSTableView. Each view in the table has a custom text field.
I'd like to fire an action when the user clicks on the text field (label) inside the table's view (imagine having a hyperlink with a custom action in each table cell).
I've created a basic NSTextField subclass to catch mouse events. However, they only fire on the second click, not the first click.
I tried using an NSButton and that fires right away.
Here's the code for the custom label:
#implementation HyperlinkTextField
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(#"link mouse down");
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
NSLog(#"link mouse up");
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
return YES;
Had the same problem. The accepted answer here didn't work for me. After much struggle, it magically worked when I selected "None" as against the default "Regular" with the other option being "Source List" for the "Highlight" option of the table view in IB!
Edit: The accepted answer turns out to be misleading as the method is to be overloaded for the table view and not for the text field as the answer suggests. It is given more clearly at but in any case, being more specific feels a bit hacky.
It turned out that NSTableView and NSOultineView handle the first responder status for NSTextField instances differently than for an NSButton.
The key to get the label to respond to the first click like a button is to overwrite [NSResponder validateProposedFirstResponder:forEvent:] to return YES in case of my custom text field class.
The behavior that you're seeing is because the table view is the first responder, which it should be or the row won't change when you click on the label -- this is the behavior that a user expects when clicking on a table row. Instead of subclassing the label, I think it would be better to subclass the table view and override mouseDown: there. After calling the super's implementation of mouseDown:, you can do a hit test to check that the user clicked over the label.
#implementation CustomTable
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint:theEvent.locationInWindow fromView:nil];
NSView *theView = [self hitTest:point];
if ([theView isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
NSLog(#"%#",[(NSTextField *)theView stringValue]);
In the exact same situation, embedding an NSButton with transparent set to true/YES worked for me.
class LinkButton: NSTextField {
var clickableButton:NSButton?
override func viewDidMoveToSuperview() {
let button = NSButton()
//setting constraints to cover the whole textfield area (I'm making use of SnapKit here, you should add the constraints your way or use frames
button.snp_makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in
} = self
button.action = Selector("pressed:")
button.transparent = true
func pressed(sender:AnyObject) {
You use window.makeFirstResponser(myTextfield) to begin editing the text field. You send this message from the override mouseDown(withEvent TheEvent:NSEvent) method

How to put a disclosure triangle's title to the right of the triangle?

In the HIG's example of how to use disclosure triangles, it shows a label directly to the right of the triangle.
However, when I throw one of these onto my view in Interface Builder, the text is centered on top of the triangle. I've searched the NSButton API docs, and poked at everything I can find in IB, but nothing I try will put the text to the right of the triangle. What am I missing?
What I generally do is use 2 buttons: one disclosure button and another button for the label:
While you can use a text field for the label, I prefer using a button and setting the button to call performClick: on the disclosure triangle. This makes for a much larger target area to be able to click on than a tiny triangle. (Users with trackpads will thank you).
To set up the button, change it so it looks like this:
Then set its action:
I'm not sure if there's an actual way to get the button to show both properly (without subclassing I mean), since I've generally just used separate items to give the effect. (I just checked and there is indeed a Carbon disclosure control that has both the triangle and the label built-in).
The Carbon control has the right idea where clicking on the label will automatically trigger the control. In some places (notably the re-written Cocoa Finder), you can see that you don't get that behavior for free (unless you use a button like I've shown). I still have an open bug on that one (rdar://6828042): BugID 6828042: 10.6 (10A335) Finder: Inspector's disclsr. triangle's text label not toggleable". ;-)
Have you tried just using a triangle and using a separate label?
The disclosure triangle widget is drawn by the button's bezel, centered in the available space. To create a disclosure triangle button which also has a title, you just need to subclass NSButtonCell and make sure the bezel is restricted to the left side of the button and that the title avoids the bezel. Then add your button in IB, expand it and set your title, and set the class of the cell. Unfortunately, IB won't know how to display your subclass and will put the triangle in the middle of the button. Just make sure it's big enough.
In Objective-C:
#interface TitledDisclosureTriangleButtonCell : NSButtonCell
#implementation TitledDisclosureTriangleButtonCell
- (NSRect)titleRectForBounds:(NSRect)theRect
NSRect titleRect = [super titleRectForBounds:theRect];
titleRect.origin.x = TRIANGLE_PADDING;
titleRect.size.width = NSWidth(titleRect) - TRIANGLE_PADDING;
return titleRect;
- (void)drawBezelWithFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView
NSRect bezelFrame = frame;
bezelFrame.size.width = TRIANGLE_PADDING;
[super drawBezelWithFrame:bezelFrame inView:controlView];
And in Swift:
class TitledDisclosureTriangleButtonCell: NSButtonCell
override func titleRectForBounds(theRect: NSRect) -> NSRect {
var titleRect = super.titleRectForBounds(theRect)
titleRect.origin.x = TRIANGLE_PADDING
titleRect.size.width = titleRect.size.width - TRIANGLE_PADDING
return titleRect
override func drawBezelWithFrame(frame: NSRect, inView controlView: NSView) {
var bezelFrame = frame
bezelFrame.size.width = TRIANGLE_PADDING
super.drawBezelWithFrame(bezelFrame, inView: controlView)
