How to unistall xcode 4.3.2? - xcode

I need help to unistall xcode 4.3.2
I tried in terminal
sudo Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
but error, please help

Starting with Xcode4.3, just drag the app to the trash to uninstall.

As of Xcode 4.3 I believe (it's recent), Xcode is no longer in /Developer but is now a regular app in OS X ... so to uninstall it, just delete the /Applications/Xcode directory.

The best way to uninstall an Application from Mac is that use "Clean My Mac"
Simply open Clean My Mac, Go to Uninstall Application tab and then drag and drop your application icon to it. Your application will uninstall completely from your Mac.


Terminal does not find the installed Xcode

i have download and installed the Xcode 12.4 from apple site (not apple store) because I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and the latest Xcode version right now requires at-least BigSur 11.0. I have also installed the latest Xcode command line tools.
But when i try to open my react native project in Xcode simulator from terminal using npm run ios it says,
"Xcode needs to be installed (don't worry, you won't have to use it), would you like to continue to the App Store? › (Y/n)"
By the way, I am a new mac user so, i don't know much about it yet. So, any kind of help will be appreciated.
My bad, i have not selected the installed command line tools in Xcode. If anybody got this issue then make sure you also select the installed command line tools. Simply open Xcode, go to preference -> locations -> command line tools.
If you're having this issue, running this in the terminal may fix it for you.
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
Open Xcode
go to settings
go to locations tab
select an Xcode version in the select labeled "Command Line Tools"

Uninstalling Xcode 3.2.6 from Lion 10.7.2

I've installed xCode 3.2.6 on my Lion 10.7.2.
After install I can't find the xCode icon to launch it. I've got to know 3.2.6 doesn't support Lion.
However, the worst thing happen when I tried to uninstall it with
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
Unfortunately uninstall-devtools wasn't there. I'm stuck middle of nowhere.
Does anybody have any idea how to uninstall it and install xCode 4.2?
Following command fire on terminal and remove the all files and folder of xcode
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
also more information and show log of the uninstal so go refrence link here
If /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools does not exist skip that step.
Delete the /Develop folder if it exists.
Install xCode 4.2. Th eXcode icon will be in /Developer/Applications
The Xcode latest beta is even easier to install, get it if you have access.
If you install Xcode 3 from the GUI on Lion, you'll end up with a bunch of random tools but not the actual Xcode Toolset. In that case, you can use the uninstall-dev-tools located in /Library/Developer/Shared (rather than /Developer/Library).
You can fully install XCode 3 on Lion via the Terminal with the following commands:
open "/Volumes/Xcode and iOS SDK/Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg"
careful: if you work in ruby, you better stay with xCode 4.1

Xcode 4.1 can't reinstall. App store says "installed"

Today i update my system to Lion and try to update Xcode.
After downloading from app store i get error.
So i remove my old Xcode 4.0 by this command
/Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
But now in app store i have the status "installed" and can't reinstall my Xcode.
So what i must do?
p.s Trash is clear.
When I downloaded Xcode from the Mac App Store it created an Icon in launchpad called 'Install Xcode' and you're able to kick off the install from there.
My installation failed the first time and I was able to reinstall fine.
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
sudo rm -rf /Developer*
sudo rm -rf /Applications/*
Download & Install "Install" or now just "" from the AppStore again, and run it.
Try a spotlight search for Xcode. I found an Xcode installer app in my applications folder when I did that.
Delete "Applications/Install Xcode" you can then re-install from app store
I had the same problem with other app. Deleted it and could not install again from App Store. The problem was that I had backup copy on the mounted external disk. After I have un mounted the disk with the other copy, App Store let me download the app again. Regarding to what verylastminute wrote - if Appstore can "see" any other duplication file it will not let you re-download.
open terminal window
cd /Applications
sudo rm -rf Install\
After that you should be able to reinstall
I had a similar problem - clicking on Install in the Mac App Store did absolutely nothing. No error messages, no downloads, no install.
I had to all of the following to get the Xcode install to work:
rm ~/Library/Preferences/
rm -r ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/
rm -r /private/var/folders/*/*/*/
Then I deleted my existing '/Developer/', and an existing '/Applications/Install' from a previous version. Even then it didn't work until I restarted my machine!
If you have moved the Install XCode file anywhere else, and even if you have renamed it, Spotlight still shows it being in both the new location and in Applications. You need to delete any duplicates you may have made of the file before App Store will let you download it again.
I had a similar issue. I resolved it by creating another admin account on the computer. Then I installed Xcode using the new admin account.
You haven't installed Xcode, not yet. It's confusing, especially when trying to downgrade from Xcode 4.2 to Xcode 4.1 on Lion, but since the migration to App Store Xcode installs, you "install" the install app, which you then have to run to install xcode.
You've installed "/Applications/Install"
You need to run this to actually get "/Developer", gcc, make, etc
Simple solution : on App Store, instead of going in updates or in installed apps, simply go to "Bought apps" page. On this page, you have the option to update Xcode.
After I have tried all suggestions from this and other forums I finally managed to solve the problem in the following way: I went to the App Store menu Store -> View My Account and it was only there that I saw XCode as available with an "Install" button. Hope this helps.
In my case, on macOS 12.2 Monterey with M1 chip, there was no "Install Xcode" directory. I ran this instead and it worked:
rm -rf /Applications/

Uninstall Xcode 4 when it was installed via the App Store

I understand that those who installed Xcode 4 via the developer site are able to uninstall via /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all, however I installed via the App store and there doesn't seem to be an executable with the word "uninstall" in the name anywhere in the Developer folder at all. Any suggestions on how I should go about uninstalling Xcode 4?
This help for Xcode before MAS install
If you install it from MAS you can remove from launchpad,
but also need to remove some folders** and files created by this app, you can use some helper application that found this files and safely remove it :)
** ex.: ~/Library/Developer, ~/Library/Application Support/Xcode, ~/Library/iPhone Simulator, Logs and etc.
From the above comment, the correct way is to:
Run sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
Delete "/Applications/Install Xcode" if you want the app store to allow you to reinstall it.
If you have installed xcode from Mac App store, then you need to delete it from Launch pad. You can do this by locating xcode icon in launch pad, long click on the icon till it starts dancing. Then delete it and wait for a while till the is deleted from /Application. If you manually delete from /Application, App store will continue to think its installed and will not allow you to reinstall in future.
In our installs of xCode 4 from the App Store, we are able to use:
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-developer-folder
You must uninstall first the
sudo /Library/Developer/Share/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
It might be something else in your particular case so maybe you can try
locate uninstall-devtools to find where the script is placed.
Then you can find the version you need of xcode from
IMPORTANT: If you are going to install a previous version of the Developer Tools, be sure to restart the machine after installing.

Unable to use XCode 4 for launching .xcodeproj

Despite setting XCode (4.0.1) as the default launcher on the info panel of a xcodeproj file and clicking the "Change All" button, xcode projects still seem to launch XCode 3.
My XCode 3.2.5 is installed in /Developer and XCode 4.0.1 in /XCode4
Should this be a problem?
Answering my own question.,
Apparently, renaming /Developer to /XCode3 and /XCode4 to /Developer fixed this.
Not sure if anyone else have this issue.
Have you try to Open XCode4 and load the xcodeproj? If it works, then there's no problem with XCode4 itself. Otherwise, try to use Open With in the context menu.
