"BETWEEN" SQL Keyword for Oracle Dates -- Getting an error in Oracle - oracle

I have dates in this format in my database "01-APR-12" and the column is a DATE type.
My SQL statement looks like this:
SELECT DISTINCT c.customerno, c.lname, c.fname
FROM customer c, sales s
WHERE c.customerno = s.customerno AND s.salestype = 1
AND (s.salesdate BETWEEN '01-APR-12' AND '31-APR-12');
When I try to do it that way, I get this error -- ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified.
Can I even use the BETWEEN keyword with how the date is setup in the database?
If not, is there another way I can get the output of data that is in that date range without having to fix the data in the database?

April has 30 days not 31.
SELECT DISTINCT c.customerno, c.lname, c.fname
FROM customer c, sales s
WHERE c.customerno = s.customerno AND s.salestype = 1
AND (s.salesdate BETWEEN '01-APR-12' AND '31-APR-12');
SELECT DISTINCT c.customerno, c.lname, c.fname
FROM customer c, sales s
WHERE c.customerno = s.customerno AND s.salestype = 1
AND (s.salesdate BETWEEN '01-APR-12' AND '30-APR-12');
and you should be good to go.

In case the dates you are checking for range from 1st day of a month to the last day of a month then you may modify the query to avoid the case where you have to explicitly check the LAST day of the month
SELECT DISTINCT c.customerno, c.lname, c.fname
FROM customer c, sales s
WHERE c.customerno = s.customerno
AND s.salestype = 1 AND (s.salesdate BETWEEN '01-APR-12' AND LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('APR-12', 'MON-YY'));
The LAST_DAY function will provide the last day of the month.

The other answers are missing out on something important and will not return the correct results. Dates have date and time components. If your salesdate column is in fact a date that includes time, you will miss out on any sales that happened on April 30 unless they occurred exactly at midnight.
Here's an example:
create table date_temp (temp date);
insert into date_temp values(to_date('01-APR-2014 15:12:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
insert into date_temp values(to_date('30-APR-2014 15:12:00', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
table DATE_TEMP created.
1 rows inserted.
1 rows inserted.
select * from date_temp where temp between '01-APR-2014' and '30-APR-2014';
Query Result: 01-APR-14
If you want to get all records from April that includes those with time-components in the date fields, you should use the first day of the next month as the second side of the between clause:
select * from date_temp where temp between '01-APR-2014' and '01-MAY-2014';


Oracle SQL Developer get table rows older than n months

In Oracle SQL Developer, I have a table called t1 who have two columns col1 defined as NUMBER(19,0) and col2 defined as TIMESTAMP(3).
I have these rows
col1 col2
1 03/01/22 12:00:00,000000000
2 03/01/22 13:00:00,000000000
3 26/11/21 10:27:11,750000000
4 26/11/21 10:27:59,606000000
5 16/12/21 11:47:04,105000000
6 16/12/21 12:29:27,101000000
My sysdate looks like this:
select sysdate from dual;
I want to create a stored procedure (SP) which will delete rows older than 2 months and displayed message n rows are deleted
But when i execute this statement
select * from t1 where to_date(TRUNC(col2), 'DD/MM/YY') < add_months(sysdate, -2);
I don't get the first 2 rows of my t1 table. I get more than 2 rows
1 03/01/22 12:00:00,000000000
2 03/01/22 13:00:00,000000000
How can i get these rows and deleted it please ?
In Oracle, a DATE data type is a binary data type consisting of 7 bytes (century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute and second). It ALWAYS has all of those components and it is NEVER stored with a particular formatting (such as DD/MM/RR).
Your client application (i.e. SQL Developer) may choose to DISPLAY the binary DATE value in a human readable manner by formatting it as DD/MM/RR but that is a function of the client application you are using and not the database.
When you show the entire value:
Then it outputs (depending on time zone):
2022-01-03 10:11:28
If you compare that to your values then you can see that 2022-01-03 12:00:00 is not "more than 2 months ago" so it will not be matched.
What you appear to want is not "more than 2 months ago" but "equal to or more than 2 months, ignoring the time component, ago"; which you can get using:
WHERE col2 < add_months(TRUNC(sysdate), -2) + INTERVAL '1' DAY;
WHERE TRUNC(col2) <= add_months(TRUNC(sysdate), -2);
(Note: the first query would use an index on col2 but the second query would not; it would require a function-based index on TRUNC(col2) instead.)
Also, don't use TO_DATE on a column that is already a DATE or TIMESTAMP data type. TO_DATE takes a string as the first argument and not a DATE or TIMESTAMP so Oracle will perform an implicit conversion using TO_CHAR and if the format models do not match then you will introduce errors (and since any user can set their own date format in their session parameters at any time then you may get errors for one user that are not present for other users and is very hard to debug).
db<>fiddle here
Perhaps just:
select *
from t1
where col2 < add_months(sysdate, -2);

oracle - how to order by with date in the format dd-MMM-yy

I am able to select records and all like in the query below but select statement is picking records randomly that were create after the specified date. I am curious if there is a way to order by this date in the format dd-MMM-yy like 05-MAY-21..
select * from Employees
where createDt >= '05-MAY-21'
order by CreateDt asc
This statement is not giving what I am hoping for, which is start with records from date 05, 06, etc..
thank you in advance.
date in the format dd-MMM-yy like 05-MAY-21
A DATE is a binary data-type and it does NOT have any format.
If you do:
select *
from Employees
where createDt >= DATE '2021-05-05'
order by CreateDt asc
Then it will sort the dates in ascending order by year then by month and then by day and then by hour and then by minute and then by second (yes, a DATE always has a time component).
If you do:
select *
from Employees
where createDt >= '05-MAY-21'
order by CreateDt asc
Then you are implicitly asking Oracle to convert the string to a DATE and your query is actually doing:
select *
from Employees
where createDt >= TO_DATE(
( SELECT value
WHERE parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT' )
order by CreateDt asc
If the NLS_DATE_FORMAT session parameter does not match the format of your string then you will get unexpected results.
If you want to order the dates alphabetically, rather than chronologically then convert them to a string in the ORDER BY clause:
select *
from Employees
where createDt >= DATE '2021-05-05'
order by TO_CHAR(CreateDt, 'DD-MON-YY') asc
However, I'm not sure hy you would want to do this.
WHERE clause seems to be wrong.
You said that createDt column's datatype is DATE. So, why are you comparing it to a string? Use date literal or TO_DATE function, don't rely on implicit datatype conversion.
select * from Employees
where createDt >= date '2021-05-05' -- No! '05-MAY-21'
order by CreateDt asc
If, on the other hand, you only think that column's datatype is DATE but is - actually - VARCHAR2, then you'll have to "convert" it to a valid date value using TO_DATE function with appropriate date format mask, hoping that all values in that column have the same, valid format:
select * from Employees
where to_date(createDt, 'dd-mmm-yy', 'nls_date_language = english') >= date '2021-05-05'
order by to_date(createDt, 'dd-mmm-yy', 'nls_date_language = english') asc
If none of above helps, please, post some sample data. That includes CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO several sample rows.
It would really help if you showed what results you're getting and what are your desired results...
Anyway, I'm trying to guess basing on the question and your comments
Let's start with "... statement is picking records randomly ..."
and "This statement is not giving what I am hoping for, which is start with records from date 05, 06, etc.."
and later: "and the order in which the records are weird.. like dates in the order of 08, 11, 12, 24, 24, 27, 27, 31, etc "
OK, the order "08, 11, 12, 24, 24, 27, 27, 31, etc." does not seem random, does it? It is pretty much the order you requested - ascending.
I'm guessing that all those dates are in may, so you really are getting what you requested for: records from Employees table with createDt greater or equal to 5th of may and sorted in ascending order.
But you are saying that the dates order seems weird to you, you were expecting 05, 06, ..., and you got 08, 11, 12, 24
Oh! What seems to be bothering you is the fact that you have some gaps between the dates and that the dates do not start with May 5th. Is that it? Well, then, simple answer is: those dates are simply not present in the Employees table.
You ask elsewhere ".. how do I limit that to send only 10 records?"
Ok, so let me guess what you would like to get.
You would like to see 10 consecutive dates starting with may 5th and the records which were created for each date.
In that case you have to "generate" those dates and then join them with your Employees table taking into account that for some of the dates you will have no row - hence LEFT JOIN.
with dates as
(select date '2021-05-05' + (level - 1) d from dual connect by level <= 10)
select e.*
from dates d
left join employees e
on e.createDt = d.d
order by d.d
or, if the createDt contains time component
with dates as
(select date '2021-05-05' + (level - 1) d from dual connect by level <= 10)
select e.*
from dates d
left join employees e
on e.createDt >= d.d and e.createDt < d.d + 1
order by d.d, e.createDt
I'm not sure if this is it, though
Also: you may use the literal '05-MAY-21' but only if you are absolutely sure that your session uses this exact date format. It's safer to use the datetime literal or to_date function ( to_date('05-MAY-21', 'DD-MON-YY') )

Next week in Oracle

I'm using oracle dbms and I have in Employe table a column Birthdate. I want to write a query that shows the employees who has a birthday next week.
Is this correct ?
select name
from employe
where to_char(birthdate,'DD-MM')=to_char(next_day(sysdate,1)+7,'DD-MM');
That is not the correct usage of next_day(): that function returns the date of the the next instance of a day. For example, to find the date of next Friday:
select next_day(sysdate, 'FRIDAY') from dual;
To find employees whose birthday is seven days from now, you need to just tweak your query a bit:
select name
from employe
where to_char(birthdate,'DD-MM') = to_char(sysdate+7,'DD-MM');
The correct solution would be
FROM employe
WHERE to_char(birthdate
/* "move" the birthdate to the current year
to get a reliable week number */
+ CAST((EXTRACT(year FROM current_date)
- EXTRACT(year FROM birthdate)) || '-0'
= to_char(current_date + 7, 'IW');
The IW format returns the ISO week containing the date, which is probably what you are looking for. If you start your week on Sunday, add one to both dates.

How to generate each day of backlog for a ticket

Hi I'm trying to create a procedure for calculating the backlog for each day.
For example: I have a ticket with ticket_submitdate on 12-sep-2015 and resolved_date on 15-sep-2015 in one table. This ticket should come as a backlog in the backlog_table because it was not resolved on the same day as the ticket_submitdate.
I have another column date_col in the backlog_table where the date on which the ticket was a backlog is displayed,i.e, it should be there in the ticket_backlog table for dates 13-sep-2015 and 14-sep-2015 and the date_col column should have this ticket for both these dates.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Here is some test data:
create table backlog (ticket_no number, submit_date date, resolved_date date);
insert into backlog values (100, date '2015-09-12', date '2015-09-15');
insert into backlog values (200, date '2015-09-12', date '2015-09-14');
insert into backlog values (300, date '2015-09-13', date '2015-09-15');
insert into backlog values (400, date '2015-09-13', date '2015-09-16');
insert into backlog values (500, date '2015-09-13', date '2015-09-13');
This query generates a list of dates which spans the range of BACKLOG records, and joins them to the BACKLOG.
with dt as ( select min(submit_date) as st_dt
, greatest(max(resolved_date), max(submit_date)) as end_dt
from backlog)
, dt_range as ( select st_dt + (level-1) as date_col
from dt
connect by level <= ( end_dt - st_dt ))
select b.ticket_no
, d.date_col
from backlog b
cross join dt_range d
where d.date_col between b.submit_date and b.resolved_date
and b.submit_date != b.resolved_date
order by b.ticket_no
, d.date_col
Therefore it produces a list of TICKET_NOs with all the dates when they are live:
---------- ---------
100 12-SEP-15
100 13-SEP-15
100 14-SEP-15
100 15-SEP-15
200 12-SEP-15
200 13-SEP-15
200 14-SEP-15
300 13-SEP-15
300 14-SEP-15
300 15-SEP-15
400 13-SEP-15
400 14-SEP-15
400 15-SEP-15
14 rows selected.
The result set does not include ticket #500 because it was resolved on the day of submission. You will probably need to tweak the filters to fit your actual business rules.
I m not sure I understood your question, if you are looking for all dates between two date range then you can use below query -
select trunc(date_col2+lv) from
(select level lv from dual connect by level < (date_col1-date_col2-1) )
order by 1

Aggregate only new rows from source table

I got one Source table with a timestamp column (YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS) and a target table with aggregated rows on daily basis (Date column: YYYY.MM.DD).
My Problem is: How do I bring new data from source to target and aggregate it?
I tried:
trunc(a.timestamp,'DD') as TIMESTAMP,
count(1) as COUNT,
tbl_Source a
where trunc(a.timestamp,'DD') > nvl((select MAX(b.TIME_TO_DAY)from tbl_target b), to_date('01.01.1975 00:00:00','dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
group by a.sales,
The problem with that is: when I have a row with timestamp '2013.11.15 00:01:32' and the max day from target is the 14th of november, it will only aggregate the 15th. Would I use >= instead of > some rows would get loaded twice.
It looks like you are looking for a merge statement: If the day is already present in tbl_target then update the count else insert the record.
merge into tbl_target dest
select sales, trunc(timestamp) as theday , count(*) as sales_count
from tbl_Source
where trunc(timestamp) >= ( select nvl(max(time_to_day),to_date('01.01.1975','dd.mm.yyyy')) from tbl_target )
group by sales, trunc(timestamp)
) src
on (src.theday = dest.time_to_day)
when matched then update set
dest.sales_count = src.sales_count
when not matched then
insert (time_to_day, sales_count)
values (src.theday, src.sales_count)
As far as I can understand your question: you need to get everything since the last reload to target table.
The problem here: you need this date, but it is truncated during the update.
If my guesses are correct you cannot do anything except to store the date of reload as an additional column because there is no way to get it back from the data presented here.
about your query:
count(*) and count(1) are the same in performance (proved many times, at least in 10-11 versions) - do not make this count(1), looks really ugly
do not use nvl, use coalesce instead of it - it is much faster
I would write your query like that:
with t as (select max(b.time_to_day) mx from tbl_target b)
select a.sales,trunc(a.timestamp,'dd') as timestamp,count(*) as count
from tbl_source a,t
where trunc(a.timestamp,'dd') > t.mx or t.mx is null
group by a.sales,trunc(a.timestamp,'dd')
Does this fit your needs:
WHERE trunc(a.timestamp,'DD') > nvl((select MAX(b.TIME_TO_DAY) + 1 - 1/(24*60*60) from tbl_target b), to_date('01.01.1975 00:00:00','dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
i.e. instead of 2013-11-15 00:00:00 compare to 2013-11-16 23:59:59
This one?
WHERE trunc(a.timestamp,'DD') BETWEEN nvl((select MAX(b.TIME_TO_DAY) from ...) AND nvl((select MAX(b.TIME_TO_DAY) + 1 - 1/(24*60*60) from ...)
