Fuzzing virtual drivers tools - windows

I'm looking to fuzz virtual drivers, I've read the other questions about this but they don't really go anywhere. Basically looking to see if there's an obvious tool I've missed and want to know if fuzzing IOCTLs from a windows guest would work? Or if I need to write one in low level eg IN/OUT?
Any tools out there for fuzzing drivers in a windows guest to hit the hypervisor either hyper-v or VMware

There are a number of ways to exercise virtualization code.
First, of course, if you're on Windows, is the IOCTL interface.
Then you should remember that all virtual devices are emulated in some way by some code in the guest OS and in the host OS. So, accessing input devices (keyboard and mouse), video device, storage (disks), network card, communication ports (serial, parallel), standard PC devices (PIC, PIT, RTC, DMA), CPU APIC, etc etc will also exercise virtualization code.
It's also very important to remember that virtualization of the various PC devices (unless we're talking about synthetic devices working over the VMBUS in Windows) is done by intercepting, parsing and emulating/executing instructions that access device memory-mapped buffers and registers and I/O ports. This gives you yet another "interface" to pound on.
By using it you might uncover not only device-related bugs but also instruction-related bugs. If you're interested in the latter, you need to have a good understanding of how the x86 CPU works at the instruction level in various modes (real, virtual 8086, protected, 64-bit), how it handles interrupts and exceptions and you'll also need to know how to access those PC devices (how and at what memory addresses and I/O port numbers).
Btw, Windows won't let you directly access these things unless your code is running in the kernel. You may want to have a non-Windows guest VM for things like this just to avoid overprotective functionality of Windows. Look for edge cases, unusual instruction encodings (including invalid encodings) or unusual instructions for usual tasks (e.g. using FPU/MMX/SSE/etc or special protected-mode instructions (like SIDT) to access devices). Think and be naughty.
Another thing to consider is race conditions and computational or I/O load. You may have some luck exploring in that direction too.


where is device driver code executed? Kernel space or User space?

To the linux/unix experts out there, Could you please help me understanding about device drivers. As i understood, a driver is a piece of code that directly interacts with hardware and exposes some apis to access the device. My question is where does this piece of code runs, User space or Kernel space?
I know that code that is executed in kernel space has some extra privileges like accessing any memory location(pls correct if i'm wrong). If we install a third party driver and if it runs in kernel space, wouldn't this be harmful for the whole system? How any OS handles this?
Lets take an example of USB device(camera, keyboard..), How the system recognizes these devices? how does the system know which driver to install? How does the driver know the address of the device to read and write the data?
(if this is too big to answer here, pls provide links of some good documentation or tutorials.., I've tried and couldn't find answers for these. pls help)
Part 1
On linux, drivers run in kernel space. And yes, as you state there a significant security implications to this. Most exceptions in drivers will take down the kernel, potentially corrupt kernel memory (with all manner of consequences). Buggy drivers also have an impact on system security, and malicious drivers can do absolutely anything they want.
A trend seen on MacOSX and Window NT kernels is user-space drivers. Microsoft has for some time been pushing the Windows Userspace Driver Framework, and MacOSX has long provided user-space APIs for Firewire and USB drivers, and class-compliant drivers for many USB peripherals. it is quite unusual to install 3rd party kernel-mode device drivers on MacOSX.
Arguably, the bad reputation Windows used to have for kernel panics can be attributed to the (often poor quality) kernel mode drivers that came with just about every mobile phone, camera and printer.
Linux graphics drivers are pretty much all implemented in user-space with a minimal kernel-resident portion, and Fuse allows the implementation of filing systems in user-space.
Part 2
USB, Firewire, MCI (and also PCI-e) all have enumeration mechanisms through which a bus driver can match the device to a driver. In practice this means that all devices expose metadata describing what they are.
Contained within the metadata is a DeviceID, VendorID and a description of functions the device provides and associated ClassIDs. ClassIDs facilitate generic Class Drivers.
Conceptually, the operating system will attempt to find a driver that specifically supports the VendorID and DeviceID, and then fall back to one that supports the ClassID(s).
Matching devices to drivers is a core concept at the heart of the Linux Device Model, and exact matching criteria used for matching is match() function in the specific bus driver.
Once device drivers are bound to a device, it uses the bus-driver (or addressing information given by it) to perform read and writes. In the case of PCI and Firewire, this is a memory mapped IO address. For USB it bus addressing information.
The Linux Documentation tree provides some insight into the design of the Linux Device Model, but isn't really entry-level reading.
I'd also recommend reading Linux Device Driver (3rd Edition)

using pci to interconnect motherboards

i've got a few old mobos and i was wondering whether it might be possible to create a pair of pci header cards with interconnect wires and write some software to drive the interconnect cards to allow one of the mobos to access the cpu and ram on the other? i'm sure it would be an arduous undertaking involving writing a device driver for the header boards and then writing an application to make use of the interconnect; perhaps a simple demo demonstrating a thread running on each processor and use of both sets of ram, perhaps creating a mini virtual machine that maps 2x3gb ram on 32 bit mobos to a single 6 gb address space. a microcontroller may be needed on each pci header card to act as a translator.
given that mobos almost always have multiple pci slots, i wonder if these interconnected card pairs could be used to daisychain mobos in a sort of high speed beowulf cluster.
i would use debian for each mobo and probably just an atmega128 for each card with a couple of ribbon cables for interconnecting.
pci is basically just an io bus, so i don't see why this shouldn't be possible (but it would be pretty hard going).
does anyone have any advice or has this sort of thing been done before?
Thanks Martin. What you say makes sense, and it would also seem that if it were possible that it would have already been done before.
Instead, would it be possible to indirectly control the slave cpu by booting it using a "pretend" bootable storage device (hard disk, usb stick, etc)? As long as the slave mobo thinks its being operated by an operating system on a real device it should work.
This could potentially extend to any interface (sata, ide, usb etc); if you connected two pcs together with a sata/ide/usb cable (plug one end of an ide ribbon into one mobo and the other into another mobo), that would be all the hardware you need. the key is in creating a new driver for that interface on the master pc, so instead of the master pc treating that interface as having a storage device on it, it would be driven as a dummy bootable hard disk for the slave computer. this would still be a pretty difficult job for me because i've never done device drivers before, but at least i wouldn't need a soldering iron (which would be much further beyond me). i might be able to take an open source ide driver for linux, study it, and then butcher it to create something that kindof acts in reverse (instead of getting data off it, an application puts data onto it for the slave machine to access like a hard disk). i could then take a basic linux kernel and try booting the slave computer from an application on the master computer (via the butchered master pc ide/sata/usb device driver). for safety, i would probably try to isolate my customised driver as much as possible by targeting an interface not being used for anything else on the master pc (the master pc might use all sata hard disks with the ide bus normally unused, so if i created a custom ide driver it might cause less problems with the host system - because it is sata driven).
Does anyone know if anything like this (faking a bootable hard disk from another pc) has ever been tried before? It would make a pretty cool hackaday on youtube, but also seriously it could add a new dimension to parallel computing if it proved promising.
The PCI bus can't take over the other CPU.
You could make an interconnect that can transfer data from a program on one machine to another. An ethernet card is the most common implementation but for high performance clusters there are faster direct connections like infiband.
Unfortunately PCI is more difficult to build cards for than the old ISA bus, you need surface mount controller chips and specific track layouts to match the impedance requirements of PCI.
Going faster than a few megabit/s involves understanding things like transmission lines and the characteristics of the connection cable.
would use debian for each mobo and probably just an atmega128 for each card with a couple of ribbon cables for interconnecting.
pci is basically just an io bus, so i don't see why this shouldn't be possible (but it would be pretty hard going).
LOL. PCI is an 32-Bit 33MHz Bus at minimum. So simply out of reach for an ATMEGA.
But your idea of:
a pair of pci header cards with interconnect wires and write some software to drive the interconnect cards to allow one of the mobos to access the cpu and ram on the other [...]
This is cheaply possible with just a pair of PCI Firewire (IEEE 1394) cards (and a Firewire cable). There is even a linux driver that allows remote debugging over firewire.

Do I need two machines to develop IOKit Mac drivers?

I'm building an IOKit CFPlugin driver for OS X. I'll be working with network data coming in that will be translated to MIDI data. No hardware is involved other than the built-in Airport. I have experience with drivers on Windows machines and firmware but this is my first dip into doing it on the Mac. So far things are going pretty well, but the Apple documentation sez: "For safety reasons, you should not load your driver on your development machine."
I only have one Mac. I really don't want two Macs- sorry, Apple. Should I take this warning seriously? Are there things I need to know?
Thanks, Tom Jeffries
You could also consider running OS X inside a VM as your testbed. It would surely be much more convenient that having a separate boot volume.
The warning is rather poorly worded; what you should consider doing is using a separate boot volume (partition) for trying out your driver, since it's possible to arbitrarily hose your system with your driver.
If you're doing kernel development on any OS that isn't isolated from your main system (via a VM, alternate boot disk, etc.), you're crazy!
What may be a bigger issue is that you can't do any kernel debugging, because the only option for that is to use GDB on a remote OS X system. For this, you may want to consider running OS X in virtualization.
you DEFINITELY want to have some way to recover a fubar kext installation: a bootable external drive or something you can quickly restore from-- this is the main reason for Apple's warning against running in-development-kernel-extensions on your production machine.
Nicholas is right that in order to debug using gdb (the only way in kernel space) you do need two machines. I've never tried using a VM as Coxy suggests: but I guess it's feasible (assuming that you run your kext on the virtual machine and use the real host machine to run gdb).
My preferred method for tracing and debugging in the kernel is kprintf() routed to firewire (aka firewire kprintf (man fwkpfv) ). for this you do need two machines with firewire ports.
finally, being an old computer musician myself, I wonder why you want to program a MIDI synthesizer (or transformer) on the network stack level. my guess is that you would have a much more gratifying experience working in userland (where you can use floating point math...)
if you need some hints or tips, feel free to get in touch...
from the ADC Kernel Programming Guide
Kernel programming is a black art that
should be avoided if at all possible.
Fortunately, kernel programming is
usually unnecessary. You can write
most software entirely in user space.
Even most device drivers (FireWire and
USB, for example) can be written as
applications, rather than as kernel
code. A few low-level drivers must be
resident in the kernel's address
space, however, and this document
might be marginally useful if you are
writing drivers that fall into this

How to read/write a hard disk when CPU is in Protected Mode?

I am doing an OS experiment. Until now, all my code utilized the real mode BIOS interrupts to manipulate the hard disk and floppy. But once my code enables Protected Mode, all the real mode BIOS interrupt service routines won't be available.
I have a feeling that I need to do some hardware drivers now. Am I right? Is this why an OS is so difficult to develop?
I know that hardware is controlled by reading from and writing to certain control or data registers. For example, I know that the "Command Block Registers" of a hard disk range from 0x1F0 to 0x1F7. I am wondering whether the register addresses of so many different hardware devices are consistent on different platforms? Or do I have to detect that before using them? How would I do that?
Since I am not sure about how to read/write a floppy or a hard disk in Protected Mode, I have to use BIOS interrupts to load all my necessary kernel files from the floppy before entering protected mode. What could I do if my kernel file exceeds the real mode 1M space limit?
How do I read/write a hard disk when the CPU is in Protected Mode?
I have a feeling that I need to do some hardware drivers now. Am I right?
Strictly speaking; (and depending on your requirements) "need" may be too strong - in theory you can switch back to real mode to use BIOS functions, or use a virtual8086 monitor, or write an interpreter that interprets the firmware's instructions instead of executing them directly.
However, the BIOS is awful (designed for an "only one thing can happen at a time" environment that is completely unsuitable for modern systems where its expected that all devices are able to do useful work at the same time), and the BIOS is deprecated (replaced by UEFI), and it's hard to call something an OS when it doesn't have control over the hardware (because the firmware still has control of the hardware).
Note that if you do continue using BIOS functions; the state of various pieces of hardware (interrupt controller, PCI configuration space for various devices, any PCI bridges, timer/s, etc) has to match the expectations of the BIOS. What this means is that you will either be forced to accept huge limitations (e.g. never being able to use IO APICs, etc. properly) because it will break BIOS functions used by other pre-existing code, or you will be forced to do a huge amount of work to make the BIOS happy (emulating various pieces of hardware so the BIOS thinks the hardware is still in the state it expects even though it's not).
In other words; if you want an OS that's good then you do need to write drivers; but if you only want an OS that doesn't work on modern computers (UEFI), has severe performance problems ("only one thing can happen at a time"), is significantly harder to improve, doesn't support any devices that the BIOS doesn't support (e.g. sound cards), and doesn't support any kind of "hot-plug" (e.g. plugging in a USB device), then you don't need to write drivers.
Is this why an OS is so difficult to develop?
A bad OS is easy to develop. For example, something that is as horrible as MS-DOS (but not compatible with MS-DOS) could probably be slapped together in 1 month.
What makes an OS difficult to develop is making it good. Things like caring about security, trying to get acceptable performance, supporting multi-CPU, providing fault tolerance, trying to make it more future-proof/extensible, providing a nice GUI, creating well thought-out standards (for APIs, etc), and power management - these are what makes an OS difficult.
Device drivers add to the difficulty. Before you can write drivers you'll need support for things that drivers depend on (memory management, IRQ handling, etc - possibly including scheduler and some kind of communication); then something to auto-detect devices (e.g. to scan PCI configuration space) and try to start the drivers for whatever was detected (possibly/hopefully from file system or initial RAM disk, with the ability to add/unload/replace drivers without rebooting); and something to manage the tree of devices - e.g. so that you know which "child devices" will be effected when you put a "parent device" to sleep (or the "parent device" has hardware faults, or its driver crashes, or the device is unplugged). Of course then you'd need to write the device drivers, where the difficulty depends on the device itself (e.g. a device driver for a NVidia GPU is probably harder to write than a device driver for a RS232 serial port controller).
For storage devices themselves (assuming "80x86 PC") there's about 8 standards that matter (ATA/ATAPI, AHCI and NVMe; then OHCI, UHCI, eHCI and xHCI for USB controllers, then the USB mass storage device spec). However, there is also various RAID controllers and/or SCSI controllers where there's no standard (each of these controllers need their own driver), and some obsolete stuff (floppy controller, tape drives that plugged into floppy controller or parallel port, three proprietary CD-ROM interfaces that were built into sound cards).
Please understand that supporting all of this isn't the goal. The goal should be to provide things device drivers depend on (described above), then provide specifications that describe the device driver interfaces (possibly/hopefully including things like IO priorities and synchronization, and notifications for device/media removal, error handling, etc) so that other people can write device drivers for you. Once that's done you might implement a few specific device drivers yourself (e.g. maybe just AHCI initially - everything else could be left until much later or until someone else writes it).
You don't necessarily HAVE to write drivers. You could drop back into real mode to call the BIOS service, and then hop back into protected mode when you're done. This is essentially how DPMI DOS extenders (DOS4GW, Causeway, etc) work.
The source code for the Causeway DOS extender is public domain, you can look at that for a reference. http://www.devoresoftware.com/freesource/cwsrc.htm

kvm vs. vmware for kernel debugging / USB driver development

I'm currently setting up vmware Server 2.0 for kernel debugging with gdb ( see this setup guide ) and someone asked me why not use kvm?
So I ask: kvm vs. vmware for kernel debugging / USB driver development
what are the pros and cons of each?
Driver development? are you working on a driver for a particular piece of hardware? if so, then you probably won't be able to use virtualization, because the virtualized instance won't have access to the new hardware.
For this you will need two machines, one running a remote debugger on the other.
*Edit: * Apparently you're developing a driver for a USB Device? this is one area in particular that a VM actually Can help. These days most VM's have the ability to delegate specific USB devices to a guest OS.
That said, this situation doesn't really offer any benefits over the remote debugger option, because you still need a way to inspect the state of the running or crashed OS, and VM's offer very little assistance in this regard. You might be able to replay saved states from just before a crash.
You might be able to get a bit of traction using UML, which would allow you to do local debugging as on a regular user process, which is a little bit less trouble.
Instead of answering the direct question I'll add another option... Depending on if the kernel in question is a Linux kernel, and what part(s) of it you are working on, you might find that UserModeLinux (included in the 2.6.x source, and available as patch sets for 2.4 and 2.2) may trump both of those options.
As it runs the kernel as a userland process under the host kernel it is easier to attach common debugging tools to. I believe it is very commonly used in the early stages of updates/additions to file-system related code. If you are developing/debugging modules that interact directly with hardware it may be much less use to you though.
Reference links: home,
I recently started building GNU Mach/HURD and found the combination of QEmu/KVM to work really quite well.. for the following reasons:
QEmu presents quite a clean environment
Networking has alot of options
I can easily mount the filesystem using a raw device file / loopback
Bottom line is, for kernel work I just want the minimum of functionality to boot and see the result. VMWare is much more for usable virtualization rather than down-and-dirty.
There is however no comparison to booting on a real machine with real hardware. The VM environment can seem like a safety blanket somtimes ... because even my toaster would know what a Realtek RTL8139C was.
If it is a "real hardware" device, of course, vmware will not emulate it, so you won't be able to debug the driver under it (nor will any other virtualisation software, unless you extend one to do so).
Device driver debugging can be done to some extent with a real hardware machine with a normal kernel - although there are obviously things you can't do - like set breakpoints.
It is still possible to attach a debugger to the kernel and inspect stuff. Moreover, traditional printf() debugging is quite possible (printk, anyone), and there are various features in the kernel which make debugging easier. It's possible to build the kernel with various debug options to try to detect pointer problems, memory leaks etc.
By default, the kernel even gives a nice-ish stack trace on the log when it encounters an OOPS or BUG condition (obviously this does not necessarily get written anywhere if the system hangs or crashes). Of course a pointer-out-of-range condition happening inside an interrupt is a recipe for disaster, but you could still get a stack trace on the screen immediately before the panic :)
