aria-hidden true read by JAWS - wai-aria

Using jQuery add role alert in #div1, read #div2 content even if it is hidden for JAWS.
<div id="div1">
some content
<div id="div2" aria-hidden="true">
some content 2 for div

Support for the aria-hidden attribute was added to JAWS in their 13.0.718 update (February 2012). See the full change log below:
JAWS now recognizes the aria-hidden attribute so that text that is
supposed to be hidden is no longer announced.
It seems to work for me, but I've noticed that tabbable content wrapped in a "hidden" container can still be navigated to and read by JAWS.

Currently, JAWS does not support aria-hidden state in both Internet Explorer and Firefox.
You can use role="presentation" though it is not recommended.
See also:
Official JAWS aria support list
Donald Evans's blog


Telegram icon for font awesome not showing up

On my website built using Joomla 4, the following works fine (it displays the whatsapp icon):
<span class="fa fa-whatsapp"> </span>
But this doesn't (trying to display the telegram icon):
<span class="fa fa-telegram"> </span>
Although the same code for displaying telegram icon works on an older site built using Joomla 3.
I observed that, on old site, the following code is present in font-awesome.css and font-awesome.min.css. So I added the same code in the new site as well but it still doesn't work (just displays a box):
.fa-telegram:before {
content: "\f2c6";
Any idea why is this happening?

Telerik Hybrid Mobile App Issue showing Japanese chars in View

I am building the HTML5 Hybrid mobile app with the help of Telerik AppBuild platform and in one of the view (components/loginview/view.html) I am trying to show language selection dropdown as follows:
<select data-bind="value: addFormData.languagelist" data-role="dropdownlist">
<option value="en">English</option>
<option value="ja">日本語</option>
But for my surprise whenever I run the simulator I get the question marks instead of 日本語 characters.
I checked the main index.html file and found that there is proper meta tag like <meta charset="utf-8" /> present needed to set the charset. I am very much new to this dev platform. So appreciate your help.
Try using a different font in your CSS (reference). Whichever font you are using doesn't have support for those characters and just leaves the question marks as placeholders.

HTML Email text formatting - Outlook 2013

I have created an email template and when running tests a strange icon shows up in one of the paragraphs when viewed in Outlook 2013.
The strange icon is between the words 'paying' and 'off'
Does anyone have any ideas on how to hide this icon
<td style="padding:0 0 0 15px;">
<div style="font-family: Calibri,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:13px;color:#FFFFFF;display:inline-block;">Great if you don’t pay off your card every month, or if you are paying off another card with a higher interest rate – saving you money.</div>
Possibly something you've already done - but have you tried deleting "paying off" and reytping it manually?
I can't replicate the problem copying the supplied code, so whatever that strange character is must have been stripped out by the stackoverflow editor.
I've encountered similar issues when copy and pasting text from pdfs, it looks perfect in the editor but Outlook attempts (and fails) to display invisible elements that the pdf includes for some reason.
Do you set the character set for your HTML page? Perhaps it's using the wrong encoding.
See this w3schools page
The HTML charset Attribute
To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know the character set used in the page.
This is specified in the <meta> tag:
For HTML4:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">
For HTML5:
<meta charset="UTF-8">

How do I include a phone number and icon on a Jekyll theme?

There isn't a parameter for phone numbers under the social contact area in the _config.yml file.
I tried to make one and then added a font awesome icon in the _includes directory but it didn't turn out the way I expected it to work.
For example on my site I have several social icons. I would like to add a FA icon for phone number as well, but I couldn't find any good resources.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I'd try using the icon in SVG format and insert it into the HTML inline. This would allow you to target it with css as well which can be handy.
If you want to use Font Awesome you should check, which is the correct icon you want (most likely fa-phone).
You can then add the following block to your page:
<a class="social-btn" href="tel:123456" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-phone"></i>
Which theme are you using? Most likely you'll have to overwrite some of the content here.

Font awesome showing asian signs instead of icons

i'm trying to use Font Awesome but instead of any icons it just displays any asian signs. I downloaded font awsome to by webserver for that. I tried this in 3 different browsers (firefox, opera and chromium) but it is always the same.
A testpage can be seen here:
And here is a screenshot of it:
Does it show the signs in your browser? Is the problem browser- or server-related? How can i fix it?
I had this problem and it was because I was using old html with a new fontawesome version.
I fixed it by changing:
<i class="fa-bitbucket"></i>
<i class="fa fa-bitbucket"></i>
I.e. I just had to add the default fa class to the element.
The latest version uses the fa prefix but for you, I guess it might be icon instead.
Hope this helps someone out at some stage :-)
Most likely the actual font files are not being found. If you look in the font awesome CSS file you will probably see something like:
#font-face {
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
src: url('../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot');
src: url('../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
This expects to find the font files in a folder called font at the same level that the CSS file is in. For example:
myproject / css
/ font-awesome.css
/ font
/ fontawesome-webfont.eot
If the files are in the correct place it is possible that they are not being loaded because of some problem with permissions or even that you have are using a strange browser that does not properly support #font-face. Of course you can rule out the latter by browsing to the font awesome examples page to see if it displays the icons properly.
Hope I'm not too late, something on your server isn't configured properly, solution is to allow *.woff and *.tff to be requested like static resources just like you do with *.css and *.js, this is done differently depending on platform:
What I did to make it work:
Replaced your stylesheet with (since we can't get to resources):
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
And replaced your old icon-* classes, for example:
<i class="fa-umbrella fa text-error"></i>
And now it works:
If you using 4.0 or later, they've changed the icon classes to fa classes
So your code should say
<i class="fa fa-camera-retro fa-large"></i>
instead of
<i class="icon icon-camera-retro icon-large"></i>
You can find icon, specific code examples by visiting and clicking/tapping the icon you need.
I had this same issue when upgrading from 3.2 to 4.0.3
Run the below command
npx react-native link react-native-vector-icons
Using fontawesone 5.15.1 I had to do this to get the Linux icon to show up:
<i class="fab fa-linux icon"></i>
IMPORTANT: using "fab" instead of "fa" as Linux is considered a "brand".
