Scheduling/scripting with Play Framework (or non-rails project) in Heroku - heroku

Well, my head is spinning a bit here. I started with what i thought would be a simple task, to take regular db dumps on heroku and push them to a personal S3 account for backup.
I am not sure the best a approach to do this. Accessing S3 within Java is crystal clear, getting the db dump from heroku is clear as mud right now...
Disclaimer: i don't know Ruby, and i don't really want to learn Ruby if i don't have to, i really want to use Java (that is why i chose play) and i want to have it hosted, that is why i chose Heroku :-)
So, I could use the heroku Scheduler, but i am not understanding what scripts are being executed here - is it all scripts in /bin? What kind of scripts are these, are they ruby scripts? How do i add them as 'tasks' when they aren't rake tasks?
Can I use the pgbackups via URL somehow? It looks like the rake examples do pg_dump instead, write to a tmp file and then move it around from there. I'm pretty unclear how to access the heroku databased stuff from a script, the examples i have seen so far are in rake, so any insight there would be helpful...
Or coming at it from inside my java app, what is the status of the Heroku java API? If there is a way to get to the heroku runtime from my java, or somehow use the heroku.jar?
It would great to get some overall guidance and best practices in this area - thanks!!!

From the google group i found this tidbit:
"Sorry for the delayed response. We updated the docs to mention running Procfile entries via heroku run:
Anything that works via heroku run works via Heroku Scheduler. Just put the name of the process type as the 'task" in Scheduler. No special syntax required. And you can even pass it arguments. "
From this and James Ward's last example above i am considering this answered.


CloudFormation / Terraform for heroku?

Are there any official (or unofficial) ways of storing entire heroku configurations as code?
I think most heroku configurations can be stored in a bash script. But things like scheduled jobs and the like still have to be performed manually.
Is there any way to store entire app configurations as code so that the setup can be used directly or as a starting point for other applications?
I since learned that you can indeed use terraform with heroku.
Using Terraform with Heroku

How to run a console command on a Heroku app through their REST API?

I need to programmatically execute a command on a Heroku app that I created used their REST API. From my console, I'd regularly do it like so:
$ heroku run [command]
I'm looking for a REST API request like this one:
POST /apps/{app_id}/run
But I was unable to find it in on the docs and I just resign to acknowledge that's not implemented. It's too much of a default behavior.
I know I could just install the Heroku Toolbelt on the requester box, but I don't like that. I could also set an authenticated URL to fire the thing but that's also too much of a thing for a feature that's already there!
This is what you're looking for:
Notice the example there -- you can specify a run type which will run the process as a one-off thing. This is exactly how the heroku run command works under the hood =)

Running TurboGears2 in Amazon EC2

I would just like to ask if anybody here has run Turbogears2 from an Amazon EC2 instance. I've been looking for a way to do it, but so far searching the Web hasn't given me anything I could use as an example. I did see one here:
Though I think the person used an earlier version of TG in his post.
I thought it would be as simple as changing the host parameter in the development.ini, but that did not work. I've also tried connecting to the instance with the -L option for ssh, but it did not work as well (I did this approach for web2py way back, and it worked).
I'm wondering if I need to configure some file somewhere in the TG2 application. I've also tried searching the TG2 documentation. Either I'm not using the right keywords, or I'm just not getting the right results.
Thanks in advance for any help!
By itself EC2 doesn't provide a platform, you can freely choose a deploy environment from mod_wsgi, circus, gunicorn or whatever your prefer. It's not strictly a TurboGears problem, it can be deployed like any other WSGI application.
There are some tutorial for a step by step deploy on Apache+mod_wsgi and Circus+chausette on the TurboGears documentation, you can find them here:
Avoid deploying on gearbox+wsgiref because it is not meant for production usage, if you want to use gearbox I suggest you give a try to waitress

What is the correct way to use Chef from Ruby (Rails)?

I'm very new with Chef, maybe I search wrong but Google show a lot of quick starts and deployment options, but mostly on how to deploy an app from dev's console. What I need is to perform recipes from the Rails app.
I have a stack which includes Rails+Resque as a master and Chef as a slave. Chef is added as a gem chef, the chef/shef/ext used inside the app to run queries.
It should do several things, like create ssh users (which works) and deploy new app stacks (which don't).
As the chef gem doesn't have a lot of docs and ext doesn't feel like user (or dev) oriented too, I think there should be some other way to work with Chef server (knife?), or some kind of documentation on gem I definitely miss to work effitiantly with this.
We got stuck on something similar and ended up using the ridley gem:
As per this SO question.

Running gem server in passenger

I'm running a few rails/rake apps in Apache/passenger and I want to add the documentation app served by gem server to these apps, so I can easily give it a special (sub)domain, like, so it's easily available for all members of our team and nobody has to start the server himself or remember port numbers (like 8808, the default gem server port).
I would recommend looking into bdoc instead of gem server, it allows the user to access all their gem docs without a server running at all. It would also be trivial to modify bdoc to output to a specific directory then you could easily add a step to regenerate the docs.
The nice thing about having them in static files would be the apache config is dead simple.
If you do want to make bdoc output to a specific dir look at this line.
I actually went ahead and branched this on github and made the change. Now you can supply the output directory on the command line and it will generate the static rdoc pages for you.
I'm running http://gems.local on my machine in case I want to do some Ruby cracking offline. (Plain journey, trains, etc).
This is really easy, you can actually run passenger with all the Ruby gems' documentation locally without having to access the net.
I was following Jason's tips and got everything working. See the following article and you should be ready to go:
I wrote a blog post on how I have my gems, ruby, rails and jquery docs locally using the yard server and nginx for proxing in mac os x. Steps for linux are almost the same, only thing that changes is the way to configure the daemons.
