in Spring MVC, how to find out page load time? - spring

I'm trying to display a server response time on the page similar to google's search time, something like "page loaded in about 1.3 seconds" or so.
What is the best way of achieving this? I currently have a MVC framework setup, and my initial approach was to store initial time in the controller, and pass it as the model into the view and it is up to view to calculate the time elapsed.
Somehow I feel there must be a better approach, that, for all requests, context might already have the information recorded, either the request start time, or the elapsed time.
Can someone please verify if my original thought was right? or there exists an already implemented solution?

If you wait all the way until your controller, you're potentially missing a lot of the "load time". You want to use a Filter to time the request from as early to as late in the process as possible. The Java EE Tutorial has more details on writing Filters. There's also another SO answer that deals with exactly this:
In spring MVC, where to start and end counter to test for speed execution time?

You could use a servlet filter to store the start time in a request attribute for each request (or at least for each request to a page), and compute the elapsed time at the end of your view execution.
If you use a template engine like Tiles or SiteMesh, this elapsed time computation would be called in a single place: the page template.


Postman requests are getting faster and faster

Every postman requests spent less and less time
This is the first request
And this is second.
Why does it work like this? I saw this when I was writing spring application and now the same with quarkus.
Similar to running your JSP pages when running a Spring application, at the first time, everything is getting compiled, built, rendered, and presented, and many other operations, but if you hit refresh for that JSP page again, it will happen much faster because it does not compile, build and rendered every time, it is just being present.
This is just a very simple example to get an idea, you are probably not using JSP pages, but the concept is still the same.
Basically, first requests in theory do like 10 tasks, but after everything is done, the number of tasks is much lower, hence the speed.

How can i track AJAX performance using Google Analytics?

Since my web application using many AJAX request so categorize as Single Page Application.
what i want is to track AJAX technical performance using Google Analytics.
Regarding to GA document, it suggest to implement Virtual Pageviews Tracking as detail in this link
After implement virtual pageviews tracking, Pageviews stats and Page URI seem to be feed into GA correctly. But Timing Stats such as Avg.Page Load Time (sec) are not. all of them have no value!
I tried these 3 senario to implement Virtual Page Tracking but non of them is working.
do i miss something ? or it's GA limitation so we can not collect Timing stats of Virtual Page just like Real Pageview ?
any others Tools suggestion to track AJAX performance ?
GA is not meant to be used to track page performance and the Value in ga implies monetary value.
When it says "tracking pageviews" it's not about measuring performance, it's about tracking user activity. As in, how many pages per session, what pages, what led to conversions, where they have troubles going through and so forth. Not a technical tool, but an analytics/marketing tool.
Technically, you still could use it to track page performance and people do it. But not as you've done it. You have to remove any network influence on your timestamps since normal fluctuation there would exceed the useful timing of page performance.
I think the most elegant way of doing it would be creating a custom metric in GA interface and then populate it with performance measuring events (or pageviews). So:
You take a new Date() timestamp (or whatever you do in jquery to get current timestamp) right before the post request
You get another new Date() in the post callback
You calculate the difference in milliseconds and send that as the value of the custom metric with the pageview
You wait for two days for the new data to get processed and build a custom report using your custom metric.
Now when you improve performance of your endpoint, you will be able to see statistical improvements in that report.
This is usually done on the backend though, with the datadog or a similar tool with endpoint monitoring functionality.
When performance is measured on the front-end, we usually use the native performance API, so the window.performance object. Or whatever your front-end rendering library suggests using for that. Here's a bit more on this: That way you're taking into account a bit more data, not just one endpoint response time.

How to be certain when the page load is complete to measure load time

I need to measure load time on a page navigation. Here is my situation:
When I navigate, the page laod is taking variable time as the ajax elements load. How to be certain that the page is fully loaded to measure its load time correctly?
I cannot be specific that locating a particular element(text, table, or image...) indicate the complete page load as page load depends on data.
Please help me deal with this situation.
Do you want to be able to test this on an "as needed" basis or do you want to instrument the pages so that you gather data from all your users?
If you just need to do it on an ad-hoc basis then will help you - providing there's not too long a gap between the AJAX requests it will include them.
If you want to look gather data across all AJAX calls then you will need to instrument the success and failure callbacks to store the time they finish and calculate the difference between the last one and the page start. Then once you've got this push the value to Google Analytics or something else.
If all your AJAX calls are designed to complete before onload fires then the existing SiteSpeed numbers in Google Analytics might be good enough for you.

Troubleshoot MVC 3 Controler performance

We have a MVC 3 application with 3 areas, Unity dependency injection, about 20 routes. The total time to render the page is very inconstant. The biggest problem seems to be the amount of time it takes to start the action method within the controller. Even when viewing the same url. Sometimes the action is started within 100 milliseconds sometimes its greater than a second, this happens in all environments from development to production.
Does anybody have some fresh things to try?
Check out MvcMiniProfiler.
It will allow you to measure the time it takes to render any portion of the action method you specify.
Not sure what you mean by "time it takes to start the action method".
Maybe there is some rogue action filters going on?
Sorry, but this is a large problem with having a huge singleton (unity) around implementing IDependencyResolver. I would bet that you are leaking memory.
In response to your comment:
The reason that memory leak or the DI Container struck me as the issue is because there should be really no time inbetween the controller firing up and an action firing up as they are very close to each other. A simple way to test if it is a memory leak is to let the application sit unentered for a good amount of time (30 minutes to 2 hours) and then attempt to revisit it. If this is quick at first then that could indicate a memory leak. If it is slow on first request then perhaps it is something else. If memory leaking is not the issue then perhaps it is something easier. You said it is before the controller finishes so I would rule out rendering the view (which can take some time). Something you said makes me wonder about your web.config file. "this happens in all environments from development to production." Perhaps your production environment is still running under debug=true. These are all the ideas I could think of at the moment.

GWT Grid - how to measure rendering time on client

we've got an application developed in java, with GWT providing the frontent. The application is used on a variety of hardware specifications, e.g. also on older machines. Of course users complain about performance.
We'd like to collect profiling data from real-world users. So far we can measure the pure server-side duration (that's easy) and the duration of the network roundtrip (not so easy, but we managed that).
The hardest part for us is measuring the time elapsed between "user clicking on search button" and "first xxx rows of grid have been displayed".
Any idea?
I would play around with creating a timestamp at the start of the page load and a timestamp at the end. I believe that "the beginning" would be "onModuleLoad" and the end would be after your last element/widget is added. I hope I have given you a good idea of where to start. You can play with moving these timestamps around to mazimize the time difference that you get. Once you feel confident that you are getting the rendering time, you can save the time difference in a database so that whenever anyone uses your page you get more user data.
Try using SpeedTracer, it's a google chrome plugin developed by google itself
There is no full-stack solution at the moment as far as I know. What you could build internally is a combination of remote logging, gwt lightweight measurements and deferred binding magic.
The first part is to understand that all RPC events and initialization sequence are already measured and how to plug in into that:
The second part is adding Deferred Binding magic to measure onSuccess() method execution time of application Callbacks. The inspiration (but not a solution) could be found here:
The final part is delivering back to client. Here you may use gwt-log or new gwt logging possibilities. Not sure if they implemented that in JDK logging though.
I was thinking to create an embeddable open source library today as we have solved exactly the same problem recently and in process of porting that to GWT 2.0 :)
But I guess it will take some time from idea to implementation...
Hope it helps.
You can use the Duration class available on GWT Client side.
It is a utility class for measuring elapsed time on the client side.
Example usage:
Duration duration = new Duration();
doSomething(); //Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since this object was created.
GWT.log("time taken for doSomething() to complete: "+duration.elapsedMillis());
More examples
