strange behavior of xcode 4.2 - xcode

Strange and funny think is going on
NSFileManager *fileMng = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if(![fileMng fileExistsAtPath:self.appFilesPath])
NSError *error = nil;
BOOL success = [fileMng createDirectoryAtPath:self.appFilesPath withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:&error];
NSLog([error localizedDescription]);
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",self.appFilesPath]);
[fileMng createFileAtPath:self.fileFullPath contents:self.fileData attributes:nil];
[self.fileData writeToFile:self.fileFullPath atomically:YES];
and this line
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",self.appFilesPath]);
should give me something like this
Directory AppFiles should be created under ../Documents/ directory,
but it's not there...
and the nslog gives me something like this:
file://localhost/Users/user/Library/Application瑳楲杮楗桴潆浲瑡:敲敬獡e摡䕤瑮楲獥牆浯楄瑣潩慮祲:扯敪瑣潆䭲祥:汣獡s獩楋摮晏汃獡㩳氀湥瑧h畡潴敲敬獡e敳佴橢捥㩴潦䭲祥:敲潭敶扏敪瑣潆䭲祥:湩整敧噲污敵戀潯噬污敵爀浥癯䅥汬扏敪瑣s湩瑩猀慨敲䥤獮慴据e敲楧瑳牥敎睴牯䑫晥畡瑬䙳牯灁䥰㩄挀灯y摡佤橢捥㩴洀楡䉮湵汤e畢摮敬摉湥楴楦牥椀䕳畱污潔瑓楲杮:桳牡摥潃普杩牵瑡潩n潣湵牴䑹晥畡瑬潆..few more screens of this bush..帴㽻椽絩8筞㴿楩}ㅶ䀶㨰帴㽻椽絩椸㈱䀀䜢佅楐數偬楯瑮"㽻搽絤䀸㨰4㉶䀴㨰笴㴿摤㡽䀀倢剂煥敵瑳牥"ㅶ䀶㨰⌴匸㈱䀀㰢䕇协灵潰瑲摥楔敬敓獴敓癲牥牐硯䑹汥来瑡㹥"㍶䀶㨰笴㴿摤㡽㉤椴㈳瘀㘱぀㐺㡀ㅩ2㉶䀸㨰帴㽻搽絤䤸㈱ㅤ椶㐲瘀㈱぀㐺癞8ㅀ䀶㨰帴㡶ㅣ2筞硟捰损湯敮瑣潩彮㵳}ㅀ䀶㨰䀴常彻䍟剆湵潌灯紽㈱帀彻䍟剆湵潌灯紽䀸㨰4筞彟䙃畒䱮潯㵰}癞䀸㨰4ㅀ䀲㨰帴㡶瘀〲぀㐺㡀ㅀ䤲㘱䀀㰢华慃档䑥汥来瑡㹥"㉀䀸㨰䀴笸㴿摤ㅽ2㽻搽絤㠲぀㐺㽻搽絤常㉤4㽻∽慬楴畴敤搢氢湯楧畴敤搢}upport/iPhone 貌Š߈imulator/5.0/Applications/CAF90A92-5B85-4FC0-8482-3702C3E98F8D/Documents/AppFiles
when i run code second time, the if condision is skiped, but ../Documents/ directory is stil empty
来瑡㹥"㉀䀸 - i mean wtf, first time something like this,
restarting xcode, mac did't help,
simulator is all set to english,
it also happen in other projects,
keyboard setting ant nationalization looks ok,
so realy I have no clue what is wrong
any ideas?

You can not just NSLog a string. The string argument it takes is a format (like in printf) which interpeted specially. In your case, it is reading random memory because %20S means to interpret the next argument as pointer to null-terminated string of wide characters and print it right-aligned in 20 columns; and they are Chinese because most of Unicode is occupied by Chinese hieroglyphs.
This is the correct way to do it:
NSLog(#"%#", self.appFilesPath);


NSFileManager rename file using "moveItemAtURL:" with a name contains path separator like "foo/bar.extension"

This feels weird, my code goes as simple as
// something like "foo/bar"
NSString *correctFileName = seriesDict[seriesNumber];
if (correctFileName.length > 0)
// So I'll have a fileName like "foo/bar.extension" which looks like a directory and a file in it...
NSString *pathExtension = [filePath pathExtension];
NSString *correctFilePath = [[[filePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]
NSError *error = nil;
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:filePath toPath:correctFilePath error:&error];
// And NSFileManager can not treat it as a legal fileName, kind of expected...
if (error)
NSLog(#"Rename file at %# failed, error: %#", filePath, error);
Seems it's ok to rename my file to "foo/bar.extension" in Finder, like this
there might be a solution to do that in code.
If anybody could shred in some light, it'll be highly appreciated.
The / in Finder is converted to a :. / is invalid in POSIX-style paths, while : is invalid in HFS-style paths, so macOS maps those two characters to each other.
The technically correct way would be to create a CFURL using CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase specifying kCFURLHFSPathStyle as the path style, and resolving against a base URL you've already created. You'd then copy the path of the full URL using CFURLCopyFileSystemPath.
Pragmatically speaking though, you can simply do a string replace between / and :.

initWithContentsOfURL often returns nil

NSError *error;
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc]
When I test this on my iPhone it always works when I have wifi turned on. However when I'm on 3G I often get nil. If I try perhaps 15 times in a row (I have an update button for this) I finally get the desired result.
My question is, is this problem located at the server side or is my code unstable? Should I use a different approach to get a more secure fetch of data?
You haven't provided enough information to give anything but a vague answer, but you do have some options here.
Most importantly, you have an "error" parameter that you should be printing out the results of. There's also a slightly better API you could be using in the NSString class.
Change your code to something like this:
NSError *error = NULL;
NSStringEncoding actualEncoding;
// variable names in Objective-C should usually start with lower case letters, so change
// URL in your code to "url", or even something more descriptive, like "urlOfOurString"
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:urlOfOurString usedEncoding:&actualEncoding error:&error];
NSLog( #"hey, I actually got a result of %#", string);
if(actualEncoding != NSUTF8StringEncoding)
// I also suspect the string you're trying to load really isn't UTF8
NSLog( #"and look at that, the actual encoding wasn't NSUTF8StringEncoding");
} else {
NSLog( #"error when trying to fetch from URL %# - %#", [urlOfOurString absoluteString], [error localizedDescription]);
I'm now using STHTTPRequest instead. I recommend this library very much, easy to use yet powerful.

NSFileManager says a file not writable Mac

I have been trying to use AVFoundation to record screen outputs. For reasons unknown it stopped working after I moved to the latest version of Mac (Mountain Lion). I have been trying to getting it work but is not fruitful so far. I know that the AVFoundation method startRecordingToOutputFileURL will not work if the output file already exists. So, I tried using NSFileManager to see if my destination file exists and if it is writable. My Filemanager always returns the values corresponding to non-existence of the destination file and not writable. I tried to set file permissions to no avail, could anyone throw some light on my possible mistake:
dest = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:#"~/Desktop/"];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[attributes setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:777] forKey:NSFilePosixPermissions]; //I tried 511 too, no avail
[fileManager setAttributes:attributes ofItemAtPath:[dest path] error:nil];
if (![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[dest path]]) {
if ([fileManager isWritableFileAtPath:[dest path]]) {
/* Starts recording to a given URL. */
[captureMovieFileOutput startRecordingToOutputFileURL:dest recordingDelegate:self];
NSLog(#"File doesnot exist but is not writable"); //This is the message I get as result
NSLog(#"File Exists...");
Unexpanded tildes are not valid paths in Cocoa. You must use -stringByExpandingTildeInPath or better, -stringByStandardizingPath on the string passed into NSURL's -initFileURLWithPath:.
Because of this, NSFileManager will return NO for isWritableFileAtPath because it's an invalid path (so it's not writable). This leads you to your NSLog() being fired.
Update based on comments:
You may still find NSURL is returning nil upon creation (so calling -path will return nil) because the path is still invalid. Also worth noting, the documentation says for -isWritableFileAtPath:, "It's far better to attempt an operation (such as loading a file or creating a directory), check for errors, and handle those errors gracefully than it is to try to figure out ahead of time whether the operation will succeed."
Take Peter Hosey's suggestion and make use of the NSError if the call fails as you attempt to write to the file and don't try to figure it out ahead of time.

pathForResource doesn't work

I have problem with
NSString *filePaht = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:(NSString *)name ofType:(NSString *)ext];
if I used
NSString *filePaht = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"soundName" ofType:#"aiff"];
it's OK. but when I used
NSString *fileName = [[file.list objectAtIndex:index] objectForKey:#"soundName"];
NSString *filePaht = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:#"aiff"];
It's not work
have any idea !?
I am going to guess that fileName from file.list includes the file extension. So you are searching for "soundName.aiff.aiff" which does not exist. Try passing #"" for type or stripping the extension from fileName:
fileName = [fileName stringByDeletingPathExtension];
Check your Debugger Console, as it may be telling what you're doing wrong.
[file.list objectAtIndex:index]
If you're getting an NSRangeException, it may be because index contains an index that is outside the bounds of the array. Remember that arrays in Cocoa are serial, not associative; if you remove an object, the indexes of all the objects that came after it will go down by 1, upholding the invariant that 0 ≤ (every valid index) < (count of objects in the array).
It could also be because you never declared a variable named index.
NSString *fileName = [[file.list objectAtIndex:index] objectForKey:#"soundName"];
NSString *filePaht = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:#"aiff"];
If nothing is happening or you get an NSInternalInconsistencyException, it could be one of:
fileList is nil.
The dictionary returned from [file.list objectAtIndex:index] does not have an object for the key soundName.
If you got a “does not respond to selector” message in the Console, it may be one of:
file.list is an object, but not an NSArray.
[file.list objectAtIndex:index] is not an NSDictionary.
fileName ([[file.list objectAtIndex:index] objectForKey:#"soundName"]) is not an NSString.
Remember that the class name you use when you declare the variable doesn't matter except to the compiler; at run time, it's just a variable holding a pointer to an object. The object can be of any class. It is perfectly valid to put something that isn't an NSString into an NSString * variable; it simply carries a very high (near certain) risk of wrong behavior and/or crashing shortly thereafter.
Such a crash will usually manifest in the form of a “does not respond to selector” exception (after something sends the object a message that NSString objects, for example, should respond to, but that the object doesn't respond to because it isn't an NSString).
Whichever problem you're having, you can use the Debugger to investigate.
Sorry with my fault.
I get data from XML file
and that data include "\n". yes I see "\n" so I replace with #""
but it not enough I must trim space value again.
Thanks for all advice ^_^

Easy way to set a single character of an NSString to uppercase

I would like to change the first character of an NSString to uppercase. Unfortunately, - (NSString *)capitalizedString converts the first letter of every word to uppercase. Is there an easy way to convert just a single character to uppercase?
I'm currently using:
NSRange firstCharRange = NSMakeRange(0,1);
NSString* firstCharacter = [dateString substringWithRange:firstCharRange];
NSString* uppercaseFirstChar = [firstCharacter originalString];
NSMutableString* capitalisedSentence = [originalString mutableCopy];
[capitalisedSentence replaceCharactersInRange:firstCharRange withString:uppercaseFirstChar];
Which seems a little convoluted but at least makes no assumptions about the encoding of the underlying unicode string.
Very similar approach to what you have but a little more condense:
NSString *capitalisedSentence =
[dateString stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)
withString:[[dateString substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString]];
Since NSString is immutable, what you have seems to be a good way to do what you want to do. The implementations of (NSString*)uppercaseString and similar methods probably look very much like what you've written, as they return a new NSString instead of modifying the one you sent the message to.
I had a similar requirement, but it was for characters within the string. This assuming i is your index to the character you want to uppercase this worked for me:
curword = [curword stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(i,1)
withString:[[curword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)] capitalizedString]];
If you profile these solutions they are much slower then doing this:
NSMutableString *capitolziedString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:originalString];
NSString *firstChar = [[capitolziedString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)] uppercaseString];
[capitolziedString replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:firstChar];
in testing on an iphone 4 running iOS 5:
#doomspork's solution ran in 0.115750 ms
while above ran in 0.064250 ms;
in testing on an Simulator running iOS 5:
#doomspork's solution ran in 0.021232 ms
while above ran in 0.007495 ms;
Aiming for maximum readability, make a category on NSString and give it this function:
NSString *capitalizeFirstLetter(NSString *string) {
NSString *firstCapital = [string substringToIndex:1].capitalizedString;
return [string stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:firstCapital];
Then in your code where you want it:
NSString *capitalizedSentence = capitalizeFirstLetter(dateString);
This kind of code rarely belongs in the spot where you need it and should generally be factored away into a utility class or a category to improve legibility.
