Short VHDL for loop code i dont understand - vhdl

I do understand how to convert a binary number into a decimal number but the following code thats supposed to do that doesnt make sense. I mean lets sat we have a binary number 10, then v(i) would be 0, so result stays 0. Upon the next iteration v(i) will be 1 so result will be 0 + 1 . The loop stops and the function will return the value of result which is 1 and not 2 which is the value of the binary number put into the function. Could someone tell me why I am wrong? This code comes with a university assignment so it should be correct. Thanks. :)
-- convert std_logic vector v to natural
FUNCTION s2n(v: std_logic_vector)
RETURN natural IS
VARIABLE result: natural := 0;
FOR i IN v'range LOOP
result := result * 2;
IF v(i) = '1' THEN
result := result + 1;
RETURN result;
END s2n;

The 'range loop works from left to right. The convention is for the most-significant bit to be on the left
By decoding that first, the *2 operation gets run most times on the MSB as you'd expect.
(BTW, if you want the range to go the other way for some reason, you can use the 'reverse_range attribute)


if statement problem while converting a vector

im new at vhdl coding, and there is a problem with if statement
so my code is the following
i want to convert a vector(bar), if the statement is true (so in this example if its smaller than 10)
variable tmp : integer;
tmp := to_integer(signed(bar));
if tmp < 10 then
good(3) <= bar(3);
good(2) <= bar(3) xor bar(2);
good(1) <= bar(2) xor bar(1);
good(0) <= bar(1) xor bar(0);
end if;
end process;
but the problem is that the statement is not working, if i put a bigger number for example "1111" it is converting in the same way as it converted before
From the comments it seems you want good to be set to 0 whenever bar >= 10. In that case you can just do:
variable tmp : integer;
tmp := to_integer(signed(bar));
if tmp < 10 then
good(3) <= bar(3);
good(2) <= bar(3) xor bar(2);
good(1) <= bar(2) xor bar(1);
good(0) <= bar(1) xor bar(0);
good <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;
The vector good is only assigned when tmp < 10. So there is a latch inferred by this process.
You need to define what's the "else" value for good in any other conditions.
You state that
if i put a bigger number for example "1111" it is converting in the
same way as it converted before
As Tricky pointed out in a comment above, your problem is this line here:
tmp := to_integer(signed(bar));
You have not posted an MCVE, so I cannot be sure, but your question implies that bar is 4 bits wide. Assuming that is the case, the value "1111" as a signed number is -1. So, if bar is set to "1111", tmp will be -1. -1 is less than 10, so this if statement will evaluate as true:
if tmp < 10 then
If you consider than "1111" is greater than 10 (ie it's 15), then you need to convert via the unsigned type, ie
tmp := to_integer(unsigned(bar));
The range of a 4-bit signed number is -8 to +7. All the values in that range are less than 10, so your if statement will evaluate as true whatever the value of bar.
The above solution assumes that bar is always zero or positive. If that is not the case, then you need more bits in the signal bar. 5 is enough. A 5-bit signed number has the range -16 to +15.
So, I can see two solutions:
use an unsigned type in your type conversion or
make bar 5 bits
or wider.
Others have pointed out that, assuming this is synthsisable code and assuming that this is intended to be combinational logic, then you are missing a branch in your if statement; you don't drive the signal good in the case that the if statement is false and so if you were to synthesise this code as combinational logic, then you would get latches. But that is not the question you asked.

Insert row function for matrix (2D array) in vhdl?

Is there a shorthand way to set a row of values in a matrix? I'm looking for a function/procedure type of solution.
Just to clarify, by matrix I don't mean an array of array but rather a 2D array.
I've managed to read a specific row using:
function extract_row(matrix : matrix_type; row_index : natural) return row_type is
variable res : row_type (matrix'range(2));
for i in res'range loop
res(i) := matrix(row, i);
end loop;
return res;
end function;
And now I need a way to set a row in a fashion similar to how one can set a subarray in the array of arrays:
signal x : array_of_rows_type(range_a)(range_b);
signal y : row_type(range_b);
x(0) <= y;
I realise the shorthand isn't necessary and that one can work around it using loops and generates, but I have many places where I need to do this, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep legible code (and my sanity).
For those wondering, the reason why I'm using the matrix approach and not the array of arrays is because I need to reuse the type in multiple entities with different ranges.
Bonus points if the solution somehow allows me to use it in port mapping (although I realise this is impossible, unless I've misunderstood VHDL completely). i.e.:
port map (
row_type_outport => row_insert_solution(matrix, row)
I seem to recognize the code for the extract_row function. Perhaps you could adapt the function replace_matrix_column that is given in the same package?
function replace_matrix_column(
input_matrix: bit_matrix;
new_column: bit_vector;
column_index: integer
) return bit_matrix is
variable output: bit_matrix(input_matrix'range(1), input_matrix'range(2));
for i in input_matrix'range(1) loop
for j in input_matrix'range(2) loop
if j = column_index then
output(i, j) := new_column(i);
output(i, j) := input_matrix(i, j);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return output;
Then you could call it like this:
x <= replace_matrix_row(x, y, 0);
Or, for better clarity:
x <= replace_matrix_row(input_matrix => x, new_row => y, row_index => 0);
I don't have your types, so I can't compile this to make sure it works, but this might help get you close.
function row_insert_solution(matrix : matrix_type;
row_insert : row_type;
row_index : natural
) return matrix_type is
variable res : matrix_type := matrix;
for i in row_insert'range loop
res(row_index, i) := row_insert(i);
end loop;
return res;
end function;

vhdl code (for loop)

I want to write vhdl code that finds the largest integer in the array A which is an array of 20 integers.
what should my algorithm look like, to input where the sequential statements are?
my vhdl code:
highnum: for i in 0 to 19 loop
i = 0;
i < 20;
i<= i + 1;
end loop highnum;
This does not need to be synthesizable but I dont know how to form this for loop a detailed example explaining how to would be appreciated.
Simply translating the C loop to VHDL, inside a VHDL clocked process, will work AND be synthesisable. It will generate a LOT of hardware because it has to generate the output in a single clock cycle, but that doesn't matter if you are just simulating it.
If that is too much hardware, then you have to implement it as a state machine with at least two states, Idle and Calculating, so that it performs only one loop iteration per clock cycle while Calculating, and returns to the Idle state when done.
First of all you should know how have you defined the array in vhdl.
Let me define an array for you.
type array_of_integer array(19 downto 0) of integer;
signal A : array_of_integer :=(others => 0);
signal max : integer;
-- Now above is the array in vhdl of integers all are initialized to value 0.
A(0) <= 1;
A(1) <= 2;
A(19)<= 19;
-- Now the for loop for calculating maximum
max <= A(0);
for i in 0 to 19 loop
if (A(i) > max) then
max <= A(i);
end if;
end loop;
-- Now If you have problems in understating that where to put which part of code .. in a ----vhdl entity format .. i.e process, ports, etc... you can reply !

vhdl "for loop" with step size not equal to 1

I have a simple question . Is it possible to write a VHDL for loop with step size not equal to 1 e.g 16
The loop should go like
0--> 16 --> 32--> 48.... to some value
any immediate help is appreciated
A possible solution is to use a range that is 1/16th of the desired range and unroll the loop inside it to generate the desired range:
for i in 0 to 3 -- Actually 0 to 48
x(16*i) <= ...
x((16*i)+1) <= ...
x((16*i)+15) <= ...
end loop;
Another solution would be to use a while instead. Assuming your count variable is an integer:
while (i < 48)
--Do something
i := count + 16;
end loop;
Edit: I haven't tested the code above, you might be unable to change the variable count inside the loop, I'm not sure. Maybe the first solution is the best one.
It is not possible to have a for loop with a step different then 1. You are not even allowed to change it inside the for, like this:
for i in 0 to 48 loop
--Do Something
i := i + 15; -- This will NOT increment the loop index by 16
end loop;
And finally, for steps of 2 or 3 you might use nested for's.
But anyway, What are you trying to accomplish? VHDL is a low-level hardware description language, you should be able to achieve whatever you are trying to without fancy for loops.
VHDL has no step parameter in for loop, so the step is always 1 for to
range direction and -1 for downto range direction.
So if you need loop with start and step value, you can do:
constant FOR_START : natural := 1;
constant FOR_STEP : natural := 2;
variable idx_v : natural; -- Support index variable
for idx_pre in 0 to 3 loop
idx_v := FOR_START + FOR_STEP * idx_pre;
z_o(idx_v) <= a_i(idx_v);
end loop;
A while loop can also be used as alternative:
constant FOR_START : natural := 1;
constant FOR_STEP : natural := 2;
constant FOR_MAX : natural := 7;
variable idx_v : natural;
idx_v := FOR_START;
while idx_v <= FOR_MAX loop
z_o(idx_v) <= a_i(idx_v);
idx_v := idx_v + FOR_STEP;
end loop;
How about looping over the entire range, but then using an 'if' statement to only act on every 16th value?
for i in start_thing to end_thing loop
if i mod 16 = 0 then
do things(i)
end if;
end loop; -- i
Or alternately use Next:
for i in start_thing to end_thing loop
next when i mod 16 /= 0 ;
end loop; -- i
My research says no, but you can declare a second variable that acts as a multiple of your variable inside of your loop.
Yes, it is possible to "for loop" with a step size not equal to 1.
for i in range 1 downto 0 loop
foo(i) <= bar(1-i);

How can I check if a VHDL Integer is even or odd?

What is the easiest or simplest way to check if an integer signal is even or odd in VHDL?
if (A mod 2) = 0 then
-- it's even
-- it's odd
end if;
As a side note if the signal is a vector, then you can do the following:
if (A(0)) then
-- it's odd
-- it's even
function is_even(val : integer) return boolean is
constant vec: signed(31 downto 0) := to_signed(val, 32);
return vec(0) = '0';
function is_even(val : integer) return boolean is
return val mod 2 = 0;
depending on whether your synthesiser is bright enough to figure out mod 2
Another way if you are not storing as an integer * is to register the LSB from the standard logic vector holding the value and check if it is 0 or 1.
EDIT: Re-storing integers
removed * (which can be a problem on many FPGA's)
My mistake here, I was thinking along two different paths and mixed the two up. I have had trouble before passing character and string types between components when coding on FPGA's. While I cannot list the error messages off hand, I took a mental note to use std logic vectors instead of the pre-compile types. I found that they always seemed to work in simulation but never on the board.
