jquery cycle uncover effect change direction or custom effect - jquery-cycle

I would like to change the direction of uncover fx depending on the active slide index and the next slide index.
The effect I want to get is like: http://www.shegy.nazwa.pl/test2/ - here it works like charm but with scroll and in jquery cycle I would like to have navigation menu to jump to particular slide.
I know that there is something like scrollVert - but its not the same.
Anybody could give a little advice?


Mudblazor and Material Banner?

I am using MudBlazor and loving it so far, except I can't figure out how to use it to put something across the top, below the menu, that stays put when scrolling.
I'd like something like a Material Banner. I don't see anything in MudBlazor like that. I also could use a drawer, but to have it work the way I want I have to have it persistent. If it's persistent, Anchor.Top doesn't work (only works on temporary). Drawers for some reason only work on the right and left for my purpose, and it seems like some don't think they should be changed (not sure if that's a decision for a reason): https://github.com/MudBlazor/MudBlazor/issues/3869. There's also this issue on how to do it on the bottom, but that's on the bottom, and it overlaps the left menu.
I also looked at overlay with scrolling enabled, but I can't seem to get it to be 200px high at the top and stay there when scrolling (if I add Absolute="true" then it fills it's parent element which means it scrolls with everything else)
Does anyone know how to create an element that won't overlay my side and top nav, and that won't scroll with the rest of the page and overlay/be on top of everything else when scrolling?

Getting Right position of MasterDetailPage Xamarin

I created a custom hamburger with its own animation. I wanted to know if there was a way of attaching it to the rightmost side of the MasterDetailPage's sliding menu so that it moves when it is pressed? Is there any way to get that value or at least a value to do with the animation of that page so that I can translate it accordingly
What you need is accomplished through using the "RotateYTo" method and it works also on MasterDetailPage.
Try the following in your MasterDetailPage initiation.
It looks like I got your question all in a wrong way.
Anyways. If you need something to appear right next to the Master Page you should add it on the left side of the Detail page. The Master page also takes a width parameter which you can manipulate.

Customizing slider in WP7

I have experienced some trouble with the Slider control on WP7. When I am dragging it, it will only drag a little bit, and then it goes back to where it started. If I let go of the slider quickly, then it goes a little further. E.g. if you want to drag it from the start to the end, you will have to quickly drag many times. What I want is a smooth slider, which follows my finger and stops until I release my finger, and it should stop where my finger is. Any way to get this the way I want?
I am also having a bit of trouble customizing it visually. How can I resize it and put it in the middle of the parent controller? Now, it puts itself in the top section, even though Vertical option is set to bottom..
How do you know where your finger are? Your finger is obviously going to be larger than the Slider itself.
The default slider is perfectly smooth. So all you're complaining about is the level of precision. You won't get 100% precision with a touch-interface that depends on the calibration of touch-input on your touch-screen.
Either you make the slider go in steps (which isn't smooth), or you accept the lower level of precision.
I finally solved the issue. The problem was that you can not(for some odd reason) have a slider and a gesturelistener at the same page. I removed the gesturelistener and the slider was smooth. I will not call that bad programming skills, this is definitely a bug, because the gesturelistener was on a totally different control in the page.

How to make a Widget slide view with Qt4?

I currently display several widgets (quite large ones, almost screen-wide) on a QStackedLayout, let's call these widgets "pages". Switching from a page to another is done with buttons below (previous, index, next).
I would like pages to slide while switching, as if they were placed on a larger-than-screen row, moving left or right depending on what the user wants.
For this I thought the QScrollArea would be OK, but I can add only one widget to it and I cannot index sub-items to move accordingly nor can I force a per-item-scroll (I don't want the sliding movement to stop between two pages.)
Another option is the QListView or other derivate from QAbstractItemView, but I can't find how to pass a widget as a QListItemModel or other reimplemented QAbstractItemModel. Roles for data are quite limited, and none seem to allow QWidgets.
How can I proceed to achieve this?
It seems using a QScrollArea and scroll programmatically using the inherited scrollContentsBy() would do the trick. The viewport then would be an elongated widget, sliding left or right so one section could be seen at a time.

What's wrong with my jQuery plugin? (Won't animate)

I'm building my first jQuery plugins. One is a tab-views switcher thing, and the other is a sliding pager thing. They can both be seen on this test page: http://test.benlwilliams.com/powerwash/
The problem I'm having is with the slider plugin called, blwslider(). The implementation can be found at the bottom of the test page.
I want to be able to have any number of sliders to be independent of one another. The slider on the top works perfectly, but the slider on the bottom will not animate the sliding.
The bottom slider has 2 pages, and starts on the first page. You can see by clicking on the arrows that they appear and disappear correctly, as if the page had turned, but no animation is actually happening to turn the page. What makes me really confused is that if I use Firebug and put some "stops" in the turnPage function, all the variables have the correct values. I can't find any reason why the page is not turning.
I also considered that maybe only the first appearance of a .blwslider() is working for some reason. But I already swapped the order of the two chuncks of slider code, and still the slider with the #slider2 chunck refuses to work.
All the code is visible with firebug, but let me know if I need to post something specific. Thanks!
So it turns out it has nothing to do with the plugin's implementation or structure, but rather a math problem when the slider has only two pages.
