Oracle Client set oracle home - oracle

In the Windows, I have issues in Oracle client driver, so Toad and Sql developer can't login. how to create an oracle home ? which bin path I should point to ? how to set up toad home and should point to which oracle bin ?
here is my oracle structure.
---- client
---- product
---- 10.2.0

SQL developer is self contained and comes with it's own Oracle drivers. An Oracle client is not necessary in order to make a connection.
Open the program
click on the green plus sign on the left side to create a new connection
Enter a connection name which can be anything you want
enter the username and password
select a Basic connection type to use the built in drivers
enter the machine name, port and database name in SID or service name depending on how your database was configured
click test to confirm and you are good to go
Have you tried making a new Basic connection from SQL Developer as outlined above? Visual Studio should not affect SQL developer and I'm doubtful that it would affect the database name or port.


ERROR: First connection sqldeveloper username and password

I have already installed sqldeveloper and i can launch SQLdeveloper client on my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 system.
The problem occurs during the first attempt of the new oracle connection from the client.
Error returned:
"I/O: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"
I have already tryed several times to connect at the database but i still missing the username and password.
Is it possible to configure username and password for SYS/SYSTEM(or who else) user after installation?
Full stop.
You don't have a database.
Installing SQL Developer is just giving you a client you can use to work with an existing Oracle Database, which we often refer to as the 'server.'
SQL Developer is not a database.
So you need to get one.
Then you can use SQL Developer.
You have a few options. I talk about them in detail here.
SQL developer is just like the Key for Safe lock. And Database is the Safe.
So right now you have the key for Safe but doesn't have Safe.
Please get the safe first.
SQL Developer is not the Database. So Installing SQL developer will not give access to DB
Instead SQL Developer is the client side tool to retrieve the data or to do the modification on Database.
To get the database you need to download oracle DB from below link

Discover oracle connection data (Host, SID/Service, Port) from an ODBC connection

I'm not an Oracle guy, but I find that I need to touch on some oracle resources to respond to a new report request. I'm working at an office where the connection to an oracle server uses LDAP and I can't get to the connection info. I do have an ODBC connection on my machine, so I can get into the database through MS Access. But I'd like to be able to connect with SQL Developer so I can do more useful profiling on the tables.
Is there any way to use my ODBC connection through Access to tease out Hostname, Port, and SID/Service name so I can connect through SQL Developer?
It seems I do not have permissions to the UTL_INADDR functions.
Since you have an ODBC connection defined already, you can open the ODBC Data Source Administrator on your computer (Goto the start menu and type ODBC in to search for it).
In the ODBC Data Source Administrator select the data source for the database in question (it may be on the User, System or File DSN tab) and click the Configure button.
From the Configuration screen you will be able to see the TNS Service Name for the connection.
The TNS Service Name should be all you'll need to supply to SQL Developer when creating the connection. Aside from your account credentials of course.
You can query SID and Hostname like this:
select instance_name, host_name from v$instance;
Afaik there is no way to query the port name from the database, see also this article on Ask TOM on this subject:
You cannot get the port -- the port is not necessarily known to the
database. The listener need not be running on the same machine with
the database, a single listener might be servicing many databases. A
database may have many listeners servicing it.

How to create local connection in SQL Developer

I only have SQL Developer installed. What other programs do I need to install to create a local database. Please provide links.
SQL Developer is a client that access to a database server to extract data.
You need a database server.
If you operate with SQLDeveloper probably you like to install Oracle. There is a simplified version of Oracle that is called Oracle-XE. Search it over google and download the right version for your operating system.
Give the username and password of the user you created. You can specify localhost in Host name. If you haven't modified the port on which Oracle works then give 1521. If you haven't changed SID as well then give XE. You might be able to connect with DB.

How to Connect local instance of oracle sql developer?

I am absolute beginner to oracle and thought of getting started with installing Oracle Sql developer.
Basically i downloaded the zip package and unzipped to program files and opened sqldeveloper.exe.
Then I chose New connection and then filled the connection name,username,password and others but when I test the connection I get the following error.
Status : Failure-Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
I'm looking to connect to local database for practicing queries.
How do I fix this, is there something else I should install?
Before downloading the Sql Developer, Download the Latest version of Oracle Database from here
1) Now run the Downloaded Oracle database and during installation, it will prompt to create a password for User named 'SYSTEM' .
In my case i have created the password as 'oracle'.
So my credentials for Oracle Database are
User Name: SYSTEM
Password : oracle
2) Now download the SQL Developer and extract it to a local folder.Once Extracted, click the sql developer application file --> Connections Tab --> New Connection (+ icon)-->
Connection Name: TestConn (give some random name)
Username: SYSTEM
Password: oracle (the password i have given during installation of oracle database)
Leave all the other default fields as they are .(see the screenshot below).
Click on test for testing the connection.

Where to get Oracle SERVICE_NAME?

I just installed Oracle database 10g free version for students on my Windows XP. I am confused how to know the SERVICE_NAME? Am running it at my localhost, with username SYSTEM. May I know where can I get to know the SERVICE_NAME?
It is normally XE for the free version. ORCL is another typical value.
Once logged in, it can be determined from
select sys_context('USERENV','SERVICE_NAME') from dual
If you need to know it so that you can log in, look for a file called TNSNAMES.ORA in
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/network/admin and the service name will probably be in the connection string.
Since its windows, you can go to control panel - administrative tools - services : (switch to classic mode in control panel if you do not see admin tools). Once there you will have a service by the name "Oracle service_". The is your service name.
