Hadoop Local Mode: number of mappers and reducers - hadoop

I need to prototype some Hadoop MR code in Hadoop Local mode in my Mac and I would like to hear some of gotcha there might be.
One particular question is about the number of mappers and reducers. Basically it will be one for both? Specifying more than 1 would work at all? I am going to use smaller sample.

You can not specify number of mapper and reducer in the local mode. It is always single threaded. In the same time, if you want to profile your mapper or reducer performance - it will be quite realistic.
Nearest mode which can have many mappers and reducers is pseudo distributed mode when all deamons are running on the single machine.
Both of the above will not take into account possible problems with data locality, shuffling performance. I also do not expect that your dev machine has the same disk subsystem as production..
In a nutshell - if you have low single mapper / reducer performance in the local mode -you can start fixing it. If it does working good - try on real HW before planning your cluster.


Running Mappers and Reducers on different Groups of machines

We have a nice, big, complicated elastic-mapreduce job that has wildly different constraints on hardware for the Mapper vs Collector vs Reducer.
The issue is: for the Mappers, we need tonnes of lightweight machines to run several mappers in parallel (all good there); the collectors are more memory hungry, but it should still be OK to give them about 6GB of peak heap each . . . but, the problem is the Reducers. When one of those kicks off, it will grab up about 32-64GB for processing.
The result it that we get a round-robbin type of task death because the full memory of a box is consumed, which causes that one mapper and reducer to both be restarted elsewhere.
The simplest approach would be if we could somehow specify a way to have the reducer run on a different "group" (a handful of ginormous boxes) while having the mappers/collectors running on smaller boxes. This could also lead to significant cost-savings as well, as we really shouldn't be sizing the nodes mappers are running on to the demands of the reducers.
An alternative would be to "break up" the job so that there's a 2nd cluster that can be spun up to process the mappers collector's output--but, that's obviously "sub-optimal".
So, the question are:
Is there a way do specify what "groups" a mapper or a reducer will
run upon Elastic MapReduce and/or Hadoop?
Is there a way to prevent the reducers from starting until all the mappers are done?
Does anyone have other ideas on how to approach this?
During a Hadoop MapReduce job, Reducers start running after all the Mappers are done. The output from the Map phase is shuffled and sorted before partitioning takes place to decide which Reducer receives which data. So, Reducers start running after the Shuffle/Sort phase has ended (after the mappers are done).

Run Map-Reduce application on multiple core on the same machine

I want to run map reduce tasks on a single machine and I want to use all the cores of my machine. Which is the best approach? If I install hadoop in pseudo distributed mode it is possible to use all the cores?
You can make use of the properties mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum and mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum to increase the number of Mappers/Reducers spawned simultaneously on a TaskTracker as per your hardware specs. By default, it is set to 2, hence a maximum of 2 maps and 2 reduces will run at a given instance. But, one thing to keep in mind is that if your input is very small then framework will decide it's not worth parallelizing the execution. In such a case you need to handle it by tweaking the default split size through mapred.max.split.size.
Having said that, I, based on my personal experience, have noticed that MR jobs are normally I/O(perhaps memory, sometimes) bound. So, CPU does not really become a bottleneck under normal circumstances. As a result you might find it difficult to fully utilize all the cores on one machine at a time for a job.
I would suggest to devise some strategy to decide the proper number of Mappers/Reducers to efficiently carry out the processing to make sure that you are properly utilizing the CPU since Mappers/Reducers take up slots on each node. One approach could be to take the number of cores, multiply it by .75 and then set the number of Mappers and Reducers as per your needs. For example, you have 12 physical cores or 24 virtual cores, then you could have 24*.75 = 18 slots. Now based on your needs you can decide whether to use 9Mappers+9Reducers or 12Mappers+6Reducers or something else.
I'm reposting my answer from this question: Hadoop and map-reduce on multicore machines
For Apache Hadoop 2.7.3, my experience has been that enabling YARN will also enable multi-core support. Here is a simple guide for enabling YARN on a single node:
The default configuration seems to work pretty well. If you want to tune your core usage, then perhaps look into setting 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores' and 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-vcores' within yarn-site.xml (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.7.1/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-common/yarn-default.xml)
Also, see here for instructions on how to configure a simple Hadoop sandbox with multicore support: https://bitbucket.org/aperezrathke/hadoop-aee

How does Hadoop/MapReduce scale when input data is NOT stored?

The intended use for Hadoop appears to be for when the input data is distributed (HDFS) and already stored local to the nodes at the time of the mapping process.
Suppose we have data which does not need to be stored; the data can be generated at runtime. For example, the input to the mapping process is to be every possible IP address. Is Hadoop capable of efficiently distributing the Mapper work across nodes? Would you need to explicitly define how to split the input data (i.e. the IP address space) to different nodes, or does Hadoop handle that automatically?
Let me first clarify a comment you made. Hadoop is designed to support potentially massively parallel computation across a potentially large number of nodes regardless of where the data comes from or goes. The Hadoop design favors scalability over performance when it has to. It is true that being clever about where the data starts out and how that data is distributed can make a significant difference in how well/quickly a hadoop job can run.
To your question and example, if you will generate the input data you have the choice of generating it before the first job runs or you can generate it within the first mapper. If you generate it within the mapper then you can figure out what node the mapper's running on and then generate just the data that would be reduced in that partition (Use a partitioner to direct data between mappers and reducers)
This is going to be a problem you'll have with any distributed platform. Storm, for example, lets you have some say in which bolt instance will will process each tuple. The terminology might be different, but you'll be implementing roughly the same shuffle algorithm in Storm as you would Hadoop.
You are probably trying to run a non-MapReduce task on a map reduce cluster then. (e.g. IP scanning?) There may be more appropriate tools for this, your know...
A thing few people do not realize is that MapReduce is about checkpointing. It was developed for huge clusters, where you can expect machines to fail during the computation. By having checkpointing and recovery built-in into the architecture, this reduces the consequences of failures and slow hosts.
And that is why everything goes from disk to disk in MapReduce. It's checkpointed before, and it's checkpointed after. And if it fails, only this part of the job is re-run.
You can easily outperform MapReduce by leaving away the checkpointing. If you have 10 nodes, you will win easily. If you have 100 nodes, you will usually win. If you have a major computation and 1000 nodes, chances are that one node fails and you wish you had been doing similar checkpointing...
Now your task doesn't sound like a MapReduce job, because the input data is virtual. It sounds much more as if you should be running some other distributed computing tool; and maybe just writing your initial result to HDFS for later processing via MapReduce.
But of course there are way to hack around this. For example, you could use /16 subnets as input. Each mapper reads a /16 subnet and does it's job on that. It's not that much fake input to generate if you realize that you don't need to generate all 2^32 IPs, unless you have that many nodes in your cluster...
Number of Mappers depends on the number of Splits generated by the implementation of the InputFormat.
There is NLineInputFormat, which you could configure to generate as many splits as there are lines in the input file. You could create a file where each line is an IP range. I have not used it personally and there are many reports that it does not work as expected.
If you really need it, you could create your own implementation of the InputFormat which generates the InputSplits for your virtual data and force as many mappers as you need.

Performance comparison between hadoop Pseudo-Distributed Operation and Standalone Operation

I'm a very beginner of hadoop. But I had this interesting observation.
Using the example in hadoop documentation,
By running the same example in Standalone Operation and Pseudo-Distributed Operation, the standalone one took less than 1 minute but Pseudo-distributed operation took more than 3 minutes. This is big difference. I could understand there are extra network and scheduling overhead in distributed mode. But the difference just seems to be too much. This may not be a real comparison because the example is very simple.
My question is, how much difference did you experience between the standalone and distributed mode for a real-world job?
These are reasonably different scenarios. In stand-alone mode, it never starts up a proper one-node Hadoop cluster. Everything happens locally, inline, in the JVM. Data never has to be even written out to disk, potentially. Pseudo-distributed operation is the smallest "real" Hadoop installation, of one local node. You have to read/write data to a local HDFS instance, spawn another JVM, etc. All of that adds a lot of overhead. Maybe the overhead is indeed a few minutes. This seems entirely sensible to me.
Hadoop frame work is meant for processing BIG DATA..
So the size of the data matters a lot ,because ,a smaller file would get processed in traditional file system very quickly than in hadoop because hadoop mapreduce frame work has internal work to do (to make chunks of data file and to send it to data nodes and while processing again access from data nodes ).So for a smaller files ,hadoop frame work is not suitable.
Coming to standalone and pseudo distributed mode ,one aspect u should consider is size of the file and second being actual difference in standalone and pseudo distributed mode.
In standalone mode there is no concept of HDFS,data is not copied to hadoop distributed file system (obviously time saved).Where as in pseudo distributed mode ,hdfs involved which need to be copied with the data that's need to be processed.
Small size data files better to use traditional file processing and if the file size become huge and huge ,hadoop framework gives better processing time!
Hope this helps!

Idea's for balancing out a HDFS -> HBase map reduce job

For a client, I've been scoping out the short-term feasibility of running a Cloudera flavor hadoop cluster on AWS EC2. For the most part the results have been expected with the performance of the logical volumes being mostly unreliable, that said doing what I can I've got the cluster to run reasonably well for the circumstances.
Last night I ran a full test of their importer script to pull data from a specified HDFS path and push it into Hbase. Their data is somewhat unusual in that the records are less then 1KB's a piece and have been condensed together into 9MB gzipped blocks. All total there are about 500K text records that get extracted from the gzips, sanity checked, then pushed onto the reducer phase.
The job runs within expectations of the environment ( the amount of spilled records is expected by me ) but one really odd problem is that when the job runs, it runs with 8 reducers yet 2 reducers do 99% of the work while the remaining 6 do a fraction of the work.
My so far untested hypothesis is that I'm missing a crucial shuffle or blocksize setting in the job configuration which causes most of the data to be pushed into blocks that can only be consumed by 2 reducers. Unfortunately the last time I worked on Hadoop, another client's data set was in 256GB lzo files on a physically hosted cluster.
To clarify, my question; is there a way to tweak a M/R Job to actually utilize more available reducers either by lowering the output size of the maps or causing each reducer to cut down the amount of data it will parse. Even a improvement of 4 reducers over the current 2 would be a major improvement.
It seems like you are getting hotspots in your reducers. This is likely because a particular key is very popular. What are the keys as the output of the mapper?
You have a couple of options here:
Try more reducers. Sometimes, you get weird artifacts in the randomness of the hashes, so having a prime number of reducers sometimes helps. This will likely not fix it.
Write a custom partitioner that spreads out the work better.
Figure out why a bunch of your data is getting binned into two keys. Is there a way to make your keys more unique to split up the work?
Is there anything you can do with a combiner to reduce the amount of traffic going to the reducers?
