jqGrid subGridRowExpanded parameters - jqgrid

Where do I set the values that are passed to the subGridRowExpanded method. For example, I have a parent row A and I want to get the children of A so I want to pass this value to the subGridRowExpanded method.

#SBel: I had the same issue these days afer upgrading to jqGrid v. 4.6.0.
Oleg is - as always - right by pointing to a "wrong" id-specification.
This happens sometimes when the generation of your JSON-String comes from an older jqGrid-Installation...
However, these lines helped me out:
subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {
var rowData = $(this).getRowData(row_id);
var uid = rowData['id'];

subGridRowExpanded is callback function. One uses it for example to implement Subgrid as Grid. jqGrid set all parameters and then calls your callback function if you implemented it.
You should describe more clear your original problem: what you want to do and in which context (in which situation or inside of which callback).


jqGrid custom recordtext and using loadComplete to get records count

I am trying to change the recordtext of a display grid to a custom format. I am using a treeview as the selector that refreshes the display grid. I need to find the total records for the grid and I am able to get this value using the getGridParam records method when I click on the treeview node and load the display grid.
However, after I get this value and try to create the custom recordtext, the record count is the previous value, not the current records count. I know that the gridComplete happens before the loadComplete, but even placing the get in the gridComplete and the set int he loadComplete, it still doesn't work, even with a reloadGrid trigger. If I click on the treeview node twice, I get the correct value.
I am thinking it is a timing issue as to when the new value is ready to set the recordtext. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
I recommend you to try updatepager method, which updates the information on the pager. Alternatively you can do for example the following:
loadComplete: function () {
var p = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam");
p.records = 123;
p.recordtext = "My View {0} - {1} of <i>{2}<i>";
to see the viewrecords

When dialog element gets rendered into DOM?

I have the following code snippet (just to illustrate the question, it is not full production code) for the CkEditor plugin:
onOk: function() {
var dialog = this,
element = dialog.element;
element.setStyle('width', width+'%');
element.setStyle('text-align', align)
In this small code snippet a modification of one dialog element occurs using setStyle() method, after which commitContent is triggered.
So, the questions are:
Do I understand correctly, that each setStyle call here triggers
element rerender (repaint) since this element already exists in
What is the purpose of commitContent() ckEditor method? Just an event for dialog elements to store some data?
I belive that setStyle repaints the components already existing in the DOM, have a look at this example (that I have taken from the official documentation):
var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' );
element.setStyle( 'background-color', '#ff0000' );
element.setStyle( 'margin-top', '10px' );
element.setStyle( 'float', 'right' );
It first gets the element from the doc and Then sets the style, so basically it is repaiting it triggering events.
From the official documentation:
Calls the CKEDITOR.dialog.definition.uiElement.commit method of each
of the UI elements, with the arguments passed through it. It is
usually being called when the user confirms the dialog, to process the
Hope this helped you!

Dynamically adding subgrid to identical parent grid

I need the ability to add a random amount of subgrids to a jqgrid. Basically the subgrid is idential to the parent jqgrid apart from having their column headings hidden. Is there a way where I can define the grid once in say a js file method and have the grid id and data url passed in as a parameter and then append different versions of itself into its subGridRowExpand after its defined. It just seems very laborious to have to define multiple versions of the same jqgrid one inside the other.
Could I do something like
var i = 0;
var maxsubgrids = 5;
function CreateGrid(gridId, dataUrl) {
...... Grid definition
subGridRowExpand: function(subgrid_id, row_id) {
if (subgridcount < maxsubgrids){
CreateGrid('#subgridId' + i++, subgridDataURL);
......... continue with grid definition
I know the above isn't correct but just an idea, but I think it would be better if the grid could be just created once in a method and then find a way to insert the subGridRowExpand section afterwards. Is this even possible?
You should consider to use TreeGrid instead of Subgrids. It's important to understand that subitems of TreeGrid have always the same number of columns like it's parent elements. So I suppose it corresponds to requirements which you have. Of extending of tree node nodeid, parentid and n_level will be automatically added to the list of parameters of the URL (see the documentation).

Change value of drop down of specific row in jqGrid

I have created at a table using jqGrid. In that I have a comboBox. I want the values of the combobox such that It is not used in the previous row.
But, once my first row displayed, then I am unable to change the values of comboBoc in the second row.
Ex: In my combobox, there are three values .. one, two, three. I have selected value "two" in the first row. Then the combo box of the second must have two values: one and three.
I have tried the following code:
getDenominationList('addOperation') will return a String "1:one;3:three"
But this is not working.
I hope I understand correct your question and you want to change the value parameter of editoptions every time depend on the current row id or other grid contain. You can do this inside your custom dataInit event handler (see editoptions):
dataInit: function (elem) {
var v = $(elem).val();
var rowId = $(e.target).closest('tr.jqgrow').attr('id');
var newValue = getDenominationList('addOperation').toString();
$("#listData").setColProp('denomination', { editoptions: { value:newValue} });
The function getDenominationList used in your question don't has the rowid parameter which you probably will need. To simplified it I included in the code above the line which show how the id of the row can be got.
I recommend you to look inside the another answer which I recently answered. It showed how the initial values of value property can be reseted in case of inline editing. It you use form editing you should do this inside of onClose event handler. Moreover in case of form editing you must use recreateForm:true which will force that dataInit event handler will be called not once, but on every row editing.

Hide expand/collapse symbol or deactivate spec. rows in jqGrid subgrid

I have a grid with a subgrid: Only the first row of the Main grid need to have a subgrid.
The solutions I found by Google and http://www.trirand.com/....i:subgrid&s[]=hidecol
doesn't work.
Is there a quick and dirty (hard coded) solution?
Hiding the 'subgrid' column with jQuery("#grid_id").hideCol('subgrid'); remove full column which can be used to expand or collapse the subgrid, so you can not use the way in your case.
I suggest you to clear contain of the 'subgrid' column and unbind the 'click' event for the cells inside of loadComplete event handle:
loadComplete: function() {
you will have the following results:
(You can see the corresponding example live here). It's important to understand, that the loadComplete event will be called on any page, so on the second page you will have subrgid also only on the first row.
If you need to implement more complex logic in choosing of the rows which need have subgrids you can use following code
loadComplete: function() {
var grid = $("#list");
var subGridCells = $("td.sgcollapsed",grid[0]);
if (i!==0) {
The code above do the same as the statement $("td.sgcollapsed:not(:first)","#list").unbind('click').html(''), but you can easy modify the last version of the code to implement more complex behavior.
UPDATED: If you need detractive subgrid only for some row identified by the rowid you can use
$("#"+rowid+" td.sgcollapsed",grid[0]).unbind('click').html('');
(see live here) inside of the loadComplete. If you need deactivate subgrid for all rows which id is not equal to rowid you can make something like following
$('td.sgcollapsed:not("#'+rowid+' td.sgcollapsed")',grid[0]).unbind('click').html('');
(see live here)
UPDATED: free jqGrid now have new feature described in the answer: hasSubgrid callback which can be specified in subGridOptions. It allows to inform jqGrid which rows should don't have subgrids.
