Property autocapitalization in maven - maven

I have a maven project that requires a property to be set at the command line(
What I need to do is to convert that string into all caps since that property is
used for string replacement in a number of files through the maven-resources-plugin.
What's the simplest way to do this?

The groovy plugin could be used. The following configures it to run at the beginning of the Maven build process:
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils[""] = StringUtils.upperCase([""])

With following code, MY_PROPERTIES equals to uppercased value of


Goal copy-dependencies in maven-dependency-plugin is not executed

I have the following plugin configuration :
When calling mvn dependency:copy-dependencies dependencies are indeed copied, and at the correct location (alternateLocation). But when I'm calling mvn package nothing is performed. What am I missing ?
As per documentation, you need to have your configuration inside the execution.
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
We only see parts of your POM, but I guess you put the plugin into <pluginManagement> and not into <plugins> where it belongs.

Maven - How to override version?

my pom.xml looks like this:
I have to get rid of the '-A' suffix. So I found this plugin which removes it and saves it into a new variable.
System.setProperty("versionWithOutPrefix", "${project.version}".replace('-SNAPSHOT', ''))
But I need to get the value of <version> changed. Is there a way to do this?

Multiple XSD schemas for castor with castor-maven-plugin

Is it possible to work with multiple xsd schemas with castor-maven-plugin simultaneously?
I use it in rotation (schema1 and schema2) in POM and it works:
with a little problem: mvn:install collects all classes to target except chema2.crd (or schema1 if I use schema2). I have to copy file manually.
Can I fix it? Are there any ways to configure castor-maven-plugin ?
Try using multiple executions like this:

Pad Number With Zeros in Maven

Is there a way to have maven pad a numeric value (ex: build number) within a POM? I've been googling the topic and haven't come up with anything yet.
My use case is as follows. The maven build process is provided a build number via Jenkins which needs to be included as part of the name of the WAR that is generated. So if I provide it 12 as the build number, then I want the WAR file name to be myWar##000012.war. The ##000012 part of the name is the version identifier used by Tomcat.
The simplest solution may be to embed a scripting language in your build. For example, with Groovy, if you have a buildNumber property:
<source>['nameSuffix'] = "##" + String.format("%06d",['buildNumber'].toLong());
Afterwards the nameSuffix property is available to define the final name.
Alternatively, as suggested in In Maven, how can I dynamically build a property value at runtime?, use build-helper:regex-property to transform the string.
Have you tried using the maven release plugin?
Based upon #Joe suggestion I looked into the build-helper-maven-plugin and was able to come up with the following which does what I need. I wasn't able to identify how to do it all in one step, so I'm doing it in 2. The first step pads the value on the left with zeros. The second step trims the numeric value so that it is only 7 digits long. Please note that ${build.env.version} is passed in as a parameter to the maven build process and that I have defaulted it to 0 in the POM file for when it isn't passed. If you don't provide a default value then the build fails even though failOnError on set to false.
Based upon #jwmajors81 suggestion, I needed to pad the major version for a specific reason...
As we were already using the build-helper-maven-plugin, it is easy enough to get the major version by using the parse-version goal of the build helper. (we only needed 3 chars):
Yet, in that particular case, if you also need to generate a buildNumber, buildnumber-maven-plugin may be the most straight solution:
<format>{0, number,000000}</format>

How can I combine jars using Maven?

The following snippet creates 2 JARS:
I would like to combine these two JARs into one using the assembly plugin, currently I have the following:
<!-- Combine all the JARs in the /target folder into one JAR -->
Currently only one of the two JARS in included in the final JAR that is created by the assembly plugin.
If I understand you correctly, you actually want to merge the jar files into one big jar file. This can be achieved using the maven-shade-plugin (instead of the maven-assembly-plugin).
For example:
<!-- Put your configuration here, if you need any extra settings.
(You should be okay with the defaults). -->
