Understanding make-command in makefile? - makefile

I'm trying to modify a makefile to cross-compile binaries. The command in question is below:
# GNU Make solution makefile autogenerated by Premake
# Type "make help" for usage help
ifndef config
export config
PROJECTS := json openjaus openjaus-core openjaus-environment openjaus-mobility openjaus-manipulator openjaus-ugv Base Managed PingTest LargeMessageTest PdDemo GposDemo GposClientDemo StillImageSensorDemo StillImageClientDemo
.PHONY: all clean help $(PROJECTS)
all: $(PROJECTS)
#echo "==== Building json ($(config)) ===="
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f json.make
As can be seen the makefile has several targets. They all have the same structure as the 'json' target. The command in question in question is
#${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C .build -f json.make
The '${MAKE}' variable = make (I have verified this with echo)
What does the -C do?
What does the .build do?
I'm good with -f json.make
Also, when I run make the json.make file gets created compiles file and deletes it self, so I do not have access to that file.
The error I receive when I modify the command in question is
==== Building json (debug) ====
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `/home/botbear/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain- arm_v6k_gcc-linaro_uClibc-0.9.32_eabi/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-c++'.
The command after modifications looks like:
#${MAKE} /home/botbear/openwrt/trunk/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_v6k_gcc-linaro_uClibc-0.9.32_eabi/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-c++ --no-print-directory -C .build -f json.make
Any help is appreciated!

you can use man make to understand the parameters for make:
-C dir, --directory=dir
Change to directory dir before reading the makefiles or doing any-
thing else. If multiple -C options are specified, each is inter-
preted relative to the previous one: -C / -C etc is equivalent to
-C /etc. This is typically used with recursive invocations of
-f file, --file=file, --makefile=FILE
Use file as a makefile.
so -C .build changes to the directory .build.
and i don't understand the part of your question about modifying the command.

Try to find where json.make lives. It seems that it's that makefile which creates & deletes the directory you were talking about.
From the command line it seems that make changes directory to .build and executes the json.make. Not sure how json.make ends up there. Is .build the directory which is created and then deleted?


Using Make, how to build multiple configuration in one make command

Thanks for all your time and response -
Currently, we are using the nested build, multiple Makefiles, and individual subdirectories having their own Makefile, all are connected with a top-level Makefile. We are running
make xxxxx_yyyy_defconfig
this builds and creates an output file which is xxxxx.elf file. --- Till here everything works fine.
Now we are having multiple def-configs(around 50), I want to build all configurations using one "make all" command. is that possible?
This is not a simple case where we can put all "all: prog01 prog02 prog03" as every program needs to have a different configuration. Configuration can be achieved by using "make xxxxx_yyyy_defconfig". The output of "make config" is the .config file, which is used during the "make" command.
Based on .config file many variables are exported which is used at the subdirectory level.
So How can I build multiple configurations using a single "make all" command?
Environment - Ubuntu, Cross compile for ARM, output file xxxx.elf.
With the use of script and make file I am able to solve, But I have to solve only using Makefile.
in Makefile add one PHONY target
./build_all.sh #shell script calling.
Created one shell script like this
#! /usr/bin/bash
echo "Make All"
for entry in `ls conf`; do
make $entry
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
for xxxfile in `ls xxx*_*` ; do
xxxdir=$(echo $xxxfile | cut -b yy-zz)
mkdir -p $xxxdir
mv $xxxfile $xxxdir/
If you want to build several configurations you must do this out of tree in separate build directories (make O=/tmp/builds/foo foo_defconfig; make -C /tmp/builds/foo) to avoid conflicts. A shell script could do this as well as a Makefile but if you insist on using a Makefile you could try the following that assumes your source tree is in /src/kernel and you want to build configuration foo in /tmp/builds/foo; adapt to your needs:
$ pwd
$ cat Makefile
CONFIGS := uuuu_vvvv xxxx_yyyy ...
BUILD := /tmp/build
KERNEL := /src/kernel
all: $(CONFIGS)
rm -rf $#
mkdir -p $(BUILD)/$#
$(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) O=$(BUILD)/$# $#_defconfig
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILD)/$#
$ make

How can I build two interactive web-sites from one GNU makefile and mostly the same source?

I'm using GNU Make to build a dynamic web site but I need to build two versions. As a net result currently I run my makefile using two command line incantations. This is inefficient and can result in errors (I don't always remember to run both versions or make a typing error and they fail) thus I want to make it one build.
The Command Line incantations are:
sudo make release build=test
sudo make release build=release
The two incantations activate ifeq blocks that set the path and modify some files.
Part of the much simplified (to help readability) top level makefile:
subs = today tomorrow
files = index.php foot.php
ifeq ($(build),test)
export path = /var/www/html/cgi-test
$(shell cp -f head-test.php head.php)
$(shell sed -i '/"DB"/c\ define("DB", "db_test");' subs.php)
else ifeq ($(build),release)
export path = /var/www/html/cgi-new
$(shell cp -f head-release.php head.php)
$(shell sed -i '/"DB"/c\ define("DB", "db_new");' subs.php)
.PHONY: all go
$(MAKE) go
#for ALL in $(subs);\
do $(MAKE) -C $$ALL all || exit $$?;\
cp $(files) $(path)/.
The sub-makefiles have a very similar structure but don't need the ifeq blocks because the files and paths have already been setup.
I think I can simply move the shell commands into the .PHONY rules but I can't do that with the exports because I get errors "export: : bad variable name".
I could do it with a batch file and call the makefile twice but that sidesteps the problem rather than cures it and I wish to learn from the process.
So can anybody show me the way to do this in a makefile?
Thanks to Tripleee here is the answer that finally worked back ported to match my starting post. The one major change is that I have gone back to 'all' as the rule I expect to start the build habits die hard! - Thanks
.PHONY: all both rel-test rel-release
cgi-test := cgi-test
db-test := db_test
cgi-release := cgi-new
db-release := db_new
subs = today tomorrow
files = index.php foot.php
all: both
both: rel-test rel-release
rel-test rel-release: rel-%:
cp -f head-$*.php head.php
sed -i '/"DB"/c\ define("DB", "$(db-$*)");' subs.php
$(MAKE) go path=/var/www/html/strutts/$(cgi-$*)
#for ALL in $(subs);\
do $(MAKE) build=$* path=/var/www/html/strutts/$(cgi-$*) -C $$ALL all || exit $$?;\
Something like this?
.PHONY: both rel-test rel-release
both: rel-test rel-release
cgi-test := cgi-test
db-test := db_test
cgi-release := cgi-new
db-release := db_new
cp -f head-$*.php head.php
sed -i '/"DB"/c\ define("DB", "$(db-$*)")' subs.php
$(MAKE) release build=$* path=/var/www/html/$(cgi-$*)
The reason the export can't be moved into a recipe is that you are using the export command of make itself, not the shell's command with the same name.
You absolutely should not use sudo unless you specifically require the output files to be owned and only writable by root. Even then, running as much as possible as a regular user would be proper hygiene; maybe add a sudo command inside the Makefile to copy the files to their final location.

Makefile - Execute a rule for every field in a variable

I have my project binary located at my repository's root, along with a Makefile used to build it.
This binary uses many of my self-made libraries, located in my lib/ folder
For the purpose of building (and cleaning) my repository's binary, I want to implement the following execution :
Instead of hardcoding the following lines,
make -C clean lib/folder1 -s
make -C clean lib/folder2 -s
make -C clean lib/another_folder -s
I created the BIN_PATH variable, containing the previous paths.
BIN_PATHS = lib/folder1 \
lib/folder2 \
And made a simple rule like this one :
clean_binaries: $(BIN_PATHS)
make -C clean $< -s
BUT it only executes the line for the first field of the variable (lib/folder1), which is not what I want to do.
I thought about using implicit rules(?), just like I compile the .c files, but I couldn't get it right.
In the end, I simply wonder how to execute a rule for every field of a given variable, and this inside a Makefile, if there is any way to do so.
Thank you for your answers :]
The way you get GNU make to generate a sequence of commands that vary by the
fields in a variable is to use the foreach function, e.g.
BIN_PATHS := lib/folder1 lib/folder2 lib/another_folder
.PHONY: clean_binaries
$(foreach path,$(BIN_PATHS),make -C $(path) clean ;)
which runs like:
$ make
make -C lib/folder1 clean -s; make -C lib/folder2 clean -s; make -C lib/another_folder clean -s;
not requiring a shell-loop.
Note also that you need to correct:
make -C clean <directory>
make -C <directory> clean

Makefile: building LaTeX files in subdirectories with two versions of each file

I have the following folder structure
And I would like to create a Makefile - in the best way - to do the following:
make sure I include the common directory properly in TEXINPUTS
compile the handout.tex into a PDF (using either pdflatex or xelatex) and have it in the output directory as week01-handout-student.pdf
compile the handout.tex with a line of LaTeX prepended to the beginning of the file (that sets a flag) into a PDF and have it in the output directory as week01-handout-teacher.pdf
clean everything up (the log, aux, etc. files)
I am not sure I know how to this in any other way than manually duplicating an elementary Makefile/bash script in every subdirectory, then calling each of them one by one with a for loop.
I would appreciate help on how to build this process, ideally with a single Makefile in the root directory. Thanks.
UPDATE: I purposefully did not want to give any details about how I compile LaTeX, in case somebody has a better suggestion than my current usage. Right now I am using Latexmk (which is already a make-like wrapper of LaTeX):
latexmk -pdf file.tex generates file.pdf
to add the line of code, I do a simple echo "line of code" > temp.tex and cat handout.tex >> temp.tex, then the same latexmk command
latexmk -c file.tex in a directory cleans all temporary files used to compile file.tex
TEXINPUTS is the TeX path variable, to let TeX find (in its path) the style files: I do TEXINPUTS=full-path-to/common and then export TEXINPUTS before compiling anything.
If anybody has a better suggestion, I am a willing taker.
Something like this should do what you want I believe:
OUTDIR := output
# Tell make to export this environment variable to all recipe lines it runs.
export TEXINPUTS := $(abspath common)
# Get the list of all of our week directories.
weekdirs := $(wildcard week*)
#$(info weekdirs:$(weekdirs))
# Create student output filenames from week directory names.
STUDENT_HANDOUTS := $(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%-handout-student.pdf,$(weekdirs))
# Create teacher output filenames from week directory names.
TEACHER_HANDOUTS := $(patsubst %,$(OUTDIR)/%-handout-teacher.pdf,$(weekdirs))
# Default target depends on all output files.
# Pattern rule for building pdf files.
#echo + Making $# from $^
#echo cd $(#D) && echo latexmx -pdf $(abspath $<)
#echo cd $(#D) && echo latexmk -c $(abspath $<)
# Static pattern rule mapping student output files to input files.
$(STUDENT_HANDOUTS) : $(OUTDIR)/%-handout-student.pdf : %/handout.tex
# Pattern rule to generate temporary input files from original input files.
%/handout-tmp.tex: %/handout.tex
#echo echo 'line of code' '>' $#
#echo cat $^ '>>' $#
# Static pattern rule mapping teacher output files to (temporary) input files.
$(TEACHER_HANDOUTS) : $(OUTDIR)/%-handout-teacher.pdf : %/handout-tmp.tex
Uncomment the $(info) lines to see a bit of how the variables are put together.
This uses latexmk -c to clean up auxiliary files after creating the output files.
Technique 1. The echo foo >$#; cat $< >>$# thing is something I've done before; I think it's reasonable.
Technique 2. Another technique is to have your .tex document, or a package file it uses, include a line like:
That allows you to make certain adjustments in a makefile, as in for example:
# any bits of configuration that should be in all the .config files
%-notes.pdf: %.tex
printf '$(SWITCHES)\\ExecuteOptions{sidenotes}\n' >lecturenotes.config
TEXINPUTS=styles: pdflatex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
rm lecturenotes.config
%-single.pdf: %.tex
printf '$(SWITCHES)\\ExecuteOptions{oneside}\n' >lecturenotes.config
TEXINPUTS=styles: pdflatex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
rm lecturenotes.config
Technique 3. A third technique for controlling LaTeX from outside is to include in your document (or in a package file):
\expandafter\ifx\csname demonstrator\endcsname\relax
\typeout{Demonstrator is TRUE}
\typeout{Demonstrator is FALSE}
Then call latex with:
%-plain.pdf: %.tex
latex $<
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
%-demo.pdf: %.tex
latex --jobname ${<:.tex=} '\def\demonstrator{x}\input{$<}`
mv ${<:.tex=.pdf} $#
Technique 1 is a bit of a blunt instrument, but if that's all that's needed, it's pretty lightweight.
Technique 2 is probably the most neatly engineered, but it is slightly more effort.
Technique 3 is probably the one I use most in this sort of circumstance.

How can I write a shell script program to go through all my esql files and then execute that file to create exe files

This is what I mean:
ls -l *.ec
For each result found, I would like to compile it one at a time.
e.g., for $something.ec:
esql $something.ec -o $something
$something.ec is original file
$something is target exe file.
My question is: how can I put that into a loop to go through all the files in my directory?
You can use a for-loop as follows:
for file in *.ec
esql "$file" -o "${file//.ec}"
I recommend you write a simple Makefile:
INPUTS = $(wildcard *.ec)
all: $(INPUTS:.ec=)
%: %.ec
esql $# -o $<
and then simply run make (or make -B to force execution) whenever you want to re-execute them.
