MPMoviePlayerController hide AirPlay button - mpmovieplayercontroller

I need to hide AirPlay button in my MPMoviePlayerController even when full mirroring is turned ON. Any ideas?

To hide AirPlay button of the MPMoviePlayerController set allowsAirPlay property to NO.

If you want to hide the AirPlay icon, you'll need to either set the control to MPMovieControlStyleNone or write your own player. (also see: Disable AirPlay with MPMoviePlayerController)


Open new window uppon NSAlert

I'm using a NSAlert to ask the user to enable Accessibility for assistive devices. Is it possible to have a button that does not close the NSAlert that I could use to just open the UniversalAccess prefpane ?
If not, I suppose I've to create myself that window.
Normally alerts close when any button is pressed. In Mac OS X 10.5 or later you can use setAccessoryView: to insert a custom view into the alert, which presumably can contain a button that does anything you want.
Note however that you can't specify where the accessory view goes. It might have a button in it but the button would show up in the middle of the window instead of along the bottom with the other buttons. (If you chose a different button style such as a square bevel for your custom button, it might look less out of place.) To have complete control over layout, you need to make your own alert window.

Mac OS X - app without menu?

I'd like to build an app that does not have a menubar, a dock icon, or sits in the app switcher. Basically, it should be like Quicksilver: I'd active it through a global hot key, say from Safari, and a little window appears, but Safari does not get inactive, neither does a different menubar show. I hope you understand what I mean...
How would I do that? I can prevent the dock icon, the app switcher, but I do not know how I can prevent the other apps from becoming inactive when my app's window shows or how I can remove the menu.
Thanks for any hints!
Try searching for "LSUIElement". That should give you all the information you need.
(Specifically, this page in the documentation).
As Dave already said, add
in your application's Info.plist file. That will get rid of icon and menu bar.
Then, to actually bring a window to the front at the appropriate time (e.g. when triggered through a global keyboard shortcut), you could do something like this:
ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, kCurrentProcess};
[someWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];

Hide menubar and dock after fullscreen video in WebView

I have a cocoa application which is a fullscreen webbrowser using WebView.
Initially the menubar and dock are hidden, and cannot be accessed, which is how I want it, but after a fullscreen window such as a video is displayed, the menubar and dock reappear and stay there.
Any idea how to prevent them from reappearing?
I expect that the video player hid the already hidden menubar & dock when it went full screen. Then when it finished, it showed them again.
You'll probably have to hide them again yourself after the video is done..
Ah, got it. SetSystemUIMode is my friend. I was just searching for the wrong thing on google, that's why I didn't see it.

How to create the notification icon in the right side of the statusbar on blackberry?

I am able to create the notification icon in the statusbar using ApplicationIndicator class. It shows up in the middle of the screen on the indicator area. How do I create the icon in the right side of the status bar near to the wi-fi icon. Is there any way I can tell the postion where to create the notification icon in the status bar.
Thank you. Is it possible to create an another icon like existing Battery meter, signal strength, bluetooth and wi-fi icons with out using the ApplicationIndicator class?
Does RIMM allow to create such an icon in that indicator icon area?
I believe that is dependent on the the theme that the blackberry is using.

Hide NSWindowToolbarButton

What do I have to do for hiding this NSWindowToolbarButton in windows with a NSToolbar?
There's a checkbox for this in the appearance section of the attributes tab of the inspector for a window in Interface Builder.
I have it...
[NSWindow setShowsToolbarButton:NO]
FYI, if you ever need access to any of the window buttons, or to find out if a particular window even has a certain button, you can use standardWindowButton: Take a look at the corresponding Apple Docs
