How to achieve nested conditional rendering without empty span tags from apex:outputPanel? - apex-code

I am trying to generate clean XSL-FO from a VisualForce page. But the xml coming out of the VisualForce page is not valid due to the empty span tags that are being generated by nested apex:outputPanel tags (outer rendered=true, inner rendered=false). Here is a focused page that illustrates the problem:
<apex:page contentType="text/xml" cache="false" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
There is no reason for a nested apex:outputpanel to generate a span tag like this:
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="true">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="false" />
This breaks strict xml documents like XSL-FO.
That page gives this xml output:
There is no reason for a nested apex:outputpanel to generate a span tag like this:
<span id="j_id0:j_id3" style="display: none;"></span>
This breaks strict xml documents like XSL-FO.
Actually, I did find an obscure reason in the docs:
apex:outputPanel layout attribute - The layout style for the panel. Possible values include "block" (which generates an HTML div tag), "inline" (which generates an HTML span tag), and "none" (which does not generate an HTML tag). If not specified, this value defaults to "none". However, if layout is set to "none", for each child element with the rendered attribute set to "false", the outputPanel generates a span tag, with the ID of each child, and a style attribute set to "display:none". Thus, while the content is not visible, JavaScript can still access the elements through the DOM ID.
Sounds useful if my content type is html or javascript, but it's breaking my strict xml. So the question is: how can I achieve nested conditional rendering while avoiding the span tags?

Switch both, or just the outer, to an apex:variable like this:
<apex:variable rendered="true" value="" var="tempOuter">
<apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="false" />

Try using <apex:outputText> instead of <apex:outputPanel>. In my case, I was rendering a table into pdf document, and <apex:outputPanel> broke table layout, while <apex:outputText> worked perfectly, and supported conditional render like this:
<apex:outputText rendered="{!IF(Sum != 0.00, true, false)}">


I want to extract Url from an anchor tag in ui path

I'm looking for a way to extract URLs from an anchor tag, anchor tag are rendering like this in DOM.
<a target="_blank" id="Tile_WPQ8_1_3" href="#" onclick="PreventDefaultNavigation(); return false;" hrefaction="" clickaction="null"></a>
I want the value of hrefaction, I'm trying below code- it's a Data scraping
<column name2='Url' attr2='href' exact='0' name='Name' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag="a"/>
but it is giving me just href value but as we can see in above pattern value present in hrefaction
Ant lead highly appreciated!
You can use Get Attribute activity of UI path, to get the value of attribute that you want.
And if the Get Attribute is not working because you cannot access the web element or you get the data from somewhere else you can still use a simple regex like this:
using the expression hrefaction="(.+)" .

Bind raw html in Aurelia

Using Aurelia, I want to fill an <div> with contents of viewmodel property (lets call it htmlText) which contains html text, and I was using
However, this encodes html so, instead of i.e. having paragraph or link, all tags are escaped so html can be seen as source.
Is there out of the box binder to do this?
You can accomplish this using the innerhtml binding like so:
<div innerhtml.bind="htmlText"></div>

How to mix href within jstl code

When I use the below jstl code
<a href=""<c:out value="${myid}"/>/><c:out value="${myid}"/></a>
the output is :
The value 1234 corresponds to the variable value of myid but the url being generated is
"" so no value for myid is being generated as part of the href.
How can I amend the href so that entire href is displayed :
instead of :
Ultimately, JSP/JSTL generates HTML. You're familiar with basic HTML, right?
Look closer at the generated HTML output by rightclick, View Source in browser. You'll see:
<a href=""1234/>1234</a>
Is that valid HTML? No, you're closing the attribute value too soon with " at wrong place and you're closing the tag too soon with />. Look, the Stack Overflow HTML syntax highlighter also got confused. Instead, it should have been:
Fix the HTML generator (i.e. the JSP/JSTL code) accordingly so that it generates the desired HTML:
<c:out value="${myid}"/>
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the <c:out> is only helpful in preventing XSS attack holes when redisplaying user-controlled input and actually the wrong tool to inline URL parameters. If you can guarantee that ${myid} is always a number (because it's a Long or Integer), you can even just leave it entirely out, making the code prettier to read:
If the ${myid} is however not a guaranteed to be a number (because it's a String), then you should use <c:url> and <c:param> to properly URL-encode it:
<c:url value="" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<c:out value="${myid}" />
<c:url> tag is used to create an url. It is helpful in the case when cookies is turned off by the client, and you would be required to rewrite URLs that will be returned from a jsp page.
<c:param> tag may used as a subtag of to add the parameters in the returned URL. Using these parameters encodes the URL.
<c:url value="" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<a href="${myURL}" />${myURL}</a>
Read more from here.

Handlebars template with "div" tag instead "script"

Actually the question is in the subj...
Is it possible to make handlebars template framework, to recognize templates within a div tag and not in script tag?
For example I would like to create template with this markup:
div.text-x-handlebars {display:none;}
<div class="text-x-handlebars-template">
<h2>I'm template</h2>
Yes you can put your templates in <div>s rather than <script>s, for example:
However, doing so is fraught with danger. If you put your template inside a <div> then the browser will interpret it as HTML before you've filled it in; so, if your template's HTML isn't valid until after it has been filled in, the browser may attempt to correct it and make a mess of things. Also, if you have id attributes in your templates, then you will end up with duplicate ids (one in the template <div> and a repeat in the filled in template that you put in the DOM) and that will cause all sorts of strange and interesting bugs. The browser will also try to download any images inside the templates in a <div>, this may or may not be a problem (if might even be desirable but probably not desirable if the image uses a template variable in its src attribute).
Basically, you can do it but you shouldn't, you should put your templates in <script id="..." type="text/x-handlebars-template"> elements instead.

image button with html5

I'm trying to make an image button. I'm using/learning html5 and jquery mobile. this is my sample code:
<img src="img/beer.png" alt="beer" />
<input type="image" src="img/beer.png" />
the image is displayed, but the input type doesn't show the image. what do i do wrong ?
<input type="image" src="img/beer.png" /> is meant to collect coordinates. If you want to use it as a submit-button, you'll have to add an onsubmit-event, e.g.
<input type="image" src="img/beer.png" onsubmit="submit();" />
But you should rather use the <button>-element, which is way more flexible. It can contain text, images or both:
<button type="submit" name="beer" value="beer_btn_was_clicked">
Here's some optional text,
<p>which you can even put in a paragraph!</p>
And you don't even need JavaScript!
<img src="img/beer.png" />
Edit (2016-02-12)
As of today*, the above example is not considered 100% valid because <p>-elements are not allowed within a <button>-element anymore.
According to the MDN HTML element reference the only permitted content category within a <button>-element is the so called Phrasing content:
Phrasing content defines the text and the mark-up it contains. Runs of phrasing content make up paragraphs.
Elements belonging to this category are <abbr>, <audio>, <b>, <bdo>, <br>, <button>, <canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <command>, <datalist>, <dfn>, <em>, <embed>, <i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <kbd>, <keygen>, <label>, <mark>, <math>, <meter>, <noscript>, <object>, <output>, <progress>, <q>, <ruby>, <samp>, <script>, <select>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <svg>, <textarea>, <time>, <var>, <video>, <wbr> and plain text (not only consisting of white spaces characters).
A few other elements belong to this category, but only if a specific condition is fulfilled:
<a>, if it contains only phrasing content
<area>, if it is a descendant of a element
<del>, if it contains only phrasing content
<ins>, if it contains only phrasing content
<link>, if the itemprop attribute is present
<map>, if it contains only phrasing content
<meta>, if the itemprop attribute is present
*today was that I read about it, not when the change was introduced
This works for me...have you got any other code that could be interfering? CSS maybe?
