Best way to bind the constant values into view (MVC3) -

I have a constants values such as "Required","Optional", and "Hidden". I want this to bind in the dropdownlist. So far on what I've done is the below code, this is coded in the view. What is the best way to bind the constant values to the dropdownlist? I want to implement this in the controller and call it in the view.
var dropdownList = new List<KeyValuePair<int, string>> { new KeyValuePair<int, string>(0, "Required"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(1, "Optional"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(2, "Hidden") };
var selectList = new SelectList(dropdownList, "key", "value", 0);
Bind the selectList in the Dropdownlist
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EM_ReqTitle, selectList)

Judging by the property EM_RegTitle I'm guessing that the model you're using is auto-generated from a database in some way. Maybe Entity Framework? If this is the case, then you should be able to create a partial class in the same namespace as your ORM/Entity Framework entities and add extra properties. Something like:
public partial class MyModel
public SelectList MyConstantValues { get; set; }
You can then pass your SelectList with the rest of the model.
There are usually hangups from using ORM/EF entities through every layer in your MVC app and although it looks easy in code examples online, I would recommend creating your own View Model classes and using something like AutoMapper to fill these views. This way you're only passing the data that the views need and you avoid passing the DB row, which could contain other sensitive information that you do not want the user to view or change.
You can also move the logic to generate your static value Select Lists into your domain model, or into a service class to help keep reduce the amount of code and clutter in the controllers.
Hope this helps you in some way!
Your View Model (put this in your "Model" dir):
public class MyViewModel
public SelectList RegTitleSelectList { get; set; }
public int RegTitle { get; set; }
Your Controller (goes in the "Controllers" dir):
public class SimpleController : Controller
MyViewModel model = new MyViewModel();
model.RegTitle = myEfModelLoadedFromTheDb.EM_RegTitle;
model.RegTitleSelectList = // Code goes here to populate the select list.
return View(model);
Now right click the SimpleController class name in your editor and select "Add View...".
Create a new view, tick strongly typed and select your MyViewModel class as the model class.
Now edit the view and do something similar to what you were doing earlier in your code. You'll notice there should now be a #model line at the top of your view. This indicates that your view is a strongly typed view and uses the MyViewModel model.
If you get stuck, there are plenty of examples online to getting to basics with MVC and Strongly Typed Views.

You would prefer view model and populate it with data in controller.
class MyViewModel
public string ReqTitle { get; set; }
public SelectList SelectListItems { get; set; }
Then you can use:
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.EM_ReqTitle, model.SelectListItems)


Pass Multiple Parameter within Controller to View in MVC3 Razor view Engine

How can i send two Model from controller to view using same action
Let's assume your two models are instances of MyModel and MyOtherModel.
I can think of two options:
Pass MyModel as the Model and put MyOtherModel in the ViewBag.
Create class MyBigModel with a property containing MyModel and another property containing MyOtherModel and pass MyBigModel as the Model.
Option 1 is really not your ideal solution. Since your model should relate to your view (that's why I prefer the name ViewModel), I'd really go for option 2.
Option 2 would look like this:
public class MyBigModel
public MyModel { get; set; }
public MyOtherModel { get; set; }
Use ViewModel - create one more model that would contain both of the models, and send that to view
public class MyCustomViewModel
public MyFirstModel First { get; set; }
public MySecondModel Second { get; set; }
And in controller
public ActionResult Action()
MyFirstModel first = new MyFirstModel();
MySecondModel second = new MySecondModel();
MyCustomViewModel model = new MyCustomViewModel();
model.First = first;
model.Second = second;
return View(model);
Generally, as the name suggests, you should be using custom ViewModel for every view in your application, and then use tools like AutoMapper to map those view models back and forth to domain models. View models give you great flexibility in composing your view, as you can give any shape and form to them without changing domain.

MVC3 Razor - Models and Views

I have an action that creates a List and returns it to my view..
public ActionResult GetCustomers()
return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/Customers.cshtml", UserQueries.GetCustomers(SiteInfo.Current.Id));
And in the "~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/Customers.cshtml" view I have the following:
#model IEnumerable<FishEye.Models.CustomerModel>
Then I have in the "~/Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates/Customer.cshtml" view:
#model FishEye.Models.CustomerModel
I am getting the error:
The model item passed into the dictionary is of type System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Models.CustomerModel]', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Models.CustomerModel'.
Shouldn't it display the Customer.cshtml for every item in the collection in the Customers.cshtml?
I am not sure why you are calling a partial view like this. If it is a Customer Specific view, why not put it under Views/Customer folder ? Remember ASP.NET MVC is more of Conventions. so i would always stick with the conventions (unless abosultely necessary to configure myself) to keep it simple.
To handle this situation, i would do it in this way,
a Customer and CustomerList model/Videmodel
public class CustomerList
public List<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
//Other Properties as you wish also
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
And in the action method, i would return an object of CustomerList class
CustomerList customerList = new CustomerList();
customerList.Customers = new List<Customer>();
customerList.Customers.Add(new Customer { Name = "Malibu" });
// you may replace the above manual adding with a db call.
return View("CustomerList", customerList);
Now there should be a view called CustomerList.cshtml under Views/YourControllerName/ folder. That view should look like this
#model CustomerList
<p>List of Customers</p>
Have a view called Customer.cshtml under Views/Shared/DisplayTemplates with this content
#model Customer
This will give you the desired output.
Your view is expecting a single model:
#model FishEye.Models.CustomerModel // <--- Just one of me
You're passing it an anonymous List:
... , UserQueries.GetCustomers(SiteInfo.Current.Id) // <--- Many of me
You should change your view to accept the List or determine which item in the list is supposed to be used before passing it into the View. Keep in mind, a list with 1 item is still a list and the View is not allowed to guess.

AutoMapper on complicated Views (multiple looping)

Earlier today, a helpful person (here on Stack Overflow) pointed me towards AutoMapper, I checked it out, and I liked it a lot! Now however I am a little stuck.
In my Code First MVC3 Application, on my [Home/Index] I need to display the following information from my Entities:
List of Posts [ int Id, string Body, int Likes, string p.User.FirstName, string p.User.LastName ]
List of Tags [int Id, string Name]
List of All Authors that exist on my Database [ string UrlFriendlyName ]
So far I have managed only point 1 in the list by doing the following for my Index ViewModel:
public class IndexVM
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public int Likes { get; set; }
public string UserFirstName { get; set; }
public string UserLastName { get; set; }
And on the Home Controller, Index ActionMethod I have:
public ActionResult Index()
var Posts = postsRepository.Posts.ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Post, IndexVM>();
var IndexModel = Mapper.Map<List<Post>, List<IndexVM>>(Posts);
return View(IndexModel);
Finally on my View I have it strongly typed to:
#model IEnumerable<BlogWeb.ViewModels.IndexVM>
And I am passing each Item in the IndexVM IEnumberable to a Partial View via:
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.Partial("_PostDetails", item)
My question is, how can I also achieve point 2 and 3, whilst not breaking what I've achieved in point 1.
I tried putting the stuff I currently have for IndexVM into a SubClass, and having a List Property on the Parent class, but it didn't work.
From the ASP.NET MVC2 In Action Book:
Some screens are more complex than a single table. They may feature
multiple tables and additional fields of other data: images, headings,
subtotals, graphs, charts, and a million other things that complicate
a view. The presentation model solution scales to handle them all.
Developers can confidently maintain even the gnarliest screens as long
as the presentation model is designed well. If a screen does contain
multiple complex elements, a presentation model can be a wrapper,
composing them all and relieving the markup file of much complexity. A
good presentation model doesn’t hide this complexity—it represents it
accurately and as simply as possible, and it separates the data on a
screen from the display.
Make a ViewModel that represents your screen. Then build it up and pass it to the View. This book is great and talks about using a presentation model. With AutoMapper, think about how you would accomplish your mapping without it, then make use of it. AutoMapper isn't going to do anything magic, it eliminates keyboard slapping.
AutoMapper aside, take your list of requirments:
List of Posts [ int Id, string Body, int Likes, string p.User.FirstName, string p.User.LastName ]
List of Tags [int Id, string Name]
List of All Authors that exist on my Database [ string
UrlFriendlyName ]
and assuming you have these Model entites: Post, Tag, Author
Personally I don't like passing Model entities to my presentation in MVC or MVVM but that's me. Say we follow that here and create PostDisplay, TagDisplay, and AuthorDisplay.
Based on the View's requirements the ViewModel will look like this:
Public class IndexVM
Public List<PostDisplay> Posts {get; set;}
Public List<TagDisplay> Tags {get; set;}
Public List<AuthorDisplay> Authors {get; set;}
In this case the way the View is composed will require you to build it up:
public ActionResult Index()
var posts = postsRepository.Posts.ToList();
var tags = postsRepository.Tags.ToList();
var authors = postsRepository.Authors.ToList();
Mapper.CreateMap<Post, PostDisplay>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Tag, TagDisplay>();
Mapper.CreateMap<Author, AuthorDisplay>();
private var IndexVM = new IndexVM
Posts = Mapper.Map<List<Post>, List<PostDisplay>>(posts),
Tags = Mapper.Map<List<Tag>, List<TagDisplay>>(tags),
Authors = Mapper.Map<List<Author>, List<AuthorDisplay>>(authors)
return View(IndexVM);
So, what you end up with is a ViewModel to pass to your view that represents exactly what you want to display and isn't tightly coupled to your Domain Model. I can't think of a way to have AutoMapper map three separate result lists into one object.
To clarify, AutoMapper will map child collections so a structure like:
public class OrderItemDto{}
public class OrderDto
public List<OrderItemDto> OrderItems { get; set; }
will map to:
public class OrderItem{}
public class Order
public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
As long as you tell it how to map the types: OrderDto -> Order and OrderItemDto -> OrderItem.
As an alternative to including all of your lists of entities on a single viewmodel, you could use #Html.Action. Then, in your screen view:
#Html.Action("Index", "Posts")
#Html.Action("Index", "Tags")
#Html.Action("Index", "Authors")
This way, your Index / Screen view & model don't need to know about the other viewmodels. The partials are delivered by separate child action methods on separate controllers.
All of the automapper stuff still applies, but you would still map your entities to viewmodels individually. The difference is, instead of doing the mapping in HomeController.Index(), you would do it in PostsController.Index(), TagsController.Index(), and AuthorsController.Index().
Response to comment 1
public class IndexVM
// need not implement anything for Posts, Tags, or Authors
Then, implement 3 different methods on 3 different controllers. Here is one example for the PostsController. Follow the same pattern for TagsController and AuthorsController
// on PostsController
public PartialViewResult Index()
var posts = postsRepository.Posts.ToList();
// as mentioned, should do this in bootstrapper, not action method
Mapper.CreateMap<Post, PostModel>();
// automapper2 doesn't need source type in generic args
var postModels = Mapper.Map<List<PostModel>>(posts);
return PartialView(postModels);
You will have to create a corresponding partial view for this, strongly-typed as #model IEnumerable<BlogWeb.ViewModels.PostModel>. In that view, put the HTML that renders the Posts UI (move from your HomeController.Index view).
On your HomeController, just do this:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(new IndexVM);
Keep your view strongly-typed on the IndexVM
#model IEnumerable<BlogWeb.ViewModels.IndexVM>
... and then get the Posts, Tags, and Authors like so:
#Html.Action("Index", "Posts")
Response to comment 2
Bootstrapping... your Mapper.CreateMap configurations only have to happen once per app domain. This means you should do all of your CreateMap calls from Application_Start. Putting them in the controller code just creates unnecessary overhead. Sure, the maps need to be created - but not during each request.
This also helps with unit testing. If you put all of your Mapper.CreateMap calls into a single static method, you can call that method from a unit test method as well as from Global.asax Application_Start. Then in the unit test, one method can test that your CreateMap calls are set up correctly:

How do you call UpdateModel when you use a ViewModel class?

In MVC3, it seems that the default way to show properties of a model in your view is like so:
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Title)
This works fine if your model matches your object exactly. But if you define a custom ViewModel, for example like in the NerdDinner tutorial
public class DinnerFormViewModel {
// Properties
public Dinner Dinner { get; private set; }
public SelectList Countries { get; private set; }
// Constructor
public DinnerFormViewModel(Dinner dinner) {
Dinner = dinner;
Countries = new SelectList(PhoneValidator.AllCountries, dinner.Country);
Then your DisplayFor code would look like:
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Dinner.Title)
Which means the names of the form items are Dinner.Title instead of just Title, so if you call UpdateModel in your Action code, MVC won't "see" the properties it needs to see to update your Dinner class.
Is there a standard way of dealing with ViewModels that I'm overlooking for this scenario in MVC3?
Use the 'prefix' parameter for UpdateModel method
UpdateModel(model.Dinner, "Dinner");
and if you need to update a specified properties only - use something like this
UpdateModel(model.Dinner, "Dinner", new []{"Title"});

Two models in one view in ASP MVC 3

I have 2 models:
public class Person
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string PersonName { get; set; }
public class Order
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public int TotalSum { get; set; }
I want edit objects of BOTH classes in SINGLE view, so I need something like:
#model _try2models.Models.Person
#model _try2models.Models.Order
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.PersonID)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.PersonName)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.TotalSum)
This, of course, don't work: Only one 'model' statement is allowed in a .cshtml file. May be there is some workaround?
Create a parent view model that contains both models.
public class MainPageModel{
public Model1 Model1{get; set;}
public Model2 Model2{get; set;}
This way you can add additional models at a later date with very minimum effort.
To use the tuple you need to do the following, in the view change the model to:
#model Tuple<Person,Order>
to use #html methods you need to do the following i.e:
#Html.DisplayNameFor(tuple => tuple.Item1.PersonId)
#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=Model.Item1.Id }) |
Item1 indicates the first parameter passed to the Tuple method and you can use Item2 to access the second model and so on.
in your controller you need to create a variable of type Tuple and then pass it to the view:
public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
Person person = db.Persons.Find(id);
if (person == null)
return HttpNotFound();
var tuple = new Tuple<Person, Order>(person,new Order());
return View(tuple);
Another example : Multiple models in a view
Another option which doesn't have the need to create a custom Model is to use a Tuple<>.
#model Tuple<Person,Order>
It's not as clean as creating a new class which contains both, as per Andi's answer, but it is viable.
If you are a fan of having very flat models, just to support the view, you should create a model specific to this particular view...
public class EditViewModel
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string PersonName { get; set; }
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public int TotalSum { get; set; }
Many people use AutoMapper to map from their domain objects to their flat views.
The idea of the view model is that it just supports the view - nothing else. You have one per view to ensure that it only contains what is required for that view - not loads of properties that you want for other views.
ok, everyone is making sense and I took all the pieces and put them here to help newbies like myself that need beginning to end explanation.
You make your big class that holds 2 classes, as per #Andrew's answer.
public class teamBoards{
public Boards Boards{get; set;}
public Team Team{get; set;}
Then in your controller you fill the 2 models. Sometimes you only need to fill one. Then in the return, you reference the big model and it will take the 2 inside with it to the View.
TeamBoards teamBoards = new TeamBoards();
teamBoards.Boards = (from b in db.Boards
where b.TeamId == id
select b).ToList();
teamBoards.Team = (from t in db.Teams
where t.TeamId == id
select t).FirstOrDefault();
return View(teamBoards);
At the top of the View
#model yourNamespace.Models.teamBoards
Then load your inputs or displays referencing the big Models contents:
#Html.EditorFor(m => Model.Board.yourField)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => Model.Board.yourField, "", new { #class = "text-danger-yellow" })
#Html.EditorFor(m => Model.Team.yourField)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => Model.Team.yourField, "", new { #class = "text-danger-yellow" })
And. . . .back at the ranch, when the Post comes in, reference the Big Class:
public ActionResult ContactNewspaper(teamBoards teamboards)
and make use of what the model(s) returned:
string yourVariable = teamboards.Team.yourField;
Probably have some DataAnnotation Validation stuff in the class and probably put if(ModelState.IsValid) at the top of the save/edit block. . .
In fact there is a way to use two or more models on one view without wrapping them in a class that contains both.
Using Employee as an example model:
#model Employee
Is actually treated like.
#{ var Model = ViewBag.model as Employee; }
So the View(employee) method is setting your model to the ViewBag and then the ViewEngine is casting it.
This means that,
ViewBag.departments = GetListOfDepartments();
return View(employee);
Can be used like,
#model Employee
var DepartmentModel = ViewBag.departments as List<Department>;
Essentially, you can use whatever is in your ViewBag as a "Model" because that's how it works anyway. I'm not saying that this is architecturally ideal, but it is possible.
Just create a single view Model with all the needed information in it, normaly what I do is create a model for every view so I can be specific on every view, either that or make a parent model and inherit it. OR make a model which includes both the views.
Personally I would just add them into one model but thats the way I do it:
public class xViewModel
public int PersonID { get; set; }
public string PersonName { get; set; }
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public int TotalSum { get; set; }
#model project.Models.Home.xViewModel
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.PersonID)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.PersonName)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.OrderID)
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.TotalSum)
You can use the presentation pattern
This presentation "View" model can contain both Person and Order, this new
class can be the model your view references.
Another way that is never talked about is
Create a view in MSSQL with all the data you want to present. Then use LINQ to SQL or whatever to map it. In your controller return it to the view. Done.
you can't declare two model on one view, try to use Html.Action("Person", "[YourController]") & Html.Action("Order", "[YourController]").
Good luck.
Beside of one view model in you can also make multiple partial views and assign different model view to every view, for example:
Layout = null;
#model Person;
<input type="text" asp-for="PersonID" />
<input type="text" asp-for="PersonName" />
then another partial view Model for order model
Layout = null;
#model Order;
<input type="text" asp-for="OrderID" />
<input type="text" asp-for="TotalSum" />
then in your main view load both partial view by
<partial name="PersonPartialView" />
<partial name="OrderPartialView" />
I hope you find it helpfull !!
i use ViewBag For Project and Model for task so in this way i am using two model in single view and in controller i defined viewbag's value or data
List<tblproject> Plist = new List<tblproject>();
Plist = ps.getmanagerproject(c, id);
ViewBag.projectList = Plist.Select(x => new SelectListItem
Value = x.ProjectId.ToString(),
Text = x.Title
and in view tbltask and projectlist are my two diff models
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> plist = ViewBag.projectList;
#model List
