CodeIgniter Validation: possible to validate GET query strings? - codeigniter

The form validation library seems to only work on POST. I need to use query strings and would like to use CI to validate the passed values. Is there a way to do this?

The current Codeigniter 3.0 development branch provides an option to insert your own variable instead of $_POST. So you could start using 3.0.
Alternatively, the only way in CI2.1 is to do $_POST=$_GET before you run the validation.

See this page for the CodeIgniter 3 solution:-
For CodeIgniter 2 you can do $_POST = $_GET; before $this->form_validation->run() as mentioned above.

You could overwrite the Form_validation function run in a MY_Form_Validation and modify it.

Reference How do I validate a form field in Codeigniter when using Get parameters?
Before validation rules, set the validation data with the following code.


Is there any way that we can loop a function in a controller for multiple data validation?

I'm having a problem related to multiple data validation and want to know if there is any solution for loop condition of a function in a controller.If any please provide the solution.
I had tried using for loop but that dosent seem to work on Laravel Controllers
by default laravel supports multiple rules for validation, you have add | between the rules, like required|numeric|unique:posts. laravel will check the rules one after another.
Please add more details on your question and add your code.

How to remove xss_clean in CI3

I am new to CI and had just updated an old app developed by 3rd party developer and as I try to create any new record I get the following error:
Unable to access an error message corresponding to your field name `Field Name` .(xss_clean)
I have read many questions and answers on how to make it work, however, I have also read that this is a bad practice and would therefore like to get rid of xss_clean completely, but I just cannot seem to find straightforward information for how to do it.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated.
xss_clean is no longer part of form validation. The alternative is not to use it, as xss_clean is doing sanitization and not validation.
xss_clean is part of security helper. If you need to do it, after validation you do a:
$value = $this->input->post('formvalue', TRUE);
// ...where TRUE enables the xss filtering
... i think...
Also, you can enable global xss filtering in the config.php file:
$config['global_xss_filtering'] = TRUE;
Or if you want to remove then you have to find all xss_clean used in validation and remove.
xss_clean is used mainly with CI's form validation library. As stated in the comments, the best way to get rid of this error (if you don't need the features of xss_clean) would be to remove all instances of xss_clean from your validation rules.
Example of where you could find xss_clean in your app:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|min_length[5]|max_length[12]|xss_clean');
codeigniter form validation documentation

Codeigniter cannot validate the variable

valueWhen I want to validate posted value in Codeigniter, I do it in the following way:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('name', 'Name','required|xss_clean|strip_tags|trim|max_length[50]|alpha');
But I cannot understand how can I do the same validation for $name variable if it is grabbed from url like this:
$name = end($this->uri->segment_array());
I tried to do this and then validate in the same way
$this->form_validation->set_value('name', $name);
but validation did not pass. Could you please help me.
Technically we refer to this particular validation library as Form Validation which works on form data.
There are other methods such as using route files (which is a perfect tool in CI) that you can take advantage of for URL checking.
Beside any already-developed tools (like uri-validator), you can write your own validating functions.

Jquery validator method not working if used multiple times in a form

we are using a javascript form where a enduser has to enter phonenumber and promo code apart from other details. All the fields in the form are mandatory.
I am using validator.add(method) to validate phonenumber using regex.
Also using an another validator.add(method) to validate the promo code
But am able to use only one validator method. If am using multiple i.e., more than one, then the validation is not working.
Is the jquery validator method restricted to use only once in a form.
Please suggest me a solution for this.
You can use an OnSubmit function for the form and validate all the data there, you can also write several functions and use them in the main onsubmit function.

Drupal: Custom Content Type validation

I've created a custom content type with CCK.
If I need to add some custom code for validating fields of this content type's record form, where do I add the code and which functions are best for this task?
The easiest way would probably be hook_form_alter() and the #validation attribute on the form. You would of cause have to implement this in your own module.
The form api is what you use to validate, you'll be crafting your own validation function. I'm going to assume you are using D6
There's a less painful way:
This module lets you make php code or regex for any given field.
Hope this helps.
To create your own module to implement form validation I suggest this method:
create a new module for content type field validation in drupal
