set language to administrator menu in joomla 1.5 - joomla

i have develop a component in joomla 1.5 and make .xml file to install
in my .xml i have administrator menu like
<menu task="display">COM_MY_COMP_MENU1</menu>
<menu task="additem">COM_MY_COMP_MENU2</menu>
and in language file i set the item like
COM_MY_COMP="My Component"
it working on other item but not on administrator menu , it is not convert to COM_MY_COMP to My Component
i use joomla 1.5.

You can't just add the language file to the folder. You need to re-install the component WITH the language file. Here is what you need to add to the xml.
<languages folder="language-admin">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.com_yourcomponent.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/</language>
Also may I say that if its the menu you are trying to translate, you will need a separate language file like
and below is how it should look.
Hope this helps

You have to put your translation in this folder:


How to create a VisualStudio item template that does not offer numbered file names by default

If I create an item template with default name foo.txt, Visual Studio by default offers the name foo1.txt in the add new dialog, even if there is no foo.txt in the folder.
This is normally fine, but I would need to create an item template, that does not offer a "1" suffix for the file name by default, exactly like the App.config template behaves.
I have checked the App.vstemplate file in the VS2019 installation, but I don't see any special setting that would cause this behavior.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VSTemplate Version="3.0.0" Type="Item" xmlns="">
<Name>Foo.txt file</Name>
<Description>A foo.txt.</Description>
Shows in the add new dialog as:
Sorry but I'm afraid the answer would be negative. I think this
behavior is by design and can't be controlled by any Element in the
I've reproduced this issue in my side. And one interesting thing I found is if we change the file extensions to .manifest and this issue goes away.
For example:
If the Item template I want to create is something like a foo.manifest instead of foo.txt, then when I add this item in new project it won't display the 1 suffix. You can easily confirm this point by change all your foo.txt content to foo.manifest.
I agree with Will that they're special casing some of the templates. And to be more specific, this behavior is special for the file extensions of the Item we created. I haven't done anything differently when creating xxx.manifest Item, but it just makes a difference from the xxx.txt Item. So I would think there is a invisible and unknown rule to control this behavior, and this behavior may not be changed or controlled in custom extension. It would be something like a rule designed by the Product Team I believe.
In my opinion, it's not supported by current VS SDK to control the behavior to let VS won't display '1' suffix for item whose file extension is .txt. And if you do want this feature, go Developer Community to share your great idea there. Actually after your reminder, it would be better if this feature comes then we can really control the Default Name, so if you decide to post your idea, share the link in your question and members interested in it would help vote for it.
Hope it helps and if i misunderstand anything, feel free to let me know:)

Magento 2 - Create a theme - display products issue

After installing Magento 2 with composer and importing sample data, I would like to create a new theme. I'm following the frontend developer guide but when I apply my new theme, I can't see any of my products in categories. The left menu with filters is still here but no products are displayed.
Any solution for me please ?
PS: Sorry for my english...:)
Here are my files
<theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd">
<preview_image></preview_image> <!-- the path to your theme's preview image -->
no products
Edit :
I found that the problem is related to /etc/view.xml
<images module="Magento_Catalog">
<image id="category_page_grid" type="small_image">
When I delete this file, all products are displayed correctly.
I have just copied the documentation example, I don't understand what I did wrong...
The luma theme is built with 'cms' features. They are defined in the backend in
Content -> Widgets
For example the widget "Home Page". To use the same "Home Page" widget with your custom theme you have to add a new one with the same parameter from the luma "Home Page" widget except the "Design Package/Theme" parameter, which is now your custom theme.
In general the widgets are linked to a theme name.
I had the same problem, the issue was the /etc/view.xml file on my custom theme.
I deleted the file and worked fine.

Joomla: Updated module is not reading from the language file

I have made some changes to my custom module's xml manifest file and also added new entries in the module's language file but the new language entries are not translated when I edit the module.
In the language file, I added a new entry such as:
MOD_MY_MODULE_LABEL="This is a label"
When I edit the module, all I can see is MOD_MY_MODULE_LABEL. I've refreshed the cache for the module from the Extension Manager but it's not reading the new changes. Am I missing something?
Once your template has been "installed", the language file in your template is no longer referenced. You need to open the following INI files:
(Where [ROOT] is the dir you installed Joomla, and [-=YourTemplate=-] is the name you assigned your language files, they will be named exactly to the language files in your template, but in a different location for the Joomla system)
If you decide to take your template to another website (like another client) remember to grab those INIs and swap them out in your template folder
The proper method is like follows,
In your module xml file should have language file like follows.
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.mod_latesttweets.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB.mod_latesttweets.sys.ini</language>
and your fields like.
<field name="consumer_key" type="text" default="" label="MOD_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY" description="MOD_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY_DESC" size="60"/>
Then module folder have these two files.
Inside language file like below.
Then Joomla will place this file in the proper language folder while you install the module.
Once you have installed the module and needs to change the language labels. Should be change inside Joomla language folder file.
You can download a sample module from this link and check the structure.
The issue look like your language file does not exists.
Hope its helps..

Joomla 2.5 template language override not working

How do I need to specify a language override for my template in order for Joomla! to use it?
It's specific language tags for the COM_STORELOCATOR component.
<languages folder="language">
<language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.tpl_XXX.ini</language>
Option 1
The file with overrides should be located here:
You can manage the template overrides directly from the Joomla! backend.
Go to Extensions > Language Manager > Overrides
Option 2
Check the solution proposed by "mgirardis" in the Joomla! Forums:
You create the folder: [TEMPLATE_NAME]/language/overrides
and put inside it the file containing all the desired overrides:
zz-ZZ.override.ini where zz-ZZ is the language you wish to override.
Then in templateDetails.xml you add (inside the tags <languages>; I'm
putting this tag here only to illustrate the idea):
<language tag="overrides">language/overrides/zz-ZZ.override.ini</language>
I wouldn't override something like that. I usually add a component-specific prefix to my language files to avoid conflicts. For instance, the title for you would be:
echo JTEXT::_("SL_TITLE");

Language based installation description

As you all know, once you have installed an extension in the Joomla backend, the description shows. You can either have a plain description from the XML or have a language based one. I have never had problems in the past with language based descriptions however this time I do. The extension is a admin component and has no frontend folder and is for Joomla 2.5.
When I install the component, the description appears as COM_PROJECTS_DESC
The language folder and files are in the correct location and the XML shows as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension type="component" version="2.5.0" method="upgrade">
<creationDate>15th Jul 2012</creationDate>
<copyright>Copyright (C) 2012 JoomJunk</copyright>
<menu img="components/com_projects/assets/images/cpanel_16.png">COM_PROJECT_TO_DO</menu>
<files folder="admin">
<languages folder="admin">
<language tag="en-GB">languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_projects.ini</language>
<language tag="en-GB">languages/en-GB/en-GB.com_projects.sys.ini</language>
The odd thing is, the description doesnt work when installing for the first time, but if I install the coomponent over it (upgrade) then it does work.
I have used the language debug tool the the language file seems to be loading so Im not sure what the problem is. I has only ever happend to me with extensions specifically for the admin backend and that have no frontend referrence.
Any help would be much apreciated.
You can display the installable description text and if you need to install any sample values through install.joomjunk.php.
I think this link will be helpful for you.
