If I right click my project and look up "Assembly Information..." in Properties, there is a field called GUID. Should I really care about this, because I have some base code that re re-use and when I just copy and paste the files in a new folder the GUID does not regenerate.
I found one drawback (me thinks) and that's is when you deploy to your phone the old app with the same GUID gets replaces, but thats no show stopper... is there any other things I should know about?
Open up the WMAppManifest.xml file and look for the ProductID attribute. That is where the GUID for your application resides.
<App xmlns="" ProductID="{b57106ca-db22-4809-9311-385c2a5b0921}"...
I created a windows form app in Visual Basic, the name of the app is "Example_1".
The name of the solution is "Example_1"
The name of the project is "Example_1"
The Text on the form is "Example_1"
The assembly name is "Example_1"
What is the problem?, well at my first try to do this app, I created it as the name of "Example_0" which I have been changing through all the properties to show the new name "Example_1".
Somehow, when I run the app, in the taskbar appears the correct name or if I put my mouse above it, it says "Example_1", in the correct way.
BUT, if I Right-clicked over the icon in the taskbar, it says "Example_0", WHY!
I have already checked all the app properties and nowhere it says "Example_0"
What I am missing?
I think you can find the old name into the "Assembly Info".
Expand your project in solution exporer, then double click "My Project".
In the Application tab you will have the "Application info" button.
I had made a Windows Phone 7 application. I copy pasted that same application 10 times to create 10 different applications, as the only difference in those 10 apps were the images. But now I cannot install 2 applications on emulator as they have same GUID. I tried using the GUID generator tool and replaced the product id in WMAppManifest.xml file and also the GUID in Assembly Information with the new generated GUID, but as soon as I Rebuild the solution, it goes back to the same old GUID and still replaces other app already installed with same GUID. Can anyone help me why is this happening? Am I missing something?
I got it working finally!! It might help somebody who might be stuck just like me.
The mistake I was doing was I was entering the GUID generated by the tool in UpperCase while it has to be put in "LowerCase". The GUID Generator tool in Visual Studio 2012 generates a GUID something like this: "AAB123-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx" while what the WMAppManifest.xml file takes is: "aab123-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx".
So the steps to change GUID of any project is as follows:
Go to www.guidgen.com
Copy the GUID.
Open Assembly Information and paste it in the GUID field (in lowercase only).
Open WMAppManifest.xml file and paste it again in the productID field (again in lowercase only)
Rebuild and deploy the solution.
To avoid the GUID issue copy the projects following next steps:
Copy the project folder
Change the name to the .csproj file
Add the copyed project to the solution: Right click on solution -> Add -> Existing
Open the WMAppManifest.xml file and replace the Product ID (you can use a generator)
This works for me. If I deploy multiple projects to the phone I can see all of them ther, they're not replaced.
I have created a new project called Graphics and I coded it and submitted the app to windows market place. But it seems that the term Graphics term is very generic and for that reason my app got failed. They have mentioned it to change the XAP name.
Are there any ways to do it?
Double click on properties in your solution explorer and click on Application tab on the left. Change the required details. Xap file name, Title and other options which you want to change.
Find your app's WMAppManifest.xml file.
and change the Title Node in App.
You can change your app's display name in the WMAppManifest.xml, which is under the Properties of the project.
So I am writing an app for Windows Phone 7.
Today, I didn't know what got into me, but I naively thought that by changing the Assembly Name, the Xap File name, the deployment Title, and the regular Title I would change my application name. I keep getting a NullReferenceException and I think my program will never work again. I was really stupid in changing the names and I'm wondering if there's anyway to fix this. Thanks so much!
Apart from checking for any errors in the WMAppManifest.xml file - you also need to update the startup object in your main phone application project if you've renamed it or its namespace.
To do this, right-click on your main project in Visual Studio and select Properties. In the "Application" tab, update the "Startup object" drop down to point to your new object, in the correct namespace. You probably want to check everything else on this setttings page is correct too.
Same problem here, solution:
1. change the namespace of 'App.xaml' & 'App.xaml.cs' to the target startup object name
2. clean and rebuild the solution
4. open the property window and choose the new 'startup object'
I have a windows setup project that installs a service. All works well except for one thing: The default directory offered to the user during install is of the form "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ProgramName". I am trying to modify this so that instead of "Microsoft" we would have our company's name.
I found the application folder property of the setup project, and it has a DefaultLocation property of "[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName]". So, it looks like all I need to do is set the "Manufacturer" property and I'll be all set. However, I can not find a way to set this property! I had hoped it would take it from the company name in the AssemblyInfo of the primary output project, but it did not.
I could remove "[Manufacturer]" from the DefaultLocation and replace it with our literal company name, but that seems like a hack.
How do I set the Manufacturer name?
Note that I am not using a full-blown WiX project. I have simply added a windows setup project to my solution.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Click on your setup project in Visual Studio, open the Properties and you will notice that there are a number of Properties that you can set like Manufacturer, SupportURL, etc.
Note if you're confused/frustrated doing this seemingly trivial thing: if you open properties by right-clicking on the project and clicking "Properties" in the right-mouse menu, you will get the wrong dialog box. You need to select the project, but then navigate to the properties tag. One way to navigate to the properties tag is from the "View" menu, select "Properties Window".