WSO2 ESB 4.0.3 and governance registry configuration - jdbc

I have one server running the ESB and another running the governance registry.
I am using the embedded h2 database. I can't connect the ESB to the Registry.
I get the following error
SQLNestedException: Cannot create JDBC driver of class 'org.h2.Driver' for connect URL
The jar with the the driver is in the path and works with a local h2 instance.
Any help appreciated

I believe this can be due to the h2 database not being able to accept multiple connections. But you need to provide more details to answer this question? Perhaps the entire stack trace. Usually, when we work with remote registries we use mysql or similar as the DB.
Since the h2 driver is shipped and it's already in the classpath anyway, it can't be due to a problem with the h2 driver, unless you changed the driver.


Tibco businessworks 6.6. JDBC Resource connection - Snowflake

Has anyone successfully created a JDBC Resource connection for the Snowflake database? I have a specific case, where I would like to connect directly, not through Snowflake plugin. I am stuck at database driver selection. Can't import snowflake-jdbc-3.13.24.jar to choose it in dropdown menu.
I already tried this, but it doesn't work:
I never worked with Snowflakes but the BusinessWorks 6.6 documentation provides updated explanations on how to set-up a custom JDBC driver in the BusinessWorks environment, you can check it at the following URL :

HSQL Server Issue with jdbc

I have HSQL server 2.3.4 and I am trying to use hsql jdbc connectivity jar 2.2.9 to aceess the HSQL database but I am getting End of file exception.
The Servr is working pretty fine when I am using hsql jdbc connectivity jar 2.3.4 with hSQL Server 2.3.4.
Can somebody explain the reason for no backward compatibility
New features are introduced in each new version of the database engine. Sometimes the addition of new features requires changes to the network protocol used for exchanging data between the client and server. These changes break backward compatibility.
It is recommended to use jars of the same version on client and server.

How to enable cache server JNDI lookup support in Coherence 12.2.1?

I am trying to access Coherence 12.2.1's cache (deployed in data tier) from application tier (deployed in application tier) that staying same Coherence cluster with different WebLogic clusters.
Oracle stated:
A component-scoped JNDI tree can be used in EJBs, servlets, or JSPs to reference the NamedCache.
To use a component-scoped JNDI lookup, define a resource-ref of type in either the web.xml or ejb-jar.xml file. Example 3-2 illustrates a <resource-ref> stanza that identifies myCache as the NamedCache.
I developed a Coherence application and deploy it into local storage enabled WebLogic server (coherence managed server). I used Application Lifecycle Listener to access and initialise cache, it works fine.
I can find the cache was populate up in Coherence cache server by using VisualVM, please see attachment.
But unfortunately, I can't find any thing about the cache in my WebLogic managed server JNDI tree, Please find attachment.
I tried to find out a way to enable Coherence cache server (it was integrated into WebLogic 12c) support JNDI look up.
I found something like this:
<cache-config xmlns:jndi="class://">
But unfortunately again, was removed from WebLogic 12c. Which means there is no way to enable Coherence data cache JNDI name configuration in Coherence 12cR2.
Any advice please!!
Were you able to create the ConnectionFactory, Outbound pools, etc ?
I suggest you take a look at this post here. It should help you out.
Hope it helps !!

Advantages of JBoss JDBC Driver As Module Over Application JDBC Driver Configuration

I would like to know the benefits of configuring JDBC Driver in JBoss As a module than package JDBC driver in application in terms of
connection pool
data source
distributed environment
Please enlighten this. Thanks.
Module datasources
are shareable across multiple applications.
integrate with all of the monitoring and management facilities of JBoss AS, such as the CLI and web console.
provide good integration with JBoss security domains.

Hot deploy problem in Tomcat with proxool and oracle

I have a problem concerning with proxool and oracle driver in Tomcat.
The web application I use contains a webservice jar file using metro and a servlet to initialize / start the proxool pool. The proxool pool is configured with an oracle connection. When the service is called, it fetches a connection from the pool, executes a statement and returns. I close the resultset, the statement and the connection in the service method afterwards.
When I now try to hot undeploy the web application, the servlet stops proxool pool by ProxoolFacade.shutdown(); in it's destroy method.
The problem is, that the hot undeploy can not finish because the Oracle driver ojdbc5.jar can not be deleted from the folder of the extracted web application.
Trying the same with a SQL server database and the jtds driver it works without this problem.
Used versions:
Apache Tomcat 6.0.18
Oracle 11g JDBC driver
Proxool 0.9.1
Anyone has an idea?
Regards Timo
You must add the Oracle driver to the Tomcat instance and configure Tomcat JNDI with an Oracle datasoure.
This way, the driver will stay alive when the app is terminated and Tomcat will control the pooling of the DB connections. The reason for your problem is that some DB drivers "hook" into the VM. This means that Tomcat can't unload the classes during redeploy -- there are still references around.
I'd even suggest to try to move proxool into the Tomcat server and have Tomcat manage the pools for you. That would make hot deploy much faster and more reliable, even if you leak connections.
