Where joomfish store translation content? - joomla

That look easy but...
I'm trying to find the translation content but
In which table in phpmyadmin ?
Thank you!

In J1.5, the tables included "jf" in the name - jos_jf_content.
If you can determine the right table, this SQL should get you started:
FROM jos_content AS j
INNER JOIN jmo_jfcontent AS jf ON (j.id = jf.id)
WHERE (j.alias ='branchen')
It wont run as is, because I don't know the table structure or column names, but it should be relatively easy to adapt when you identify the table and the primary key.


functionality of the TABLE clause in oracle

i'm struggling to understand what the TABLE clause does, per oracle docs:
it transforms a collection like a nested table into a table which could be used in an sql statement.
which seems clear enough but i don't know how it works in practice.
these are the relevant types and tables;
create type movies_type as Table of ref movie_type;
create type actor_type under person_type
starring movies_type
) Final;
create table actor of actor_type
NESTED TABLE starring STORE AS starring_nt;
i want to list actors and movies they starred in, this works
select firstname, lastname, value(b).title
from actor2 a, table(a.starring) b;
but i don't understand why. why isn't this
actor2 a, table(a.starring) b
a Cartesian product?
also, why does value(b) work here?, since it's table of refs, it should be deref, but that doesn't work.
my question is:
why does this query work as intended? i would expect it to list every actor with every movie (Cartesian product) as there are no specified conditions on how to join, and why does value(b) work here?, since it's table of refs, it should be deref, but that doesn't work.
i don't have a mental model for oracle sql, help is very much appreciated on how to learn properly.
thank you very much.
It’s not a Cartesian product because table(a.starring) is correlated by a: For each row in a it is running the table function against its starring nested table.
This is not a very common way of data modelling in Oracle, usually you would use a junction table to allow for a properly normalised model (which usually is much easier to query and allows for better for performance)

Is there a way to give a "second name" to a table in Hive so that a user can refer to either name of the table and would retrieve the same thing?

I would like to be able to refer to tables with a certain naming schema to make my code uniform, but I am pulling tables from different environments with different naming schema. If I want all my tables to have names like example_table_1 and example_table_2, but the second one is something like TB_ex_2, is there a way to give that table an attribute so that I can also call select * from database.example_table_2, and it will know to refer to TB_ex_2?
I understand that I can alias tables, e.g. select * from TB_ex_2 example_table_2, but I am trying to avoid that. Renaming each table is also not an option, because those names need to be retained to identify which environment they are coming from.
Hive does not support synonyms. The workaround is to create a view:
AS SELECT * from table1;
Also you can create many tables on top of the same location(data).

Table joins in BigQuery

Do you know if there's a way to join two tables by, for
example, using a foreign key constraint like in MySQL (I don't seem to
find anything about this) ? If not, is there a replacement ?
I interpret your question as below -
Is there a way to limit the values that can be used on the tableX to only the IDs that exist on the tableY? For example via using a foreign key constraint like in MySQL!
BigQuery does not provide any direct mechanism for this to happen.
But you can easily achieve this by yourself.
For example, assume you need to insert some data to tableX, but you want to make sure that only those rows will be inserted where id in that new data is in tableY
So, you can "enforce" this via below query
FROM newData AS n
JOIN tableY AS y
ON n.id = y.id
... you can run this query with tableX as destination and ONLY needed rows will be inserted
Hope you got an idea
Also you can check existing related feature requests -
Since you asked two questions (Stack Overflow suggests asking 1 question per question), I'll answer one:
Also, do you know if there's a way to join two tables by, for example,
using a foreign key
In BigQuery you can join tables by any key - even by keys defined on the fly (this is pretty useful when you need to join two tables from different datasets that choose to encode identical values in different ways).
Why would you need a foreign key to do these joins?

How to select row data as column in Oracle

I have two tables like bellow shows figures
I need to select records as bellow shown figure. with AH_ID need to join in second table and ATT_ID will be the column header and ATT_DTL_STR_VALUE need to get as that column relevant value
Required output
Sounds like you have an Entity-Attribute-Value data model which relational DBs aren't the best at modeling. You may want to look into a key-value store.
However, as Justin suggested, if you're using 11g you can use th pivot clause as follows:
This statement requires you to hard-code in ATT_ID however there are ways to do it dynamically. More info can be found here.

How should I manage my many-to-many relationships?

I have a database containing a couple tables: files and users. This relationship is many-to-many, so I also have a table called users_files_ref which holds foreign keys to both of the above tables.
Here's the schema of each table:
files -> file_id, file_name
users -> user_id, user_name
users_files_ref -> user_file_ref_id, user_id, file_id
I'm using Codeigniter to build a file host application, and I'm right in the middle of adding the functionality that enables users to upload files. This is where I'm running into my problem.
Once I add a file to the files table, I will need that new file's id to update the users_files_ref table. Right now I'm adding the record to the files table, and then I imagined I'd run a query to grab the last file added, so that I can get the ID, and then use that ID to insert the new users_files_ref record.
I know this will work on a small scale, but I imagine there is a better way of managing these records, especially in a heavy-traffic scenario.
I am new to relational database stuff but have been around PHP for a while, so please bear with me here :-)
I have primary and foreign keys set up correctly for the files, users, and users_files_ref tables, I'm just wondering how to manage the adding of file records for this scenario?
Thanks for any help provided, it's much appreciated.
Use $this->db->insert_id() to get the id number of the row you just inserted. Further documentation here: http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/database/helpers.html
You're basically describing how it normally is done, with one important adjustment: how you retrieve the file_id of the file to be able to add it to users_files_ref.
Normally in a database environment you have many clients connecting at the same time, doing updates simultaneously. In such an environment you can't just get the file_id of the last file added - it might be someone elses file added in between your DB calls. You have to use functionality of the database to get the ID generated (e.g. SELECT ##IDENTITY on MSSQL) or generate the IDs in the application code somehow.
I think what you need is just this:
----primary key-----
users_files_ref -> | user_id, file_id |
How you get the the file_id is dependent on the code you're implementing. Your reasoning is correct. You already have the user_id and just need to get the file_id. With these values you can add a new row to user_files_ref.
When I need to do this I usually have a stored procedure with the help of a sequence that inserts the file and returns the sequence NEXTVAL as the output. This might be a way of implementing such cenario.
This is the code for an Oracle based stored procedure:
