Windows bat file equivelent of bash string manipulation - windows

How would I achieve this:
for i in *.e; do mv $i ${i%-b*.e}.e; done
in a Windows batch file? (It renames files containing "-b" to the part before "-b". Note that this is not necessarily the end of the string! e.g. "file-b-4.e" will become "file.e")

If you really want to do this in batch, this should work
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in (*.e) do (
set "var=%%~F"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!var:-b=.e:!"
for /f "eol=: delims=:" %%A in ("!var!") do (
echo ren "%%F" "%%A"
The comment by panda-34 alluded to the fact that the original posted code failed if the file name begins with -b. The code above was fixed by incorporating the extension into the replacement string. (thanks panda-34 for alerting me to the problem)
panda-34 also provided an alternate solution that uses command injection with search and replace. The injected command is the REM statement.
The panda-34 solution works as long as the file name does not contain & or ^ characters, but fails if it does.
Below is a modified version of the command injection technique that should work with all valid Windows file names. There are 2 critical mods, 1) make sure the special chars in the file name are always quoted, and 2) do not pass the value as a CALL argument, otherwise ^ will be doubled to ^^.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%i in (*-b*.e) do (
set old="%%~ni"
call :ren_b
exit /b
set v=%old:-b=.e"&rem "%
echo ren "%old:~1,-1%.e" %v%
exit /b
Final Edit (I hope):
As baruch indicates in his comment, the solutions above remove starting with the 1st occurance, whereas the original bash command removes starting with the last occurance.
Below is a version that should be an exact equivalent of the original bash command.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "search=-b"
for %%A in (*%search%*.e) do (
set "old=%%A"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "new=\_!old:%search%=\_!"
for %%B in ("!new!") do (
set "new=%%~pB"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "new=!new:~2,-1!.e"
echo ren "!old!" "!new:\_=%search%!"

Simple, really
for %%i in (*-b*.e) do call :ren_b %%~ni
goto :eof
set v=%*
set v="%v:-b=.e" ^& rem %
ren "%*.e" %v%
Here's a variant to keep the name till the last -b occurence
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%i in (*-b*.e) do (
set v=%%~ni
set v=!v:-b=\!
for %%j in ("\!v!") do (
set v=%%~pj
set v=!v:~1,-1!
set v=!v:\=-b!
ren "%%i" "!v!.e"
It will fail for names containing ! and starting with -b.
P.S, Didn't see, dbenham already provided the equivalent solution, probably with more provisions for terminal cases of file names.

Forget it, some convenient things cannot be done in NT scripting. What you are asking here is not possible to my knowledge. And I've written and maintained complex NT scripts bigger than 50 KiB, using all kinds of tricks. The book "Windows NT Shell Scripting" points out many of these, for the same and more see Rob van der Woude's scripting pages.
I reckon you could do part of this, but certainly not in a one-liner due to how variable expansion works in NT scripting. For example you could extract the part of the string that you expect to be -b and check whether it is -b, then extract the other parts and rename from the original name to the one that is comprised of only the extracted parts.
But you'll likely need ten to fifteen lines to achieve that. In that light, consider using a different scripting language for the purpose. Especially if this is a modern Windows version.
I realize this is not the desired answer (i.e. that this is possible and a sample), but cmd.exe is very limited compared to Bash, albeit by far not as limited as some opponents of traditional batch scripting are pointing out.


Why can't you use a question mark in a batch for loop?

While writing a separate piece of code, I encountered a problem with question marks in for loops. As shown below, the question mark is not accessed in the for loop.
Batch file:
#echo off
for %%x in (the, quick, ?, brown, fox) do (
echo %%x
This also does not work in the CMD (using %x instead of %%x), or when using "", [], ^, \, % or other common methods of character escaping.
Using a counter variable to determine the number of times the code within the parentheses was accessed only results in a total count of 4, meaning it is clearly not a problem with the echo command.
Why doesn't a question mark work in a standard for loop, and how would I go about fixing it?
It's because ? will be expanded into a list of filenames one character long. The "naked" for is using that list as a list of filenames.
If you run the following commands, you'll see this in action:
c:\> echo xx >a
c:\> echo xx >b
c:\> for %i in (1, ?) do echo %x
If you look at Rob van der Woude's excellent scripting pages, you'll see that the for page has options for processing command output, numbers and files - it's not really suited for arbitrary strings.
One way to get around that is to provide your own for-like command as shown in the following example:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
rem Call the callback function for each argument.
set escapee=/
call :doFor :processEach 1 2 ? 4 5
echo.Escapee was %escapee%
rem Execute simple command for each argument.
call :doFor echo 6 7 ? 9 10
goto :eof
set escapee=%escapee%%1/
goto :eof
rem Get action.
set cbAction=%1
rem Process each argument with callback or command.
if not "%1" == "" (
call %cbAction% %1
goto :dfloop
endlocal&&set escapee=%escapee%
goto :eof
This provides a single functions which can handle both callbacks and simple commands. For more complex commands, provide a callback function and it will get called with each argument in turn. The callback function can be arbitrarily complex but keep in mind that, because it's operating within a setlocal, changes to environment variables cannot escape back to the caller.
As a way around this, it allows one variable, escapee, to escape the scope - you could also add more if needed.
For simple commands (like echo) where you just need the argument placed at the end, you do the same thing. It doesn't need a callback function but it's restricted to very simple scenarios.
Also keep in mind that, although this seems like a lot of code, the vast majority of it only needs to exist in one place. To use it, you simply need a one-liner like the sample:
call :doFor echo my hovercraft is full of eels
Also keep in mind that there may be other characters that do not fare well, even with this scheme. It solves the ? issue but others may still cause problems. I suspect that this would be an ideal opportunity to add PowerShell to your CV, for example, a command that's almost bash-like in it's elegance and zen-ness:
PShell> foreach ($item in #("1", "?", "3", "4")) { echo $item }
You could switch to FOR /F.
But FOR /F is used to process multiple lines to split them into tokens.
In your case you don't need multiple tokens, you need one loop per item.
That can be done by splitting the items with linefeeds.
I'm using # as item delimiter, but you are free to use any other character
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
(set \n=^
set "itemList=the#quick#?#brown#fox"
for %%L in ("!\n!") DO (
FOR /F "delims=" %%x in ("!itemList:#=%%~L!") DO echo - %%x -
- the -
- quick -
- ? -
- brown -
- fox -
I've been coding with batch many years, and I'm suprised to realize this issue until now!
I found another way to deal with this problem. May be somebody prefers it, like me.
In my particularly case, I'm using the FOR LOOP to get some named arguments of the current function. This is what I did:
rem Replace ?
set "args=%*"
set "args=%args:?=`%"
rem Iterate args
for %%p in (%args%) do (
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%a in ("%%~p") do (
rem Get and store values
if /i "%%~a" equ "/a" set "argA=%%~b"
if /i "%%~a" equ "/b" set "argB=%%~b"
if /i "%%~a" equ "/c" set "argC=%%~b"
rem Restore ?
if defined argA set "argA=%argA:`=?%"
if defined argB set "argB=%argB:`=?%"
if defined argC set "argC=%argC:`=?%"
rem I use the args
rem ...
rem Return
I call the function like this:
rem Calling example
call:SomeFunct "/a:Is there" "/b:a question mark" "/c in the arguments?"

Searching for partial path\filename in bat

Ok, so I've been bating (hehe) my head against a wall here.
I am looking for an option/code that would allow me to search for a partial path and/or filename from a .bat script that I would export to an outside file.
Now, "search", "export" and "outside file" is something I am fine with. The part that is giving me a headache is the "partial".
To elaborate.
I am looking for a folder called DATA and a file called userinfo.txt inside DATA.
Those are constant. So the path I have is DATA\userinfo.txt
I am also 99% certain that this folder will be in D:\ but thats not a concern right now. Where ever it is I'll find it.
But I cannot figure out how to look for a partial path\filename for the life of me.
Reason I have specified that DATA\userinfo.txt is a constant is due to other folders ability to be named arbitrarily. So in my below example 01-12-2016 does not have to be named according to that convention. For USA it would most likely be named 12-01-2016. It is also sometimes named 20161201 or 20160112 or on top of all that has a letter prefix such as d01-12-2016. On that note DATA is always DATA, which is why I said DATA is constant in my search. Another thing that will be the same is the grandparent folder. When i say "same" i mean "shared" between the two applications. It does not mean it will always be named "program" as in my example below.
Googling this and using things I know has got me nowhere.
Reason I cannot simply use
where /r d: userinfo.txt
is that that specific command will return hundreds of results as there is a userinfo.txt created for the program was running and is stored separately.
Alternatively - if there would be a way to comb trough those hundreds of results and find the matching part that would also resolve my issue.
This however brings up another headache as there is usually more than one program with this exact file.
so in the example of
Note: storage, otherstorage, storageother, storage2, storagegh are all arbitrary names as these folders are named accoring to end-user wishes.
I would want to export two separate variables for
I would also need to do this for \data\userinfo.txt
So if searching for \data\userinfo.txt it would return
I would also want to isolate both
and use it as (separate) local variables.
I would need to note that installing/downloading any external scripting tools/aids would not be a suitable solution as I work on a lot of computers, most of which I do not have internet access and/or sufficient permissions for external downloads/installations so anything that is not integrated into the bat and needs to be imported separately is a bad idea.
Also, I am working on Windows XP SP3 but I would need this bat to be able to run on XP SP2, XP SP3, Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows 2000.
Any help would be appreciated.
Please note that
would also be an acceptable variable. In this case I would manually amend the remainder of the path or would rely on end-user (my coworkers) input to complete the path correctly. The last has proven to be a fools errand.
The way that I've been handling it until now is to look for a .exe that I KNOW will be in both folders. This is a part of my code below edited to match the current example.
#echo off
echo Program will now look for program.exe and programgh.exe. Please input, when asked, matching part of the path for these files.
echo Example:
echo d:\users\path\program\storage\bin\program.exe
echo d:\users\path\program\otherstorage\bin\programgh.exe
echo In above example matching part is d:\users\path\program so you would enter that when prompted
echo Please do not input the last pathing mark: \ (backslash)
echo -------------searching---------------
::I am exporting errors to nul as I don't want them to be spammed by errors and other data that they would think is their fault
where /r c: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r d: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r e: program*.exe 2>nul
where /r f: program*.exe 2>nul
set /p dualpath="Please enter matching paths for program folder: "
After that I would proceed to work with %dualpath% variable.
As it usually happens (to me at least) most people would just copy the example path without taking a look at what the program has spat out and would be confused as to why the program did not work. Either that or would copy everything up to program.exe and programgh.exe - including the otherstorage\bin\ without noticing that \storage\ and \otherstorage\ do not match.
I think this now covers all the comments or additional questions and clarifies a bit better what I need. Thank you all for help so far and I hope that this is easier to understand.
If a Windows cmd command allows wildcards in a (partially or fully qualified) path then wildcards must be used only in the path leaf (i.e. the last item or container in the path). However, you could apply findstr regex to narrow command output e.g. as follows:
where /r d:\ userinfo.txt | findstr /I "\\storage2*\\data\\userinfo.txt"
above command wold narrow output to paths ending with \storage\data\userinfo.txt and \storage2\data\userinfo.txt
Another example - narrow output to paths ending with \storageX\data\userinfo.txt where X is either nothing or any decimal cipher [0-9]:
dir /B /S d:\userinfo.txt | findstr /I "\\storage[0-9]*\\data\\userinfo.txt"
Put the paths to environment variables (with _var prefix for easier next identification), e.g. _varstorage, _varstorage2, …
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
dir /B /S "d:\userinfo.txt" ^| findstr /I "\\storage[0-9]*\\data\\userinfo.txt"') do (
for /D %%D in ("%%~dpF..") do (
set "_var%%~nxD=%%~fD"
rem %%~fD path
rem %%~nxD last item in above path
rem _var variable name prefix
rem show result:
set _var
See also next %%~nxD and %%~D explanation: Command Line arguments (Parameters): Parameter Extensions
If I got your intention right, the following script should do what you want:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=D:\" & rem "D:\", "D:\users",..., or "D:\users\path\program"
set "_FILE=userinfo.txt"
rem // Initialise index:
set /A "INDEX=1"
rem // Search for the specified file in the given root directory:
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /S "%_ROOT%\%_FILE%"') do (
rem // Iterate once over the grandparent directory itself:
for /D %%D in ("%%F\..\..") do (
rem // Resolve the path of the grantparent directory;
set "ITEM=%%~fD"
rem // Initialise flag (non-empty means not yet stored):
set "FLAG=#"
rem // Toggle delayed expansion to avoid trouble with exclamation marks:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem // Iterate over all currently stored grantparent paths:
for /F "tokens=1,* delims==" %%V in ('2^> nul set $ARRAY[') do (
rem // Clear flag in case current grandparent has already been stored:
if /I "!%%V!"=="!ITEM!" set "FLAG="
rem // Check flag:
if defined FLAG (
rem // Flag is empty, so current grandparent needs to be stored:
set "$ARRAY[!INDEX!]=!ITEM!"
rem // Transfer stored grandparent over localisation barrier:
for /F "delims=" %%E in ("$ARRAY[!INDEX!]=!ITEM!") do (
set "%%E"
rem // Increment index
set /A "INDEX+=1"
) else endlocal
rem // Retrieving final count of grandparent directories:
set /A "INDEX-=1"
rem // Return stored grandparent paths:
set $ARRAY[
exit /B
This should return D:\users\path\programs\otherstorage and D:\users\path\programs\storage in your situation, which are stored in the variables $ARRAY[1] and $ARRAY[2], respectively. Due to the array-style variables, this approach is flexible enough to cover also cases where more than two grandparent directories are present.
Based on your above sample this batch
#Echo off
Set Search=\\data\\userinfo.txt
pushd "D:\Users\path\program
For /f "Delims=" %%A in (
'Dir /B/S/A-D userinfo.txt ^|findstr "%Search%$"'
) Do Call :Sub "%%~fA" "%%~dpA.."
Goto :Eof
:Sub FullName DrivePath
Echo Found %~nx1
Echo in %~dp1
Echo Granny %~nx2
Set "Granny=%~nx2"
Echo in %~dp2
Echo -------
Should give this output (only partially tested)
Found userinfo.txt
in D:\Users\path\program\storage\data\
Granny storage
in D:\Users\path\program\
Found userinfo.txt
in D:\Users\path\program\storage2\data\
Granny storage2
in D:\Users\path\program\
The backslash in Search has to be doubled as it is an escape char for findstr

String replacement within FOR /F into batch file

There are a handful of questions on SO that look similar, but I cannot figure out some behaviour and I am looking for help.
Below is a snippet from a batch file I am trying to write which will load in a set of directories and potentially replace letter substitutions with an expanded path, e.g. the properties file might look like:
Where location1 points to C:\Test and location2 points to C:\Program Files(x86)\MODULE\Test, because [m] is a shorthand to C:\Program Files(x86)\MODULE.
The batch script, to this point, is simply trying to read in the list of file paths and expand/replace the [m].
SET build.dir=%~dp0%
SET progfiles=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%
IF "%progfiles%"=="" SET progfiles=%ProgramFiles%
FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%i IN ( DO (
SET local.dir=%%j
SET local.dir=!local.dir:[m]=%progfiles%\MODULE!
echo !local.dir!
Running this kicks out an error:
\MODULE was unexpected at this time.
If I replace the FOR with the following instead:
set test="[m]\Proj\Dir"
set test=!test:[m]=%progfiles%\MODULE!
echo %test%
I get the desired C:\Program Files(x86)\MODULE\Proj\Dir printed I'm confused why it works fine outside of the FOR loop.
My understanding about delayed expansion is that it 'expands' at runtime...which you get to happen using !! instead of %% wrapped around the variable. Furthermore, as I'm creating the local.dir variable inside the FOR loop scope, I must use delayed expansion in order to access it with the updated value for the iteration.
I feel like the problem is using %progfiles%, like there's some special syntax I need to use in order to make it work but nothing is adding up for me. When I echo %progfiles%, it prints out as C:\Program Files(x86 -- note the missing trailing ).
Any ideas? Thanks
Tested suggestion:
*** "D:\Projects\Test\Build\"
*** "","C:\Program Files (x86)"
[m]=C:\Program Files (x86)\MODULE
Adding quotes around the whole expression makes it work -- can't use other characters for some reason (like []) -- and since I want to append to the path later, we can safely remove the quotes afterwards:
SET local.dir="!local.dir:[m]=%progfiles%\MODULE!"
SET local.dir=!local.dir:"=!
Test this to see if you can nut out the issue:
The double quotes are to provide robust handling in a system with long file/path names.
The () are unquoted which are a problem in a batch script, when inside a loop.
#echo off
SET "build.dir=%~dp0%"
SET "progfiles=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%"
IF "%progfiles%"=="" "SET progfiles=%ProgramFiles%"
SET ""
echo *** ""
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims==" %%i IN ("") DO (
SET "local.dir=%%j"
echo *** "!local.dir!","%progfiles%"
SET "local.dir=!local.dir:[m]=%progfiles%\MODULE!"
echo !local.dir!
It has to do with the () characters that end up in your progfiles string. If you take them out, the substitution seems to work fine.
My suggestion is to ditch command for this particular purpose and use one of the other standard tools that Windows comes with. While my personal preference would be Powershell (since it's so much more powerful and expressive), you may just need something quick that you can integrate into existing cmd.exe stuff.
In that case, try the following VBScript file, xlat.vbs:
set arg = wscript.arguments
wscript.echo Replace(arg(0),arg(1),arg(2))
Your batch file then becomes something like, noting the inner for /f which captures the output of the VBS script and assigns it to the variable:
#echo off
SET build.dir=%~dp0%
set progfiles=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%
if "%progfiles%"=="" set progfiles=%ProgramFiles%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1* delims==" %%i in ( do (
set local.dir=%%j
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('cscript.exe //nologo xlat.vbs "!local.dir!" "[m]" "%progfiles%\MODULE"') do set local.dir=%%x
echo !local.dir!
Running that, I get the output:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MODULE\Test
which I think is what you were after.

Feed in a list of find and replace values with batch

I'm looking for a way to find and replace multiple words in a text file using a Windows batch script.
I know replacing a word can be done so with this bat script:
#echo off &setlocal
set "search=%1"
set "replace=%2"
set "textfile=Input.txt"
set "newfile=Output.txt"
(for /f "delims=" %%i in (%textfile%) do (
set "line=%%i"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "line=!line:%search%=%replace%!"
del %textfile%
rename %newfile% %textfile%
Now, I just have to take it one step further and feed in the search and replace strings from another file similar to this format:
search_string1, replace_string1
search_string2, replace_string2
search_string3, replace_string3
I would think that I would somehow process the file line by line, and parse them into two variables (search, replace) and then feed that into the script above. Any thoughts? I'm new to Windows batch scripts and have never really made one before so mind my newbie questions.
This type of text replacements are slow and prone to fail when performed via a Batch file. I wrote FindRepl.bat program that is a Batch-JScript hybrid script that not only run much faster and with no errors, but it also allows to perform the multiple replacements you are looking for in just one processing pass of the data file. JScript is a programming language that is included in all Windows versions from XP on. Using FindRepl.bat program you may solve your problem this way:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "search="
set "replace="
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%a in (replacements.txt) do (
set "search=!search!|%%a"
set "replace=!replace!|%%b"
set "search=!search:~1!"
set "replace=!replace:~1!"
< Input.txt FindRepl =search /A =replace > Output.txt
Note that all text placed after the comma in the replacements file is the replacement string, including spaces.
You may download FindRepl.bat program from this site. Place it in the same folder of previous program or, better yet, in a folder included in %PATH%, so you may use it directly.

Batch ECHO %varname% just saying "Echo is on."

So I was tasked with making a batch file that does a few specific things. I've never worked with batch before, and I'm finding it hard to find tutorials on what exactly I need. (I've done basic tutorials)
I'm trying to get the most currently edited file from a directory. The only thing I've came up with (and I've noticed other people said to do) is a for loop of files in the directory sorted by date and then just get the first file and break the loop.
Some problems:
1) My loop never breaks
2) My ECHO %variable% doesn't work at the end.
#echo off
SET count=0
FOR /f %%i in ('DIR Y:\ /B /O:-D') DO (
IF count==0 (
SET NewestFile=%%i
SET count=1
#echo on
ECHO %NewestFile%
When I run this, I get:
ECHO is on.
I am 100% new to Batch. Maybe I'm doing something that this is really picky about? (Other StackOverflow questions have been solved by people just adding aa space or stuff like that)
Your condition is never met because the string count is never equal to the string 0. You need
if !count!==0 (
set NewestFile=%%i
set count=1
But then you also need delayed expansion (at the beginning of your batch file):
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
The problem here is that you need to tell the batch file that there is a variable. Like foo in Perl won't magically resolve to the contents of the $foo variable count in your batch file isn't equivalent to %count% (the variable contents) or !count! (the same, but with delayed expansion).
Delayed expansion is necessary because the whole for loop is parsed at once. And cmd replaces normal (%foo%) variables with their contents during parsing so that during execution only the values remain. So once execution reaches the if there would be the condition 0==0 because that's what count's value was before the loop. Delayed expansion (using the !foo! syntax) expands the variables immediately prior to execution, so this does not happen.
For more help on delayed expansion you can read help set.
Another way would be to just use absence or presence of the count variable:
SET count=
FOR /f %%i in ('DIR Y:\ /B /O:-D') DO (
IF not defined count (
SET NewestFile=%%i
SET count=1
This works around the problem above because there is no variable to replace during parsing. All we're doing is a run-time check whether the variable count exists.
If you supplied accurate code then you want to get the first line - and this is one way to do that.
#echo off
FOR /f %%i in ('DIR Y:\ /B /O:-D') DO SET "NewestFile=%%i" & goto :done
ECHO %NewestFile%
If you change the dir command to list the files in ascending order instead of descending order, you can use this one-liner which doesn't need any of the common bizarre cmd.exe scripting hacks. It just keeps the last line of output in the NewestFile variable (I guess it might qualify as a cmd.exe scripting hack, but I don't think it qualifies as bizarre):
for /f %%i in ('DIR Y:\ /B /O:D') do set NewestFile=%%i
