how to insert new line after a specific character in scripts - shell

I have the following (example.txt) file:
blue(4) red(8) green(5) yellow(19) brown(60) black(5)
how can I achieve in unix the following result?

If you need to insert newline after closing brackets, try
sed 's/) \?/)\n/g' example.txt

The following in-line sed script will replace a space with a newline, and should solve your problem.
sed -i 's/ /\n/g' example.txt > example_out.txt

xargs -n 1 < example.txt
By passing example.txt into xargs taking one argument at a time -n 1, xargs will place each entry on a separate line.
E.g., to put two entries per line one would simply change the -n 1 to -n 2
The option -n is also referred to as max-args on the man page.

Pass your data to this sed command, like so:
sed 's/ /\n/g' example.txt

I needed to achieve something like this and used sed command. It can be used to perform functions on streams.
For your requirement, you can use it like this:
sed -i 's/ /\n/g' example.txt
You can read more about this in the sed man page.


looping the sed -i to delete.

I have a file called foo.file.
In it are many things. I wanted to get rid of two lines containing
these keywords. employee.csv and instrument.csv. The sed -I flag is powerful feature in sed command. I like it to use on edit files in place.
It works just fine when I use in in command line format
sed -i '/employee.csv/d' foo.file
but when I try to loop the keywords. It does not work.
for i in employee.csv instrument.csv ;
sed -i '/"$i"/d' foo.file ;
for i in "employee.csv" "instrument.csv"; do
sed -i '/'"$i"'/d' foo.file;
You can also use regular expressions with sed:
sed -ri '/(employee|instrument).csv/d' foo.file;
Using sed to make an in-place substitution change:
for i in employee.csv instrument.csv; do
do sed -i "s/$i//g" foo.file;

Shell script for string search between particular lines, timestamps

I have a file with more than 10000 lines. I am trying to search for a string in between particular set of lines, between 2 timestamps.
I am using sed command to achieve this.
sed -n '1,4133p' filename | sed -n '/'2015-08-12'/, /'2015-09-12'/p' filename | grep -i "string"
With the above command I am getting desired result. The above command is considering entire file not the lines I have specified.
Is there is a way to achieve this?.
Please help
I think the problem is here:
sed -n '1,4133p' filename | sed -n '/'2015-08-12'/, /'2015-09-12'/p' filename |
You want to pipe the output of your first sed command into the second. The way you have this, the output from the first is clobbered and replaced with a re-scan of the file.
Try this:
sed -n '1,4133p' filename | sed -n '/'2015-08-12'/, /'2015-09-12'/p' | grep -i "string"
Any time you find yourself chaining together pipes of seds and greps stop and just use 1 awk command instead:
awk -v IGNORECASE=1 '/2015-08-12/{f=1} f&&/string/; /2015-09-12/||(NR==4133){exit}' file
The above uses GNU awk for IGNORECASE, with other awks you'd just change /string/ to tolower($0)~/string/.

grep to sed, append after string match but instead on end of line

I have the following text file with the following lines:
My aim is to have the above text file to be appended with a keyword "HELLO" after the above numbers, as following:
with the grep command and cut, I manage to get the value between the quotation mark.
grep -o "test=".* test.txt | cut -d \" -f2
I tried to use sed on top of it, with this line
grep -o "test=".* test.txt | cut -d \" -f2 | sed -i -- 's/$/.HELLO/' test.txt
however the closest I manage to get is instead a ".HELLO" which directly appended on the end of the line (and not after the numbers in between the quotes)
How can I fix my sed statement to provide me with the requested line?
You can do it with groups in sed. To create new output, you can do this:
sed 's/\(test="[^"]*\)"/\1.HELLO"/g' test.txt
To modify it in-place, you can use the -i switch:
sed -i 's/\(test="[^"]*\)"/\1.HELLO"/g' test.txt
() is a group. You can refer to it with \1. In sed we have to escape the parentheses: \(\)
[^"]* matches everything that's not a quote. So the match will stop before the quote
In the replacement, you have to add the quote manually, since it's outside of the group. So you can put stuff before the quote.
Try this:
This is how your file looks like.
bash > cat a.txt
Your text piped to SED
bash > cat a.txt |sed 's/">/.HELLO">/g'
bash >
Let me know if this worked out for you.
awk 'sub("[0-9]+","&.HELLO")' file
You can accomplish this with sed directly. Cut should not be necessary:
grep "test=" test.txt | sed 's/"\(.*\)"/"\1.HELLO"/'

Bash grep sth. then to find the position

I've long been wondering about this question;
say I first try to grep some lines from a file:
Then it'll pop out the whole line containing this string.
However, can we use some simple bash code to locate at which line this string locates? (100th? 1000th?...)
I found it using man grep and writing /line number
// EDIT: Thanks #Keith Thompson I'm editing post from cat file | grep -n pattern to grep -n pattern file, I was in a hurry sorry
try this:
This might work for you too:
The above solutions only output the matching line numbers, to see the lines matched too:

using sed to find and replace in bash for loop

I have a large number of words in a text file to replace.
This script is working up until the sed command where I get:
sed: 1: "*.js": invalid command code *
PS... Bash isn't one of my strong points - this doesn't need to be pretty or efficient
cd '/Users/xxxxxx/Sites/xxxxxx'
echo `pwd`;
for line in `cat myFile.txt`
export IFS=":"
for word in $line; do
echo ${list[0]}
echo ${list[1]}
sed -i "s/{$list[0]}/{$list[1]}/g" *.js
You're running BSD sed (under OS X), therefore the -i flag requires an argument specifying what you want the suffix to be.
Also, no files match the glob *.js.
This looks like a simple typo:
sed -i "s/{$list[0]}/{$list[1]}/g" *.js
Should be:
sed -i "s/${list[0]}/${list[1]}/g" *.js
(just like the echo lines above)
So myFile.txt contains a list of from:to substitutions, and you are looping over each of those. Why don't you create a sed script from this file instead?
cd '/Users/xxxxxx/Sites/xxxxxx'
sed -e 's/^/s:/' -e 's/$/:/' myFile.txt |
# Output from first sed script is a sed script!
# It contains substitutions like this:
# s:from:to:
# s:other:substitute:
sed -f - -i~ *.js
Your sed might not like the -f - which means sed should read its script from standard input. If that is the case, perhaps you can create a temporary script like this instead;
sed -e 's/^/s:/' -e 's/$/:/' myFile.txt >script.sed
sed -f script.sed -i~ *.js
Another approach, if you don't feel very confident with sed and think you are going to forget in a week what the meaning of that voodoo symbols is, could be using IFS in a more efficient way:
cat myFile.txt | while read PATTERN REPLACEMENT # You feed the while loop with stdout lines and read fields separated by ":"
sed -i "s/${PATTERN}/${REPLACEMENT}/g"
The only pitfall I can see (it may be more) is that if whether PATTERN or REPLACEMENT contain a slash (/) they are going to destroy your sed expression.
You can change the sed separator with a non-printable character and you should be safe.
Anyway, if you know whats on your myFile.txt you can just use any.
