How can I pass any id to a linq join in [HttpGet] ActionResult for Edit -

I am making a web application on MVC3, and I am using linq to communicate with the database.
I made a checkboxlist, where a user can select some options according to their choice and it gets saved in the databse table. The problem is in the Edit part.
The whole scenario is something like this:
The user can register as a restaurant owner or a Motel owner, I have assigned different Business_Type_Id as 1 and 2 for differentiating these two, I have assigned '2' for the Restaurant Business Type, and mapped the cuisines with the perticular business type in the same "Cuisines" table, by adding the "BusinessType" column into the table. the user will be assigned a Business_Id for their Business. I am providing a checkboxlist which generates its options from the database table "Cuisines" where I have given the cuisine list. From the front end the user can choose multiple cuisines according to their chioce what ever they provide in their restaurant. The choices may vary from one restaurant owner to the other, so I am storing the selected values for each and every Restaurant owner in a "BusinessCuisinesMapping" table, where I map the perticular BusinessId with the selected CuisineId by that perticular user.
Now to populate that cuisine list for edit or update I wrote a linq join, but I need to compare it with the Business_Id which is passed to the [HttpGet] ActionResult Edit. And this is point where I got stuck.
This is my linq join code which I am using in the controller:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
using (var chkl = new BusinessEntities())
var data = (from CuisinesData in chkl.Cuisines
join BusinessCuisineMappingData in chkl.BusinessCuisineMapping
on new { CuisinesData.Id, id } equals new { BusinessCuisineMappingData.CuisinesId, BusinessCuisineMappingData.BusinessId }
where CuisinesData.BusinessTypeId == 2
select new CusinesDTO
Id = CuisinesData.Id,
Name = CuisinesData.Name,
IsSelected = BusinessCuisineMappingData.CuisinesId == null ? false : true
ViewBag.CuisineList = data;
return View();
This is my DTO class:
public class CusinesDTO
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
I want to comape the "id" with the "BusinessCuisineMappingData.BusinessId" field in my LINQ join, which I am getting through the [HttpGet] Actionresult Edit(int id). It prompts me an error while I try to implement it.

You cannot use a local variable in the join. However, you can use it in a Where clause. So if you do
join ...
on CuisinesData.Id equals BusinessCuisineMappingData.CuisinesId
where BusinessCuisineMappingData.BusinessId == id
you'll have the same effect.

"The type of the expressions in join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'"
This suggests the types on either side of your JOIN are not equal. You are getting a compiler error; should be relatively easy to check the types on either side of your JOIN clause.
edit: rereading what you have put, I think something like the below is what you want to do:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
using (var chkl = new BusinessEntities())
var data = (from CuisinesData in chkl.Cuisines
join BusinessCuisineMappingData in chkl.BusinessCuisineMapping
on CuisinesData.Id equals BusinessCuisineMappingData.CuisinesId
where CuisinesData.BusinessTypeId == id
select new CusinesDTO
Id = CuisinesData.Id,
Name = CuisinesData.Name,
IsSelected = BusinessCuisineMappingData.CuisinesId == null ? false : true
ViewBag.CuisineList = data;
return View();


How to store join query data and retrieve using foreach loop from master layout page in mvc

I am new in mvc. I am trying to build role wise dynamic menu show in the view page. Each user can have multiple role.
I have a join query like:
My Controller looks like with join query:
var query= (from rMPageMap in db.RoleModulePageMaps
join userRole in db.UserRoleMaps
on rMPageMap.RoleId equals
join roleMaster in db.RoleMasters
on rMPageMap.RoleId equals roleMaster.Id
join modMaster in db.ModuleMaster
on rMPageMap.ModuleId equals modMaster.Id
join sModMaster in db.SubModuleMasters
on rMPageMap.SubModuleId equals sModMaster.Id
join pMaster in db.PageMasters
on rMPageMap.PageId equals pMaster.Id
where (userRole.UserId == appuser.Id &)
select new
roleName = roleMaster.Name,
modId = modMaster.Id,
moduleName = modMaster.Name,
subModuleId = sModMaster.Id,
subModuleName = sModMaster.Name,
pageId = pMaster.Id,
pageName = pMaster.Name,
parentPageId = pMaster.ParentPageId,
Session["rolemodulepage"] = query;
I find the values in the session while debugging. but i can not retrieve data from this using foreach loop in layout page.
Here is my view page that i try ro retrieve but does not work.
View Page:
#if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
var sessionVar = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["rolemodulepage"];
foreach(var i in sessionVar) // error
#i.... // error
// So here how to retrieve data from session using foreach loop. I tried but does not work. Pls help. If you have some resource for dynamically mane show in view page pls share with me.
Can anyone explain that how to do it using showing dynamic menu by role based user in master layout page. Wihout login none can enter the site, pls explain with examples so that i can understand. Thanks in advance.
You query is generating a collection of anonymous objects which you cannot access in the view. Create a view model containing the properties you need and project your query into it, for example
public class MenuVM
public int RoleId { get; set; }
public string PageMasterName { get; set; }
and then modify the query to
var query = (from rMPageMap in db.RoleModulePageMaps
where (userRole.UserId == appuser.Id &)
select(new MenuVM()
RoleId = rMPageMap.RoleId,
PageMasterName = rMPageMap.PageMaster.Name,
and then in the view you can cast the Session value and loop through it
var sessionVar = HttpContext.Current.Session["rolemodulepage"] as IEnumerable<MenuVM>;
if (sessionVar null)
foreach(var i in sessionVar)
However, as this is for generating a menu in a layout, I suggest you create move the code to a child action only method that returns a strongly typed partial view, for example in say CommonController
public PartialViewResult Menu()
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
return null;
// Check if the session variable exists and if not, generate the query
// and add the result to session
return PartialView("_Menu", query);
and the _Menu.cshtml view would be
#model IEnumerable<MenuVM>
#foreach (var i in Model)
and in the layout, use
#{ Html.RenderAction("Menu", "Common"); }
to generate the html for the menu.

Linq Grouping looses the child entities

I have the following query:
var _customers = (from c in _db.UserProfiles.Include(x=>x.ParentCompanies).Include(x=>x.cProfile).Include(x=>x.cProfile.PhoneNumbers).Include(x=>x.cProfile.Addresses)
where (c.ParentCompanies.Any(pc => pc.CompanyUsers.Any(cu => cu.UserName == userName)) && c.cProfile != null)
group c by c.FirstName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() into customerGroup
select new ContactsViewModel
FirstLetter = customerGroup.Key,
Customers = customerGroup
}).OrderBy(letter => letter.FirstLetter);
if I take out the group, it works well and includes all the children (parentCompanies, cProfile, ...) as soon as I put the group back in it looses all of the children. How do I solve this issue?
I guess I should also include the view model that I'm usign to put the result in.
public class ContactsViewModel
public string FirstLetter { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<UserProfile> Customers { get; set; }
Include only applies to items in the query results (i.e. the final projection) and cannot contain operations that change the type of the result between Include and the outermost operation (e.g. GroupBy())
If you want to eager load, do the grouping client-side (i.e. enumerate the query then call the GroupBy method on the results)

Coalesce fields in a .net MVC 4 model without getting "Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported" from LINQ

The answer to this question gave rise to this other question: How to use LINQ expressions as static members of classes in queries when the class is related multiple times to a second class
I have an existing MVC 4 site which I need to modify.
The core entity within this site are Items that are for sale, which are created by several different companies and divided into several categories. My task is to allow each company its own optional alias for the global categories. Getting the two categories set up in the database and model was no problem, making the application use the new optional alias when it exists and default to the global otherwise is where I'm struggling to find the optimal approach.
Adding a coalesce statement to every LINQ query will clearly work, but there are several dozen locations where this logic would need to exist and it would be preferable to keep this logic in one place for when the inevitable changes come.
The following code is my attempt to store the coalesce in the model, but this causes the "Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported." error to be thrown when the LINQ query is executed. I'm unsure how I could achieve something similar with a different method that is more LINQ friendly.
public class Item
public String ItemId { get; set; }
public String CompanyId { get; set; }
public Int32 CategoryId { get; set; }
public virtual GlobalCategory GlobalCategory { get; set; }
[ForeignKey("CompanyId, CategoryId")]
public virtual CompanyCategory CompanyCategory { get; set; }
public String PreferredCategoryName
return (CompanyCategory.CategoryAlias == null || CompanyCategory.CategoryAlias == "") ? GlobalCategory.CategoryName : CompanyCategory.CategoryAlias;
Controller LINQ examples:
var categories = (from i in db.Items
where i.CompanyId == siteCompanyId
orderby i.PreferredCategoryName
select i.PreferredCategoryName).Distinct();
var itemsInCategory = (from i in db.Items
where i.CompanyId == siteCompanyId
&& i.PreferredCategoryName == categoryName
select i);
For one you are using a compiled function (getPreferredCategoryName) in the query, unless EF knows how to translate that you are in trouble.
Try the following in item definition:
public static Expression<Func<Item,String>> PreferredCategoryName
return i => (i.CompanyCategory.CategoryAlias == null || i.CompanyCategory.CategoryAlias == "") ?
i.GlobalCategory.CategoryName :
Which is used as follows:
var categories = db.Items.Where(i => i.CompanyID == siteCompanyId)
This should work as you have a generically available uncompiled expression tree that EF can then parse.

Using Linq Retrieveing the data to SelectListItem

I have class studentList
public class studentList
public static IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetStudents(int? ID)
//code is required here
return ;
Iam getting ID into this method and now, I require all other IDs from the table, excluding the passed parameter ID using linq.
I have Student table which contains Two fieds StudentID and StudentName,
Now I require IDs and Names of the students in the above pattern..
Could any one help me...
Might like to read : SQL to LINQ ( Visual Representation )
var data= form s in Students
where s.StudentID != ID
select new {ID= s.StudenID,Name = s.StudentName};
image presentaion might be like

implementing dropdownlist in mvc 3

I am teaching myself asp .net mvc3. I have researched a lot but the more I read the more confused I become. I want to create a page where users can register their property for sale or rent.
I have created a database which looks like this:
public class Property
public int PropertyId { get; set; }
public int PropertyType { get; set; }
public int Furnished { get; set; }
Now, I want dropdownlistfor = PropertyType and Furnished.
Property type would be
1 Flat
2 House
3 Detached House
Furnished would be:
1 Furnished
2 UnFurnished
3 PartFurnished
Now, I am really not sure where to keep this information in my code. Should I have 2 tables in my database which store this lookup? Or should I have 1 table which has all lookups? Or should I just keep this information in the model?
How will the model bind to PropertyType and Furnished in the Property entity?
By storing property types and furnished types in the database, you could enforce data integrity with a foreign key, rather than just storing an integer id, so I would definitely recommend this.
It also means it is future proofed for if you want to add new types. I know the values don't change often/will never change but if you wanted to add bungalow/maisonette in the future you don't have to rebuild and deploy your project, you can simply add a new row in the database.
In terms of how this would work, I'd recommend using a ViewModel that gets passed to the view, rather than passing the database model directly. That way you separate your database model from the view, and the view only sees what it needs to. It also means your drop down lists etc are strongly typed and are directly in your view model rather than just thrown into the ViewBag. Your view model could look like:
public class PropertyViewModel
public int PropertyId { get; set; }
public int PropertyType { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> PropertyTypes { get; set; }
public int Furnished { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> FurnishedTypes { get; set; }
So then your controller action would look like:
public class PropertiesController : Controller
public ViewResult Edit(int id)
Property property = db.Properties.Single(p => p.Id == id);
PropertyViewModel viewModel = new PropertyViewModel
PropertyId = property.Id,
PropertyType = property.PropertyType,
PropertyTypes = from p in db.PropertyTypes
orderby p.TypeName
select new SelectListItem
Text = p.TypeName,
Value = g.PropertyTypeId.ToString()
Furnished = property.Furnished,
FurnishedTypes = from p in db.FurnishedTypes
orderby p.TypeName
select new SelectListItem
Text = p.TypeName,
Value = g.FurnishedTypeId.ToString()
return View();
public ViewResult Edit(int id, PropertyViewModel propertyViewModel)
// TODO: Store stuff in the database here
// TODO: Repopulate the view model drop lists here e.g.:
propertyViewModel.FurnishedTypes = from p in db.FurnishedTypes
orderby p.TypeName
select new SelectListItem
Text = p.TypeName,
Value = g.FurnishedTypeId.ToString()
return View(propertyViewModel);
And your view would have things like:
#Html.LabelFor(m => m.PropertyType)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.PropertyType, Model.PropertyTypes)
I usually handle this sort of situation by using an enumeration in code:
public enum PropertyType {
Flat = 1,
House = 2,
Detached House = 3
Then in your view:
#foreach(var val in Enum.GetNames(typeof(PropertyType)){
You can set the id of the option equal to the value of each item in the enum, and pass it to the controller.
EDIT: To directly answer your questions:
You can store them as lookups in the db, but for small unlikely to change things, I usually just use an enum, and save a round trip.
Also look at this approach, as it looks better than mine:
Converting HTML.EditorFor into a drop down (html.dropdownfor?)
