How do I form a Github API POST request to add a new comment to a gist? - ruby

I'm doing a Post request to github at this url:
Theoretically, this should create a comment with the text being formed from what's in the request body. However, when I try to make that post, I get a 404 error. That leads me to believe that the gist is not being found, however, if you do a Get request at the same address it comes up just fine.
Is there an authentication thing I need to be doing? I've tried adding a username and password to my headers collection but I've got no idea if I'm using the right format. I've tried making this work via Ruby, HTTP Client, and curl, and I get the same error either way.
The curl command I'm using is this:
curl -X POST -d "This is my sample comment"
I think that if I can get the curl command working, I'll be able to figure out the HTTP Client and then the Ruby. This will be my first attempt at consuming an API, so there's nothing too basic for me to double-check; all suggestions will be helpful.

curl -d '{ "body": "Test comment" }' -u "Username:Pass" -X POST
Ruby code:
require 'net/http'
uri = URI("")
req =
req.basic_auth("Username", "Pass")
req.body = '{"body": "Test message"}' # `to_json` can be used
req["content-type"] = "application/json"
Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http|
p response = http.request(req)
See also


Ruby Post returns 404 URL Not found while curl works fine

I'm trying to write some Ruby code to update GitLab CI/CD variables using the REST endpoint update variable. When I perform a curl with the same path, the same private token, and the same --form data it updates the variable as expected. When I use the Ruby code that I put together based on reading stackoverflow and the net::http docs, it fails with a 404 URL not found.
I can use a similar piece of code to create a new CI/CD variable successfully. I can also delete an existing variable, and re-create it, but it I would like to know the mistake I am making in the update call.
Can someone point out what I did wrong?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
token = + '/.gitlab-token').chomp
host = ''
variables_path = 'api/v4/projects/123456/variables'
env_var = 'MY_VAR'
update_uri = URI(host + variables_path + '/' + env_var)
# I've written the above this way because my actual code
# has a delete and create in order to "update" the variable
response = Net::HTTP.start(, update_uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
update_request =
update_request['PRIVATE-TOKEN'] = token
form_data = [
['value', 'a new value']
update_request.set_form(form_data, 'multipart/form-data')
response = http.request(update_request)

Proper way to upload a doc to FSCrawler for indexing in Elasticsearch

I'm prototyping a Rails application to upload documents to FSCrawler (running the REST interface), to incorporate into an Elasticsearch index. Using their example, this works:
response = `curl -F "file=##{params[:document][:upload].tempfile.path}" ""`
The file gets uploaded, and the content gets indexed. This is an example of what I get:
"{\n \"ok\" : true,\n \"filename\" : \"RackMultipart20200130-91061-16swulg.pdf\",\n \"url\" : \"\",\n \"doc\" : {\n \"content\" : \"\\n \\n \\n\\nBasically, what you need to know is that Dante is all IP-based, and makes use of common IT standards. Each Dante device behaves \\n\\nmuch like any other network device you would already find on your network. \\n\\nIn order to make integration into an existing network easy, here are some of the things that Dante does: \\n\\n▪ Dante...
When I run curl at the command line, I get EVERYTHING, like the "filename" being properly set. If I use it as above, in the Rails controller, as you can see, the filename is set to the Tempfile's filename. That's not a workable solution. Trying to use params[:document][:upload].tempfile (without .path) or just params[:document][:upload] both fail entirely.
I'm trying to do this "the right way," but every incarnation of using a proper HTTP client to do this fails. I can't figure out how to invoke an HTTP POST that will submit a file to FSCrawler the way curl (on the command line) does it.
In this example, I'm just trying to send the file by using the Tempfile file object. For some reason, FSCrawler gives me the error in the comment, and get a little metadata, but no content is indexed:
## Failed to extract [100000] characters of text for ...
## org.apache.tika.exception.ZeroByteFileException: InputStream must have > 0 bytes
uri = URI("")
request =
form_data = [['file', params[:document][:upload].tempfile,
{ filename: params[:document][:upload].original_filename,
content_type: params[:document][:upload].content_type }]]
request.set_form form_data, 'multipart/form-data'
response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http|
If I change the above to use params[:document][:upload].tempfile.path, then I don't get the error about the InputStream, but I also (still) do not get any content indexed. This is an example of what I get:
{"_index":"local","_type":"_doc","_id":"72c9ecf2a83440994eb87d28786e6","_version":3,"_seq_no":26,"_primary_term":1,"found":true,"_source":{"content":"/var/folders/bn/pcc1h8p16tl534pw__fdz2sw0000gn/T/RackMultipart20200130-91061-134tcxn.pdf\n","meta":{},"file":{"extension":"pdf","content_type":"text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1","indexing_date":"2020-01-30T15:33:45.481+0000","filename":"Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze.pdf"},"path":{"virtual":"Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze.pdf","real":"Similarity in Postgres and Rails using Trigrams · pganalyze.pdf"}}}
If I try to use RestClient, and I try send the file by referencing the actual path to the Tempfile, then I get this error message, and I get nothing:
## Unsupported media type
response = '',
file: params[:document][:upload].tempfile.path,
content_type: params[:document][:upload].content_type
If I try to .read() the file, and submit that, then I break the FSCrawler form:
## Internal server error
request =
:method => :post,
:url => '',
:payload => {
:multipart => true,
:file =>[:document][:upload].tempfile),
:content_type => params[:document][:upload].content_type
response = request.execute
Obviously, I've been trying this every way I can, but I can't replicate whatever curl is doing with any known Ruby-based HTTP clients. I'm utterly lost as to how to get Ruby to submit data to FSCrawler in a way that will get the document contents indexed properly. I've been at this far longer than I care to admit. What am I missing here?
I finally tried Faraday, and, based on this answer, came up with the following:
connection ='') do |f|
f.request :multipart
f.request :url_encoded
f.adapter :net_http
file =
payload = { :file => file }
response ='/fscrawler/_upload', payload)
Using Fiddler helped me to see the results of my attempts, as I got closer and closer to the curl request. This snippet posts the request almost exactly as curl does. To route this call through the proxy, I just needed to add , proxy: 'http://localhost:8866' to the end of the connection setup.

Net::HTTP to Newrelic returns 404, but curl returns 200

I am currently using Ruby's Net::HTTP library to query a Newrelic endpoint. Recently, these queries have started returning 404. I tested my exact query through curl - in the hopes of perhaps getting a more detailed error message back - but the query through curl actually returns a 200 with the expected data. So the query does work, and I am sort of at a loss as to why Net::HTTP would be returning a 404 at this point.
Here are some code snippets of what I have so far, and if anyone can offer any suggestions of further things to try, that would be much appreciated!
JRuby 1.7.26 (so Ruby 1.9.3p551)
Rails 3.2.21
Ruby code:
uri = URI('https://NEWRELIC_HOST/PATH/ACCOUNT_ID/query')
parameters = { :nrql => NRQL_QUERY_STRING }
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(parameters)
request =
request['X-Query-Key'] = NEWRELIC_QUERY_KEY
Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, {:use_ssl => true}) do |http|
response = http.request(request)
This returns me a 404 error code every time. I have tried it against a couple valid Newrelic endpoints/accounts and every time is a 404 error.
CURL code:
Now if I take that same request, and punt it to curl on the command line, there are no issues, I get a 200 with all data returned properly:
Try changing
request =
request =

Connect to Microsoft Push Notification Service for Windows Phone 8 from Ruby

We are developing a WP8 app that requires push notifications.
To test it we have run the push notification POST request with CURL command line, making sure that it actually connects, authenticates with the client SSL certificate and sends the correct data. We know for a fact that this work as we are receiving pushes to the devices.
This is the CURL command we have been using for testing purposes:
curl --cert client_cert.pem -v -H "Content-Type:text/xml" -H "X-WindowsPhone-Target:Toast" -H "X-NotificationClass:2" -X POST -d "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp='WPNotification'><wp:Toast><wp:Text1>My title</wp:Text1><wp:Text2>My subtitle</wp:Text2></wp:Toast></wp:Notification>"
Of course our SSL cert is needed to actually use the URL, but I was hoping someone else has done this and can see what we are doing wrong.
Now, our problem is that we need to make this work with Ruby instead, something we have been unable to get to work so far.
We have tried using HTTParty with no luck, and also net/http directly without any luck.
Here is a very simple HTTParty test script I have used to test with:
require "httparty"
payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp='WPNotification'><wp:Toast><wp:Text1>My title</wp:Text1><wp:Text2>My subtitle</wp:Text2></wp:Toast></wp:Notification>"
uri = ""
opts = {
body: payload,
headers: {
"Content-Type" => "text/xml",
"X-WindowsPhone-Target" => "Toast",
"X-NotificationClass" => "2"
debug_output: $stderr,
resp = uri, opts
puts resp.code
This seems to connect with SSL properly, but then the MS IIS server returns 403 to us for some reason we don't get.
Here is essentially the same thing I've tried using net/http:
require "net/http"
url = URI.parse ""
payload = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp='WPNotification'><wp:Toast><wp:Text1>My title</wp:Text1><wp:Text2>My subtitle</wp:Text2></wp:Toast></wp:Notification>"
pem_path = "./client_cert.pem"
cert = pem_path
http =, url.port
http.use_ssl = true
http.cert = cert
http.key = cert
http.ca_path = '/etc/ssl/certs' if File.exists?('/etc/ssl/certs') # Ubuntu
http.ca_file = '/usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt' if File.exists?('/usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt') # Mac OS X
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
r = url.path
r.body = payload
r.content_type = "text/xml"
r["X-WindowsPhone-Target"] = "toast"
r["X-NotificationClass"] = "2"
http.start do
resp = http.request r
puts resp.code, resp.body
Like the HTTParty version, this also returns 403..
I'm starting to get the feeling that this won't actually work with net/http, but I've also seen a few examples of code claiming to work, but I can't see any difference compared to what we have tested with here.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Is it possible? Should I use libcurl instead perhaps? Or even do a system call to curl? (I may have to do the last one as an interim solution if we can't get this to work soon).
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Try using some tool like to compare requests from your code and curl.
For example curl in addition to specified headers does send User-Agent and Accept-headers, microsoft servers may be checking for these for some reason.
If this does not help - then it's ssl-related

How to make an HTTP head request with headers in ruby?

I've been trying to use several libraries to make an HTTP HEAD request, but nothing seems to be working.
I've seen some examples, but nothing quite what I want.
Here's the Curl request, now I have to do it in ruby:
curl -XHEAD -H x-auth-user: myusername -H x-auth-key: mykey "url"
Also, this is an HTTPS url, if that makes a difference.
Try this:
require 'net/http'
url = 'http://...'
myusename = '...'
mykey = '...'
request =, 80)
request.request_head('/', 'x-auth-user' => myusername, 'x-auth-key' => my_key)
