Lsyncd options issue - shell

I am trying to use the software called lsyncd and it uses a configuration file written in lua to store the configuration options.
settings = {
logfile = "/logs/log.log",
pidfile = "/var/run/",
delay = 1
sync {
source = "/source/folder",
target = "/destination/folder",
The manual talks about the ability to run commands on action there is even an example
fgroup = "staff"
-- script for all changes.
command =
-- checks if the group is the one enforced and sets them if not
perm=`stat -c %A ^sourcePathname`
if test `stat -c %G ^sourcePathname` != ]]..fgroup..'[[; then
/bin/chgrp ]]..fgroup..'[[ ^sourcePathname || /bin/true;
]] ..
-- checks if the group permissions are rw and sets them
if test `expr match $perm ""` = 0; then
/bin/chmod g+rw ^sourcePathname || /bin/true;
]] ..
-- and forces the executable bit for directories.
if test -d ^sourcePathname; then
if test `expr match $perm "......x"` -eq 0; then
/bin/chmod g+x ^^sourcePathname || /bin/true;
-- on startup recursively sets all group ownerships
-- all group permissions are set to 'rw'
-- and to executable flag for directories
-- the hash in the first line is important, otherwise due to the starting
-- slash, Lsyncd would think it is a call to the binary /bin/chgrp only
-- and would optimize the shell call away.
startup =
/bin/chgrp -R ]]..fgroup..'[[ ^source || /bin/true &&
/bin/chmod -R g+rw ^source || /bin/true &&
/usr/bin/find ^source -type d | xargs chmod g+x
gforce = {
maxProcesses = 99,
delay = 1,
onStartup = startup,
onAttrib = command,
onCreate = command,
onModify = command,
-- does nothing on moves, they won't change permissions
onMove = true,
sync{gforce, source="/path/to/share"}
but I just want to execute a simple local command onCreate, onModify, onMove
/path/to/ args
I know is probably simple but I can't figure it out.

Commands seem to be strings. Then I would try:
onStartup = "/path/to/ args",
onAttrib = [[/path/to/ args]], -- both '', "", and [[ ]] are string delimiters

Try something like this:
my_cmds =
/path/to/ args
monitor =
delay = 1,
onAttrib = my_cmds,
onCreate = my_cmds,
onModify = my_cmds,
onMove = my_cmds,
source = "/source/folder",
target = "/destination/folder",

Please try the python script software Watcher, and configure the jobs.yml as the example.
events: ['create', 'modify', 'move']
command:/path/to/ args


How do I shorten the path shown in my fish prompt to only the current directory name?

If I'm in a deep directory, let's say
the fish prompt currently looks like this:
/r/m/Ph/C/P/react-app >
How do I change it to show only the current directory? Like this:
react-app >
I am also using tide, if that makes any difference.
Since #glenn-jackman asked here's the outputs of type fish_prompt:
fish_prompt is a function with definition
# Defined in /home/PhoenixFlame101/.config/fish/functions/ # line 2
function fish_prompt
_tide_status=$status _tide_pipestatus=$pipestatus if not set -e _tide_repaint
jobs -q && set -lx _tide_jobs
/usr/bin/fish -c "set _tide_pipestatus $_tide_pipestatus
set _tide_parent_dirs $_tide_parent_dirs
PATH=$(string escape "$PATH") CMD_DURATION=$CMD_DURATION fish_bind_mode=$fish_bind_mode set _tide_prompt_4007 (_tide_2_line_prompt)" &
builtin disown
command kill $_tide_last_pid 2>/dev/null
set -g _tide_last_pid $last_pid
math $COLUMNS-(string length -V "$_tide_prompt_4007[1]$_tide_prompt_4007[3]")+5 | read -lx dist_btwn_sides
echo -ns \n''(string replace #PWD# (_tide_pwd) "$_tide_prompt_4007[1]")''
string repeat -Nm(math max 0, $dist_btwn_sides-$_tide_pwd_len) ' '
echo -ns "$_tide_prompt_4007[3]"\n"$_tide_prompt_4007[2] "
and type prompt_pwd:
prompt_pwd is a function with definition
# Defined in /usr/share/fish/functions/ # line 1
function prompt_pwd --description 'short CWD for the prompt'
set -l options h/help d/dir-length= D/full-length-dirs=
argparse -n prompt_pwd $options -- $argv
or return
if set -q _flag_help
__fish_print_help prompt_pwd
return 0
set -q argv[1]
or set argv $PWD
set -ql _flag_d
and set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length $_flag_d
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length
or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1
set -l fulldirs 0
set -ql _flag_D
and set fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs $_flag_D
set -q fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs
or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs 1
for path in $argv
# Replace $HOME with "~"
set -l realhome ~
set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $path)
if test "$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length" -eq 0
echo $tmp
# Shorten to at most $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length characters per directory
# with full-length-dirs components left at full length.
set -l full
if test $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs -gt 0
set -l all (string split -m (math $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs - 1) -r / $tmp)
set tmp $all[1]
set full $all[2..]
else if test $fish_prompt_pwd_full_dirs -eq 0
# 0 means not even the last component is kept
string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*' '$1' $tmp
string join / (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp) $full
I'm not sure what exactly this does, but I hope it helps!

Make Bash Script Recognize It Is Already Existent

How can I instruct my the bash script to not attempt to re-connect if to my rsync daemon if the process lock.file already exists? (as to prevent the bash script from attempting to infinitely create new connections after the first connection has already been made)?
This is an example of one of my rsync-daemon wrapper scripts:
while [ 1 ]
cputool --load-limit 7.5 -- nice -n -15 rsync -avxP --no-i-r --rsync-path="rsync" --log-file=/var/log/rsync-home.log --exclude 'snap' --exclude 'lost+found' --exclude=".*" --exclude=".*/" /media/username/external/home-files-only && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
echo "rsync completed normally"
echo "Rsync failure. Backing off and retrying..."
sleep 10
#end of shell script
This is my /etc/rsyncd.conf:
path = /home/username
list = yes
use chroot = false
strict modes = false
uid = root
gid = root
read only = yes
# Data source information
max connections = 1
lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-home.lock
path = /media/username/external/Server-Backups/Prod/today
list = yes
use chroot = false
strict modes = false
uid = root
gid = root
# Don't allow to modify the source files
read only = yes
max connections = 1
lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-prod-bkup.lock
path = /media/username/external/Server-Backups/Test/today
list = yes
use chroot = false
strict modes = false
uid = root
gid = root
# Don't allow to modify the source files
read only = yes
max connections = 1
lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-test-bkup.lock
path = /root/VDI-Files
list = yes
use chroot = false
strict modes = false
uid = root
gid = root
# Don't allow to modify the source files
read only = yes
max connections = 1
lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-VminRoot2.lock
Thanks to #james-brown I now have multiple ways to ensure my script runs once.. correctly...
Solution 1 (quick & dirty):
flock -n <lock file> <script>
Or in my case, using this command to execute my cron job:
flock -n /var/run/rsyncd-home.lock /path/to/
caveat - this leaves your script vulnerable to stale lock files that may prevent execution on the next time interval.
Solution 2:
So, I used a bullet-proof method (so I think... I invite folks to correct my understanding, if need be)...
First, I did apt install procmail, then removed/hashed out the below two lines in my /etc/rsyncd.conf and ran systemctl restart rsync:
#max connections = 1
#lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-home.lock
From there I edited /usr/local/bin/ as follows:
rm -f "$LOCK"
echo "There is another instance running, exiting"
exit 1
lockfile -r 0 -l 3600 "$LOCK" || another_instance
trap remove_lock EXIT
#new using rsyncd & perpetual restart
while [ 1 ]
cputool --load-limit 7.5 -- nice -n -15 rsync -avxP --no-i-r --rsync-path="rsync" --log-file=/var/log/rsync-home.log --exclude 'snap' --exclude="Variety Images" --exclude="Downloads/WebDev/Vmin-Vbox" --exclude 'Downloads/WebDev/Win10-Vbox' --exclude="Videos/other" --exclude 'lost+found' --exclude=".*" --exclude=".*/" /media/username/external/home-files-only && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
echo "rsync completed normally"
echo "Rsync failure. Backing off and retrying..."
sleep 10
#end of shell script
The script will only connect to rsync daemon once, it will re-connect on dropped connections thanks to the while loop, and there is no danger of stale lock files interrupting my backup process at future intervals... (i.e. problem solved).
Very useful reference:

Perl one liner in Bash script

I have a bash script that runs, and I'm trying to use a Perl one-liner to replace some text in a file variables.php
However, I would like to check if the Perl one-liner runs successfully and that's where I get hung up. I could just output the one-liner and it would work fine, but I would like to know for sure that it ran.
Basically, the function replace_variables() is the function that does the update, and it's the if statement there that I would like to check if my one-liner worked properly.
I've tried using the run_command function in that if statement, but that did not work, and I've tried putting the one-liner directly there, which also didn't work.
If I don't wrap it in an if statement, and just call the one-liner directly, everything works as intended.
here's the full file
export CLI_CWD="$PWD"
site_variables() {
if [ -f "$CLI_CWD/variables.php" ]; then
return true
return false
replace_variables() {
# perl -pi -e 's/(dbuser)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["user"];/; s/(dbpass)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["pass"];/; s/(dbname)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["database"];/' "$CLI_CWD/variables.php"
if [run_command ]; then
echo "Updated variables.php successfully"
echo "Did not update variables.php"
run_command() {
perl -pi -e 's/(dbuser)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["user"];/; s/(dbpass)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["pass"];/; s/(dbname)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["database"];/' "$CLI_CWD/variables.php"
if [ site_variables ]; then
>&2 echo "Current directory ($(pwd)) is not a project root directory"
exit 4
here's the function where the if statement fails
replace_variables() {
# perl -pi -e 's/(dbuser)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["user"];/; s/(dbpass)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["pass"];/; s/(dbname)(\s+)=\s.*;$/\1 = Config::get("db")["database"];/' "$CLI_CWD/variables.php"
if [run_command ]; then
echo "Updated variables.php successfully"
echo "Did not update variables.php"
You can see that I commented out the one-liner just before the if statement, it works if I let that run and remove the if/else check.
here is the original file snippet before the update
//Load from Settings DB
$dbuser = 'username';
$dbpass = 'password';
$dbname = 'database_name';
here is the file snippet after the update would run
//Load from Settings DB
$dbuser = Config::get("db")["user"];
$dbpass = Config::get("db")["pass"];
$dbname = Config::get("db")["database"];
tl;dr and Solution
This usage of if with [ ] will not give you the result you expect.
What you're looking for
if run_command; then
Longer explanation
Basics of if
if is a shell feature
based on the condition, it executes the body contained in between then and fi
the "condition" that if checks is a command
commands usually have a return/exit code. typically
0 for success
1 (common) and everything else for some error
e.g. 127 for command not found
when the return/exit code is 0, the body is executed
otherwise it is skipped; or control is passed to elif or else
the syntax is if <command>; then...
Where does that [ ] come from?
test is a command that can check file types and compare values
refer man test and help test (bash only)
[ ... ] is a synonym for test
NB the brackets should be surrounded by spaces on both sides
if [ -f "/path/to/$filename" ]; then
exception: when terminated by new line or ; space not required
test (or [ ]) evaluates expressions and cannot execute other commands or functions
if [ expr ]; then is alternate syntax for if test expr; then
PS: good practice to "quote" your "$variables" when used with test or [ ]
PPS: [[ ... ]] is a different thing altogether. not POSIX; available only in some shells. take a look at this thread on the UNIX Stack Exchange

Jenkins pipeline I need to execute the shell command and the result is the value of def variable. What shall I do? Thank you

Jenkins pipeline I need to execute the shell command and the result is the value of def variable.
What shall I do? Thank you
def projectFlag = sh("`kubectl get deployment -n ${namespace}| grep ${project} | wc -l`")
if ( "${projectFlag}" == 1 ) {
def projectCI = sh("`kubectl get deployment ${project} -n ${namespace} -o jsonpath={..image}`")
echo "$projectCI"
} else if ( "$projectCI" == "${imageTag}" ) {
sh("kubectl delete deploy ${project} -n ${namespaces}")
def redeployFlag = '1'
echo "$redeployFlag"
if ( "$projectCI" != "${imageTag}" ){
sh("kubectl set image deployment/${project} ${appName}=${imageTag} -n ${namespaces}")
else {
def redeployFlag = '2'
I believe you're asking how to save the result of a shell command to a variable for later use?
The way to do this is to use some optional parameters available on the shell step interface. See for the documentation
def projectFlag = sh(returnStdout: true,
script: "`kubectl get deployment -n ${namespace}| grep ${project} | wc -l`"
Essentially set returnStdout to true. The .trim() is critical for ensuring you don't pickup a \n newline character which will ruin your evaluation logic.

find2perl output does not compile

This is my find command:
find /test-data -type f -mtime +2m
I then run find2perl /test-data -type f -mtime +2m. It generates:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$#"}'
if 0; #$running_under_some_shell
use strict;
use File::Find ();
# Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
# since AFS cheats.
# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name = *File::Find::name;
*dir = *File::Find::dir;
*prune = *File::Find::prune;
sub wanted;
# Traverse desired filesystems
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, '/test-data');
sub wanted {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);
(($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
-f _ &&
(int(-M _) > 2m)
&& print("$name\n");
This code generates errors. I am missing what is wrong.
syntax error at ./ line 32, near "&& print("$name\n")"
(Might be a runaway multi-line )) string starting on line 31)
-mtime 2m is not supported by find2perl (nor by GNU's find).
Put the following before the call to find:
my $time = time();
Replace the wanted sub with the following:
sub wanted {
my ($mtime);
( ($mtime) = ( lstat($_) )[9] ) &&
-f _ &&
( $time-$mtime >= 2*60 )
&& print("$name\n");
