Creating Orchard Module with aspx View Engine -

i have an existing MVC3 Application.
This application uses the Razor view engine AND the aspx Viewengine (for rendering telerik reports).
I want to integrate this MVC Application to Orchard (never used Orchard before).
My question is:
is this possible?
can orchard render views with a aspx viewengine?
thanks for your answers!

Orchard can render aspx, yes, but to make this application work inside of Orchard you'll have to transform it into an Orchard module. if those aspx reports are not MVC but use Webforms postbacks you probably won't be able to use them unless you isolate them into a separate application.
The question to ask would be why do you want to integrate this MVC app to Orchard?


DotVVM page inside ASP.NET webForms Site.master

I have an existing ASP.NET webForms web site project. I would like to use dotvvm in one page of the website. I have successfully created and placed a sample content page .dothtml inside dotvvm master page .dotmaster but is there any way I can place it inside my website Site.master?
I have tried to use the Site.master as master page like that:
#masterPage Site.master
but it gives me an error message because Site.master doesn't have #viewModel line at top of it.
I am working with visual studio 2015 community version with 4.5.2 .NET framework
Unfortunately, DotVVM doesn't have this level of integration yet.
If you want to combine ASP.NET Web Forms and DotVVM pages in one application, you need to create a DotVVM master page which uses the same layout and CSS.

Render a RDL (Reporting Services) in MVC3

Can I display report services file (RDL), direclty in a view with MVC (Razor)? Tried in various ways, but without success. Anyone have any useful tips about this?
Sorry for bad english.
No, you cannot as the RDL file requires a viewer control which is a server side control to render the report. MVC Razor views do not support server side controls.
But.. you can add an .aspx page to your project and add a report viewer to that page. It won't work with the Razor .vbhtml or .cshtml files in MVC

Is it possible to customize the asp .net mvc 3 generated Views?

I've been using mv3 via vs 2010 for quite a while now, also the default views and actions generated when creating a controller are very helpful. However lately, i found it redundant to keep on adding the same stuff in the generate view, for example, i have to place "btn" class names on links and button, since im using a 3rd party css library. So, i was wondering if it was possible to customize the generated views so that i wouldn't have to add them anymore after generation of the view?
image -->
Yes it's possible to customize the built in TT templates which used fot the scaffolding.
Here is a good how to: Modifying the default code generation/scaffolding templates in ASP.NET MVC
If you are more into scaffolding the MVC Scaffolding project could be also interesting for you.

TabContiner with razor

I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
I need to use TabContainer or similar (it could be a HTML Helper)
I know I can use it in aspx but I'm using Layouts on my project... so maybe a partial view is the solution, I really don't know.
I have a question. Is it possible to work with AJAX Control Toolkit in razor views?
Not recommended. The AJAX Control Toolkit consists of server side controls which depend on ViewState and PostBack which are notions that no longer exist in ASP.NET MVC. So referencing the AjaxControlToolkit assembly inside an ASP.NET MVC application is like attaching a caravan on a Lamborghini.
As an alternative you might take a look at jQuery UI which has many useful widgets such as Tabs.

Why does the default ASP.NET MVC 3 project not use controllers?

Upon creating a new ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor site, there are 9 Account\*.cshtml files which seem to be views with the controller logic inserted at the top of the view in an anonymous code block. There is no account controller class.
Why is this? As I understood, the benefit of MVC was the separation of concerns of code & presentation. Does this imply that I should remove all of the existing files & re-implement the Authentication & Authorisation layers?
It seems odd that MS would ship the 'worst possible example' with their flagship web framework.
Edit: I was using the wrong entry point within visual studio to create the application (see my comment below). Thanks!
Hmm, something is not quite right on your end.
I just created a new ASP.NET MVC3 Web Application.
I do have a 'Controllers' folder with a proper AccountController as part of the project.
Are you using Visual Studio?
This is incorrect. Here's the default folder structure in the MVC3 Razor starter app:
As you can see, there are two controllers in the ~/Controllers folder.
Just to be clear, I started a new VS2010 instance, created a new MVC3 project, selected "Internet Application" and Razor as the view engine.
