How to enable logging of Ehcache - spring

In my Spring + Hibernate project, I was doing logging by SLF4J 1.6.4 with LogBack. Now, I've added Ehcache 2.2.0 (through ehcache-spring-annotations-1.1.3). The caching seems to be working as the method, annotated with #Cacheable, no longer being executed, though returning the correct result. But, I'm interested to see the log written by the Ehcache. As Ehcache also uses SLF4J, I supposed, the log should be written into my log file. But, this is not happening. The logback.xml has the following.
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<appender-ref ref="ROLLING"/>
Adding following also doesn't help
<logger name="net.sf.ehcache">
<cache name="sampleCache1"
Please advise me to overcome the problem.
The Ehcache is using SLF4J 1.6.1, while my project was using SLF4J 1.6.4. Can it cause any problem?

EhCache logs a lot on DEBUG level. First of all, this configuration snippet filters out all logging statements below INFO:
<root level="info">
Change it to
<root level="ALL">
<logger name="net.sf.ehcache">
needs an increased logging level
<logger name="net.sf.ehcache" level="ALL"/>
You should then see plenty of logging statements from EhCache (and others).

In my opinion setting the root logger level to ALL is not a good idea.
This means that ALL log messages of every level will get through (unless you set a threshold on your appenders).
Instead, I suggest you set a sensible root logger level, such as INFO or WARN, and then set the log level of individual loggers if you require more specific information.
This way you are not creating a forest of unnecessary information.
I suggest something like the below:
<appender name="CONSOLE" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
<param name="Target" value="System.out"/>
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p [%c] %m%n"/>
<logger name="net.sf.ehcache">
<level value="DEBUG"/>
<priority value ="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />

I also found it handy to enable DEBUG logging on org.springframework.cache because I'm using Spring Framework 4.2.1's caching feature (#Cacheable etc.).

I wrote a custom logger for Ehcache 3 by implementing the CacheEventListener interface as follows
public class CacheLogger implements CacheEventListener<Object, Object> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CacheLogger.class);
public void onEvent(CacheEvent<?, ?> cacheEvent) {"YOUR LOG IS HERE");
The ehcache.xml will define the listener class
<cache-template name="default">
<ttl unit="seconds">300</ttl>
<offheap unit="MB">10</offheap>


Logs in Spring Boot not showing in terminal

I have a project in Spring Boot where I am adding logs with the #Slf4j annotation, but I can't get them to show up in the terminal when starting the project.
This is the log:"totalVacations: " + totalVacations);
When I run the command mvn spring-boot: run, in terminal I can't see the message.
Very likely you are missing the configuration of the appender, if you are also using LOG4J and you don't already have it, you can create a file named: log4j2.xml within the application's class path, and then create some basic configuration like:
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
pattern="%style{%d{ISO8601}}{black} %highlight{%-5level }[%style{%t}{bright,blue}] %style{%C{1.}}{bright,yellow}: %msg%n%throwable" />
<RollingFile name="RollingFile"
<pattern>%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n</pattern>
<!-- rollover on startup, daily and when the file reaches
10 MegaBytes -->
<OnStartupTriggeringPolicy />
size="10 MB" />
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
<!-- LOG everything at INFO level -->
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="Console" />
<AppenderRef ref="RollingFile" />
<!-- LOG "com.baeldung*" at TRACE level -->
<Logger name="com.baeldung" level="trace"></Logger>
The key here is to set an appender to the console so that the logs are pushed there, and then at the logger section establish which level are you trying to get at the console appender, according to your example that should be INFO
If you are using just plain SLF4J with Logback go to src/main/resources/ and add the following line:
The ".com" is referencing the package to where this will apply, in this case is everything inside src/main/java/com.
and at the logback-spring.xml try this basic config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml"/>
<logger name="" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
You can find a very nice tutorial with more info here:
Check whether #Slf4J import is from Lombok or some other library. I'm sure lombok #Slf4J default provides lowercase log and not LOG.

Is it compatible rsyslog with Logback-SLF4J?

I'm using spring-boot-starter-web like framework. These, use Logback (without implement other libraries) to manage logs with SLF4J like a facade. I need to use it with rsyslog but the official doc refers only to Syslog.
I tried to use the Syslog implementation since Syslog inherit for rsyslog but not found ( i attach my logback-spring.xml below ).
Any idea?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds">
<property resource="" />
<!-- Syslog , make sure that syslog are enabled in the OS-->
<appender name="RSYSLOG" class="">
<suffixPattern> %m thread:%t priority:%p category:%c
<logger name="" level="info" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="RSYSLOG"/>
Bonus clip: I see the choose of change Logback to Log4j2 too, but it's more stable use the inherit Logback.

Spring boot Microservices logging with Graylog

I want to use Graylog/RabbitMQ for logging with my spring boot microservices. As per my understanding I have to send my logs to RabbitMQ and have to integrate it with Graylog. I want to know the workflow and how to implement it like how to send the logs to RabbitMQ, do I need to use any other logging framework.
You can use Logback appender to send logs from spring-boot app. Add following dependency to your pom.xml
Then you need to add a logback configuration file to your classpath.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml" />
<appender name="GELF" class="de.siegmar.logbackgelf.GelfUdpAppender">
<layout class="de.siegmar.logbackgelf.GelfLayout">
<shortPatternLayout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
<fullPatternLayout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="GELF" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
For more information: logback-gelf

Spring and Log4j ver 2 - XML configuration example

I am trying to configure Log4j 2 in Spring XML configuration file for the first time (but unsuccessfully). I need to create two appenders - one for logging into console (>=DEBUG) and another for logging into database via JDBCAppender (>= INFO).
There is a problem because I don't know how to set another log level logger that differs from root logger.
Thank you for sharing some XML configuration sample. Thanks in advance!
You can set the level on the appender ref.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration status="WARN">
<appender name="A">
<appender name="B">
<root level="trace">
<appender-ref ref="A" level="info"/>
<appender-ref ref="B" level="debug"/>

hibernate logback sql

I want to see the actual parameters of my SQL queries when I use Hibernate. I add this to my logback.xml to see the queries (with question marks):
<logger name="org.hibernate.type" level="TRACE" />
but to no effect.
Is there any special configuration necessary?
OnConsoleStatusListener shows me the correct configuration
23:48:15,246 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.hibernate.type] to TRACE
but no output from org.hibernate.type package.
I'm using Spring with Jpa.
Things you have to make sure:
Are you sure that SLF4J + LogBack is working in your app?
Is your logger pointing to any appender?
Have you configured an appended?
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
<!-- "application-name" is a variable -->
<layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
<Pattern>%d %p %t %c - %m%n</Pattern>
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
I'm using this configuration, and it works for me:
<logger name="org.hibernate.type" level="trace" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="consoleAppender" />
The logger that works for me is the following:
<logger name="org.hibernate.type" level="TRACE" />
