What's the difference between project references and project dependencies? - visual-studio-2010

I have a simple solution in Visual Studio 2010 containing a few static libraries, a few DLLs, and an executable.
Some libraries depend one another (for example the DLL needs two static lib projects to be built before building the DLL itself), and it seems there are two way to achieve this:
1) If I right click on the solution I can select "Project dependencies..." and set the build order
2) I can right click on the DLL project and select Properties->Framework and References and then add a new reference.
What is the difference between #1 and #2? What is the better way to express a build dependency between two projects in Visual Studio 2010?

The only difference between a "Project Reference Definition" and a "Project Dependency Definition" is the metadata that defines the output assembly inclusion/exclusion into/from the main project link command.
In Visual Studio 2010-and-going-forward, Microsoft wants you to start using the "Framework and References" dialog, and stop using the "Project Dependencies" dialog (for now, the "Project Dependencies" dialog remains, will probably be removed in the future).
Here's a blog entry that talks about this, and other "Project settings changes with VS2010" by one of the Visual Studio developers:


Visual Studio 2017 not updating references

I have a VS solution with three projects. When I make changes to the class library the references doesn't update and it keeps expecting the old namespaces and classes and results in error when building since it can't find the old namespace.
It also results in build errors if I try "using LC.Tools.API.Models" since it can't find the namespace and intellisense shows the old namespaces (LC.Tools.API.Model) with the old classes.
The solution contains two ASP.NET Core web projects and one ASP.NET Core Class Library. The class library is referenced as a project reference in the other two projects.
I've tried deleting the bin and obj folder on all projects, re added the references, rebuild, build, clean solution.. Is there a way I can fix this without having to recreate the projects?
Sometimes had similar issue in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
Solved it by right clicking on project in Solution Explorer and then choose the "Unload the project" option and after that right click on unloaded project again and choose "Reload the project".

Visual Studio 2010: Dependency of Managed project on Native one

It is not possible to "Add reference" of managed project on native.
I have found here that this is possible via "Add item" - reference to dll. But in such case rebuild of dependent projects will not happen.
If I add dependency directly in project files via <ProjectReference> item group item, VS shows dependent project in References, but with Exclamation mark (!).
How to add reference of managed project on native one smoothly?
If you are trying to capture inter-project build dependencies at the solution level where those projects can't actually reference each other, you can set up explicit dependencies inside Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project in question and choosing "Project Dependencies...".
You can explicitly specify the dependencies here (but implicit dependencies will already be greyed out). Adding dependencies in this way will alter one or more ProjectDependencies sections in the solution (.sln) file so that building it from either devenv.exe or msbuild.exe will ensure correct build order.

Removing all unused references from a project in Visual Studio projects

I just wondered if it possible within various Visual Studio versions to automatically remove all references from a project that were never been used?
In your answer, please specify which version of VS the solution applies to.
If you have Resharper (plugin) installed, you can access a feature that allows you to analyze used references via Solution Explorer > (right click) References > Optimize References...
This feature does not correctly handle:
Dependency injected assemblies
Dynamically loaded assemblies (Assembly.LoadFile)
Native code assemblies loaded through interop
ActiveX controls (COM interop)
Other creative ways of loading assemblies
All you need is stone and bare knuckle then you can do it like a caveman.
Remove unused namespaces (for each class)
Run Debug build
Copy your executable and remaining namespace references to new location
Run the executable
Missing Reference DLL error will occur
Copy required DLL from Debug folder
Repeat 4-6
Gu Gu Ga Ga?
Throw your stone
You can also rely on your build tools to let you know which reference is still required. It's the era of VS 2017, caveman still survived.
The Resharper extension will do this for you.
This extension supports Visual Studio 2005 through 2017.
While the compiler won't include unused assemblies, extraneous using statements and references slows down Visual Studio and Intellisense, since there's more code the tools have to consider.
You can try the free VS2010 extension: Reference Assistant by Lardite group. It works perfectly for me. This tool helps to find unused references and allows you to choose which references should be removed.
In a Visual Basic project there is support to remove "Unused References" (Project-->References-->Unused References). In C# there isn´t such a function.
The only way to do it in a C# project (without other tools) is to remove possible unused assemblies, compile the project and verify if any errors occur during compilation. If none errors occur you have removed a unused assembly. (See my post)
If you want to know which project (assembly) depends on other assemblies you can use NDepend.
With Visual Studio versions 2017 and 2015, you can do this with the Code Map feature, but this feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition, not the Community or Professional versions.
Right-click on the project node in the solution explorer and select 'Show on Code Map.' This will display your .dll as a single node in a blank graph. Right-click on that node in the Code Map and select "Show Assemblies This References." This will add an additional node called "Externals" which can be expanded to show only the assemblies that are actually referenced.
For Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017 there is an extension that does exactly what you want: ResolveUR. What this basically does is:
reference is removed in the project
project is compiled with msbuild
check for build errors
restore removed references if there were build errors.
For anybody coming here looking for Visual studio 2012:
Download and Install Reference Assistant for Visual Studio 11
Later you can do:
In Visual Studio 2013 this extension works:
Some people suggested to use an awesome tool - Reference Assistant for Visual Studio. The problem is that VS2012 is the latest supported Visual Studio. But there is the way to make it work in VS2013 as well ;)
And here is how:
1) Download Lardite.RefAssistant.11.0.vsix
2) Change the extension to zip: Lardite.RefAssistant.11.0.vsix -> Lardite.RefAssistant.11.0.zip
3) Unzip and open the extension.vsixmanifest file in the text editor
4) Find all occurences of InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,12.0)" and replace them with InstallationTarget Version="[11.0,12.0]" (note the closing bracket)
5) Save the file and zip all files so they are on the root zip level
6) Change the extension of the new zip to vsix
7) Install and enjoy :)
I've tested it with VS2013, thanks source for the tutorial
Add to support VS 2015 Community Edition
<InstallationTarget Version="[14.0,15.0]" Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community" />
Meaning of the brackets
[ – minimum version inclusive.
] – maximum version inclusive.
( – minimum version exclusive.
) – maximum version exclusive.
[Update] This feature is only available for .Net core projects.
This feature will be coming to Visual Studio 2019 very soon and already available with Visual Studio 2019 v16.10 Preview 1.
This option is turned off by default, but you can enable it under menu Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced. Select the Remove Unused References command in Solution Explorer (Experimental). Once the option is enabled, the Remove Unused References command will appear in the right-click menu of a project name or dependencies node.
You can use Reference Assistant extension from the Visual Studio extension gallery.
Used and works for Visual Studio 2010.
In the VS2022 (preview at the moment of writing) this comes out of the box for SDK Style Projects (read: .NET Core and newer).
If it is available you can find it in the project context menu:
You get to choose what to do with each finding.
Read more about it here.
Pro-tip: Check if your project compiles and runs correctly after applying this. In my experience it doesn't check whether a dependency is used at runtime, for instance.
Using DevExpress, I follow these instructions:
In VS, go to DevExpress - Editor - Code Cleanup. Under Rules, check 'Remove unused namespace references'. Click OK.
Right-click on the solution, and choose 'Code Cleanup'. The cleanup runs for a few minutes, and finishes.
Build your application
The following method does not depend on any 'add-on's and is not very painful.
Step through each of your source files and
Select all (Ctrl-A)
Toggle outline expansion (Ctrl-M, M). This will reduce the file to two lines.
Click on the namespace's '+'. This will show each of the file's classes as a single line. Scan each class's reference count, looking for unreferenced classes.
Click on each of the classes' '+'. This will show each of the class functions as a single line. Scan each function's reference count, looking for unreferenced functions.
Scanning each file looking for '0 reference' takes only a second.
Scanning an entire project takes only a couple of minutes.
In VB2008, it works this way:
Project>Add References
Then click on the Recent tab where you can see list of references used recently. Locate the one you do not want and delet it. Then you close without adding anything.

Visual Studio - SharePoint 2010 - Include Assembly > Quick Question

I have a quick question....building a VS 2010 SharePoint project and I am referencing a custom assembly. I can reference this assembly in my code and it works fine to write code and all. When I deploy the project to SharePoint my Feature Activation code will not run because the custom assembly does not get deployed with the project.
I have set Copy Local to TRUE on the referenced assembly. Am I missing something?
When you Create SharePoint Project in Visual Studio 2010, you will see a Item called Package in it.Click open it and bottom left corner click on Advanced, you will see an option to add additional assemblies , add as many you want > all assemblies you select here will get deployed as a Part of SHarePoint Package you create.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can use ilmerge.exe to bundle satellite managed assemblies into your executable, making it portable and more easily deployed. I use it all the time, it works great.
You can set up a build event in VS2010 to do this automatically whenever you build, too, though it can be a bit slow (I have it set as a Release-only build event for this reason).

How do you tell the Visual Studio project type from an existing Visual Studio project

Using Visual Studio 2005.
Is there anything in the .sln or .vcproj files (or anywhere else) that defines the project type / subtype?
Edit: What I mean is that when you create a project, you first choose a language (e.g. Visual C#), then a project type (e.g. Windows) and then a subtype (e.g. Console Application).
Where is this information stored within the VS files?
In the project XML files:
Console applications contain:
WinForms applications contain:
Library (.dll) projects contain:
and do NOT contain a
ASP.NET and WCF projects contain:
The GUIDs do something to define exactly what type of project it is. The ones above were taken from an ASP.NET app. They exist in WCF projects too, and flipping around the GUIDs can fool Vis Studio into changing the project type when you open it.
Some further research and I found this:
INFO: List of known project type Guids.
My .sln file contains:
Visual Studio 2005
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "AddNumbers", "AddNumbers.csproj", "{2C81C5BB-E3B0-457E-BC02-73C76634CCD6}"
The link shows:
Project Type Description Project Type Guid
Windows (C#) {FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}
So it's Windows C# and the subtype is as per #HardCode's reply. In my case, it's "Console Application".
Right Click on Project of a solution.
Open Properties -> Application Tab.
On the right you can see 'Output Type' which defines your project type of an existing solution.
The .vproj file defines the project type, for example, the following defines a C++ project.
ProjectType="Visual C++"
The project tag also includes the compiler version.
Double-click on "My Project" in the Solution Explorer, and look at the "Application type:" ComboBox. It tells you (and lets you change) the project type.
Easy solution.
If you want to know if it's a WCF Project or ASP.NET Web Service simply open your project's folders in File Explorer. You can hover over the icon with your mouse and a tooltip will display the project type as shown in the picture. Also, you can look under the Type column in File Explorer and it shows it there as well.
WCF Web Service Project:
ASP.NET Web Service Project:
Also to note, if your project has a Resources.Designer.cs or Settings.Designer.cs in its Properties folder it's likely a WinForms application.
If you are interested in finding subtypes of a project i.e. Under C# Windows Project Category, checking whether it is a Windows Form Application or WPF
Try adding new item in the project and it will show you the items specific to that project type along with default options.
For instance if there is a WPF project it shows the WPF related options like 'Window' , 'Page' 'User Control' ... In case of Window Form Application it Shows 'Window Form' etc.....
Solution Explorer -> hover/right click over your project item ( not the project folder. Check the Properties view to find if you clicked on the folder or the project) -> Properties.
Then all information is available for the project.
Right click on solution and click open folder in file explorer. Navigate to Project file. hover on it, tool tip displays the type of project file.
