How to select CSS3 profile in Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I've updated Visual Studio 2010 to be able to use CSS3, but I don't see how to select the CSS3 profile. I added the Style Sheet toolbar, but that's disabled (I don't even know if that's the right place to do it). I'm still getting squigglies on CSS3 properties.

The Style Sheet toolbar is, in fact, at least one possible way to select the CSS profile of your choosing. It was disabled because the file I was in was not part of the project. When I opened up a CSS file which was part of the project, the CSS toolbar became active. I then chose the CSS 3.0 profile.


What does this icon mean in VS2019?

VS2019 16.10.0
.netfx Winform project.
This icon shows the inheritance chain/margin and was added in version 16.10 of Visual Studio. From the 16.10 release notes for Visual Studio:
There is now a visual representation for navigating and inspecting the inheritance chain. This option is off by default so you will need to turn it on in Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced and select Show inheritance margin. Enabling inheritance margin will add new icons to the margins representing your code’s implementations and overrides. Clicking on the inheritance margin icon will display inheritance options that you can select to navigate to.
Sure enough, if you navigate to the option in the tools menu, it is at the bottom:
I would check your settings for this - it should be off by default, meaning somehow it was turned on for you. The icon should show the inheritance chain if you click on it. If it isn't, perhaps turn the option off and back on, or restart Visual Studio (it's experimental apparently, so it could be bugged).

CSS style errors in Visual Studio while compiling

Whenever I use CSS3 style commands (like Box-shadow, Box-Sizing, background gradient,etc ) in my Visual Studio 2010 projects and compiles it, VS shows one or more errors regarding CSS3 styles. How can I overcome this behavior of Visual Studio?
You can turn off CSS validation errors in Visual Studio from Tools menu. Select Tools > Options and perform the action shown in the following image.
Up the top there is drop down text box (next to comments in toolbar). Open that and see if you have HTML5/CSS3 in there. If not, you have to download it from MSDN.
I have a better answer for you than the currently accepted answer. It's actually just a small change to said answer and here it is. Just check the "as warnings" box. So it doesn't show up as an error (which is good because it ain't one), but it does show up in your pleasantly-ignorable warnings list still.

Make CSS 3.0 the Default in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Web Update

I'm working on a HTML5 / CSS 3.0 / MVC 3 project in Visual Studio 2010. Every time I restart VS and then open a CSS file, it's always set to 'CSS 2.1'. Is there a way to tell VS I want to use CSS 3.0 always (or at least by default)?
BTW, I have looked under "Tools>Options>Text Editor>HTML" - no CSS options, default is HTML5. I have also looked under "Tools>Options>Text Editor>CSS" - no version option as far as I can see.
I had a similar problem after SP1.
I had to specifically install the "CSS 3 Intellisense Schema" found here -->
Restart VS and it started remembering what I had set last. HTH
The default CSS schema is defined by the selected HTML schema, but there is no UI to change the CSS schema targeted by the HTML schema. You will have to do it manually by editing the appropriate HTML schema.
To have HTML 5 target CSS 3.0, edit
"\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\html\html_5.xsd"
and change vs:cssschema to "CSS 3.0".
Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1
also makes VS remember CSS 3.0 validation setting.
Web Standards Update provides the much wanted HTML5 & CSS3 support to
Visual Studio 2010 SP1. It brings VS 2010 intellisense & validation as
close to W3C specification as we could get via means of an extension.
The most notable supported features by this extension are:
HTML5 – Video, Audio, Input Type, Drag & Drop, WAI-ARIA, Microdata, Browser API – GeoLocation & Local Storage CSS3 – 2D
Transforms, 3D Transforms, Animations, Background & Borders, Basic Box
Model, Basic UI, Behavior, Color, Flexible Box Layout, Fonts, Paged
Media, Hyperlink Presentation, Line, Lists, Marquee, Media Queries,
Multi Column, Namespaces, Presentation Levels, Ruby, Selectors,
Speech, Syntax, Template Layout, Text & Transitions. It also supports
vendor specific prefixes like –ms, -webkit & -moz.
Download the latest Visual Studio 2010 update at
"Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1" adds CSS3 support and updates the HTML5 intellisense and validation including new JavaScript API's
Installation Notes:
Don't install this update if you have installed your visual studio to a different directory instead of the default directory.

How to change font color in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint 2010 Feature Designer?

Within VS2010 I'm using a dark/pastel color scheme. SP2010 Feature Designer has a Manifest tab with a Preview of Packaged Manifest read-only XML pane.
As you can see from the two screenshots, there is text in the pane, but it's basically invisible due to the background pane color.
Is there any way to change the font color, from that light gray to something else? I've tried changing several display items within Tools\Options\Environment\Fonts and Colors with no luck.
As a last resort, is there a way to change the pane background color? (although I guess it'll change that for the whole VS IDE)
Thanks all.
Feature manifest preview, unselected:
Feature manifest preview, selected:
In the end I've found a workaround for this ... for whoever (?) might care.
Download Visual Studio Color Theme Editor extension.
If you need help choosing some specific UI color, download any desktop color picker tool, i.e. Just Color Picker.
From a VS SharePoint project, open some Feature manifest or Package manifest preview so to apply and check the ongoing results.
From within VS, create a new custom theme based on Default. Sort the items by name and look for the couple ProjectDesignerBackgroundGradientBegin/End.
Change both to some darker color, like 475B7E.
This is how it looks like:
Being a Dark Theme sort of guy I've settled on using the Visual Studio 2012 Dark Theme for Visual Studio 2010 which provides a great new look for VS2010.
You'll also need to install the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor and then import the [VS2012-Dark-for-2010.vstheme] file using the Theme, Customize Colors..., Import Theme meu options.

Visual Studio Intellisense works in Class Library but not Web Project files

I'm not sure how this happened as up until this morning my Intellisense was working fine in Visual Studio.
Now, however, I have lost Intellisense in my web project's files. Also, I don't see the little toolbar at the top of the window that allows me to select objects and controls
i.e. This one:
I did notice however that Intellisense and the controls selection toolbar works in my class library.
Any idea how to fix this?
I've read somewhere about setting the Build Action of my web project files to "Compile", but I cannot find a BuildAction property anywhere.
Right click on your web project, Select "Property Pages"(Shift+F4) and Click on "Build" You will see a check box "Build Web site as part of the solution". Make sure that is checked. I would also check if there are any projects that are not loaded in your solution and also restart VS and try loading the solution once again. See if you still face this issue.
