Sending email directly from my OSX app - macos

I'm working on an OSX app which will handle an opt-in mailing list. I have a database containing opt-in email addresses, and the goal is for the user to click one button and have the app build a custom email update, then send out an email update to all members of the mailing list. This would be used for things such as updating fans about a band's performance, etc.
I found lots of information for the iOS mailComposer, but nothing for something comparable in OSX. I did find a reference to a message framework, but for some reason can not find the documentation for it in the library (I'm sure it must be there somewhere...) The only other information I found suggested using a mailto: URL, which somewhat defeats the automated process I'm hoping to achieve.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is there a specific framework I could research to determine how to active this goal?

If you want to create and mail your own messages, not going through Apple Mail (or the user's mail client), perhaps the EdMessage framework will work for you? (<-- and I've linked it for you)


Can you use multiple ad SDKs with SKAdNetwork?

I am using Facebook ads, Google ads, and an MMP for other networks. I just need to track installs as conversions. I do not serve ads in the app.
My MMP is saying that you cannot have multiple SDKs sending info to SKAdNetwork because it will post back inaccurate information. I have not read this anywhere else.
It says you should only have one SDK posting conversions to SKAdNetwork.
Screenshot of MMP's Blog post saying this
My question is do I need to remove or disable Facebook and Google's registration to SKAdNetwork within my app so they don't post conversions to SKAdNetwork?
Is it ok that all 3 SDKs post to SKAdNetwork?
You technically only need to send one conversion value update and there will be some side effects if you send more than one (though if you handle all your app specific use cases then this might not matter).
Apple will send SKAN CVs to each of the networks you are using for optimization purposes so you shouldn't need to worry about that. I'd personally recommend that you streamline your own app flow to handle SKAN postbacks directly to Apple once.
SKAN 4.0 might make it more difficult if you send multiple CVs from different parties. The new features around multiple postbacks can now get sent to the ad networks based on cohort date and this could affect the optimizations that each of the ad networks use.

Instagram user's contact e-mail?

Ruby on rails dev here.
This question has been asked before. Here, here and here.
The problem is that they did not make the right question or the solution given was somewhat shallow.
I ´ll be as specific as I can.
The Goal
I want get the user´s contact e-mail and not the account e-mail. Two different things. :)
Some users leave their email on the contact button. It´s public.
My goal is to make a software that can extract e-mails, but for now, only extracting one e-mail from one single account will be more than enough to have my MVP going.
here is an example below on how instagram let users share their e-mail.
The Problem
It only shows in app :( If it were to be shown on the browser as well, it would be a walk in the park. The contact button that has the e-mail and phone number does not show in the browser.
**The Good Part*
There is some solutions to it.
This guy has a figured it out using the API, but I don´t quite understand how he did it. The downside is that all solution wants to sell you a product.
The focus of this company lies on extracting instagram e-mails and it seems legit.
Last but not least, this dude is using appium to extract those juicy e-mails. The third won´t really work for me because it seems too messy. Having to use a android emulator will be my last resort.
Thanks for helping and happy new year.
Set up mitmproxy on your machine.
Set up the certificates on your phone and use your machine as the gateway.
Analyze the traffic.
Reverse engineer the API (to log in and get info about user profiles) and then use it in your Ruby/Python/whatever code.

Is an email form to dynamic assigned recipients and senders in Rails possible?

I'm creating Rails app as a guide to restaurants whereby information is displayed regarding each restaurant, menus etc. It is a supporting website to an iOS app.
I would like to do allow the user to book or send an email to book a table on a restaurant. I'm storing both user and restaurant e-mails in my app.
I could easily do this in the iOS app using the Mail app but I'd like to offer the same functionality within my Rails version also. Is this possible?
As #CarlZulauf commented, you are looking for Rails e-mail interface. It is hard to help you here because you didn't explain to us what did you tried and what is not working. If you have problems, you might want to create a new question, or edit this one, including the info, otherwise it is impossible for any one to help you more than just give you the doc link.

Can the opensocial API remotely search for users in orkut etc.?

Does anyone know if (and how) I can build an application (Java/Ruby/whatever) doing REST or RPC calls to a social network like Orkut (using opensocial) to search for a user by name or email address? So far I know that I can list all friends for a particular user ID, but I want to search among all users. Would I need to code it as an app/gadget running inside the google sandbox or is there a way to get a list of matching user ID via REST?
So far I got this one to work: But with this API and the gadget linked there I only get people that are already linked to me...
Thanks for answers,
No, you can't do that. At least, OpenSocial doesn't have spec like that.
In addition, SNS normally have privacy policy which disables developers to poke around users who hasn't installed your app.
Think OpenSocial API access to private information is quite limited.

Simple Mailing-List (not Newsletter) for Joomla?

Is there a way I can make joomla do the following:
I have several mail accounts that should act as a discussion mailing-list. The administrator (and only the adminstrator) maintains a list of customer email adresses that belong a particular discussion group mail adress. Whenever a Mail is sent to e.g. specialinterestdiscussion(at), the mail will automatically be forwarded to all customers that belong to that list. If the sender is part of that mailling-list it will not be forwarded to him again. The sender does not necessarily have to be part of the maintained list.
So basically it is a simle mailing list.
Actually there is a way - by integrating a Plugin that runs on site refreshes in the background and checks for mails.
I can recommend Mailster which is a free and Open Source mailing list component for Joomla. It does exactly the job you need it to do, from the feature list:
Usable with any POP3/IMAP email account
Recipients are managed by the admin in the backend
Users can (un)subscribe with frontend plugin (optional)
All Joomla users can be chosen as recipients, additional users can be
Users can be organized in groups Single users or whole groups can be
added as recipients of a mailing list
Replies to mailing list posts can be forwarded to all recipients
Backend mail archive for browsing the mails
Full attachment support
[... more...]
I am using Mailster on my own webpage with a GMail account and it works like a charm.
I have not found a good fully integrated solution for this myself, but there is a basic MailMan integration that you could search for.
Since Joomla is a php based engine it is simply not not possible. Joomla itself can not run a service in the background which would be required for a mailing list.
I agree, Joomla itself can not run a service in the background.
But the way plugins like Mailster or LazyBackup2 work enables a service-like behavior. If your site has not enough visits you have to take care of that. E.g. by using a cron job that simply opens the webpage via wget every X minutes.
I just started to use Mailster and contacted the developer regarding the same question and he responded with the cron job advice and also said that he plans to add a specific PHP file for cronjobs. When this will be ready you don't even need to have the plugin anymore while still being able to manage everything inside Joomla.
