Dynamic programming: minimum price for translating a number of books [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 10 years ago.
We have N books ( N<=200 ). All of them must be translated by K people (K<=100).
Every man can translate D books starting from index S to index S+D-1, 0<=D<=N.
Every man is paid c_1 dolars per page for the first book which he translates, c_2 for the second...
c_i for the book i.
The books must be translated in the order they are given.
first row: 2 numbers N and K
second row: N numbers - number of pages per every book (<=10 000)
third row: N numbers - c_1, c_2, ... c_N; c_i is the price for translating a book by a man who has translated i-1 books;
minimum price which must be paid for the translation of all the books.
6 3
50 100 60 5 6 30
1 2 3 4 5 6
Output: 339
(the first man translated the first book +50*1
the scond man translated the second,third,forth and fifth books:
the third man translates the last book
Can someone help me with this homework? I know i must be using dynamic programming to solve it.

Some clues: make a function F(BookNumber, ManNumber, NumOfBooksHeHaveTranslated).
Start with F(1, 1, 0). It is clear that
F(1, 1, 0) = Pages[1] * C[1] + Min(F(2, 1, 1), F(2, 2, 0))
i.e. we have to choose the best variant from - continue with the same translator, or use the next one. Elaborate this function for common case F(B, M, N), make recursive solution, check it for small inputs, transform recursion into DP (the methods are described in algo books)

The actual choice your algorithm needs to do is at which points in the sequence of books you change from one translator to the next one. That's the only decision point for the problem, and everything else follows from it. You can translate this to a recursive / dynamic programming problem by observing e.g. that the cost of translating N books by K translators is equivalent to the cost of translating x first books by one translator and N - x by the remaining K - 1 translators; or, equivalent to the cost of translating x first books by n translators and N - x by the remaining K - n translators. This is a subdivision / recursion step that you can use in a dynamic programming solution.
I hope no-one will post actually code to do this; it is homework.


Find a largest prime number less than n [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
How can I find a largest prime number which is less than n, where n ≤ 10¹⁸ ?
Please help me find an Efficient Algorithm.
for(j=n;j>=2;j--) {
if(j%2 == 1) {
double m = double(j);
double a = (m-1)/6.0;
double b = (m-5)/6.0;
if( a-(int)a == 0 || b-(int)b == 0 ) {
I used this approach but this is not efficient to solve for n>10^10;
How to optimize this..
Solution: Use Primality test on each j.
Miller Rabin, Fermat's Test.
I don't think this question should be so quickly dismissed, as efficiency is not so easy to determine for numbers in this range. First of all, given the average prime gap is ln(p), it makes sense to work down from the given (n). i.e., ln(10^18) ~ 41.44), so you would expect around 41 iterations on average working down from (n). e.g., testing: (n), (n - 2), (n - 4), ...
Given this average gap, the next step is to decide whether you wish to use a naive test - check for divisibility by primes <= floor(sqrt(n)). With n <= (10^18), you would need to test against primes <= (10^9). There are ~ 50 million primes in this range. If you are willing to precompute and tabulate these values (all of which fit in 32 bits), you have a reasonable test for 64-bit values n <= 10^18. In this case, is a 200MB prime table an acceptable approach? 20 years ago, it might not have been. Today, it's not an issue.
Combining a prime table with sieving and/or Pocklington's test might improve efficiency. Alternatively, if memory is more constrained, a deterministic variant of the Miller-Rabin test with bases: 2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504, 1795265022 (SPRP set). Most composites fail immediately with an SPRP-2 test.
The point is - you have a decision to make between algorithmic complexity, both theoretical and in terms of implementation difficulty, and a balance with space/time trade-offs.

Dynamic programming: Task planification variation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm struggling with a dynamic programming problem for a couple of days. It goes like this:
John's working day is divided in N time slots, every slot i having associated a gain G[i] which he can receive is he works in that time slot. If he decides to work in the time interval [i, j] his total reward would be R[i,j]=G[i+1]+...+G[j] as the first slot is for warming up. Everyday he has to work exactly T slots - he can chose a subset of T slots from the available N total slots. He wants to maximize his profit by choosing a set of disjunct intervals [a1,b1], [a2,b2], ...[ak,bk] with 1 <= a1 <= b1 < a2 <= b2 <...< ak <= bk and Sum[i=1, k](bi-ai+1)=T.
Example: N=7, T=5 and the gain vector {3,9,1,1,7,5,4}. The optimal solution is selecting the intervals [1,2] and [4,6] with a total profit of 9+12=21.
DP solution:
int f[i][j][0..1];
let f[i][j][0] denotes the maximal gain for the first i time slots and using j time slots, and the i-th time slot is not used.
let f[i][j][1] denotes the maximal gain for the first i time slots and using j time slots, and the i-th time slot is used.
obviously,f[i][j][k] can determine f[i+1][j][k] or f[i+1][j+1][k]. details below:

Random access random permutations [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to generate a very large pseudorandom permutation p : [0,n-1] -> [0,n-1], and then compute m specific values p[i], where m << n. Is it possible to do this in O(m) time? The motivation is a large parallel computation where each processor only needs to see a small piece of the permutation, but the permutation must be consistent between processors.
Note that in order to help in the parallel case, different processes computing disjoint sets of i values shouldn't accidentally produce p[i] == p[j] for i != j.
EDIT: There is a much more clever algorithm based on block ciphers that I think Geoff will write up.
There are two common algorithms for generating permutations. Knuth's shuffle is inherently sequential so not a nice choice for parallelism. The other is random selection with retry any time repetition is encountered. Random selection is clearly equivalent when applied in any order, thus I propose the following simple algorithm:
Randomly sample candidate p[i] in [0,n-1] for each i in Needed (in parallel).
Remove all non-collided entries from Needed, as well as (optionally) some deterministic choice from the collisions (e.g., keep p[i] if i < {j | p[j] = p[i]}).
Repeat from step 1 with new (smaller) set Needed.
Since we haven't lost entropy in this process, the result is essentially equivalent to sequential random sampling in some different order, starting with the locations i that did not collide (we just didn't know that order in advance). Note that if we used the computed value in a comparison, for example, we would have introduced bias.
An example very low strength version:
Generate 2k = O(1) random integers a_i,b_i in [0,n-1], with a_i relatively prime to n.
Pick a weak permutation wp : [0,n-1] -> [0,n-1], say w(i) = i with all the but the high bit flipped.
p[i] = b_0 + a_0 * wp(b_1 + a_1 * wp(... i ...))

Check if two line segments are colliding (only check if they are intersecting, not where) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need a fast algorithm for checking if two non-infinite lines are crossing. Have to be fast because it'll run on a cell phone a lot.
The algorithm do only have to return yes or no, it does not have to find out exactly where the lines cross!
I have looked here: How do you detect where two line segments intersect?
But that thread is a jungle, people keep saying that "this is the answer" but then two other guys say that it is incorrect because of this-and-that bug.
Please help me find a good and working algorithm for this.
Just to be clear: I need a function that you give...
...and that returns true or false depending on if the two lines cross or not.
I would appreciate if you answered with (pseudo-)code, not formulas.
It is necessary and sufficient that the two ends of one segment are on different sides of the other segment, and vise-versa. To determine which side a point is on, just take a cross-product and see whether it's positive or negative:
(Bx - Ax)(Py - By) - (By - Ay)(Px - Bx)
To spell it out: suppose you're looking at two line segments, [AB] and [CD]. The segments intersect if and only if ((A and B are of different sides of [CD]) and (C and D are on different sides of [AB])).
To see whether two points, P and Q, are on different sides of a line segment [EF], compute two cross products, one for P and one for Q:
(Fx - Ex)(Py - Fy) - (Fy - Ey)(Px - Fx)
(Fx - Ex)(Qy - Fy) - (Fy - Ey)(Qx - Fx)
If the results have the same sign (both positive or both negative) then forget it, the points are on the same side, the segments do not intersect. If one is positive and the other negative, then the points are on opposite sides.
If you're two given points are (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), imagine both are infinite lines, not just segments:
Determine the formula for both (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation#Two-point_form)
Determine the intersection point for the two lines (see: http://zonalandeducation.com/mmts/intersections/intersectionOfTwoLines1/intersectionOfTwoLines1.html)
If X1 < intersectionX < X2 and Y1 < intersectionY < Y2, then yes, the segments intersect.

How to fill the chessboard with domino? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
How we can to fill the chessboard with domino and we have a some blocks. and chessboard is n x m. and the places filled with ordered numbers.
Test :
Answer like this :
input give n , m and k. k is number of blocks.
and next k lines give blocks such as 6 7 or 4 9.
sorry for my English.
Here's an idea. In your example board, it is immediately obvious that squares 7 9 and 14 must contain domino 'ends', that is to say it must be the case that there are dominos covering 2-7, 8-9, and 14-15.
(In case it's not 'immediately obvious', the rule I used is that a square with 'walls' on three sides dictates the orientation of the domino covering that square)
If we place those three dominos, it may then be the case that there are more squares to which the same rule now applies (eg 20).
By iterating this process, we can certainly make progress towards our goal, or alternatively get to a place where we know it can't be achieved.
See how far that gets you.
edit also, note that in your example, the lower-left corner 2x2 (squares 11 12 16 17) is not uniquely determined - a 90 degree rotation of the depicted arrangement would also work - so you will have to consider such situations. If you are looking for any solution, you must come up with a way of arbitrarily picking one of many possibilities; if you are trying to enumerate all possibilities, you will have to come up with a way of finding them all!
