Merge two pngs via command line tool in windows? - windows-7

I'm looking for a tool I can use via command line (windows 7) to merge two equally sized pngs. I'm not having much luck with search so far as most tools I've seen are pretty heavy applications which don't seem to target simple manipulations.
I want to overwrite the bits in the opaque base image with the non-transparent pixels in the overlay image. I have photoshop CS4 as well, but haven't had much luck in finding the relevant command line arguments.

ImageMagick has a command line tool called composite which will do what you want. Distributions available for Windows, Mac, Linux etc. I've just tested it with two transparent PNGs and works as expected.
composite foreground.png background.png newimage.png


Any CLI tool to perform 3d texture mapping on the fly

I'm currently looking for a way to create a 'configurator' for a upholsters, similar to,Sofa_Stripe-Orange.png - you select your fabrics and they are 'drawn' on the sofa automatically.
Unfortunately, all the sites I've looked at seem to use pre-rendered transparent PNGs that are overlaid over each other to build up the full picture. The problem here is that we've figured out that we'd require over 120,000 different images to cover all models, fabrics etc!!
I've looked at a few 3d texture tools such as, hoping that one of them would have a CLI option where you give it a pre-created wireframe, and a fabric to overlay, and it generates the required image on the fly, but so far everything seems to require real-time use of the GUI to use it.
So, is there a CLI tool that would do what I'm after, or can anyone suggest a way to manipulate the GUI automatically? (from a tech point of view, I'm comfortable with C, Bash, Python or PHP as a solution!)
ArahDrape 2.2 can now work from a command line without any GUI interface. You can also call ArahDrape as a C library. In this way, it can be used in a web server to create texture mapped images on the fly. The command line options are explained below.
ArahDrape 2.2j command line version, ©2015 Arahne
adCommand -o /tmp/outputImage.png -tN /home/user/texture.png [-hidemodel] [-divide 2] [-filterPNG] [-compressPNG 2] [-m /home/user/model.png] -owner name -activation 174b3cfb49e9 /home/user/project.drape
Input and output images can have png, .tif or .jpg extensions
-o output_image_file
-tN texture_image_file [N goes from 0 to 199]
-hidemodel will render all areas not in region as white
-divide N [N goes from 2 to 5] divide resulting image pixel size
-filterPNG if you do not filter it, rendering is faster
-compressPNG N [N goes from 0 to 9] lower number saves faster, but bigger files
-m model_image_file use this if you want to replace model image from the project; must have same pixel size
-owner owner_name pass the given owner name
-activation activation_code pass the given activation code
last parameter should be ArahDrape project file
All files should be entered with full path.
If you need spaces in filenames, use quotes "" around the filename.
If you provide only Owner name, without activation code, program returns registration code.
ArahDrape supports batch export.
Open ArahDrape project, click on texture you wish to replace, put all your texture in a directory, select from menu
Textures > Browse textures, and as you click the texture to load it, program will save the draped picture. If you have thousands of images, use keyboard shortcut = and program will automatically do them all.
Alpha channel transparency is supported in loading model images or textures, and saving the draped images, as long as you use PNG or TIFF.
Please check this video to see how
ArahDrape works in batch mode.
we ( can do just what you are asking. We have two options creating images and rendering a meshed image on the fly. Just get in touch if you still need this solution.

ImageMagick - Auto adjust the colours of an image a la other photo management applications?

Several photo management applications (e.g. Picnic on the flickr website, F-Spot on the gnome desktop), has the option to 'autocorrect'/'auto-fix' an image, which seems to adjust the colours in an image to make it look a bit better.
For example, here's a before:
and after
Is there anyway to do this sort of 'automatically adjust the colours to make it look good' on the command line with ImageMagick's tools (or other open source command line tools on ubuntu/debian). I have several hundred images that look at bit rubbish and I want to try putting them through this sort of filter.
Alternatively, what would be the name of this sort of effect?
What you are looking for is something to help you correct the white-balance of photos.
If you search for imagemagick auto white balance on any popular search engine you will get quite a feew results that are relevant. Sadly, seems down at the moment.
I myself found a shell script called autowhite, and used it
me#sophie:[...]$ ./ 5498758807_59a80b3c50_m.jpg corrected.jpg
and the result is perfectly acceptable:
There are some options to the script, so if you're not really satisfied with the result you'll able to tweak it a tad.

How to import GIF files into Beamer presentation?

I need to import animations from Maple into my LaTeX/Beamer presentation. I save a file in GIF format. But later I have problems converting that file into PNG. All I get is a static PNG file and can't proceed ((( What's the full code to do that in LaTeX?
You can use the animate package to animate a series of PNGs. To get the series of PNGs from an animated GIF, use a tool like ImageMagick's convert.
Does this help: LINK? (This is the same answer as marcog... just wanted to provide a reference to it being asked previously -- the solution was the same: the animate package).
Also, your OS will matter. I don't know that Linux (not saying you're using it) has any ability to play animated PDFs. I've tried embedding movies using LaTeX and while it "works," you can't actually view them in anything Linux offers yet. Okular is working on it, but last I checked (couple months?) it's not possible yet.
Anyway, just wanted to add that just in case you were doing everything completely right and by chance are not seeing the fruits of your labor since you're using a Linux viewer. Check your work with Acrobat on Windows to be sure.

extract font character image from ttf file

Does anyone knows how to extract the characters image from a font(ttf) file?
TTF is a vector format, so there are no characters shapes, really. Load the font, select it into a device context (a memory one), render a character, grab a bitmap.
Relevant APIs: AddFontResource, CreateFont, CreateDC, CreateBitmap, SelectObject, TextOut (or DrawText).
You can use GetGlyphOutline with GGO_BEZIER to get the shape of a single character.
For the sake of completeness I'd like to add a GUI and Python way to this pretty old thread.
If the goal is to extract images (as e.g. png) from a .ttf file I found two pretty straight forward ways which both involve the open-source program fontforge (Link to their website):
GUI Way (Suitable for extracting a handful of characters): Open the .ttf file in fontforge click on the character you want to export. Then: file -> export -> format:png
CLI / Python Way (Suitable for automation): FontForge has a cli api for python 2.7 which allows to automate the extraction of the images. Refer to this superuser thread for a complete script.
Link 1:
Link 2:

Direct 2D gnuplot PNG animation?

Can anyone please confirm that yes/no Gnuplot 4.5 (on CVS) can output 2D animated PNG files? I have numerous datasets but one line that I'd like to show iteratively in 3 different places in my graph. Can this be done directly from gnuplot or is this something that would need to be animated externally from multiple frames?
You can find the demo scripts for the CVS version here. There is a C2Gnuplot for creating gnuplot animations (self-advertisement: it was developed by me).
