Calculate Space and Time complexity and Improve efficiency of this program - algorithm

Find a list of non repeating number in a array of repeating numbers.
My Solution
public static int[] FindNonRepeatedNumber(int[] input)
List<int> nonRepeated = new List<int>();
bool repeated = false;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
repeated = false;
for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
if ((input[i] == input[j]) && (i != j))
//this means the element is repeated.
repeated = true;
if (!repeated)
return nonRepeated.ToArray();
Time and space complexity
Time complexity = O(n^2)
Space complexity = O(n)
I am not sure with the above calculated time complexity, also how can I make this program more efficient and fast.

The complexity of the Algorithm you provided is O(n^2).
Use Hashmaps to improve the algorithm. The Psuedo code is as follows:
public static int[] FindNonRepeatedNumbers(int[] A)
Hashtable<int, int> testMap= new Hashtable<int, int>();
for (Entry<Integer, String> entry : testMap.entrySet()) {
/* Elements that are not repeated are:
Set set = teatMap.entrySet();
// Get an iterator
Iterator i = set.iterator();
// Display elements
while(i.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
if(me.getValue() >1)
What I did here is I used Hashmaps with keys to the hashmaps being the elements of the input array. The values for the hashmaps are like counters for each element. So if an element occurs once then the value for that key is 1 and the key value is subsequently incremented based on recurrence of element in input array.
So finally you just check your hashmap and then display elements with hashvalue 1 which are non-repated elements. The time complexity for this algorithm is O(k) for creating hashmap and O(k) for searching, if the input array length is k. This is much faster than O(n^2). The worst case is when there are no repeated elements at all. The psuedo code might be messy but this approach is the best way I could think of.

Time complexity O(n) means you can't have an inner loop. A full inner loop is O(n^2).

two pointers. begining and end. increment begining when same letters reached and store the start and end pos ,length for reference... increment end otherwise.. keep doing this til end of all the outputs and you should have the longest continuous list of unique numbers. I hope this is what the question required. Linear algo.
void longestcontinuousunique(int arr[])
int start=0;
int end =0;
while (end! =arr.length())
if(arr[start] == arr[end])
return maxelementof(savedlist);


Determining Time Complexity with and without Recursion

I'm learning data structures from a book. In the book, they have snippets of pseudocode at the end of the chapter and I'm trying to determine the time complexity. I'm having a little bit of difficulty understand some concepts in time complexity.
I have two pieces of code that do the same thing, seeing if an element in an array occurs at least 3 times; however, one uses recursion and the other uses loops. I have answers for both; can someone tell me whether or not they're correct?
First way (without recursion):
boolean findTripleA(int[] anArray) {
if (anArray.length <= 2) {
return false;
for (int i=0; i < anArray.length; i++) {
// check if anArray[i] occurs at least three times
// by counting how often it occurs in anArray
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < anArray.length; j++) {
if (anArray[i] == anArray[j]) {
if (count >= 3) {
return true;
return false;
I thought the first way had a time complexity of O(n^2) in best and worst case scenario because there is no way to avoid the inner for loop.
Second way (with recursion):
public static Integer findTripleB(int[] an Array) {
if (anArray.length <= 2) {
return false;
// use insertion sort to sort anArray
for (int i = 1; i < anArray.length; i++) {
// insert anArray[i]
int j = i-1;
int element = anArray[i];
while (j >= 0 && anArray[j] > element) {
anArray[j+1] = anArray[j];
anArray[j+1] = element;
// check whether anArray contains three consecutive
// elements of the same value
for (int i = 0; i < anArray.length-2; i++) {
if (anArray[i] == anArray[i+2]) {
return new Integer(anArray[i]);
return null;
I thought the second way had a worst case time complexity of O(n^2) and a best case of O(n) if the array is sorted already and insertion sort can be skipped; however I don't know how recursion plays into effect.
The best case for the first one is O(n) - consider what happens when the element appearing first appears 3 times (it will return after just one iteration of the outer loop).
The second one doesn't use recursion, and your running times are correct (technically insertion sort won't 'be skipped', but the running time of insertion sort on an already sorted array is O(n) - just making sure we're on the same page).
Two other ways to solve the problem:
Sort using a better sorting algorithm such as mergesort.
Would take O(n log n) best and worst case.
Insert the elements into a hash map of element to count.
Would take expected O(n) worst case, O(1) best case.

Return the number of elements of an array that is the most "expensive"

I recently stumbled upon an interesting problem, an I am wondering if my solution is optimal.
You are given an array of zeros and ones. The goal is to return the
amount zeros and the amount of ones in the most expensive sub-array.
The cost of an array is the amount of 1s divided by amount of 0s. In
case there are no zeros in the sub-array, the cost is zero.
At first I tried brute-forcing, but for an array of 10,000 elements it was far too slow and I ran out of memory.
My second idea was instead of creating those sub-arrays, to remember the start and the end of the sub-array. That way I saved a lot of memory, but the complexity was still O(n2).
My final solution that I came up is I think O(n). It goes like this:
Start at the beginning of the array, for each element, calculate the cost of the sub-arrays starting from 1, ending at the current index. So we would start with a sub-array consisting of the first element, then first and second etc. Since the only thing that we need to calculate the cost, is the amount of 1s and 0s in the sub-array, I could find the optimal end of the sub-array.
The second step was to start from the end of the sub-array from step one, and repeat the same to find the optimal beginning. That way I am sure that there is no better combination in the whole array.
Is this solution correct? If not, is there a counter-example that will show that this solution is incorrect?
For clarity:
Let's say our input array is 0101.
There are 10 subarrays:
0,1,0,1,01,10,01,010,101 and 0101.
The cost of the most expensive subarray would be 2 since 101 is the most expensive subarray. So the algorithm should return 1,2
Edit 2
There is one more thing that I forgot, if 2 sub-arrays have the same cost, the longer one is "more expensive".
Let me sketch a proof for my assumption:
(a = whole array, *=zero or more, +=one or more, {n}=exactly n)
Cases a=0* and a=1+ : c=0
Cases a=01+ and a=1+0 : conforms to 1*0{1,2}1*, a is optimum
For the normal case, a contains one or more 0s and 1s.
This means there is some optimum sub-array of non-zero cost.
(S) Assume s is an optimum sub-array of a.
It contains one or more zeros. (Otherwise its cost would be zero).
(T) Let t be the longest `1*0{1,2}+1*` sequence within s
(and among the equally long the one with with most 1s).
(Note: There is always one such, e.g. `10` or `01`.)
Let N be the number of 1s in t.
Now, we prove that always t = s.
By showing it is not possible to add adjacent parts of s to t if (S).
(E) Assume t shorter than s.
We cannot add 1s at either side, otherwise not (T).
For each 0 we add from s, we have to add at least N more 1s
later to get at least the same cost as our `1*0+1*`.
This means: We have to add at least one run of N 1s.
If we add some run of N+1, N+2 ... somewhere than not (T).
If we add consecutive zeros, we need to compensate
with longer runs of 1s, thus not (T).
This leaves us with the only option of adding single zeors and runs of N 1s each.
This would give (symmetry) `1{n}*0{1,2}1{m}01{n+m}...`
If m>0 then `1{m}01{n+m}` is longer than `1{n}0{1,2}1{m}`, thus not (T).
If m=0 then we get `1{n}001{n}`, thus not (T).
So assumption (E) must be wrong.
Conclusion: The optimum sub-array must conform to 1*0{1,2}1*.
Here is my O(n) impl in Java according to the assumption in my last comment (1*01* or 1*001*):
public class Q19596345 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String array = "0101001110111100111111001111110";
System.out.println("array=" + array);
SubArray current = new SubArray();
current.array = array;
SubArray best = (SubArray) current.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
SubArray candidate = (SubArray) current.clone();
if (candidate.cost() > best.cost()) {
best = candidate;
System.out.println("better: " + candidate);
System.out.println("best: " + best);
} catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(System.err); }
static class SubArray implements Cloneable {
String array;
int start, leftOnes, zeros, rightOnes;
// optimize 1*0*1* by cutting
void trim() {
if (zeros > 1) {
if (leftOnes < rightOnes) {
start += leftOnes + (zeros - 1);
leftOnes = 0;
zeros = 1;
} else if (leftOnes > rightOnes) {
zeros = 1;
rightOnes = 0;
double cost() {
if (zeros == 0) return 0;
else return (leftOnes + rightOnes) / (double) zeros +
(leftOnes + zeros + rightOnes) * 0.00001;
void accept(char c) {
if (c == '1') {
if (zeros == 0) leftOnes++;
else rightOnes++;
} else {
if (rightOnes > 0) {
start += leftOnes + zeros;
leftOnes = rightOnes;
zeros = 0;
rightOnes = 0;
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); }
public String toString() { return String.format("%s at %d with cost %.3f with zeros,ones=%d,%d",
array.substring(start, start + leftOnes + zeros + rightOnes), start, cost(), zeros, leftOnes + rightOnes);
If we can show the max array is always 1+0+1+, 1+0, or 01+ (Regular expression notation then we can calculate the number of runs
So for the array (010011), we have (always starting with a run of 1s)
so the ratios are (0, 1, 0.3, 1.5, 1), which leads to an array of 10011 as the final result, ignoring the one runs
Cost of the left edge is 0
Cost of the right edge is 2
So in this case, the right edge is the correct answer -- 011
I haven't yet been able to come up with a counterexample, but the proof isn't obvious either. Hopefully we can crowd source one :)
The degenerate cases are simpler
All 1's and 0's are obvious, as they all have the same cost.
A string of just 1+,0+ or vice versa is all the 1's and a single 0.
How about this? As a C# programmer, I am thinking we can use something like Dictionary of <int,int,int>.
The first int would be use as key, second as subarray number and the third would be for the elements of sub-array.
For your example
key|Sub-array number|elements
Then you can run through the dictionary and store the highest in a variable.
var maxcost=0
var arrnumber=1;
var zeros=0;
var ones=0;
var cost=0;
for (var i=1;i++;i<=20+1)
if ( dictionary.arraynumber[i]!=dictionary.arraynumber[i-1])
if (cost>maxcost)
if (dictionary.values[i]==0)
This will be log(n^2), i hope and u just need 3n size of memory of the array?
I think we can modify the maximal subarray problem to fit to this question. Here's my attempt at it:
void FindMaxRatio(int[] array, out maxNumOnes, out maxNumZeros)
maxNumOnes = 0;
maxNumZeros = 0;
int numOnes = 0;
int numZeros = 0;
double maxSoFar = 0;
double maxEndingHere = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.Size; i++){
if(array[i] == 0) numZeros++;
if(array[i] == 1) numOnes++;
if(numZeros == 0) maxEndingHere = 0;
else maxEndingHere = numOnes/(double)numZeros;
if(maxEndingHere < 1 && maxEndingHere > 0) {
numZeros = 0;
numOnes = 0;
if(maxSoFar < maxEndingHere){
maxSoFar = maxEndingHere;
maxNumOnes = numOnes;
maxNumZeros = numZeros;
I think the key is if the ratio is less then 1, we can disregard that subsequence because
there will always be a subsequence 01 or 10 whose ratio is 1. This seemed to work for 010011.

Find the largest subset of it which form a sequence

I came across this problem during an interview forum.,
Given an int array which might contain duplicates, find the largest subset of it which form a sequence.
Eg. {1,6,10,4,7,9,5}
then ans is 4,5,6,7
Sorting is an obvious solution. Can this be done in O(n) time.
My take on the problem is that this cannot be done O(n) time & the reason is that if we could do this in O(n) time we could do sorting in O(n) time also ( without knowing the upper bound).
As a random array can contain all the elements in sequence but in random order.
Does this sound a plausible explanation ? your thoughts.
I believe it can be solved in O(n) if you assume you have enough memory to allocate an uninitialized array of a size equal to the largest value, and that allocation can be done in constant time. The trick is to use a lazy array, which gives you the ability to create a set of items in linear time with a membership test in constant time.
Phase 1: Go through each item and add it to the lazy array.
Phase 2: Go through each undeleted item, and delete all contiguous items.
In phase 2, you determine the range and remember it if it is the largest so far. Items can be deleted in constant time using a doubly-linked list.
Here is some incredibly kludgy code that demonstrates the idea:
int main(int argc,char **argv)
static const int n = 8;
int values[n] = {1,6,10,4,7,9,5,5};
int index[n];
int lists[n];
int prev[n];
int next_existing[n]; //
int prev_existing[n];
int index_size = 0;
int n_lists = 0;
// Find largest value
int max_value = 0;
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
int v=values[i];
if (v>max_value) max_value=v;
// Allocate a lazy array
int *lazy = (int *)malloc((max_value+1)*sizeof(int));
// Set items in the lazy array and build the lists of indices for
// items with a particular value.
for (int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
next_existing[i] = i+1;
prev_existing[i] = i-1;
int v = values[i];
int l = lazy[v];
if (l>=0 && l<index_size && index[l]==v) {
// already there, add it to the list
prev[n_lists] = lists[l];
lists[l] = n_lists++;
else {
// not there -- create a new list
l = index_size;
lazy[v] = l;
index[l] = v;
prev[n_lists] = -1;
lists[l] = n_lists++;
// Go through each contiguous range of values and delete them, determining
// what the range is.
int max_count = 0;
int max_begin = -1;
int max_end = -1;
int i = 0;
while (i<n) {
// Start by searching backwards for a value that isn't in the lazy array
int dir = -1;
int v_mid = values[i];
int v = v_mid;
int begin = -1;
for (;;) {
int l = lazy[v];
if (l<0 || l>=index_size || index[l]!=v) {
// Value not in the lazy array
if (dir==1) {
// Hit the end
if (v-begin>max_count) {
max_count = v-begin;
max_begin = begin;
max_end = v;
// Hit the beginning
begin = v+1;
dir = 1;
v = v_mid+1;
else {
// Remove all the items with value v
int k = lists[l];
while (k>=0) {
if (k!=i) {
next_existing[prev_existing[l]] = next_existing[l];
prev_existing[next_existing[l]] = prev_existing[l];
k = prev[k];
v += dir;
// Go to the next existing item
i = next_existing[i];
// Print the largest range
for (int i=max_begin; i!=max_end; ++i) {
if (i!=max_begin) fprintf(stderr,",");
I would say there are ways to do it. The algorithm is the one you already describe, but just use a O(n) sorting algorithm. As such exist for certain inputs (Bucket Sort, Radix Sort) this works (this also goes hand in hand with your argumentation why it should not work).
Vaughn Cato suggested implementation is working like this (its working like a bucket sort with the lazy array working as buckets-on-demand).
As shown by M. Ben-Or in Lower bounds for algebraic computation trees, Proc. 15th ACM Sympos. Theory Comput., pp. 80-86. 1983 cited by J. Erickson in pdf Finding Longest Arithmetic Progressions, this problem cannot be solved in less than O(n log n) time (even if the input is already sorted into order) when using an algebraic decision tree model of computation.
Earlier, I posted the following example in a comment to illustrate that sorting the numbers does not provide an easy answer to the question: Suppose the array is given already sorted into ascending order. For example, let it be (20 30 35 40 47 60 70 80 85 95 100). The longest sequence found in any subsequence of the input is 20,40,60,80,100 rather than 30,35,40 or 60,70,80.
Regarding whether an O(n) algebraic decision tree solution to this problem would provide an O(n) algebraic decision tree sorting method: As others have pointed out, a solution to this subsequence problem for a given multiset does not provide a solution to a sorting problem for that multiset. As an example, consider set {2,4,6,x,y,z}. The subsequence solver will give you the result (2,4,6) whenever x,y,z are large numbers not in arithmetic sequence, and it will tell you nothing about the order of x,y,z.
What about this? populate a hash-table so each value stores the start of the range seen so far for that number, except for the head element that stores the end of the range. O(n) time, O(n) space. A tentative Python implementation (you could do it with one traversal keeping some state variables, but this way seems more clear):
def longest_subset(xs):
table = {}
for x in xs:
start = table.get(x-1, x)
end = table.get(x+1, x)
if x+1 in table:
table[end] = start
if x-1 in table:
table[start] = end
table[x] = (start if x-1 in table else end)
start, end = max(table.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[1]-pair[0])
return list(range(start, end+1))
print(longest_subset([1, 6, 10, 4, 7, 9, 5]))
# [4, 5, 6, 7]
here is a un-optimized O(n) implementation, maybe you will find it useful:
for i in range(0,len(A)):
if not hash_tb.has_key(A[i]):
for i in range(0,max(A)):
if hash_tb.has_key(i):
if len(cur_seq)>len(max_sq):
print max_sq

How can we find a repeated number in array in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity

How can we find a repeated number in array in O(n) time and O(1) complexity?
array 2,1,4,3,3,10
output is 3
I tried in following way.
i found that if no is oddly repeated then we can achieve the result by doing xor . so i thought to make the element which is odd no repeating to even no and every evenly repeating no to odd.but for that i need to find out unique element array from input array in O(n) but couldn't find the way.
Assuming that there is an upped bound for the values of the numbers in the array (which is the case with all built-in integer types in all programming languages I 've ever used -- for example, let's say they are 32-bit integers) there is a solution that uses constant space:
Create an array of N elements, where N is the upper bound for the integer values in the input array and initialize all elements to 0 or false or some equivalent. I 'll call this the lookup array.
Loop over the input array, and use each number to index into the lookup array. If the value you find is 1 or true (etc), the current number in the input array is a duplicate.
Otherwise, set the corresponding value in the lookup array to 1 or true to remember that we have seen this particular input number.
Technically, this is O(n) time and O(1) space, and it does not destroy the input array. Practically, you would need things to be going your way to have such a program actually run (e.g. it's out of the question if talking about 64-bit integers in the input).
Without knowing more about the possible values in the array you can't.
With O(1) space requirement the fastest way is to sort the array so it's going to be at least O(n*log(n)).
Use Bit manipulation ... traverse the list in one loop.
Check if the mask is 1 by shifting the value from i.
If so print out repeated value i.
If the value is unset, set it.
*If you only want to show one repeated values once, add another integer show and set its bits as well like in the example below.
**This is in java, I'm not sure we will reach it, but you might want to also add a check using Integer.MAX_VALUE.
public static void repeated( int[] vals ) {
int mask = 0;
int show = 0;
for( int i : vals ) {
// get bit in mask
if( (( mask >> i ) & 1) == 1 &&
(( show >> i ) & 1) == 0 )
System.out.println( "\n\tfound: " + i );
show = show | (1 << i);
// set mask if not found
mask = mask | (1 << i);
System.out.println( "new: " + i );
System.out.println( "mask: " + mask );
This is impossible without knowing any restricted rules about the input array, either that the Memory complexity would have some dependency on the input size or that the time complexity is gonna be higher.
The 2 answers above are infact the best answers for getting near what you have asked, one's trade off is Time where the second trade off is in Memory, but you cant have it run in O(n) time and O(1) complexity in SOME UNKNOWN INPUT ARRAY.
I met the problem too and my solution is using hashMap .The python version is the following:
def findRepeatNumber(lists):
hashMap = {}
for i in xrange(len(lists)):
if lists[i] in hashMap:
return lists[i]
It is possible only if you have a specific data. Eg all numbers are of a small range. Then you could store repeat info in the source array not affecting the whole scanning and analyzing process.
Simplified example: You know that all the numbers are smaller than 100, then you can mark repeat count for a number using extra zeroes, like put 900 instead of 9 when 9 is occurred twice.
It is easy when NumMax-NumMin
public static string RepeatedNumber()
int[] input = {66, 23, 34, 0, 5, 4};
int[] indexer = {0,0,0,0,0,0}
var found = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
var toFind = input[i];
for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
if (input[j] == toFind && (indexer[j] == 1))
found = input[j];
else if (input[j] == toFind)
indexer[j] = 1;
return $"most repeated item in the array is {found}";
You can do this
void main ()
int array[5],rep=0;
for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)
cout<<"enter elements"<<endl;
for(i=1; i<=5; i++)
cout<<" repeat value is"<<rep;

Remove duplicate items with minimal auxiliary memory?

What is the most efficient way to remove duplicate items from an array under the constraint that axillary memory usage must be to a minimum, preferably small enough to not even require any heap allocations? Sorting seems like the obvious choice, but this is clearly not asymptotically efficient. Is there a better algorithm that can be done in place or close to in place? If sorting is the best choice, what kind of sort would be best for something like this?
I'll answer my own question since, after posting, I came up with a really clever algorithm to do this. It uses hashing, building something like a hash set in place. It's guaranteed to be O(1) in axillary space (the recursion is a tail call), and is typically O(N) time complexity. The algorithm is as follows:
Take the first element of the array, this will be the sentinel.
Reorder the rest of the array, as much as possible, such that each element is in the position corresponding to its hash. As this step is completed, duplicates will be discovered. Set them equal to sentinel.
Move all elements for which the index is equal to the hash to the beginning of the array.
Move all elements that are equal to sentinel, except the first element of the array, to the end of the array.
What's left between the properly hashed elements and the duplicate elements will be the elements that couldn't be placed in the index corresponding to their hash because of a collision. Recurse to deal with these elements.
This can be shown to be O(N) provided no pathological scenario in the hashing:
Even if there are no duplicates, approximately 2/3 of the elements will be eliminated at each recursion. Each level of recursion is O(n) where small n is the amount of elements left. The only problem is that, in practice, it's slower than a quick sort when there are few duplicates, i.e. lots of collisions. However, when there are huge amounts of duplicates, it's amazingly fast.
Edit: In current implementations of D, hash_t is 32 bits. Everything about this algorithm assumes that there will be very few, if any, hash collisions in full 32-bit space. Collisions may, however, occur frequently in the modulus space. However, this assumption will in all likelihood be true for any reasonably sized data set. If the key is less than or equal to 32 bits, it can be its own hash, meaning that a collision in full 32-bit space is impossible. If it is larger, you simply can't fit enough of them into 32-bit memory address space for it to be a problem. I assume hash_t will be increased to 64 bits in 64-bit implementations of D, where datasets can be larger. Furthermore, if this ever did prove to be a problem, one could change the hash function at each level of recursion.
Here's an implementation in the D programming language:
void uniqueInPlace(T)(ref T[] dataIn) {
uniqueInPlaceImpl(dataIn, 0);
void uniqueInPlaceImpl(T)(ref T[] dataIn, size_t start) {
if(dataIn.length - start < 2)
invariant T sentinel = dataIn[start];
T[] data = dataIn[start + 1..$];
static hash_t getHash(T elem) {
static if(is(T == uint) || is(T == int)) {
return cast(hash_t) elem;
} else static if(__traits(compiles, elem.toHash)) {
return elem.toHash;
} else {
static auto ti = typeid(typeof(elem));
return ti.getHash(&elem);
for(size_t index = 0; index < data.length;) {
if(data[index] == sentinel) {
auto hash = getHash(data[index]) % data.length;
if(index == hash) {
if(data[index] == data[hash]) {
data[index] = sentinel;
if(data[hash] == sentinel) {
swap(data[hash], data[index]);
auto hashHash = getHash(data[hash]) % data.length;
if(hashHash != hash) {
swap(data[index], data[hash]);
if(hash < index)
} else {
size_t swapPos = 0;
foreach(i; {
if(data[i] != sentinel && i == getHash(data[i]) % data.length) {
swap(data[i], data[swapPos++]);
size_t sentinelPos = data.length;
for(size_t i = swapPos; i < sentinelPos;) {
if(data[i] == sentinel) {
swap(data[i], data[--sentinelPos]);
} else {
dataIn = dataIn[0..sentinelPos + start + 1];
uniqueInPlaceImpl(dataIn, start + swapPos + 1);
Keeping auxillary memory usage to a minimum, your best bet would be to do an efficient sort to get them in order, then do a single pass of the array with a FROM and TO index.
You advance the FROM index every time through the loop. You only copy the element from FROM to TO (and increment TO) when the key is different from the last.
With Quicksort, that'll average to O(n-log-n) and O(n) for the final pass.
If you sort the array, you will still need another pass to remove duplicates, so the complexity is O(NN) in the worst case (assuming Quicksort), or O(Nsqrt(N)) using Shellsort.
You can achieve O(N*N) by simply scanning the array for each element removing duplicates as you go.
Here is an example in Lua:
function removedups (t)
local result = {}
local count = 0
local found
for i,v in ipairs(t) do
found = false
if count > 0 then
for j = 1,count do
if v == result[j] then found = true; break end
if not found then
count = count + 1
result[count] = v
return result, count
I don't see any way to do this without something like a bubblesort. When you find a dupe, you need to reduce the length of the array. Quicksort is not designed for the size of the array to change.
This algorithm is always O(n^2) but it also use almost no extra memory -- stack or heap.
// returns the new size
int bubblesqueeze(int* a, int size) {
for (int j = 0; j < size - 1; ++j) {
for (int i = j + 1; i < size; ++i) {
// when a dupe is found, move the end value to index j
// and shrink the size of the array
while (i < size && a[i] == a[j]) {
a[i] = a[--size];
if (i < size && a[i] < a[j]) {
int tmp = a[j];
a[j] = a[i];
a[i] = tmp;
return size;
Is you have two different var for traversing a datadet insted of just one then you can limit the output by dismissing all diplicates that currently are already in the dataset.
Obvious this example in C is not an efficiant sorting algorith but it is just an example on one way to look at the probkem.
You could also blindly sort the data first and then relocate the data for removing dups, but I'm not sure that would be faster.
#define ARRAY_LENGTH 15
int stop = 1;
int scan_sort[ARRAY_LENGTH] = {5,2,3,5,1,2,5,4,3,5,4,8,6,4,1};
void step_relocate(char tmp,char s,int *dataset)
dataset[s] = dataset[s-1];
int exists(int var,int *dataset)
int tmp=0;
for(;tmp < stop; tmp++)
if( dataset[tmp] == var)
return 1;/* value exsist */
if( dataset[tmp] > var)
tmp=stop;/* Value not in array*/
return 0;/* Value not in array*/
void main(void)
int tmp1=0;
int tmp2=0;
int index = 1;
while(index < ARRAY_LENGTH)
;/* Dismiss all values currently in the final dataset */
else if(scan_sort[stop-1] < scan_sort[index])
scan_sort[stop] = scan_sort[index];/* Insert the value as the highest one */
stop++;/* One more value adde to the final dataset */
for(tmp1=0;tmp1<stop;tmp1++)/* find where the data shall be inserted */
if(scan_sort[index] < scan_sort[tmp1])
index = index;
tmp2 = scan_sort[index]; /* Store in case this value is the next after stop*/
step_relocate(tmp1,stop,scan_sort);/* Relocated data already in the dataset*/
scan_sort[tmp1] = tmp2;/* insert the new value */
stop++;/* One more value adde to the final dataset */
printf("Result: ");
for(tmp1 = 0; tmp1 < stop; tmp1++)
printf( "%d ",scan_sort[tmp1]);
system( "pause" );
I liked the problem so I wrote a simple C test prog for it as you can see above. Make a comment if I should elaborate or you see any faults.
