Why PowerShell threw registry access error when setting execution policy rights? - windows

I tried to set execution policy rights in PowerShell to enable the execution of scripts using this Cmdlet,
PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
but the PowerShell console gave the Registry access denied error. The syntax seems to be okay. Did i overlook something. Please advise.

You should run PowerShell with elevated permissions. Simply right click Windows PowerShell and click Run as Administrator to open PowerShell in elevated privilege.


Heroku won't load within Visual Studio Code

heroku : File C:\Users\mar\AppData\Roaming\npm\heroku.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\Users\mar\AppData\Roaming\npm\heroku.ps1 is not digitally
signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see
about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
This is the error I'm getting. I've tried running "heroku -v" within the cmd and it works there so I know it was installed correctly. However, when I run the same command in visual studio I get the above error. I'm running visual studio code in admin mode and I installed heroku from admin mode as well.
I also enabled developer mode in my computer settings.
You need to set the execution policy regardless of whether you are running in administrator mode or not for PowerShell.
You can read more about this here
You can also see that it's throwing an error with regards to execution policy. The error basically means that windows could not verify the identity of the user that created the script and is blocking you from running it because it may be harmful (based on the fact that it could not verify the identity of the file creator).
This is just a counter-measure to prevent malicious scripts from running automatically.
If you want to run the script I would suggest running
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
and then running the Heroku commands. The above script removes restrictions on script executions on the current logged in user.

Run a cmd command in batch script as an Administrator without UAC prompt

I have a batch file with various commands. I am transferring the batch file to a remote PC and running the file. Now I need to run a few of the commands in the batch file as an administrator but I cannot go to the remote PC to enter any password or click on any prompt.
My batch file includes the following commands:
1. winrm quickconfig -force
2. winrm set winrm/config/service/auth #{Basic="true"}
3. winrm set winrm/config/service #{AllowUnencrypted="true"}
Now the commands 2 and 3 needs to be run as an administrator. I have the admin password. Is there any command arguments like
"command" /runas /user:admin /pass:password /noprompt
Using only /runas still gives you a prompt and there is no option in runas /? that can disable it. I need a solution where I don't have to press Yes on the UAC prompt since the file will run on a remote system.
Edit: Would like to give more context. So the task is to automate the process of running configuration script on remote machine once windows is installed on it. There would be approximately 100 machines and going on each system and enabling the winrm service is not feasible. And in order to run the script remotely on the target machine, I need to enable and then make changes to the winrm service (needs admin privileges). I cannot make changes to the network. I am able to enable winrm service but making changes to winrm service requires running those commands as admin. And I cannot click on any prompt since I cannot go to the remote machine. So any advice in this regards would be helpful. I'm not trying to bypass any process. I have the admin credentials. Just trying to find the correct commands and arguments to help me achieve this.

Install appx through Powershell Plugin via Jenkins

I am stuck in a problem trying to install appx with Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted add-appxpackage <path to appx> using the Powershell plugin in Jenkins and the below errors are logged:
add-appxpackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF9, Install failed.
Please contact your software vendor. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CF9)
Deployment Add operation rejected on package
<path to appx> install request because the Local
System account is not allowed to perform this operation.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId].
As I understand, this problem is mainly because Jenkins service on Windows gets installed as NT Authority\System. (If I use psexec.exe to open a command prompt that runs as Authority\System, I run into the same issue.) I then tried adding net localgroup "Administrators" NT Authority\System /add hoping the group might get added as Administrator and would let me install the appx, so I can run the tests, but with no success. Now I am stuck and I am not sure if there is really a way to install an appx via Jenkins or not OR if there is a way to invoke the Powershell script as an administrator via Jenkins. I have been through couple of SO links already, but none of them seems to fix the issue I am facing. Any pointers would be appreciated.
DO NOT try to add System to the Administrators group, it's a limited account for a reason and does not require administrative privileges.
Instead change the Jenkins service to run as a user that has the right permissions for what you're trying to do. That might mean you need to create an account specifically for the Jenkins service.
There are a few ways to change the service account, this answer gives the following as a solution:
sc.exe config "Service Name" obj= "DOMAIN\User" password= "password"

Package Manager Console Not Working

I have checked extensively for a solution to the below error to no avail.
When opening Package Manager Console in Visual Studio, I receive an error stating that "There was an error in loading the format data file.. Path --> to file" cannot be loaded because its execution is blocked by software restriction policies. For more information contact your administrator.
These are all of the things i've done to correct but failed.
Running Powershell as an Administrator.. I Set-ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned and Unrestricted in powershell(x86), powershell ISE (x86) and also both 64bit versions..
Running Powershell as an Administrator.. I Set ExecutionPolicy -scope for process, currentuser and localmachine to RemoteSigned and Unrestricted.
Reinstalled Visual Studio.
Set the ExecutionPolicy in Registry Editor to RemoteSigned and Unrestricted.
But I am still getting the error.. Can someone please help..
Let me know if you tried the following:
PowerShell says "execution of scripts is disabled on this system."
Powershell profile.ps1 cannot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software restriction policies
if all fails do the below:
It's possible that you changed the execution policy for 64-bit
powershell and the package manager is running 32-bit (or vice versa).
I'd try opening 32-bit console (PowerShell (x86)) and setting the
execution policy there, as the error is definitely pointing to that
kind of resolution.
Make sure you restart visual studio after changing execution policy so
that changes can take effect. Also make sure you changed execution
policy globally with administrator username and password.
Source:file cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system
As a workaround, I found this solution (more details at stackoverflow.com/a/53433786/8358565)
Execute the following commands in the Package Manager Console
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass
Import-Module "your-solution-directory/packages/EntityFramework<your EF version>/EntityFramework.psd1"

Permissions Elevation for Windows 7?

Ive got a java app which needs to execute a driver installer exe file. On Linux we type "gksudo myCommand". Is there a way to elevate permissions from Windows command line?
You may run every application in windows with a different user e.g. Administrator. But the user who executes this command needs to have the credentials to do so.
In advance you can lookup the User Account Control (UAC) which is available in Windows 7 and Vista if it is possibly an alternative for you.
I decided to deploy an executable binary onto the system which calls the jar. This way the user can right click and run as administrator... That didn't work... SO I kept looking... Check this out..
Elevate.exe.. It's basically like Windows GKSudo!!!!
So... I packaged the 32bit exe into my program and deploy it, then run it as necessary.
You can use runas command like runas /user:Administrator myCommand (it requires the users to type password).
You can also use Start-Process cmdlet like Start-Process -Verb runas myCommand in PowerShell (it requires the users to click the UAC dialog).
see: http://satob.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/06/17/013217
